Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on your heavy weight workout. Skipping the warm up usually isn't good but it did work for you today.

This morning I started with P30 Lower Body but my lower back was not happy with me this morning. So I stopped and did P30 Mobility Basics instead. My back was much happier with that. Now I am going to get a bit of cleaning done and then go out to my mom's to take her out for a bit.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on switching up workouts and doing P30 MB! Glad that made your back happier. Hope you have a great time with your mom.

This morning was my sleep in day. It was ok sleep but I am glad I got an extra hour or so. I am so ready for the weekend! I think it is supposed to be somewhat nice weather!

Have a great weekend!
Julie Nice that you got to sleep in. Enjoy your weekend.

This morning was Rev'd up Rumble. Now I need to get to the SPCA to help out.

Cheryl Congratulations on your 4the place in the regatta in such a hard division and remembering your sunscreen! Congrats on the Canucks win, both our teams are hanging in there! Great jo bon P30 UB+Core!

Julie Great jo bon your heavy full body workout. That was scary about almost missing reracking your weights, I think it was definitely a sign that you were done.

Cheryl Great job on LIHI Hiit + ES! Oh boy, I hate cleaning windows and screens, good for you getting that done!

Julie Great job on your heavy workout without much warm up! Sometimes you just do what you have to do!

Cheryl Great job on listening to your body and switching it up to MB!

Julie I hope you have a great weekend!

I had a nice time at the beach, but did a lot of eating and drinking and not much activity. We did go for a walk on the beach on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday morning we went out for a bike ride, but it started to rain so we only did 2 miles. Then we spent the rest of the day shopping. This morning was To the Max. I think that is the most sweaty I have gotten from a workout in a lot time and my face was as red as a tomato when I finished. Today I am getting laundry done and getting the house cleaned and packing because we are headed to Virginia for the weekend To meet up with one of DHs college friends and his wife. Have a great weekend!

Pam I am glad that you had a great time at the beach. I am sure that it was nice just to eat and drink and not do much else. Great job on TTM. Enjoy your time in Virginia. Sorry about the Canes getting knocked out.

This morning was LITE Metabolic Blast. Now I need to get some vacuuming done.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on RUR and LITE MB!

Pam Glad you had such a good time. Sometimes it is nice to take a break from activity and just relax. Great job on TTM! What a workout to come back to! Hope you had a great time visiting DH's college friend.

Friday I did a heavy workout and then did a bunch of stuff around the house. Saturday was a mobility session and then I went to my mom's and did some meal stuff for her and stained her floors and did some touch up painting. Sunday was another heavy workout and then my lazy day and this morning I slept in. I needed it because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep for over an hour.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy weight workouts and mobility workout. I hate those nights when you wake up and can't get back to sleep.

Saturday was dragon boat practice. It was pouring rain until I left and then the rain held off until the very end of our practice. It was cold though, it took me hours to warm up after I got home. Sunday was a very lazy day, maybe a bit too lazy. This morning I did PHA 2 and now I am going to get some cleaning done. It is a holiday here today so we are going out for dinner with the family tonight.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Oh good for making it through dragon boat practice in the cold. At least the rain stopped for practice. I need a bit too lazy, lazy day; sounds nice. Great job on PHA 2! Hope you had a great family dinner.

This morning I did a heavy weight workout or at least did my best. Petunia doesn't sleep in our bed often but she decided to last night and she was right in the crook of my knees and I couldn't move all night because you know you can't move your babies when they are snuggling you. I woke up with the biggest cramp in my right lat muscle. It hurt just trying to do cat in cat/cow. Un-racking my barbell for squats was torture but the actual squat wasn't too bad but I did have to lower weight as I was just all around struggling. Oh well, not every day can be a strong day.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LITE MB!

Julie Great job on your heavy workout, house work, mobility, heavy workout and sleep in day. I hate those nights when you wake up and can’t get back to sleep. You were really busy at your mom’s too!

Cheryl It’s nice that the rain held out for dragon boat practice, but the cold doesn’t sound like much fun at ll. That is the worst when you can’t get warm! Too lazy?! No Way! Great job on PHA 2, I hope you enjoyed your family dinner!

Julie Great job on your heavy weight workout! I totally understand that you just can’t disturb the babies. It’s crazy the sacrifices that we make for them.

We had a really nice time in Virginia.It was Trail Days in Damascus Virginia so they were having an outdoor festival and had a parade for the Appalachian Trail hikers.There are 5 big trails that all go through Damascus, but every year around this weekend the AT through hikers tend to hit Damascus and we just happened to be there for it. On Sunday we did the Virginia Creeper bike trail. It’s 17 miles, but it’s all downhill so you hardly even have to peddle. They drive you to the top and then you bike down. It’s in the woods all along this really pretty river and is beautiful. This morning I had to drop Carolina (mom of the Purricanes ) at the vet for her spay, and a guy met me there to bring me a new kitten. Then It was Afterburn and the abs from Turbo Barre. Not sure what’s in store for the rest of the day, maybe reading by the pool . Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your heavy weight workout. What we do for our fur babies. Willow likes to lay right in the middle of the bed so you have to move around her and then sometimes she will crawl on top of me and purr and drool in my ear.

Pam That sounds like a lot of fun you had in Virginia. Going downhill is always the best. I love the names of your new cats. Great work on Afterburn and the abs from Turbo Barre. Reading by the pool sounds nice.

Dinner was really good last night. When we got home DH had recorded the Canucks game 7 game against Edmonton. We lost so we are out of the playoffs. Oh well they went further than anyone thought they would at the beginning of the season. This morning was Step Sync. Now I need to get ready to go to the dentist for a cleaning and then I need to get groceries. We have an extra dragon boat practice tonight to get us ready for Concord Pacific next month. It is the biggest dragon boat regatta in North America and it is fun to race against teams from around the world.

Have a great day.

Pam That sounds like a great time in Virginia and downhill sounds like my kind of biking! Great job on AB and abs from TB! That is so cute, the Purricanes!

Cheryl Sorry your team lost but it sounds like they had a great season. Oh my, not sure I could handle the drool in the ear. Great job on SS! Hope the dentist cleaning went well with no surprises. Fingers crossed the extra practices pay off for the big regatta in a month.

This morning, my back was feeling better but not 100%. I knew I probably shouldn't have tried to workout but thought let's see what happens. Well I got into the 1st set of deadlifts and my lower left back said nope on the 2nd rep. I decided I better just do some stretching and call it a day. This week has not been my week.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Sorry that the Canucks are out. I’m not sure who I’m rooting for now, I think it will be anyone but the Rangers! Great job on SS! it sounds likeyou had a busy day, I hoope the extra practice pays off for you!

Julie It sounds like you were smart and didn’t push it when your back was telling you no. Hopefully it will be back to 100% again soon!

This morning was Killer legs and the barre bonus. It’s funny because I am pretty sure I did the one before, but I didn’t remember it at all. It was pretty good though. Have a great day!

Julie I have days when my back says no to deadlifts too. Good for you in doing stretches instead. Hopefully you will be 100% again soon.

Pam Great job on Killer Legs and the barre bonus.

So dragon boat practice was cancelled last night. It was raining really hard and the wind had kicked up which made it dangerous to be on the water. I wasn't sad though as I really didn't want to be out in that. I got a horrible nights sleep so I had no energy this morning. All I did was STS 2 Mobility 2 and it was an effort to get that done.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on KL plus BB! It must not have been too memorable the first time through.

Cheryl Glad you were all safe and cancelled practice. That would be scary to be out there with that weather. Sorry about the bad sleep. Great job on picking STS 2 Mobility 2 with low energy.

This morning was my sleep in day not that I was going to work out anyway. My low back is still not happy but I can tell it is not quite as bad as yesterday. So happy it is a long weekend. I am looking forward to nice weather (hopefully) and relaxing some (hopefully).

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl I think I would have been happy about practice being cancelled in that weather! Great job on Mobility 2 when you had no energy!

Julie I’m glad to hear that your lower back is continuing to improve And I hope you get some nice weather for the long weekend!

This morning was Hard Strikes. I made it through the su/pu combo, but I was behind from the very first set. I can usually keep up with them for the first 2-3 sets, but not today! I did all of the push ups on my knees too. I was glad that was the workout with only 6 rounds instead of 8. This afternoon I have book club and it’s the book I picked, so I’m not looking forward to leading the discussion . Have a great day.

Julie Glad to hear that your back is getting better. Enjoy your long weekend and enjoying the weather and relaxing.

Pam Great job on Hard Strikes and getting through the SU/PU combo. I am sure you will do fine leading the book club discussion.

This morning was PHA 3. I really like that workout except for the PU/dip combo at the end. Our SPCA transfer isn't coming until sometime this afternoon so I am hoping to get all the housework and laundry done before they call me to come in.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PHA 3! I like that one too but also am not a fan of the PU/dip combo. Cathe sure does like her push ups! I hope you were able to get all of your housework done before you had to go to the SPCA!

Yesterday was a nice day so DH and I went for a bike ride. It was really hard because we haven’t ridden in a while! Then we chilled by the pool a bit and someone came to meet the kittens, It was someone who adopted 2 of my kittens a few months ago, but they lost one to FIP ☹️. It looks like they will be taking one of the Purricanes after they have their spay/neuter surgery. This morning was Ramped up upper body and the bonus abs. Now I’m not sure what’s in store for the rest of the day. Have a great day!

Pam Good job on your bike ride and RUUB. That is sad that they lost one of the kittens to FIP, but nice that they will adopt one of the Purricanes.

Friday I met up with a friend for a walk in the morning. Then I needed to take Zoey for a quick walk since our friend needed to leave early for work. Then I went out to my mom's to take her out since I didn't get out there on Wednesday. After I got home I had to take Zoey out again and feed her since our friend was going to be late getting home. This morning was dragon boat practice and it was a hard one. I really felt like I had a workout. Then I went out and met up with a friend for tea. In a little bit I am going to the SPCA for a paint night to raise funds for our shelter. I will see how I do since the only painting I have ever done is paint by numbers when I was a lot younger.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on your walks and your tough dragon boat practice1 How was your paint night? We did a couple of paint your pet fundraisers a few years ago that were really fun. They were basically like a paint by number though because they had you send in a picture of your pet and they copied it in black and white onto a canvas that you painted.

Yesterday was RWH LI Hiit One and then a mostly lazy day. This morning was Imax 2 since I had been missing those Jeannie hops . We had to buy a new washing machine because the old one started leaking. I guess it’s hard to complain though since it was over 30 years old! The new one was just delivered so DH will have to get it hooked up after golf. Have a great day!

Pam Paint night was fun though I am not a painter. All we had were a few cat shapes that we could trace and then everything else was free hand. There were some people who were really talented, but I was not one of those people. Great job on RWH LI Hiit 1 and Imax 2. 30 years is a long time for a washer so it didn't owe you anything more. Enjoy your new machine.

I haven't been drinking enough water so I am very dehydrated and have no energy. This morning I just did some yoga as I am very stiff and sore too. Yep I am feeling very old today and I need to revamp my days to get back feeling better. I am going to brave Costco today, hopefully it won't be too busy.

Have a great day.


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