Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on STS 2 GSTB plus SB abs! Yea for versa grips they are a forearm saver.

This morning was my sleep in day. For a 3 day work week, it has been such a crazy busy and long feeling week. I am so ready for the weekend.

Have a great weekend!
Julie i hope you had a good sleep in on your sleep in day! Sometimes the short crazy weeks are the worst! Hang in there and enjoy the weekend. You have had such a busy few weeks hopefully you will get to relax this weekend!

This morning was Cardio Supersets, are as Julie has called it, Metabolic Supersets. I did the premix with the step too since it’s short without it. It definitely kicked my butt though. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. It sounds like you are having one of those days. I hope things improved for you.

Pam Good work on STS 2 Giant Sets Total Body and the stability ball abs from B&G.

Julie Sometimes the shortest weeks are the worst. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Great job on Cardio Supersets with the step premix. It is a butt kicker.

Yesterday I did LITE Stacked Sets Lower + 6 pack abs 1. Then I needed to get out to my mom's to get her in for blood tests, so I didn't get a chance to check in since I was gone most of the day. This morning was P30 HILI Hiit. Now I need to get ready to get to the SPCA to help out. Tonight one of DH's old school friends is taking us out for dinner. We are looking forward to it and to catch up.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SSL, 6 pack abs, and HI Hiit! I hope you had a nice evening with DHs friend.

Yesterday was a beautiful day so DH and I went for a bike ride. Then we went over to Ashley’s while she was at school and put a bunch of solar lights in her backyard as a surprise. This morning was STS 2.0 Tri-sets total body and standing abs core plus floor. DH is out helping his buddy work on his race car for the day and I’m trying to decide what to do with my day. Have a great one!

Pam Yes we had a great time catching up with DH's friend. Great work on your bike ride and STS 2 Tri-Sets Total Body and standing abs plus floor. That was a nice surprise for Ashley to come home to. I hope you find something fun to do with your day.

Friday I took as a day off so I could get the housework and laundry done before it got too hot out. This morning I was really tired with all of the heat (it is in the 90's which is too hot for me) so I took another day off. I didn't go dragon boating because my team is away at a regatta. I didn't go because it was a travelling one and Tango needs meds and fluids and DH didn't feel comfortable doing it. It is suppose to cool down next week, but still be nice so I am really looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend.

Pam Great job on CSS + step! I forgot I called it that! Great job on your bike ride with DH and STS 2 TSTB plus SCACPF! Hope Ashley was surprised and enjoyed the lights.

Cheryl Great job on LITE SS LB + abs and P30 HILI Hiit! Hope your mom's blood work came back good and you had a good dinner. Ugh! That is hot. Glad it is cooling down for you this week.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did a organized my pantry before heading to a vet appointment with Gunner. Saturday was my mobility and then I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen. So overdue on cleaning and organizing since I have been helping my parents so it was nice to get something done. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and then being lazy. This morning was my sleep in day!

Have a great day!
Cheryl I hope you enjoy the cooler weather this week. We have been having really cool evenings and mornings, which has been nice.

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and pantry organization. Mine is in desperate need, I’m going to have to do that soon also. Great job on mobility and getting more cleaning and organizing done and your heavy upper body workout!

Yesterday was my rest day. We met Ashley in the afternoon to see Beetlejuice and have dinner. She was very excited about the lights. This is the first time she has had a backyard so she is loving it and so is her dog! This morning was Intensity series Bootcamp. That one always goes by quickly for me despite the terminator climbers! Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility work and your heavy upper body workout. I need to get my pantry and cupboards cleaned out too. Now with the cooler weather I should be able to do it.

Pam Our evenings and mornings are much cooler now too which makes things nicer. Good job on Bootcamp and the terminator climbers. That is great that Ashley was happy with the lights and having a backyard for her and her dog.

Yesterday I did STS 2 Chair Yoga. Then I went to the farmers market for a few things. In the afternoon I did a bit of yard work but otherwise it was a lazy day. This morning was STS 2 Total Body Giant Sets. Now I need to get some things done around here and then I may take a walk since it is a lot cooler out.

Have a great day.

Pam Oh yea that is great Ashlea liked the lights and that is so cute her dog likes it too. How was Beetlejuice? Great job on Intensity OG and making it through those terminator climbers!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 CY and TBGS! I am not looking forward to winter because I hate the cold and snow but I am thinking I will be able to get more cleaning organizing done during this time.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout! I actually surprised myself and went heavier on deadlifts than I thought I would be able to go so early in the morning.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Chair Yoga, your yard work, and TBGS! I hope you were able to get a walk in.

Julie We all enjoyed Beetlejuice, it was fun. Great job on your heavy lower body workout and being able to go heavier than you expected! That is always a nice surprise!

This morning was P30 LI Hiit with the pyramid bonus and extended stretch. My lower back has been feelling pretty tight so the stretch felt good. Have a great day!

Julie For us winter is usually rainy and cool but at least you don't have to shovel it. Great work on your heavy lower body workout and going heavier on the deadlifts.

Pam Good work on P30 :I Hiit + pyramid bonus + extended stretch.

So I did get a walk in yesterday afternoon. It was cloudy but still warm. This morning was STS 2 Active Recovery and the Standing Abs Metabolic Warm Up. Now I need to get ready to go grocery shopping.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on P30 LI HiiT plus PB and ES! I can't wait to see Beetlejuice but I will be waiting for it to stream.

Cheryl Great job on your walk and STS 2 AR and SAMWU! Hopefully the sun comes out today for you.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout! I surprised myself again with doing heavier weights that I expected I could do. Not sure what is happening but hopefully this continues.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on STS 2 AT and SAMWU! It seems like as soon as September came here it became fall overnight. We are having nights in the high 50’s and low 60’s and days in the mid 80’s already.

Julie Great job on your HUB workout and being able to go heavier than expected! That is awesome! I typically see about 1 movie a year at the theater anymore, so I guess this one was it . It’s definitely a good streaming movie though.

This morning was XTrain Chest, Back, and shoulders and bonus abs 1. Those banana crunches andoblique twists just never get any easier! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on XT CBS plus bonus abs 1! I remember loving the banana crunches but not oblique twists.

This morning was my sleep in day. My alarm went off while I was in a deep dream. That always sucks. Looking forward to the weekend. Hoping I can get some more cleaning done.

Have a great weekend!
Julie That is the worst when your alarm disturbs a deep dream!

This morning was XTrain cardio leg blast. I like that one a lot, but it felt harder than usual today. This is a pretty cardio intensive rotation, maybe that’s why ‍♀️. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your heavy upper body workout and going heavier with the weights.

Pam Good job on XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders and Bonus Abs 1.

Julie That sucks when your alarm goes off while in a deep dream. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Great job on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast.

Yesterday I got up early to do STS 2 Total Body Supersets. Then I needed to leave to get my mom to a morning doctors appointment. After that I took her places that she needed to go and I was pooped by the time I got home. This morning was STS 2 Mat Yoga. Now I need to go to the SPCA to help out.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 TBS and Mat Yoga. I hope you had a good day at the SPCA.

This morning was XTrain Bis + Tris and Bonus abs 2. Those plank kick backs always kill me! Have a great day!

Happy Saturday! This morning was Cardio Kicks for me, always so much fun. This afternoon I have a wish celebration that is a 2 hour drive away, so that will take up most of my day. Have a great one!

Pam Good job on XTrain Bis and Tris (the plank kick backs kill me too) and Cardio Kicks.

So Thursday night I woke up around 2:30am and I couldn't get back to sleep so I ended up getting up around 5:30am. I was really tired so I didn't workout but I did manage to get some cleaning and laundry done. After that I had to go to Costco to pick up some food for an open house the SPCA was having on Saturday. What a zoo, I could hardly wait to get out of there. After that I had to take Tango to the vet because he has been sneezing and has a runny nose. So now I have him on antibiotics for the next two weeks to see if that clears things up. I had a much better sleep Friday night and Saturday morning I went dragon boating. It rained really hard all night long but the rain stopped long enough to do our practice before it started up again. Then I needed to take the food to the SPCA and drop it off, I didn't need to stay for the open house as they had enough volunteers. This morning I didn't need anything at the farmers market so I went for a walk instead. I did see a bear on my walk, the first one I have seen all year. Last year it seemed that I saw them all the time. Now I need to figure out what to do with the rest of my day.


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