Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on S&H C&B! I always thought it was Cathe that was mean putting pushups after heavy weight work but the program I am running right now does the same thing. Hope you have a great time in MA!

Friday I did a heavy weight workout and hit a PR on my deadlifts. After that I went to my parents and helped them with some things and got some of their stuff dropped off at Goodwill. Saturday was mobility and then a bunch of stuff around the house. Sunday I decided to take full advantage of deload week and took it off but DH and I did get a walk in. This morning was my sleep in day.

Have a great day!
Julie Wow Petunia sure did do a number on your glasses. Good thing that she did eat the lenses.

Pam Great job on S&H Chest and Back. I struggle with the push ups in that one after all the chest work I don't have any strength left for the pushups. Enjoy your hiking trip with your friends.

Julie Good job on your heavy weight workout and hitting a PR on your deadlifts, your mobility work and your walk.

Sorry I have been MIA but it has been a pretty busy week. When I went out to my mom's for some reason her debit card stopped working, so we went to the bank to get it fixed but when she tried to use it again it didn't work. Very frustrating but we didn't have time to go back to the bank and stand in line again. Thursday I did STS 2 Chair Yoga. Then I needed to take Tango into the vet for an early morning appointment. Then I dropped him back at home and went to the SPCA. It was a really busy day and I didn't get home until 4pm. Friday morning I had to leave really early to get out to my mom's to get her to the heart failure unit in the hospital for her appointment. We need to set up an appointment for some blood work and then go back and see him next month. After that I took her back to the bank to try to fix her debit card. Again we though it was fixed since it worked at the bank machine but when she tried to use it in the store it was declined again. I am not sure what is wrong but we have ordered her a new one so hopefully that one will work. After I got home I got the laundry and some housework done. Saturday was dragon boat practice and in the afternoon I did some yard work. Sunday morning I met up with a friend for a walk and then went to the farmers market. In the afternoon we went with our friend down to Starbucks to have coffee and people watch. This morning I did STS 2 Total Body Giant Sets. It was hard since I am pretty tired but I made it through. I think I am going to not do too much today and mostly relax.

Have a great day.

Cheryl No worries on being MIA, sounds like you have been very busy. Great job on STS Chair Yoga, dragon boating, your walk, and STS 2 TBGS! What a bummer about your mom's card. Is it the same store? Maybe there is something wrong with that store's readers. DH used to have a problem with just one of his cards at a specific gas station but that card worked everywhere else.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. This next program is back to upper/lower splits and that makes me so happy as the full body workouts 4 days a week were just to fatiguing to me.

Have a great day!
Julie No her card doesn't work at multiple stores. Very frustrating for sure. Good job on your heavy upper body workout. Full body workouts 4 days a week would tire me out too. I prefer the upper lower body splits.

This morning I did Yoga Relax. I was very stiff and sore so I definitely need to do more of that. Then I went and got groceries. Tonight it will be dragon boat practice and hopefully the rain will hold off.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on YR! Hopefully the rain held off and you got a good dragon boating practice in. That is very frustrating especially if the bank can't figure it out. Hopefully the new one works.

This morning was a heavy upper body weight workout. I was pretty tired so it was quite the struggle but I made it.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body weight workout, especially when you were feeling tired.

So the rain held off last night but it was windy and the water was really choppy. It felt like we were in a washing machine with the way the waves were tossing us around. This morning was STS 2 Total Body Super Sets and then I went and did a short walk.. In the afternoon I went out to my mom's and took her out.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Well glad the rain held off but bummer about the wind. Maybe it was a good strength builder? Great job on STS TBSS and your walk!

This morning was my sleep in day. Always wish I can sleep in longer but at least it is the weekend. I did go to the eye doctor yesterday and unfortunately still need glasses. They didn't have any I liked but ordered a pair that I can try in when it comes in. I am also going to order a cheap pair from Costco for a backup but will probably get those first!

Have a great weekend!
Julie I need to wear glasses too but not all the time. Mainly for reading. I am going to get my eyes tested tomorrow morning. Hopefully my prescription stays the same and I don't need new ones. Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday morning I did yoga. Then I went to the SPCA to help out. Friday I took as a day off and I got all the laundry and housework done. Then I needed to go to the vet to pick up fluid for Tango. He is now on subcutaneous fluids every 2nd day to help with his kidneys. Saturday was dragon boat practice and the rain held off until we were done. It was a great practice and we did 5 500 meter pieces to get us ready for our regatta next weekend. Fingers crossed that we do well. This morning I went to the farmers market. It has been raining like crazy here and I am looking forward to some nicer weather. We call this Juneuary since it is very cold and dreary outside.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! Does Tango do well with getting the fluid shots? Glad the rain held off and you got a great dragon boating practice in. Oh man, I wish I could share some of the heat here. We have been in the 90s the last weekend and will be through next at least.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some things around the house. Saturday was a mobility workout and then I went to my mom's to help them pack up and throw some things out. They still have so much to do but I guess that is what happens when you have accumulated stuff for 70+ years. Sunday was a heavy upper body day and then a walk with DH before it got scorching hot. This morning was my sleep in day.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on yoga and housework. I hate giving Sub-Q fluids to cats, I hope Tango is a good patient! I’m glad you had a great practice and the rain held off for it. Juneuary, that sounds awful!

Julie Great jo bon your heavy lower gody workout, mobility, and heavy upper body workout! How long have your parents been in the same house? It is so much work to clean out!

Last week was a lot of fun. it was a great group of women and the guides were awesome. We hiked 66-67 miles over 6 days and some of them were very long days. We did get rain one morning and I have never really hiked in the rain before, but it wasn’t bad at all. Luckily everyones rain gear held up. I got home Friday afternoon and then took Saturday as a rest day. I was feeling pretty good until I did Rockout Knockout yesterday and it made my knees ache. They are feeling better now but I wasn’t expecting that. This morning was LITE Strong Body Stacked sets upper + abs and extended stretch. I’m sure I’ll be sore because I got no upper body work last week. Have a great day!

Julie No Tango isn't a fan of the fluids and I need to hang on to him tight while it is being done so he doesn't take off with the needle in him. I remember helping my mom move and there was a lot of stuff to pack up or throw out. They had been in the same house for over 60 years. I don't envy you at all. Great job on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility workout and your heavy upper body workout and walk.

Pam No Tango is not a good patient. He keeps on wanting to jump down and get away so it makes it a bit stressful for me. Wow that is a lot of miles to walk but if you are with a great group it makes it a lot more fun. Good work on Rockout Knockout and SS Upper + abs + Extended Stretch.

This morning was P30 Upper Body. Then I went to get my eyes checked. Everything looks good though I do need a new prescription. I may try to get that done tomorrow afternoon.

Have a great day.

Pam They have only lived in this house for about 10 years but when they moved, they literally packed everything up from their old house they had been in for 30 years and moved it. They maybe threw out a few things but not a lot. Wow that is a lot of hiking. I would need a rest week after that. Great job on RK but bummer about the knees. Do you think that was from the hiking? Great job on LITE SBSS UB plus abs and ES!

Cheryl Oh poor Tango. I am sure he doesn't understand it is for his own good. I'm sure you have to be sneaky about it to so he doesn't see you coming with the needle. Great job on P30 UB! Glad your eyes are good except the new prescription.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. I was super tired when I got up so wasn't expecting a good session but the caffeine I took kicked in and it ended up being pretty good.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout. Isn't caffeine great, I need it every morning :D.

This morning was P30 Mobility Basics and bonus abs. Now I need to go and get some groceries and then after that I think I am going to go and pick out some new glasses. Tonight is our last dragon boat practice before our regatta this weekend. Hopefully our practice feels as good as it did last Saturday.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on P30 Mobility Basics and Bonus Abs! Yes caffeine is amazing. It is like a miracle when it kicks in and I actually feel like I can make it through the workout/day. Hope you had a great practice!

This morning was a heavy upper body workout and another much needed caffeine session. I don't know what is going on with my sleep and energy lately but I feel like I need to do a shut down restart like a computer.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh that is the worst when you are trying to give a squirmy cat fluids. I am always worried about them taking off with the needle in them. That’s very stressful! Great job on P30 UB.

Julie My mom had only lived in her house for 7 years when she moved out, but it was a similar situation where she had just moved everything from the last house. It took us forever to get it cleaned out. I don’t envy you that job at all! I do think my knees are feeling the after-effects of the hiking. They were achy again last night. Great job om your heavy lower body workout and the caffeine boost helping you make it through!

Cheryl Great job on MB and abs! I hope you find some glasses that you like and you have a great practice!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. That would be awesome if we could do a shutdown and restart when we need it!

Looks like I forgot to post yesterday. I had to drop the purricanes at the vet for their surgeries and then did LITE Strong Body stacked sets upper. After that I relaxed a bit until I had to go pick up the kittens. The people who were adopting Jarvy met me at the vet to pick him up, and they ended up taking Stormy too! Someone else is supposed to be taking the other 2, so that litter didn’t even make it to the website. Not sure if I mentioned that they had 2 kittens waiting for me when I got home. They are both orange and I named them Mac and Cheese. Last night we went to a concert, but we left early because I was feeling bad. I’m not sure what was going on, I think it was the heat and this really sweet fruity drink that I had. We came home and I went right to bed and I’m feeling pretty good this morning, but I just did a Stretch Max. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on LITE SBSSUB! Oh wow that is great that there were so many quick adoptions. Mac and Cheese is adorable names. Oh man, I am sorry you had to leave the concert early and weren't feeling well. Glad you were feeling better in the morning. Good job on doing SM after a rough night!

This morning was my sleep in day. This week was a crazy week. We got solar panels put on the roof. They are not turned on yet, just installed. But the dogs were going nuts with all the commotion, people, and noise. I am glad they are done now. I felt so bad for the workers being on the roof in 100 degree heat index weather.

Have a great weekend!
Julie The woman who was supposed to be adopting Fishy and Chatty just changed her mind. i’m not totally surprised but also a little mad. She was over here 3 times, sent me about 2000 texts, and was not very nice about me letting the little boy who lost his kitten pick whoever he wanted to. I am kind’e glad she won’t be getting them at this point! I hope that you had a good sleep in day. I’ll be anxious to hear what you think about the solar panels once you have had them for awhile. I don’t now how anyone who works outside does it on these crazy hot days, but especially the guys on roofs!

This morning I did Flex Train. I never really remember what that one is like and then once I’m doing it I remember it’s not really a favorite. I got through it though and will try to remember that for the next time . Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout and your much needed caffeine session. Sometimes I would love to reboot like a computer too.

Pam That is great that Jarvy and Stormy got adopted, I love the names Mac and Cheese for the two orange cats. Great job on LITE SS Upper. That sucks that you weren't feeling well and needed to leave the concert early. Glad that you are feeling better and did Stretch Max.

Julie What a great idea to get solar panels. Yikes being on a roof in 100 degree heat does not sound good at all.

Pam Great work on Flex Train and the dreaded pu/su combo.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I did P30 Lower Body then I needed to get out to my mom's to take her to a doctors appointment. This morning was LITE Cardio Party and now I need to get ready to go to the SPCA.

Have a great day.

Good morning,

I took today as my day off. I have the Concord Pacific Regatta this weekend so it will be very busy. I need to get things organized and ready for the next two days. The hardest thing about this weekend is that there will be about a 7 hour wait between our first and second race tomorrow. That is a lot of time to kill. There are more teams this year at 225 so that is why there is such a gap between races. I will let you know how we did on Monday.

Have a great weekend.


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