Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on HS and that pu/su combo! I remember doing that one and putting my DVD speed on slower to keep up. Great job on your bike ride and RUUB plus bonus abs! Oh that is sad they lost one of the kittens. Do the Purricanes have individual names after the hockey players? Great job on RWH LI HiiT 1 and Imax 2! Wow 30 years is amazing for an appliance nowadays.

Cheryl Great job on PHA 3 and getting through the PU/dip combo! Sounds about as bad and the pu/su combo; Cathe sure knows how to combine tough exercises. Great job on your walks and tough dragon boat practice! I hope you were able to catch up on hydration. I let myself get dehydrated when I am busy and don't want to have to stop to drink or pee. Great job on your yoga to hopefully get some of the stiff and soreness out. Hopefully Costco wasn't bad.

Friday my back was still a little sore and I didn't want to tempt anything so I did an upper body workout and then had to go to my mom's and do some more staining on her hardwood floors. Saturday I rested my back again with no workout but DH and I did go to Costco and then took a walk in the afternoon. Sunday my back was feeling pretty good so I did a lower body workout and actually got a PR on deadlifts. After that I was pretty lazy the rest of Sunday and all day Monday. This morning I did do another full body workout and my back is still feeling good so fingers crossed it seems to be all better.

Have a great day!
Julie That is the same as me. I get busy and then I forget to drink something. Costco wasn't too bad yesterday. Good job on your upper body workout to rest your back some more, your walk, your lower body workout and a PR on the deadlifts and your full body workout. Finger crossed that your back continues to improve.

This morning was LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body. Then DH had a doctors appointment. After that we went and got groceries. In a bit I am going to go to dragon boat practice. At least it has stopped raining and hopefully it will hold off until we are done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LITE SSLB! Hope the rain holds off for you to get practice done and home before it starts up again.

This morning I was exhausted and got horrible sleep last night. I decided to take an extra rest day this week. Even though my back is feeling better, I didn't want to risk lifting heavy while tired and re-injure myself.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on yoga, I hope it helped the stiffness and that you are able to get rehydrated! Hopefully Costco wasn’t too bad, I think I am going to brave it today!

Julie Great job on your upper body workout and your walk. It sounds like the rest did your back a lot of good! Congratulations on the deadlift PR! Great job on your full body workout too! Glad to hear that your back is still feeling good!

Cheryl Great job on SSLB! I hope dragon boat practice went well and the rain held off for it!

Julie Great job listening to your body and taking a rest day when you needed it. That is something that I really need to get better about doing.

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday. I had to go in and get blood drawn first thing for my annual check up later this week, and then I did Perfect 30 Lower body with the core bonus. Then it was cat room clean out and making a cake for a wish delivery this afternoon. This morning I did a timesaver premix of Step Sync and P30 Perfect Pump upper body. Have a great day!

Julie Good for you in taking an extra rest day. Hopefully you will get a better sleep tonight.

Pam Great job on P30 Lower Body + core and Step Sync timesaver and P30 Upper Body

So it ended up being a nice night on the water and we had a great practice. This morning I needed to get my mom to a doctors appointment this morning so I didn't have a chance to get a workout in.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on P30 LB plus core bonus and SS timesaver plus P30 PP UB! I think the only reason I listened to my body this time was because I had recently injured myself. Normally I would push through.

Cheryl Glad you had a nice night on the water and got a great practice in. Hope your mom is doing well.

This morning I decided to sleep in again. This current program I am running is really kicking me in the behind. Next week is supposed to be deload and I kind of am kicking myself for not being able to push through one more week but better safe than sorry.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl That is great that you ended up having a nice night and a great practice. I hope your mom is doing well.

Julie Don’t kick yourself for being smart and safe! You push yourself hard and rest is important!

This morning was RWH LI Hiit 2 and bonus abs 2. Those banana holds just about killed me but I made it. Have a great day!

Julie Thanks my mom is doing well. Don't kick yourself for taking another day off. Rest is just as important and if that is what your body is telling you, you should listen to it. It took me a long time to do that and not push myself when my body was telling me otherwise.

Pam Thanks my mom is doing well. Great job on RWH LI Hiit 2 and bonus abs 2 and getting through those banana holds.

This morning was LITE Stacked Upper Body and Six Pack Abs 2. Now I need to get ready to go to the SPCA.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LIT SUB + SPA! I hope your day at the SPCA went well.

Looks like I forgot to post Friday, but Idid Total Body barbell and then I had my annual physical and then did some running around. I took yesterday as my rest day and had a wish celebration for a girl who is going to Hawaii. This morning was Kick, Punch, and Crunch. I made it through all of the pikes, but can’t get to the tips of my toes anymore! Carolina has a meet and greet today so I’m hoping that goes well. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Total Body Barbell and KPC. The pikes are hard, I think even attempting them works your abs really well without needing to get to your toes.

Friday I took as a day off and got all the housework and laundry done. Saturday I had dragon boat practice and it was hard and I was happy that the rain held off. This morning I went to the farmers market and it was very wet and rainy. Now I need to figure out what to do with the rest of the day.

Pam Great job on RWH LI Hiit 2 and bonus abs 2, TBB, and KPC! Hmm would you rather do banana holds or pikes? Fingers crossed for Carolina's meet and greet!

Cheryl Great job on LITE Stacked Upper Body and Six Pack Abs 2 and dragon boat practice! Glad the rain held off for you and that your mom is doing well.

Friday I did a heavy weight workout and then did some things around the house and since it was nice out I was able to sit outside for a little while in the afternoon. Saturday was my mobility workout and then I went to my mom's and did some touch up painting and some packing for her. Sunday was a heavy weight workout and then DH and I went for a walk before I was lazy the rest of the day. This morning was my sleep in day. It is never enough time to sleep in.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your 2 heavy weight workouts, your mobility workout and walk and your sleep in day.

This morning was LITE Pyramid Lower Body. Now I need to get some cleaning done and then if the rain is holding off maybe go for a bit of a walk.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I’m glad the rain held off for your practicer and hope you figured out something fun to do with your day!

Julie Banana holds or pikes?! Wow, tough question. Probably the banana holds, but they both suck! Great job on your heavy weight workout, mobility, heavy weight workout, and walk. Are you getting close to having your parents house ready to put on the market?

Cheryl Great job on PLB and your cleaning. Hopefully you were able to get your walk in.

I had a wish yesterday afternoon that was 2 miles away from a state park, so I went over there and did a hike afterwards. This morning was Slow and Heavy Legs and shoulders. Then I had to take Carolina to the vet because her spay incision was infected, Now the poor thing has to wear a cone for awhile and she isn’t happy about it. Have a great day!

Cheryl Great job on LITE PLB! Hopefully you got your walk in without any rain.

Pam Great job on your hike! That was smart thinking to do a hike while you were over there. Great job on S&H L&S! Oh no, poor Carolina, I hope she heals quickly. I am hoping we can get it on the market before the end of the month. Unfortunately, since I can only help one day on the weekends, things are moving slow since they can't do much on their own.

This morning I did a weight workout. This is deload week which I am desperately needing as everything has just felt heavy and sore.

Have a great day!
Pam Good job on your hike and S&H Legs and Shoulders. Oh poor Carolina I hope her spay incision gets better and heals soon.

Julie Great work on your weight workout. I hope the deload week helps your body to recover.

So I got out for my walk yesterday. When I left home I saw that they were filming just a block up the street from us. After my walk I went over there to see what was happening. I spoke with one of the crew that told me that it was a new series called Earth Abides which is based on a 1940 novel. It is a post apocalyptic series along the lines of the Last of Us. There wasn't much happening then but a few of us went back a few hours later and saw some of the scenes they were filming. It sure doesn't look like much when you seen them doing it live. This morning I did STS 2 Mobility ! & 2. I am suppose to be dragon boating tonight so that will be my cardio. It may be canceled though as we are getting some strong wind gusts, but we will see.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I have seen some of the behind the scenes looks at sci-fi films like Marvel movies and the actors are really amazing to be able to play pretend with green screens and ping pong balls on other actors. I would feel insane. Great job on STS 2 Mobility 1 & 2! Hope the strong wind gusts died down so you could go dragon boating.

This morning was another deload weight workout. The weights were feeling really heavy but I am hoping that is because I just didn't take my pre-workout smoothie and caffeine as I like to try to give my body a break from that during deload.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your weight workout! It sounds like you were needing the deload week!

Cheryl Great job on your walk and Mobility 1 & 2. That would be fun to see a movie being filmed and then watch the movie later, Especially seeing a place that you are so familiar with in a movie! I hope you were able to get your dragon boat practice in and it wasn’t too windy!

Julie Great job on your weight workout!

Yesterday DH and I went for a bike ride in the morning and I had a hair appointment in the afternoon. This morning was Slow and Heavy biceps and triceps. I like the S&H workouts, but they are hard, Carolina is hanging in there with the cone but she isn’t happy about it. I would put her back in a surgery suit, but she was able to get out of that so I’m not trusting her with it. She is supposed to start a trial tomorrow, but they may end up waiting until she finishes with the antibiotics and cone. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your deload weight workout. I always need something in me before my workout or I feel faint and need to stop.

Pam Great work on your bike ride and S&H Bis and Tris. They can be very good at getting out of surgery suits and cones for that matter. Though cones seem to work the best.

So the wind died down last night though it was still windy on the water which made the paddling tough, but it just makes us stronger. This morning I did LITE Pyramid Upper Body. Now I need to get ready to go out to my moms to get her to a dentist appointment.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH and S&H Bis & Tris! What a little stinker getting out of her surgery suit.

Cheryl Glad you were able to get a practice in. Great job on LITE PUB!

This morning was my sleep in day. I forgot to mention that last week Petunia gave me a nice surprise and destroyed my glasses. I left them on the end table off the couch while I walked on the treadmill over lunch and came back to them in her mouth. At first I was worried she ate one of the lenses because I couldn't find it but then I found it under the couch.


Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on your tough paddle and LITE PUB!

Julie Oh that little stinker Petunia! She really did a number on your glasses! I’m glad that she didn‘t eat a lens at least.

This morning was Slow and Heavy Chest and back. I like that it doesn’t have a ton of push ups, but it’s so hard with the set of push ups at the end of all of the other chest work! I could only do the first 2 on my toes and it was still really hard to get through them on my knees. Tomorrow morning I am leaving for a hiking trip with 3 of my girlfriends In Massachusetts. I’ll be gone for a week so probably won’t be checking in. DH will be on kitty duty while I’m gone . Have a great week!


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