Strength in Numbers

Julie Yes it is the same knee. It is doing much better now though it is never 100%. Great job on your mobility work and full body weight workout. It is always nice to start something new.

Ribfest was a lot of fun but it was sooo hot. Sunday I was pretty tired from all of the heat so I just went to the farmers market and then relaxed the rest of the day. This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 2. It is DH's birthday today so we are going to go out for lunch and I will pick up a cake and have some people over. It is so much cooler now and it is so much nicer.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I think once you sustain an injury, it is never the same. At least that is my experience with some of the injuries I have had. Great job on STS 2 UB2! Hope you DH enjoyed his birthday get together. So glad it cooled off for you. We have gotten a little reprieve here as well.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. For the first workout of this new cycle, it was pretty tough. I'm hoping it was just me having to get used to new exercises and order.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on RUR!

Julie Oh boy, messy poo in the crate is not a nice thing to come home to! I think 270 pounds for a deadlift is amazing! And 15 pound heavier in that amount of time is also! Congratulations!

Cheryl Oh no, I hate to hear that you did something to your knee! It’s almost more frustrating to me when I have no idea what happened. I’m glad to hear that it is improving though. I’m glad that ribfest was fun despite the heat.
Julie Great job on mobility and your full body workout! Deadlifts are one of my least favorite exercises, so I would have a hard time focusing on them for long.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 UB2. i hope your dh had a nice birthday celebration and happy to hear that you are getting some nicer weather!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout. It probably was just the fact that it was something that you aren’t used to yet that made it seem so hard!

We left Wednesday morning to go to Pennsylvania for our niece’s wedding. The weather was perfect up there and the wedding was beautiful and so much fun! We got home last night. This morning I did Step, Jump, and Pump and it was my first workout since last Tuesday so I’m sure I’ll be feeling it. Kuzy’s trial is going great, they just Love her! Today I have a vet appointment for Squeaky and Fritz and two wish celebrations, so it’s going to be a busy day. Have a great day!

Julie I agree that once you injure yourself you can never recover the same. Especially when you get older. Great work on your heavy lower body workout. I think any new workout would seem hard until you get used to it.

Pam I know I injured my knee about 50 years ago and then it was fine until about 12 years ago but it got better with physio. This time nothing really seems to be helping so it is a bit frustrating. Glad to hear that the wedding was a lot of fun. Great job on SJP. Nice that Kuzy's trial in going great. You are going to have a very busy day.

This morning I did STS 2 Total Body Stretch and the Standing Abs Metabolic Warmup. Then I went and got groceries. Tonight was have dragon boat practice and I am glad that it is a lot cooler. This will be our last practice until our regatta this Saturday. This morning I heard that dragon boating is going to be a demonstration sport at the Paris Summer Olympics. I wonder if it will ever make it in competitively.

Have a great day.

Pam So glad you had beautiful weather and a great time at the wedding! Great job on SJP! Oh that is a doozy to start back with. A little bit of everything.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 TBS and SAMW! Oh that would be cool if dragon boating became an Olympic sport. Some of the sports that have been in there, I'm like is that really a sport worthy of Olympics. Dragon boating seems like it would for sure compared to some of them in there now.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. I did not sleep well last night and have been having quite a stressful time at work lately. I wish I was old enough to retire. I've heard it is amazing!

Have a great day!
Cheryl It is so frustrating how your body just won’t do the things you want it to do the older you get! Hopefully you will find something that works for your knee. Great job on STS TBS and SAMW! I hope your regatta goes well on Saturday. That is awesome that dragon boating is going to be a demonstration sport in the Olympics! I’m sure it will be fun for you to watch.

Julie I decided to wait until next week to start a rotation and just do some workouts with lots of variety this wee, so that’s where SJP came in. Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I’m sorry that work has bee so stressful, I imagine that is why you’ve been getting lousy sleep. Retirement has been pretty good, but it did take me awhile to adjust. You will get there!

This morning I did ICE Metabolic Total body and the Blizzard Blast. I was thinking that she uses pretty light weight in that one so I started with heavier weights on the first few exercises, but I decided that the lighter ones were a better idea pretty quickly! Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your heavy upper body workout with not having a great nights sleep. Retirement is awesome. I didn't have a problem getting into it and I can't imagine going back to work. It makes it hard when work is stressful. Hopefully things will get less stressful for you soon.

Pam Good job on ICE Metabolic Total Body + BB. I usually do the same weights that Cathe uses. It was a good thing that you went hiking in Jasper last year. They have had to evacuate Jasper and the surrounding area due to forest fires. It is not very good there right now.

This morning I did STS 2 Lower Body 2. Then we went out to my mom's. She wanted to take DH out for lunch for his birthday so we went to a 50s diner. We had wanted to try it for a while but never did. It was pretty good though very filling so we don't need dinner tonight.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on ICE MTB plus BB! Yep, I'm 10-15 years away from retirement so I just have to deal with it for awhile and hope the stress goes down soon.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 LB2! Oh those type of diners sound fun. We had one in our area but I never actually ate there. I hope you have a great time and good races at the Regatta this weekend!

This morning was my sleep in day. I had decent sleep but am still glad it is my weekend and I can sleep in again tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Wow, that is terrible about Jasper! It is such a beautiful place. I hope that everyone is ok and the town survives without damage! Great job on STS 2 LB 2! The diner sounds like fun. I love a good diner every once in awhile.

Julie I’m glad to hear that you got a decent sleep on your sleep in day!

This morning was ICE Boot Camp Circuit with the Blizzard Blast. That is always a tough one for me and it felt especially tough today. But I got through it and am enjoying my tea now. Have a great day!

Julie Glad that you enjoyed your sleep in day. Enjoy your weekend too.

Pam Unfortunately the town of Jasper is on fire and there have been structures lost. Hopefully they can save some of it. Good work on ICE Boot Camp Circuit + BB.

This morning I started LITE Cardio Party but then my SPCA manager texted to let me know transfer was going to be a lot earlier than usual. So I had to stop to get ready to go. It was a very busy day and I am glad to be home. Tonight we are going to Red Robin with our friend. Both DH and our friend had birthdays this month so they get free burgers. Unfortunately I have to pay for mine :p.

Have a great day.

Friday I didn't workout. I needed to get some laundry and cleaning done and to get things ready for the regatta the next day. Saturday started early at 4am and I was out the door by 5:30am. I need my mornings and I can't be rushed. It was about an 1 1/2 hour drive to Harrison Hot Springs where the regatta was. It was a gorgeous day and we placed 2nd in our division. We were very happy about that. The drive home though was about 2 hours since there was a lot more traffic on the road. I was pretty tired by the time I got home and was in bed early. This morning I was moving a bit slowly but I did meet up with my brother and SIL for coffee down the street from me. They met up with their triathlon club at a lake close to us so they wanted to met up with me afterwards. This afternoon we are meeting up with our friend and Zoey to go to Starbucks and sit outside to people watch.

I hope you had a great weekend.

Pam Great job on ICE Boot Camp Circuit with the Blizzard Blast! Glad you made it through it. I think all of Cathe's circuits are pretty tough.

Cheryl Great job on doing what you could with LITE Cardio Party! Oh I love Red Robin. Yea, sounds like you had a great regatta and a great finish! People watching is always fun.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then went to my mom's. We met with a realtor and some movers to get estimates. We are thinking sometime around 8/22 to move them. We still have a lot do to but I think we can get it done. Saturday was my mobility day and then I braved Costco. I was up all night Saturday night thinking about all the things needing to get done for the move. I should have just gotten up and started writing a list but I was stubborn and laid there hoping I could sleep. Despite the awful sleep, I did do a heavy upper body workout and then had a lazy day the rest of the day. I did get my list written and slept better last night now that I have a plan. This morning was my sleep in day which I was thankful for.

Have a great day!
Cheryl That is so sad about Jasper. We really loved that town. Great job on Cardio Party lite! Your Saturday sounds like a very long day, but nice that you did so well in the regatta! I hope you enjoyed people watching at Starbucks!

Julie Great jo bon your heavy lower body workout, mobility, and braving Costco! That sounds like a terrible night on Saturday. I’m the same way with being stubborn about trying to get back to sleep, which I doubt helps the situation! Great job on your heavy upper body workout after an awful night! I’mn glad you now have a plan and were able to get a better sleep.

Looks like I forgot to post on Friday, but I did Revved up Rumble. I think every time I do that one that I don’t really like it, but then after awhile I forget and do it again. Saturday I did Chiseled Upper body and Icy core 2, then got things ready because we were having some friends over for dinner. Sunday was my rest day, but I had a wish delivery that was a 2 hour drive away so I was gone most of the day. This morning was Power Max and now it is cat room cleaning day. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility work and your heavy upper body workout. I braved Costco today you are even braver to do it on a Saturday. I do that too when things are on my mind, I don't want to get out of bed to write them down. Glad that you got your list done and now have a plan for the move.

Pam Good work on Rev'd Up Rumble, Chiseled Upper Body and IC 2 and Power Max. I am cleaning all the cat stuff today too.

This morning was ICE Chiseled Upper Body. Then I went and braved Costco. It is a very wet and rainy day here but we need it to help with the forest fires.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RUR! Maybe you should put a sticky note on it with a rating. Great job on CUB plus Icy core 2 and Power Max! That's a long drive. Hopefully the cats appreciate the clean room.

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB! My DH made the same comment about me going to Costco on a Saturday afternoon. It wasn't too bad this time but still awful. I hope they get the fires out soon. I thought I saw on the news that one in CA was set intentionally and they are prosecuting the person but I didn't really hear the details.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. I didn't sleep the best again but better than Saturday night. Thank goodness for caffeine to help get me through the workout.

Have a great day!
This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. I really tried to push myself and now my arms are tired. Hopefully I can still bend and straighten them tomorrow. It was so hot yesterday. Looking at our temps we are going to be in the upper 80s/low 90s through the next week with thunderstorms possible through the weekend.

Have a great day!
Julie There have been quite a few human caused fires throughout our country. That is great that the person was caught. Most of them aren't. We have been getting rain here so that is helping with the fires. Isn't caffeine great. Good work on your heavy lower body workout and heavy upper body workout. That is hot and we are supposed to get to those temperatures too starting tomorrow.

Yesterday morning I went bowling with a group of ladies. Some of them I dragon boat with. I forgot to bring a snack with me and I wanted to stop and get some groceries before I went home though I was starving. I decided to pick something up at the grocery store to eat on my way home. Well that was a mistake, as I forgot to look at the ingredient list. I started feeling sick and when I looked at the ingredient list I saw that there was a lot of soy in it which I have allergies to. Well that served me right since I felt awful the rest of the day. Lesson learned, always read the ingredient list. This morning I did STS 2 Mobility 1 & 2. Then I got all of the housework done. I didn't need to go out to my mom's today since I need to go out there on Friday to get her to a doctor's appointment.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB and braving Costco! I hope the rain helps put out the fires!

Julie That is a great idea about putting a sticky note on the dvd with a rating, I might just have to do that! Great job on your heavy lower body workoUt. Caffeine is miraculous! Great job on your heavy upper body workout too. I hope you are able to bend and straighten your arms tomorrow without too much pain!

Cheryl Bowling sounds like fun, but the soy illness doesn’t! Great job on STS Mobility 1&2 and the housework!

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday, but I did Hiit Circuit upper body with abs mixed in. Then I cleaned the basement and had a lazy rest of the day. This morning was P30 Yoga, then I had a hair appointment. It had been delayed twice, so I was overdue. Have a great day!

Cheryl Oh I haven't been bowling in ages. How fun! I'm sorry about you feeling bad from the snack you ate. Great job on Mobility 1 & 2!

Pam Great job on HiiT CUB w/ abs mixed in and P30 Yoga! I hate when I am late for a haircut. The longer hair just starts to become so annoying.

This morning was my sleep in day. I am actually able to move my arms today. I have a busy and tough day at work today and someone is supposed to come look at our dryer because it has been shutting off occasionally for no reason and sometimes won't start. Hopefully they can fix it.

Have a great weekend!
Julie I’m glad that you are able to use your arms today and I hope your busy/tough day isn’t too bad. I hope they are able to fix your dryer, that sounds like a strange problem.

This morning was supposed to be Party Rockin Step 2, but I subbed Rhythmic step and the abs from Body Max 2. We are having some friends over for dinner tomorrow so I’m going to ttry to get a lot of the prep work done today. We are back in the high 90’s for the next few days so it will be good to be inside in the AC. Have a great day!


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