Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB and LITE CP! I hope that the Regatta went well! 7 hours is a long time to wait between races!

Julie I agree, that woman was not meant to have these 2 sweet kittens! Great job on your heavy lower body workout , your walk, and your heavy upper body workouts! I hope you are making progress at your mom’s!

I forgot to post Friday, but I did Cardio Kicks because I felt like doing something fun. Saturday I took as my rest day and had a wish at noon. Then someone came over to meet Chatty. They didn’t end up taking her, but that’s ok because now she was a really great application and they are coming to meet her tomorrow. I’m hoping I can talk them into taking Fishy too . Yesterday morning was High Reps and then I met some friends for lunch and did some shopping. This morning was Body Max 2 Step and power circuits It really kicked my butt! Now I have some work to do to get ready for our trip. We are going to Utah and Arizona for two weeks on Wednesday so I need to get a few things done before we go. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your heavy lower body workout, your walk on the treadmill and your heavy upper body workout. When is your parents moving day?

Pam Great work on Cardio Kicks, High Reps and BM2 Step and Power Circuits. Fingers crossed that the new application that you have will take both Chatty and Fishy. Are you going to do some more hiking in Arizona and Utah?

So the weekend was a lot of fun but long. Our 2 races and Saturday and our 1st one on Sunday were good. It got us into the Women's D final. Our medal race though was not good at all. I don't know what happened, if people were just too tired or what but it was our worst race ever. We came in last out of 8 teams and our time was 10 to 11 seconds slower than our other races. We may have medaled if we did like we did in our previous races. Oh well maybe next year. Most of the teams were from Canada and the U.S.A. but there were some from Australia and China as well. We talked to some ladies that were here from Kentucky and Texas and they were having a great time. I was really tired and stiff this morning so I just did STS 2 Chair Yoga.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on CK, HR, and BM2 S&PC! Hope everything works out for Chatty and fingers crossed Fishy. You are living the dream with all the traveling. Right now I don't feel like we are making much progress but I guess every little bit helps and maybe it is going faster than I think.

Cheryl Bummer about the final race but at least you had fun. I am sure all the excitement and long drawn out weekend did not help with energy levels. Great job on STS 2 CY! We don't have a move date yet. They are moving with my sister who is up here and trying to get herself ready to move to NC. If my sister moves, then we can get my parents moved out there but they can't go until she does.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. It has already been quite a morning. I make my own pre-workout and I dumped too much beta-alanine in it and it made me nauseous. I ended up making it through my workout but I think it would have been a better workout if I wasn't feeling like that. After that, I found out our neighbor's dog got out. They are at work and I tried chasing her down for a half hour before giving up because I had to get to work. I'm working from home so now I get to have my dogs acting crazy because the she keeps coming into our yard. I think the neighbor is going to try to get someone else to come over and hunt her down. I wish I had all day to try to get her but she is skittish and runs every time I get within 15 feet of her. I'm exhausted.

Have a great day!
Cheryl What a shame that you didn‘t do as well in the final, but it is pretty amazing making it to the finals with that many teams. It sounds like a very exhausting weekend though. Great job on Chair yoga! Yes, we will be doing some hiking as well as some driving around sight-seeing. We got permits to hike The Wave, so we are pretty excited about that!

Julie Where in NC will your sister and parents be moving? We are near Apex. Great job on your lower body workout. WOW! Quite the morning you have had indeed. That is amazing that you made it through your workout while feeling nauseous. That doesn’t sound like fun at all! I hope the neighbors are able to get their dog in soon! That was nice of you to help!

This morning was RWH Hiit Circuit upper body with abs mixed in. I like that premix because you get more rest time after the blasts. Have a great day!

Julie Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get the two moves coordinated and done. Great job on your heavy lower body workout and feeling nauseous. Wow you did have quite the morning. I hope someone can hunt your neighbors dog down and get her back inside. I bet you are feeling exhausted.

Pam Good work on RWH Circuit Upper Body and abs.

This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 1. Then I went to get groceries. Now I am figuring out what to do with the rest of the day.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RWH UB w/abs mixed in! More rest time is always good imho! They are moving near Statesville so I think that is a couple of hours away from where you are.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 UB1! I hope you found something fun to do with the rest of your day!

Yesterday our other neighbor's daughters were able to catch the dog and get her back inside. Thank goodness! One of them I call the dog whisperer because she can get any dog to come up to her. This morning was a heavy upper body workout! I had to do it fasted because I am getting bloodwork done today. It actually didn't go to bad. I haven't worked out fasted in quite a while so I was surprised I did better than I thought I would.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on STS 2 UB1! I hope you did something fun the rest of the day.

Julie I’m glad that someone was able to get the dog back in. I’m always amazed by those people that just have that touch with animals. Great job on your heavy upper body workout while fasting!

The people who came to meet Chatty yesterday ended up taking Chatty and Fishy! It was so funny because she kept saying she thought they should take them both and he kept saying absolutely not! But she was going to take Chatty and he loved Fishy, so he agreed that they can give it a try. I was so happy because I really liked them and their vet gave an amazing reference. This morning was PHA 3 plus ab stacker abs. I realized after I selected that premix that I did abs yesterday so I thought about skipping them, but figured since we are leaving today I should go ahead since I won’t be doing any ab work for the next 2 weeks. We will be off the grid a lot of the time, so I likely won’t be checking in until we get back. Have a great couple of weeks!

Julie That is great that your neighbors daughter could catch her. Some people just have that touch with animals. Great job on your heavy upper body workout fasted. I hope everything is fine with your bloodwork.

Pam Too funny about the people that took Chatty and Fishy. I hope it all works out. Great work on PHA 3 + Ab Stacker. Enjoy your time away.

This morning was STS 2 Mobility 1 and Standing Abs Metabolic Warm Up. Now I need to get out to my mom's to take her for some blood work and then probably she will want to go to the casino.

Have a great day.

Pam That is awesome news about Chatty & Fishy! Great job on PHA 3 plus ab stacker abs! Hope you have a wonderful time!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 Mobility 1 and Standing Abs Meta WU! Hope you had a great time with your mom!

This morning was my sleep in day and I actually feel like I got a good night's sleep for the first time in over a week. Even with all that good sleep I am still happy it is the start to my weekend!

Have a great weekend!
Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did a bunch of stuff around the house. Saturday was my mobility workout and then I went to my mom's and helped her with some cooking and cleaning. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and then I was lazy the rest of the day. This morning was my sleep in day. This is going to be a doozy of a week but at least it is only 3 days for me.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your two heavy upper body workouts, your mobility workout and your sleep in days. Glad that you only need to work 3 days this week.

Sorry that I haven't posted but the days have just gotten away from me. Thursday I did STS 2 Lower Body 1 and then I was at the SPCA for the rest of the day. Friday I did STS 2 Mat Yoga and Standing Abs Core Plus Floor. Then I went to Costco and then in the afternoon I met up with a friend for tea. Saturday morning was dragon boat practice and when I came home I started in on the housework and yard work. Sunday I went to the farmers market to pick up a few things and then I came home to start prepping dinner. It was my mom's birthday yesterday so we had her and my brother and SIL over for dinner. This morning I am really tired so I decided that I would take a day off and just veg out. It is Canada Day here today so I may wander around to see what is happening in our townhouse complex.

Have a great day.

Cheryl No worries on not posting sounds like you have been super busy. Great job on STS 2 LB1 and STS 2 MY and SACPF! Hope your mom had a fantastic birthday. Is Canada Day similar to 4th of July in America?

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. I had a super busy day at work yesterday but surprisingly wasn't too bad on energy this morning. Although now that I am looking at my work calendar for today, I am ready for a nap because it is another busy day. Gotta cram 4 days of work into 3 this week.

Have a great day!
Julie Yes Canada Day is the same as the 4th of July. Good job on your heavy lower body workout. Well I hope your day went by fast for you. Only 1 more day to go.

I was still pretty tired this morning so I decided to take another day off. I did go grocery shopping and then I went for a walk this afternoon. It is a bit cloudy today but it is still nice.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Glad you listened to your body and took the day off with being tired. Sounds like you still got some things done.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. So happy it is my last workday for this week. I am so excited that tomorrow I have off from working out and work. Couldn't have planned it better myself!

Have a great weekend! Be back on Monday!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. Enjoy your day off from work and working out and your whole weekend.

This morning I had more energy so I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. It is going to be hot through the weekend here so I am trying to keep our place cool.

So Thursday I just did STS 2 Total Body Stretch. Then I needed to get Tango into the vet for a recheck. He still seems to be doing OK. Then I went to the SPCA. Friday I met up with a friend for a walk. It has gotten really hot here so it was nice to get it done in the morning before it got too hot. Saturday I went to dragon boat practice and then we met for brunch afterwards. This morning I went to the farmers market and got a few things. It was already really hot out so it will be a scorcher today.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

Cheryl Yeah more energy is always good! Great job on ICE MTB and STS 2 TBS! Glad Tango is doing well. Good thing you have been able to get your walk and things done before it gets too hot outside. I hope you cool off there soon.

Well this weekend did not go as planned. I did get to sleep in and enjoy a full day off on Thursday but I started to feel bad Thursday night and the entire rest of the weekend I was fighting a full blown cold. Achy, tired, itchy ears, scratchy sore throat, runny nose. I tried to workout Friday morning thinking it was just being tired but I only was able to give 50% of my effort on 50% of the workout. I took the whole rest of the weekend off, didn't even go to my parents' house as they were also sick. DH somehow missed it over the weekend but it started for him last night so he is in for a ride. I am finally starting to feel less achy and tired but still feeling it in my throat and runny/stuffy nose. Hopefully one more day/night and I will be good to go.

Have a great day!
Julie Oh that sucks that you were feeling horrible your whole long weekend. I know COVID has been making the rounds again. Our friend had it and was off work for over a week. Glad to hear that you are getting better and that you hopefully will be back to normal tomorrow.

This morning I needed to be out at my mom's bright and early for a telephone call from the nurse from the heart failure clinic. It is always good to have two sets of ears for these things. So I didn't get a chance to workout and now it is so hot that I am just going to veg out and get back to it tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Yep I am pretty sure that is what it is. I did a home test even though it was expired and it came back positive. With it being expired, I am not sure it is 100% accurate. Oh yes it is a good idea to have multiple ears to hear critical medical information. Hopefully she got some good news.

I slept decent last night and felt ok to try my workout. I made it through it and actually got a pretty decent deadlift attempt but now I am exhausted and ready for bed. DH is definitely down and out. Being he drives a truck, he is not able to work today as he is feeling so bad.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on feeling better and getting your workout in. Poor DH hopefully he gets better soon.

I had a hard time sleeping last night because it was so hot. I didn't have much energy for a workout but I made myself do P30 Upper Body. I had to drop my weight and even then they felt heavy. It is going to be another hot day here but I need to go and get groceries and then we have some errands that we need to do this afternoon.

Have a great day.


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