Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on Hiit Circuit Upper Body and P30 Yoga. I hate it when a hair appointment is delayed.

Julie Nice that you had a sleep in day and that you were able to move your arms too. Hopefully your day goes by fast. That is weird about your dryer. Hopefully they can figure out what is wrong.

Pam Good work on Rhythmic Step and BM2 abs. I like to get things prepped beforehand if I can too. High 90s is hot nice you have AC.

This morning was ICE Metabolic Total Body. Then I went to the SPCA to help out. I got my hair cut this afternoon too. It looks so much better now.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on MTB!

This morning was Hiit Circuit lower body. It was sooo hard for me today, but I did get through it. I modified the last round of the double hops over the step because I caught my toe on the edge of the step and almost fell so I was afraid to do any more after that! Have a great day!

Happy Sunday ladies. Yesterday was my rest day. I had a wish delivery but otherwise a mostly lazy day. This morning was Muscle Max and now it’s laundry and errands. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Hiit Circuit Lower Body. Good idea to modify. I am not able to do those anymore. Great job too on Muscle Max and your lazy day.

So Friday I didn't have a chance toto different p workout as I needed to get my mom to the heart doctor in the morning and then I took her to different stores so she could get things that she needed. When I got home I then needed to take Tango to the vet for his arthritis shot and more blood tests. Saturday morning I went dragon boating. It was a hot one out there and then we went for brunch. Then I spent the afternoon cleaning out the fridge. This morning I was really tired so I am not going to do too much today. It is another hot one out there.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RS plus BM2 abs, HiiT CLB, and MM! Hope you had a great dinner with your friends. So glad you were safe and modified on HiiT CLB.

Cheryl ICE MTB! Oh wow sounds like you have been super busy and with it being hot that does not help with energy.

So far our dryer has been doing ok since they came and cleared out a code. They said there was a stuck button but it might happen again and if it does they have it their notes to replace the panel. Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then went to my mom's and did a bunch of packing and throwing things out. Saturday I did my mobility workout and then did a bunch of stuff at home. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and then a lazy day. This morning was my sleep in day and it was wonderful.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl It sounds like you have had some busy days. I hope your mom is doing well. Oh boy, I really need to clean out my fridge but I have a very hard time getting motivated to do it. I hope things cool off for you soon.

Julie Hopefully your dryer continues to cooperate! Great job on your heavy lower body workout and all fo the work at your moms, mobility, and heavy upper body workouts!

This morning was Intensity and it was as hard as ever. I ended up taking an extra pause between the hi and li hiit sections because i was still breathing pretty heavy! It looks like we are in for a lot of rain in the next few days thanks to Debby. We are supposed to be going to an outdoor concert tomorrow night, but I’m not sure if that is going to end up happening based on the weather report. Have a great day!

Julie Glad that your dryer is doing OK. Hopefully it keeps it up. Good work on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility work and your heavy upper body workout.

Pam Great job on Intensity, that is a hard one. I hope you can still go to your concert tomorrow night.

I had a great nights sleep but I was so tired. I didn't workout but I did go back to bed and feel asleep which I never do. I did get woken up by the phone with the vet calling about Tango's tests. He is doing very good which is good to hear. After that I was wondering why I was so tired and I remembered that this morning I had tea instead of coffee and the tea didn't have much caffeine. So now I am having my coffee to make sure that was the reason.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Intensity! I remember it being hard when I did Cathe regularly but now that I haven't done any real cardio in a year, I think I would die if I tried it. Oh no, I hope the concert gets rescheduled at a time you can go if the rain causes it to be cancelled.

Cheryl You must have needed the rest if you fell back to sleep. Oh yea, good news for Tango. Yes caffeine is becoming my friend too.

This morning I did do a heavy lower body workout. So yesterday I ended my post with have a great weekend. Guess I am ready for the weekend again!

Have a great DAY!
Cheryl Wow, you obviously really needed the sleep! That’s great news about Tango! Hopefully the coffee helped perk you up.

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout. That is so funny that you said weekend instead of day, I didn’t even notice!

This morning was STS 2 Giant Sets Total body and mini ball abs. The biggest problem I have when I do that workout is my grip strength. I always start worrying that I am going to drop a dumbbell. So far that hasn’t happened, but I did lighten up on the last round of some of the exercises. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your heavy lower body workout. Haha you must be ready for the weekend.

Pam Great work on STS 2 Giant Sets Total Body and the mini ball abs. Would versa grips help with holding the weights?

This morning I met up with some ladies for a hike. It was around 5 - 6 miles and some of it was a bit tricky but it was a nice hike. It was nice that it was cloudy out so it wasn't too hot. This afternoon I went and got groceries.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS 2 GSTB plus mini ball abs! Do you have wrist straps or versa grips? I love my versa grips for when I am having grip issues. I could never get the hang of straps though.

Cheryl Great job on your hike! Glad it wasn't too hot or else that would have probably made the hike unenjoyable.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. Ugh another super busy day ahead. Just need to remember to take it one meeting at a time.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I may need to try my versa grips the next time I do that workout. I always forget about them! Great job on your hike!

Julie Yes, I do have versa grips and I definitely need to use them the next time I do that workout. Great job on your heavy upper body workout! I hope your busy day goes well.

The concert last night was great and the rain held out! There was just a bit of drizzle but I never had to put my raincoat on. I was so glad because they don’t tour often and the last time they came here several years ago we had tickets and I had to go out of town for business and missed it. I was thinking maybe I wasn’t meant to see them, but luckily that wasn’t the case. This morning was supposed to be mobility but I wanted to do a bit more so I did Step Moves. I hadn’t done that one in awhile so it was a nice change of pace. Have a great day!

Pam Yea, glad the rain held out and you got to enjoy the concert! Who did you see? Great job on SM!

I got poopy sleep last night which I guess is good on a night I can sleep in.

Have a great weekend!
Julie We saw Cake. I’d say a poopy sleep is never a good thing, but I guess it is a little better if it happens when you get to sleep in. And it really is the weekend this time

This morning Mac and Cheese had to be dropped off for their spay and neuter and then I came home and did Step Sync and Ab stacker abs. We are getting our worst effects from Debby today and tonight, so I was hoping that the power would hang in there for the whole workout. It blipped right as the stretch was starting, so I felt pretty lucky! We’re mainly getting rain rain and more rain, but also have a tornado watch and there was a tornado warning in the middle of the night. I’m just ready to see the sun again! Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I hope your day went smoothly.

Pam That is great that the rain held out and that you could see the concert. Good work on Step Moves.

Julie Sorry that you got a poopy sleep. But at least it is the weekend for you.

Pam We had two kittens at our shelter last week who were named Mac and Cheese too. Great job on Step Sync and the Ab Stacker Abs. Hopefully you don't get a tornado and the rain stops soon.

I went out to my mom's yesterday and I forgot to post. Yesterday I did GS Chest and Triceps that I am feeling today. This morning I did Mobility 1 and then I went out for a walk before it gets too hot out. Right now I am getting some laundry done before I need to head out to help at the SPCA.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I thought I was being so original with the names Mac and Cheese, but when I took them to the vet they told me they had another Mac and Cheese also.Great job on GS C&T, those Gym Style workout are tough! Great job on Mobility 1 and your walk also!

This morning was Push Pull. It’s pretty short and not too hard, which was nice! This afternoon I have a wish delivery and it’s a 2 hour drive each way, so that will be most of my day. It’s just another rainy day, I’m ready to so good-bye to Debby! Have a great day!

Yesterday was my rest day and I had a pretty lazy day outside because I was so happy to see the sun again! This morning was Circuit Blast. I made my own premix and repeated the first 3 rounds to make it an hour long. Then we took some things over to Ashley in her new apartment. She moved back from DC to Chapel Hill and is starting school at UNC tomorrow. Now I’ll probably have a lazy pool afternoon. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Push Pull and your own Circuit Blast premix. Glad that Debby finally moved on and you got your sun back. Nice that Ashley has moved back close to you for school.

Friday I did Gym Style Back Shoulders and Biceps. Then I got the housework done. In the afternoon I met up with a friend to catch up. Saturday morning I had dragon boat practice and it was hard and it was made harder because I did not sleep well at all the night before. I was very happy when practice was over and then I came home and slept for another couple of hours. This morning our SPCA was having an event at one of our local Starbucks called Pups on the Patio so I went to help out. DH and our friend and Zoey came to hang out for a while when I was there. Now it is a lazy afternoon.

Pam Great job on SS plus Ab Stacker ab, PP, and CB! Maybe try names like Pork and Beans or Biscuit and Gray or Cookie and Cream next time.

Cheryl Great job on GS C&T, Mobility 1, and GS BSB! Oh the Pups on the Patio event sounds awesome. Hopefully the pups had a great time.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then went to my mom's for packing. Saturday was a very short stretch session and then back to my mom's for more packing. Sunday I did a heavy upper body workout and then was lazy the rest of the day. Today was my sleep in day. I have been getting such crappy sleep. I keep waking up in the middle of the night panicking about everything that still needs to be packed at my mom's. We only have 1 more weekend to go with packing and I am freaking out.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on GS BSB and your housework! It’s good that you were able to go home and get some more sleep after that tough practice! Pups on the patio sounds like fun, was it an adoption event?

Julie Great jo bon your lower body workout, stretch, upper body workout and all of that packing. Oh that is terrible that you are waking up worrying about the packing. That is such a big job!

This morning was Imax 2. It’s looking pretty gloomy outside so I’m hoping we don’t get more rain. Our grass really needs to be cut after all of the rain last week! I was going to cut it yesterday but I noticed there was so much mud on the patio that I ended up Scrubbing that instead. Have a great day!


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