Strength in Numbers

Julie Great work on your heavy lower body workout, your stretch session and your heavy upper body workout. Sorry that you are getting a crappy sleep. Moving and packing everything up is stressful. It all will get done though even if it feels like it won't.

Pam No it wasn't an adoption event, it was to let people know what we do and seeing if we can get some more volunteers or fosters to help us out. Good job on Imax 2. It is gloomy here today too. I am not unhappy about it though. I am looking forward to some cooler weather.

This morning was LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body. Now I need to get some things done around here since it is much cooler out.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Imax 2! I hope you didn't end up getting more rain. I am sure you are all rained out for awhile.

Cheryl Great job on LITE SSLB! Yeah, I keep telling myself that it will get done one way or another and I just need to relax. Now if I could only listen to myself better!

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. I actually got decent sleep last night and didn't wake up freaking out about the move. Let's hope that trend continues.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and getting a decent nights sleep.

This morning was LITE Stacked Sets Upper Body. Now I need to go and get groceries and stop at the vets for some meds for Tango. Then I need to get to an ophthalmologist appointment. I need DH to come with me since I won't be able to drive afterwards since I need the lovely drops put in.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SSLB! I hope you were able to get some people interested in volunteering or fostering.

Julie We got a little rain yesterday but it ended up being a mostly pretty day and I did get the grass cut. Great job on your heavy lower body workout and getting a decent sleep! I know you will be so relieved when the move is finished.

Cheryl Great job on SSUB! Oh yuck, I hate getting the drops in my eyes. I hope all goes well with the appointment.

This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 1 and No equipment abs. I thought i might be needing to take Cheese in to the vet because her spay incision has a blood blister or something on it. I sent some pictures to the vet and they didn’t seem too worried but said I can bring her in if I want to?! So for now I’m just keeping an eye on it. She has been wearing a surgery suit so she isn’t licking it and she is acting fine, so hopefully it’s nothing. Have a great day!

Cheryl Great job on LITE SSUB! Wow you had a busy afternoon yesterday. Hope the eye doctor visit went well.

Pam Great job on STS 2 UB1 and NE abs! Oh poor Cheese. Hope it gets better and she doesn't need to see the vet.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. I got ok sleep last night. Tomorrow I am taking off work and going to pack up some more things at my parents. I think that will be my whole weekend. Talk to you next Monday.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I hope that your packing at your parents goes well and you get some time to take it easy also.

This morning was Step Blast, always a fun one. It looks like a pretty day today (hooray!) so I’m going to try to get some time outside after getting the cat room cleaned. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2 Upper Body 1 and No Equipment Abs. I hope everything goes well for Cheese and her spay incision.

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout. I hope you get everything packed up at your parents place and that you still get some time to relax.

Pam Great work on Step Blast. Glad that you are getting nicer weather again.

So I lucked out and I didn't need the drops. She said that my eyes looked great but next year they will need to dilate my pupils. Another good thing was our friend invited us over for burgers so I didn't need to make dinner either. This morning was STS 2 Mat Yoga. Now I need to get a few things done before I go out to my mom's.

Have a great day.

Cheryl That’s awesome that you didn’t need drops in your eyes AND your neighbor cooked for you! Sounds like a great day! Great job on STS 2 Mat yoga and LITE Cardio Party!

Thursday DH and I went for a bike ride for the first time in 2 1/2 months! it was hard, but we got through it. Thursday night was the wish ball DH was very happy about a bottle of bourbon that he got in the silent auction, I bid on a couple of things, but didn’t win either of them. Friday morning DH and i went for a 6 mile hike. It was so hot and humid out that it really wiped me out. He did it with a 40 pound pack because he is going on a back-packing trip with Eric (our oldest) this week and thought he should at least see what it was like to hike with a heavy pack before he goes . This morning was Athletic Training, then I sprayed the weeds and trimmed some bushes. I still have more to trim but I didn’t feel like doing anymore today. Julie, I hope everything is going well with the packing at your parents! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on SB! I hope you were able to get some time outside since it was nice out. Great job on your bike ride and hike with DH! Wow that is impressive he went with a 40 pound pack but makes sense. Great job n AT! Yard work can be quite the workout.

Cheryl Oh yea you didn't need drops and not having to make dinner! What a lucky day! Great job on LITE CP!

Thursday and Friday I went to my parents and did get a lot of packing done but there is still some to do. Friday I did do a heavy lower body workout, Saturday a mobility workout, and Sunday was upper body. Today is my rest day. I will be offline for the rest of the week. I am going to my parents Tuesday to finish up packing, Wednesday I have to take my mom to the airport, Thursday the movers are coming to load everything into the truck, Friday and Saturday I am driving with my dad from IL to NC (stopping in WV for the night to rest) and then Sunday I will be flying home. It is deload week on the program I am doing which works out since I don't think I will be doing any workouts this week.

Have a great day! Talk to you next Monday!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, mobility, upper body, and all of that packing! i hope everything goes well this week with the move. It is sure going to be a busy week for you!

Yesterday was my rest day. I had two wish deliveries, so did a lot of driving. This morning was the original Imax. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your two bike rides and Athletic Training. That is nice that your DH won a bottle of bourbon that he bid on.

Julie Oh wow you are going to have quite the week. I hope everything goes well with the move.

Pam Good work on the original Imax.

So Friday I did PHA 2, then I got the housework and laundry done. Saturday morning was dragon boating and it was really hot out so I didn't do much in the afternoon. Sunday I met up with a friend for a walk and then had another lazy afternoon. This morning was XTrain Legs. I haven't done that one in a long time. Now I think I am going to get groceries and then I need to stop at the vets to pick up some meds for Tango.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PHA2, housework, laundry, dragon boating, your walk, and XTrain legs! Did you have a meet on Saturday, or was it just a practice?

This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 2 and standing abs metabolic core workout or whatever the heck it’s called! Now I’m figuring out what I’m going to do with the rest of my day. Have a great day!

Pam No it was just a practice on Saturday. Great work on STS 2 Upper Body 2 and the metabolic core workout. I hope you find something fun to do with the rest of your day.

This morning a bunch of us took the dragon boat out for a spin. We had some new people with us so it was a pretty easy paddle. We were lucky that the rain held out too. After that I came home and did STS 2 Mobility 2. Now I am trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my day.

Cheryl Great job on your impromptu dragoon boat practice and Mobility 2. I hope you found something fun to do for the rest of the day!

This morning was P30 Yoga. I was up really early because I heard Squeaky up to something and it turned out she was eating the rubber straw on my drink cup . Luckily she hadn’t swallowed any of it, but I couldn’t get to sleep again after that so I just got up. Now I have a shopping spree wish for the rest of the day, so that should be fun. Have a great day!

Pam Yesterday afternoon I just decided to take that car through the car wash and then went to the mall and picked up a couple of new tops. Great job on P30 Yoga. Good thing that Squeaky didn't swallow any of your straw. Enjoy your wish shopping spree.

This morning was XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. Now I need to get ready to go out to my mom's to take her out shopping.

Have a great day.

Cheryl That sounds like a pretty nice relaxing day. Great job on XTrain CBS. I hope you and your mom had a nice time.

This morning was Party Rocking Step 1. I liked it better than I remember , then I did the abs from Step, jump, pump. Now I have book club and then will probably just chill out. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on PRS 1 and SPJ abs. Enjoy your book club and your relaxing afternoon.

This morning was AOLIH. It has been a very long time since I have done that one. Now I need to get ready to help out at the SPCA.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH. That one always sneaks up on my. I hope everything went well at the SPCA.

This morning was STS 2 Lower Body 2. I remembered to use my Versa grips and they helped. Then I had a wish delivery. They are going to the US Open in NY next weekend and are really excited about it. Have a great day!

Good morning. This morning was LITE Metabolic Blast + the calorie crush and 6 pack abs 2. it sounds like a lot but it’s a short workout so that was an hour total. This afternoon I have a wish delivery at a Fire Station. They are going to Disney, but he wants to be a fireman when he grows up . Have a great day!


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