Strength in Numbers

Pam That is good that the 2 wish deliveries lined up with your rest day. Great job on STS 2 Upper Body 2 and standing abs metabolic core, P30 Yoga, PRS 1 plus SJP abs, STS LB2, and LITE MB plus CC and 6 pack abs 2. Oh that is awesome he is going to the fire station!

Cheryl Great job on PHA 2, XTrain Legs, dragon boating, STS 2 Mobility 2, XTrain CBS, and AOLIH! Sounds like you have been keeping really busy. Hopefully the heat has let up for you too.

Well I survived! I slept in until 7 this morning since I got home late and got to bed later than normal. The movers got everything out there and I was able to get my parents essentials set up. My sister is living with them so she will get the non-essentials set up over time. It was super fun and beautiful driving through the mountains but I am glad I flew back since it took almost 12 hours to get out there. I also got to catch up with my niece and her two babies.

Have a great day!
Julie Welcome Back! I’m so glad that everything went well with the move, I’m Sure it is a big relief for you to have that finished! That’s great that you were able to catch up with your niece and her babies too. I hope your parents enjoy their new home!

Yesterday was my rest day and it was a mostly lazy day. Ashley came over in the afternoon and hung out by the pool with us and stayed for dinner. It’s nice that she is so close by now. This morning was Strong and Sweaty Boot camp and then I had a wish discovery. It was a very cute little boy who is very into cars and trucks . Now I really need to get the cat room cleaned out, but I’m stalling! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2 Lower Body 2 and that the versa grips helped. also great job on LITE Metabolic Blast + calorie crush and 6 pack abs 2. What a great idea to have the wish delivery at a fire station.

Julie Glad that you are back and you survived the move and that you could catch up with your niece and her two babies. That is nice that your sister is living with them so she can help them get all set up.

Pam Good work on S&S Bootcamp. You have had a lot of wish deliveries lately.

Friday was XTrain Bis and Tris and then I got the cleaning done. Saturday morning was dragon boating and it was a really wet day out. The hot shower afterwards felt really good. Then I got a lot of errands done. Sunday I went to a local dog park with the SPCA to do outreach. We were talking to people on how to keep their dogs entertained now that the weather will be turning. Then I went to the farmers market. In the afternoon we went with our friend and Zoey for coffee. This morning I was really tired so I decided to take the day off. I did manage to make some granola and a blueberry Zucchini loaf though. I may go for a walk in the afternoon, it depends on how much it is raining out.

Have a great day.

Pam Yea for lazy days and being able to relax by the pool with good company. Great job on S&S BC!

Cheryl Great job on XT Bis & Tris, dragon boating, and your walk! Oh the granola and blueberry zucchini loaf sounds yummy!

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. I tried to take it a little easy since I had all of last week off and I want to be able to walk the rest of the week.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Xtrain bis and tris, cleaning, and dragon boating! The SPCA outreach sounds like fun, do you take some dogs with you? That blueberry zucchini loafs sounds so good and I love homemade granola!

Julie Great job on our heavy lower body workout. It sounds like a good idea to make sure you can walk the rest of the week .

This morning was RWH Back, shoulders, and biceps and bonus abs 1. The biceps were really hard for me today. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout. It is probably a good idea to take it a bit easier.

Pam No we didn't take any dogs with us. There were a lot of dogs there so it would have made it a bit hard to keep an eye on our dogs and talk to people. Good work on RWH Back, Shoulders, Biceps and Bonus Abs 1.

Yesterday it rained so hard that I didn't get out for a walk, I had a nap instead :p. This morning I was still really tired so I took today off as well. It could be because I didn't get outside at all yesterday and/or the change in the weather. I may just take it easy this week. I did go grocery shopping this morning and I did get a short walk in this afternoon. There is no rain today but it sure is windy. On my way back from my walk I saw a mama racoon and her three babies pass just in front of me. I made sure to give them a lot of space.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job n RWH BSB plus bonus abs 1! Cathe goes so heavy on biceps it always amazes me.

Cheryl Napping in the rain sounds like a great plan! Glad you were able to get a walk with no rain. The wind may have been extra resistance training. How adorable to see baby racoons.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. I am able to walk today but going up stairs at work I could feel a little soreness. Yesterday I got out to my car and it said 103! Luckily we had storms come through last night and it has cooled off a little.

Have a great day!
Cheryl It sounds like you made good choice to nap instead of walking in the rain! Baby raccoons are so cute, but you were smart to give them a lot of space!

Julie Great jo bon your heavy upper body workout! I’m glad to hear that you are able to walk. Wow, 103 is HOT! Glad to hear that it cooled off a bit. We were having fake fall last week, but seem to be back to summer this week.

This morning was Cardio Party with the calorie crush and extended stretch. I really needed the stretch and it felt good. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your heavy upper body workout. That is great that you are able to walk today with a little soreness. Yikes 103 is hot, good thing the rain cooled things off a bit.

Pam Good job on Cardio Party + Calorie Crush + Extended Stretch.

This morning I took Zoey out for an hour long walk. It is nice and cool here so it was a great day for a walk. We walked over to the fish hatchery and the staff always have dog treats so she was a very happy girl. Now I need to get ready to go out to my mom's and take her out.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on CP plus CC and ES! It was crazy when I was flying out of NC last Sunday the pilot said the temp in Charlotte and Peoria where I was flying into and Peoria was higher.

Cheryl Great job on your walk with Zoey! I bet she loved the fish market with all the smells. Glad it cooled off for you a bit.

Today was my sleep in day. This weekend I will be going to my parent's house to clean up and get it ready for going on the market. I'm also excited it is a long weekend. Looking forward to sleeping in on Monday.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on your walk with Zoey! The fish hatchery sounds like a doggy paradise! I hope you had a nice time with your mom!

Julie Our false fall didn’t last long. It’s supposed to be 99 today , but we had mornings in the 50’s last week! Enjoy your long weekend!

This morning was RWH LIHI Legs and bonus abs 2. I completely ran out of juice by the end of the leg workout though. The last round of walking lunges I had to sit down and rest because my heart was just racing out of control. I took a rest and then was able to do the ab workout, but didn’t do the last cardio burst. Have a great day!

Julie Enjoy your long weekend. I hope you don't have too much to do at your parent's house to get it ready to sell.

Pam Great job on RWH LIHI Legs and Bonus Abs 2. The RWH workouts are really hard. Good for you in listening to your body and leaving out the last cardio blast.

I took another day off yesterday but I did go into the SPCA to help out. This morning I felt like I had a lot more energy so I did LITE Metabolic Blast. Now I need to get the housework and laundry done.

Have a great long weekend.

Cheryl Great job on MB! I’m glad that you were feeling like you had a lot more energy!

Yesterday DH and I went for a bike ride. I felt really good the first half of the ride, but as we were nearing the end I was running out of juice! It got really hot and I was happy when we were finished. This morning was LIHI Chest, shoulders, and triceps and it was really hard! My arms are still shaking! Have a great day.

Happy Labor Day! I can’t believe how fast summer has flown by. Yesterday was my rest day and other than going to give a kitten a vaccine it was a lazy day. This morning was ICE Boot Camp Circuit with the blizzard blast. It looks like it’s going to be a rainy day so just trying to figure out what I’m going to do with myself today. Have a great one!

Pam Great job on your bike ride and getting through it in the heat, LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and ICE Bootcamp Circuit. Summer has gone by fast but September is my very favorite month because it is still nice but cooler.

Saturday morning was dragon boat practice and then we went for brunch. It was a very busy day on the water since it was a really nice day. Sunday I took as my day off but I did get to the farmers market. This morning was LITE Stacked Sets Upper then I got some more cleaning done. I needed to unclog a bathroom sink and the water runs some much better now.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RWH LIHI Legs and bonus abs 2! Glad you rested before doing the last weight round. Great job on your bike ride with DH, LIHI CST, and ICE BCC plus BB! I wonder if the heat was zapping your energy. hopefully the rain will cool it off some.

Cheryl Great job on LITE Metabolic Blast, dragon boating, and LITE SS UB! Glad you have been having nicer weather and have been able to get some good cleaning done.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then DH and I went to my parent's house and cleaned it from top to bottom. It is much easier to clean when it is completely empty. I am glad DH could come because then I was able to get it all done in one day. Saturday was my mobility day and then DH and I did some things around the house and then sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather. Sunday was a heavy upper body day and yesterday was a nice day off work and working out and I got to sleep in till I wanted to get up! This morning I did a heavy lower body workout!

Have a great day!
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Cheryl Great job on dragon boat practice, SSUB, and cleaning! Also on getting that sink unclogged!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and congratulations on getting your parents house all cleaned! That is awesome that you guys were able to get it done in one day. Great job on mobility, heavy upper body, and heavy lower body workouts! Hooray for sleeping until you wanted to get up!

This morning I did Step Jam. It’s always so funny seeing the outfits in those older videos! Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility work, your heavy upper body workout and your heavy lower body workout today. That is great that you could get your parents house cleaned in one day. Sleeping in is always a good thing.

Pam Great job on Step Jam. I love seeing the older outfits.

This morning was LITE Cardio Party. Then I went and got the grocery shopping done. Now I need to get Tango into the vet for his arthritis shot.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on SJ! Oh the thong leotards with leggings, and the puffy hair accessories!

Cheryl Great job on LITE CP!

This morning was a heavy upper body workout! It has already been quite the morning. I was running early and then all of sudden running late. Not sure what happened. Then I had to drop DH off at a place his truck is being worked on which caused me to be even later getting to work. Then I was having troubles getting my computer connected. Let's hope things start to work normally soon before I lose my mind!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Cardio Party! I hope all went well with Tango’s shot.

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I hope your day got better after the crazy morning!

This morning was STS 2 Giant Sets Total Body and the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. Thanks for the versa grip reminder Julie! I used them this morning and it worked out much better for my forearms. Have a great day!


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