Strength in Numbers

Pam I wish it had been 3 months. I actually wish they would let us wfh from Christmas through end of February so we could avoid the cold/snow/ice. Great job on LM&R FM and LI Bonus! Yea that is great news about Mac!!!!

Cheryl Great job on CP! I bet that stay in the hospital took a lot out of her. Hopefully she can get her strength back soon.

This morning was my sleep in day. I started using a new app to track my workouts. I am still doing the same program but using a different app. I think I like it because after yesterday's workout, it said based on the volume I lifted, I picked up 1.3 elephants. So now in my mind, I am picking up a momma and a baby elephant! Can't wait to see what other things I can lift!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great jo b on Cardio Party! I hope your mom continues to feel better.

Julie WOW, 1.3 elelphants! I love that, what a fun idea to keep people motivated! I can’t wait to see what other things you lift either.

This morning was Afterburn. I hadn’t done it in awhile and didn’t do the Double Trouble premix like I usually do, but it went by pretty quickly. We have snow in our forecast this weekend, so all of the stores will be sold out of bread and milk, glad I don’t need any! Have a great day!


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