Strength in Numbers

Pam I wish it had been 3 months. I actually wish they would let us wfh from Christmas through end of February so we could avoid the cold/snow/ice. Great job on LM&R FM and LI Bonus! Yea that is great news about Mac!!!!

Cheryl Great job on CP! I bet that stay in the hospital took a lot out of her. Hopefully she can get her strength back soon.

This morning was my sleep in day. I started using a new app to track my workouts. I am still doing the same program but using a different app. I think I like it because after yesterday's workout, it said based on the volume I lifted, I picked up 1.3 elephants. So now in my mind, I am picking up a momma and a baby elephant! Can't wait to see what other things I can lift!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great jo b on Cardio Party! I hope your mom continues to feel better.

Julie WOW, 1.3 elelphants! I love that, what a fun idea to keep people motivated! I can’t wait to see what other things you lift either.

This morning was Afterburn. I hadn’t done it in awhile and didn’t do the Double Trouble premix like I usually do, but it went by pretty quickly. We have snow in our forecast this weekend, so all of the stores will be sold out of bread and milk, glad I don’t need any! Have a great day!

Julie That is an interesting app. 1.3 elephants weigh a lot so that was a lot of weight that you lifted.

Pam Great job on Afterburn. Congratulations on the Canes shutting out our Canucks last night. The snow also didn't let them travel up to Toronto for the game tonight. We will see when they can get out and if there will be a game tonight.

I thought I posted on Thursday but I guess I forgot. I did do LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body and then went to the SPCA. We only got 5 cats so it was an easy transfer and I got home early. So I decided to get the laundry done and also took Zoey out for a walk. Friday I took as a day off but I did get the housework done and some errands. This morning was LITE Stacked Sets Upper and I added the LM&R LI Cardio Bonus.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Thanks for the congrats on the Canes win. It was a fun game, we went even though there was snow here. I was a bit worried because we had our back up goalie in, but he played well. Some of our stars who have been in a slump seem to be coming back to life so we’re hoping that trend continues. Great job on LITE SSLB, SSUB and LM&R LICB!

Friday I woke up late so I took it as a rest day because I had a zoom call to get ready for. Saturday was Athletic Training and Ab Circuits med ball abs. We didn’t get as much snow as they predicted and it was all melting by Saturday morning, so I was happy about that. This morning was Killer Legs with the Barre bonus. I think I am going to be feeling that one tomorrow. Have a great day!

Pam I noticed that there were a lot of empty seats at the game. I guess the snow had something to do with it. They did manage to make it to Toronto and shut the Leafs out 3 - 0 so we were happy about that. Great work on Athletic Training and Ab Circuits Med Ball Abs and Killer Legs and Barre Bonus.

This morning I was going to workout but I woke up late and our friend came over as he needed some sour cream so that delayed me even further so I just decided to take the day off. I did go for a walk to the farmers market since they have come back from their 2 week break. It is really nice out, clear skies but a bit on the cool side. We will go out again this afternoon to get some more sun.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on AB original style! My parents got 1 1/2 inches. They live a little north of Charlotte. Great job on AT plus Ab Circuits MB abs and KL plus Barre Bonus! Isn't it crazy how barre workouts can cause so much soreness!

Cheryl Great job on LITE SS LB, LITE SS UB plus LM&R LI CB! Oh that sounds nice that you are having some good weather. Clear skies is always nice in the winter.

Friday I did a lower body workout and lifted almost 2 full elephants! Then I had to take Gunner for his chiro appointment so I didn't get much done. Saturday was my mobility workout and some stuff around the house and Sunday was an upper body workout and my lazy day. I only lifted a newborn blue whale on Sunday so I took today as my rest and sleep in day! We got snow every day over the weekend but luckily it wasn't much and most of it has melted.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Yes, the empty seats at the game were because of the snow. most people don’t leave home here when there is snow. Congrats on the shut out against the Leafs!I am so envious of all the places you can walk. Enjoy that nice weather!

Julie Great job on your lower body working and lifting 2 elephants! Great job on your mofility workout and upper body workout. Oh my, only a newborn blue whale, huh? Glad you didn’t get much snow!

This morning was Ramped Up upper body. My legs are feeling the workout from yesterday, but they aren’t too bad. It’s been so cold here lately, I’m ready for it to warm up! Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your lower body workout and lifting 2 elephants, your mobility work and your upper body workout. Lifting a newborn blue whale is still pretty impressive. Glad that you didn't get too much snow and that it has mostly melted.

Pam Good job on RUUB. I hope it warms up soon for you.

This morning was LM&R Functional Lower Body. Now I need to get some tidying up done and then I have to go to the dentist to get a crown replaced. I am not looking forward to that.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RUB! Glad your legs weren't too sore. I am ready for warmer weather too and no more snow!

Cheryl Great job on LM&R FLB! Oh no, I hope the crown replacement went well. I hate dental work and having to sit with my mouth open for so long and try not to gag on the dentist.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. Today I lifted 2 black rhinos or .7 of the Golden Gate Bridge. This morning it was snowing on the way into the office so I had to go a little slower. Hopefully it is done and all the roads are cleared by the time I head home.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your heavy lower body workout. I hope the snow has stopped for your drive home.

This morning was LM&R Functional Pilates. Now I am going to meet up with a friend for lunch and then I will probably go and get groceries.

Have a great day.


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