Strength in Numbers

Julie Good work in trying to do your heavy lower body workout. There are some days that are like that. Good work on your mobility workout and your heavy upper body workout. We are running out of time to sit outside too. It is getting a lot colder out in the evenings now.

This morning I met up with a friend for a walk. It took me a long time to get there due to road construction so I was late getting there. Then I got a few things done around the house and then went to get groceries. I might need to go to the SPCA tomorrow to help out so I wanted to get the shopping done and out of the way just in case.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Glad you were able to get a walk in with your friend! Construction is one of those necessary frustrations of life. I know it needs to be done, I just wish they could find a way to do it without disrupting normal traffic flow.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. It wasn't the best but at least I was able to do what I did last week.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh that is awful that you woke up in the middle of the night like that. Costo must have felt even worse than normal when you were operating on so little sleep! Hopefully the antibiotics will help Tango feel better! I’m glad that you got a better sleep and were able to get a dragon boat practice in in between the rains. Bears are so cool, even though they are a bit frightening!

Julie Sorry to hear that your super strength gave up on you for Friday’s workout. That can be so frustrating. I’m like you, this time of year I try to sit outside as much as I can because I know it’s not going to last much longer. Great job on your mobility workout and your upper body workout. I’m glad to hear that it was better than Friday.

Yesterday morning was Athletic Training. i didn’t get a chance to post afterwards because I had a breakfast meeting to start planning for the Dress for Success gala. This morning was Gloved up and Sweaty with the Jump Rope bonus and the abs from Lean Legs and abs. Then I did dinner prep because I have another DFS meeting this evening. It is supposed to rain all week because there is another tropical system off the coast. I’m already over it though! Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy lower body workout and that you could do what you did last week.

Pam Great job on Athletic Training and Gloved Up and Sweaty + Jump Rope Bonus +abs from LL. I hope everything goes well for the planning for the Dress for Success Gala. I hope it doesn't rain all week for you.

This morning was LITE Pyramid Upper Body. Then I went to the SPCA to help out with a transfer of animals. There will probably be another one on Thursday as well so then we will be filled up.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on AT and GU&S plus Jump Rope bonus and abs from LLA! I've heard there was some pretty heavy rains and even flash flooding on some areas of NC. Hope your area doesn't get that much.

Cheryl Great job on LITE PUB! Hopefully adoptions will pick up for the transfers coming in.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout! DH got home late from work because he was helping a farmer in the field transfer corn to the elevators. Ended up getting to bed an hour late and getting icky sleep.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout after getting an icky sleep.

This morning was Step Sync, I hadn't done that one in a while. Later I am going out to my mom's to take her out for a bit.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PUB. How many animals do you guys usually have at a time at the SPCA?

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout despite your icky sleep!

Cheryl Great job on SS! I hope you had a nice time with your mom.

This morning was STS 2.0 Supersets. I was happy that I didn’t have to drop in weight on any of the exercises this time. Then I had a dentist appointment so my teeth are nice and clean now! Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SS! Hope you had a great time with your mom!

Pam Great job on STS 2 SS! I love the right after the dentist clean feeling.

Another late night. DH didn't work but we had to take Gunner to the vet because he has had a slight cough for a few days so they wanted to check him out. Vet thinks it is just allergies but gave us cough medicine to see if it helps it go away. Glad it was my sleep in day this morning and the weekend is here.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Hopefully the cough medicine helps Gunner and I hope you can get caught up on sleep this weekend!

This morning was CCC! I was a little afraid of it, as usual, and considering subbing it out but didn’t. It wasn’t so horrible now that I don’t do the drop and rolls, but I was still sweating like mad after that 4th round! We got a little sun yesterday, but now it’s raining agina. It is supposed to be sunny this weekend now though, so I’m looking forward to that! Have a great day!

Pam The amount of animals we have at any one time varies a lot. It depends on how many small animals we have how many are in foster and how many cats we have. It can be as low as 5 and as high as 20. It depends on how many animals need homes but they usually get adopted out pretty quickly except the smalls who seem to be with us longer for some reason. Great job on STS 2.0 Supersets. I hate going to the dentist but it is nice to have clean teeth.

Julie I hope the cough medicine helps Gunner. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Good work on CCC, I am a little afraid of that one too.

This morning was LITE Pyramid Lower Body. Now I need to get to the SPCA again. We are just getting 4 cats today so I probably won't be there for long helping out.

Have a great day.

Cheryl We have such a problem with strays and dumped animals here. Every rescue and shelter is full and there are people finding cats/dogs/rabbits every day. It’s awful. Great job on PLB!

This morning was Total Body Barbell. I really struggled with the pullovers today and had to stop early. That’s not usually one that bothers me so not sure what was up with that. Have a great day!

Pam It is horrible what people do to animals with people just dumping them. It is not good here but it sounds worse where you are. Great job on Total Body Barbell. Sometimes you have days like that when things don't feel as easy as they usually do. Next time will be better.

Yesterday I took as a day off and got the housework done. Then I met up with a friend in the afternoon for coffee. This morning I am meeting up with another friend for a walk. It will be another nice day here and then the rain comes for tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job getting out and enjoying the nice weather while you can. I hope you had a nice walk.

This morning was Rockout Knockout. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my day, but it looks like it’s going to be nice out so I definitely need to get outside. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on CCC, TBB, and RK! Pullovers are a tricky exercise and can definitely feel weird at times. Hope you had some great time outside in nice weather.

Cheryl Great job on LITE PLB and getting the housework done! So glad you had some nice weather over the weekend!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some chores before getting my hair cut. It was starting to really bother me so I was happy to get it chopped off. Saturday I was feeling kind of nauseous and just not motivated to do my mobility so I skipped it and did some things around the house and then took the dogs for a walk. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and then being lazy and this morning I slept in. The cough medicine they gave Gunner worked like magic and his cough is gone. We gave him his last of the medicine this morning so hopefully it doesn't come back.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and chores. It feels so good to get a haircut! I’d rather walk the dogs than do mobility work any day! Great job on your heavy upper body workout! So happy to hear that the cough medicine worked for Gunner.

Yesterday was my rest day. I did some cleaning and then hung out outside to read for a while. This morning was Body Blast Supersets and now I have some errands to run and need to clean the cat room. Have a great day!

Pam Good job on Rockout Knockout. I hope you did something fun with your afternoon.

Julie Great work on your heavy lower body workout and heavy upper body workout. Sorry that you were feeling nauseous but taking the dogs for a walk is more fun than mobility work. Glad to hear that the cough medicine worked for Gunner.

Pam Good work on Supersets.

Yesterday I went to the farmers market and then in the afternoon I changed out my clothes for more fall like stuff. Summer is pretty much gone here now. This morning I did STS 2 Upper Body 2. Then I braved Costco and picked up some things that we needed.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BB SS! That is a good one.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 UB2! Hopefully Fall stays around for a while before we get hit with Winter.

This morning I did a lower body workout. It is deload week so everything was lighter and the workout flew by and I got to do some stretching at the end. It was rainy and foggy on my way into work but luckily the rain was just a mist when I had to walk into the office.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh I hope that fall sticks around for a long time. I am not ready for cold weather! Great job on STS 2 UB2 and braving Costco!

Julie Great job on your lower body workout. It’s nice to have a lighter week!

This morning was KPC. I was thinking about quitting early on the pikes, but right then Cathe said 2 more so I stuck it out. They are so hard on my wrists! We have another rainy day, it seems like it’s all we’ve had lately. There is another tropical system off the coast so we are in for rain for the next few days. We’re going to our friends beach house, but I think we will all be sitting inside In the rain the whole time! Have a great day.

Julie Great work on your lower body workout. I hate the misty rain. It really make my hair frizzy because even with an umbrella I still get wet.

Pam Good job on KPC and doing all of the pikes. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time you are at the beach house and the sun shines at least for a bit.

This morning was STS 2 Lower Body 2. Then I went to do the normal grocery shopping. Now we need to go and get some errands done. It is a nice day here today but we are in for rain too for the next several days.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on KPC! Oh good for you for sticking out the pikes those are really hard. Hopefully you can find some beach time between rain drops.

Cheryl Great job on STS LB2! We had some rain the last few days and are supposed to get slammed this weekend.

This morning I did an upper body workout. It was nice to go lighter again. I have two appointments today in the middle of work that I need to leave for. Ugh. At least it isn't supposed to rain, I think!

Have a great day!

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