Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on STS 2 Giant Sets Total Body and Imax 2 and all of the Jeanne hops. Congrats on the win and enjoy the football playoffs.

Friday I took as a day off and got the housework and laundry done. Saturday I did both the LM&R upper and lower body bonuses with the balance disc. I also went out for a walk and cleaned up a bit outside. It is cold but clear here so it was nice to get some sun. This morning I walked down to the farmers market and will do another walk in a bit.

Have a great day.

Deanna Hope you all had a fantastic time out celebrating your brother's birthday!

Pam Great job on RK! It is nice to have a goto workout. Great job on STS 2 GSTB and Imax 2 and all those Jeannie hops! Yea on the completely healed ankle!

Cheryl Great job on RUR, all the housework and laundry, and LM&R U&L bonus + BD! Glad you are able to get some things done outside.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then got some cleaning done. Saturday was my mobility day and more cleaning around the house. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and being lazy the rest of the day. This morning was my sleep in day. We are getting negative temps and have a cold weather advisory for the next two days. Poor DH has to work outside in this cold.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LM&R upper+lower body bonuses and on your walks! It’s always nice to get some sun!

Julie Great job bon you heavy lower body wokrout, mobility, heavy upper body and cleaning! I am so over the cold weather. We got some 50’s over the weekend but we have a cold weather advisory tonight too. I hope your DH bundles up for work!

Yesterday was my rest day. It was a mainly lazy day and we went to a friends for the football games in the afternoon. The football games were mostly good, but I hated seeing the Lions lose! This morning was To the Max Extreme. I think I overdid it a bit because my foot is hurting now. I hadn’t done that one in awhile and it kicked my butt for sure! Have A great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility work and your heavy upper body workout. Working outside when it is that cold is awful. I hope he can bundle up and keep warm.

Pam Great job on TTM Extreme. I hope your ankle recovers quickly.

This morning was LITE Pyramid Lower Body. Now I need to get some things done around here. It is another nice day so I may try to get out for another walk this afternoon.

Have a great day.

Pam Glad you got to have a nice lazy day! Great job on TTME! That is a tough one for sure. Hope your foot feels better.

Cheryl Great job on LITE PLB! So glad you are getting nice weather. Although if you want to send some of it my way, I would be ok with that.

This is deload week and this morning's workout was nice a light. It felt good to take a break and I was able to do a walk on my treadmill afterwards because it didn't take long. DH is staying home from work today because the wind chills are -20 to -30.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on PLB! I hope you were able to get out for your walk!

Julie Great job on your nice light workout and walk on the treadmill. Oh WOW! I’m glad that your DH is able to stay home, those are some dangerous wind chill temps!

This morning was KJP. I did all of the pikes except the last one, so I was pretty happy with that. I don’t get up on the ends of my toes like they do, but I’m ok with it. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on KJP and all those pikes! We are warming up today. Out of the negatives may get to a high of mid 20! Whoo hoo! I am so done with winter and we still have 8 weeks to go.

This morning was another deload week. I don't have any caffeine on deload weeks because I try to give my body a break. I learned the importance of caffeine this morning. I failed doing a single rep for a weight I have done for 4-5 before. I didn't hurt myself but I was humbled.

Have a great day!
Julie Enjoy that heat wave ☀️. Wow, that is crazy that you failed on that single rep. Do you get headaches when you cut out the caffeine? Great job on your deload morning though, even though it was humbling.

This morning was Perfect Flow Yoga strength and flexibility. I have no flexibility so it‘s more like strength and inflexibility for me! We got about 2 inches of snow last night! It’s only supposed to get up to 32 degrees today, so it will probably be here for awhile. I’m supposed to be baking cookies at the Ronald McDonald house this afternoon, so not sure if that will be happening or not. Everything pretty much shuts down here when it snows and this is lot of snow for us, so I expect it will be pretty slow around here for days. Have a great day!

Julie I will see what I can do with sending our nice weather over to you. It is still in the high 20s low 30s but the sun is shining. Good work on your light workout and walking on the treadmill. Oh wow that is cold. Good thing your DH can stay at home.

Pam Great job on KPC and getting all but one of the pikes in.

Julie Good for you in cutting out caffeine on your deload week. I couldn't do that because I always get a headache if I try to cut it out and I also love my morning coffee too much to cut it out. That is crazy that you failed on one rep that you have done before.

Pam Good work on Perfect Flow Strength and Flexibility. I am pretty inflexible too but I am working on it. I hope you can get your cookies baked. 2 inches isn't very much but if you are not used to it I can see how it would affect everyone. I saw on the news that Florida got snow too. Now that is weird. We haven't had any here at all yet, but I guess we still have more winter to go so we will see.

The day got away from me yesterday and I didn't get a chance to post. Yesterday morning I met up with a friend for a walk/hike. When I was driving there I had to stop to let a deer cross the road. She was so good as she made sure that I had stopped before she went out into the road. Then in the afternoon I went and got groceries. This morning was LITE Pyramid Upper Body. Then I went to Costco. It was pretty quiet for Costco so it made getting things pretty easy. Now I think I am just going to have a lazy afternoon.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on PF Yoga! Oh that is a lot of snow for you. Hopefully it is all melted by now. I can't believe how much snow New Orleans got. Crazy! I do not get headaches when I cut caffeine out. I really only have caffeine on the days I work out so 4-5 days a week.

Cheryl Oh glad you didn't hit the deer. Great job on LITE PUB! Oh wow a light day at Costco how lucky! Hope you enjoyed your lazy afternoon.

This morning was my sleep in day. I am so ready for the weekend. If it is nice Saturday, I may try to go to Costco and hope it is not too busy there. Haha!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on your hike! That is amazing that the deer waited for you to stop. We are always so worried when we see deer running across the road because they just fly across and whenever there is one you know there will be more! Great job on LITE PUB! You hit the jackpot with a slow day at Costco!

Julie I hope you were able to sleep in on your sleep in day and here’s hoping your Costco run isn’t bad.

We didn’t end up baking cookies yesterday, they said even some of the staff couldn’t make it in. The sun was out all day though and the roads all look completely dry today. This morning was STS 2 Lower Body 1 and STS 2 no equipment abs. Have a great day!

Julie I hope you enjoyed your sleep in. I hope Costco isn't too bad for you on Saturday.

Pam Great job on STS 2 Lower Body and No Equipment Abs.

So I really enjoyed my lazy afternoon and this morning I really slept in. It was 1 1/2 hours later than when I usually wake up. I guess I really needed the rest. This morning I did LM&R Upper and Lower Foam Rolling Bonus. I am going to the SPCA but not until sometime this afternoon as our transfer is later today. Now I need to get some meal prepping done.

Have a great day.

Good morning,

This morning was LM&R Cardio Bonus and the Level 2 Functional Core. Now I have to get DH to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth pulled out and then I have to go out to my mom's to take her to a doctors appointment. It will be a fun day, at least the sun is shinning.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on LM&R ULFRB, CB, and L2FC! I hope your errand filled day went well!

This morning was STS2 Upper Body 1. I got a late start and had a zoom meeting, so I didn’t have time for the full thing. I did a timesaver bonus that cuts out 1 set from all of the exercises that have 3 sets. It only cut out 5 minutes, but it made it just the right length for me to get it done and get on my call. Have a great day!

Happy Saturday! This morning was Imax and STS2 mini ball abs. Now it’s been a mostly lazy day with some puzzling. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS 2 LB1 and STS 2 NE abs! Bummer you couldn't get the cookies baked and glad the snow cleared off the roads quickly. Great job on STS UB1 and Imax plus STS2 MB abs! It is nice Cathe has so many premixes for times when you need to cut things down or want to extra. Hope you had fun puzzling on your lazy day!

Cheryl Yea, glad you enjoyed your rest day and got to sleep in. You must of needed it. Great job on LM&R Upper with Lower Foam Rolling Bonus and LM&R Cardio Bonus with the Level 2 Functional Core! Hope you got all your meal prepping done and had fun with your mom.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some cleaning around the house. Saturday was my mobility day and then my Costco run which thankfully wasn't too bad. Sunday was supposed to be an upper body day but I have been getting really bad sleep for about 4 days in a row and I was so tired I just slept in and then went for a walk on my treadmill. This morning was my sleep in day and I am still needing more sleep or at least better sleep.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, housework, and mobility. I’m glad that Costco took it easy on you! It sounds like you did the right thing by sleeping in on Sunday, great job on your treadmill walk. I hope you start getting some better sleep soon.

Yesterday was my rest day. I mainly did some work on a stained glass project and then watched the football games. This morning was Intensity Series Bootcamp and them house cleaning. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on the timesaver premix of STS2 Upper Body 1 and Imax and STS2 Mini Ball Abs. I hope you enjoyed your puzzling. I am just getting into doing puzzles too.

Julie Good work on your heavy lower body workout and your mobility workout. You must have needed the sleep, I know I have those days too. It is always nice when Costco isn't too busy.

Pam Good job on Intensity Series Bootcamp.

So Friday got off to a great start but it didn't end that way. DH's dental appointment went well and then I took my mom out and to her doctor's. On my way home I stopped off to get DH a couple of milkshakes since he is unable to eat anything solid. On the way home they both tipped over and I had milkshake all over the floor of the car. Then after I got home I got word that one of my cousin's who was undergoing chemo was now in palliative care and only had a few more days. Then while I was eating dinner my temporary crown fell out and then after that I got a call from where my mom lives to tell me she was having difficulty breathing that she would be taken to the hospital. So I didn't get a good nights sleep and Saturday morning I was out early to get a suitcase for my mom with some things packed since she was going to be in the hospital for several days. She was doing better but they wanted to run more tests to make sure she was OK before sending her home. Sunday I went back out to the hospital to see her and see when she might be released. Then Sunday evening I found out that my cousin had passed away that day. This morning was STS2 Giant Sets. My mom is getting out of the hospital today but because I need to get to the dentist this afternoon to have my permanent crown put in my brother will pick her up and take her home. I sure hope that the rest of this week is quiet.

Have a great day.

Pam Sounds like you had a nice rest day. Great job on Bootcamp original style and housecleaning!

Cheryl Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin passing. I am glad to hear your mom is doing better and is out of the hospital. I hope you have a better week. Great job on STS 2 GS!

I still have not been getting great sleep. This morning was a lower body workout and it was a struggle. Maybe the winter is finally catching up to me. After my workout, I got in the shower and then when I was done I went to refill my water bottle for tomorrow and the water wasn't working. Went to all the faucets and none of them worked. Turns out we had a water main break in town. Whew, I just barely got my shower in thankfully.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Wow, what a crazy bad day/weekend you had! I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin and so sorry your mom had to go back into the hospital. That is great that she is getting to go home though. I hope all went well with your crown repair.At least DHs dentist appointment…..

Julie Great job on your lower body workout, but sorry to hear that you are still not getting good sleep. It just makes so much difference. Oh man, that is bad news about your water but glad you were able to Get our shower in before it happened! Hopefully that got it fixed quickly.

This morning was Hardstrkes with the Heavy bag bonus (even though I don’t have a heavy bag). I always dread that one a bit because of the su/pu combo, but I got through it. I didn’t even try to do any of the pus on my toes though. Have a great day!


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