Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on your upper body workout. I hope your appointments go well and that it didn't rain for you.

This morning was STS 2 Mobility 2 and the Mini Ball Abs. Then I had to go out to my mom's as she needed some blood work done. It was raining really hard here and it was hard to see at time when I was on the freeway. The rain is suppose to ease up and then just be cloudy for the next several days.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS Mobility 2 and Mini Ball Abs! I hate driving in the rain especially when it is super heavy rain or is dark. I'm glad you were safe in your drive.

My appointments went quick yesterday which was great! This morning was my sleep in day. I think I slept weird and have a pinched nerve in my neck. Gonna try to sit with a heating pad on my neck and see if that helps get it worked out.

Have a great day!
Julie Glad to hear that your appointments were quick. I hope the heating pad helps with your pinched nerve.

This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 1. Now I need to go help at the SPCA. We are getting a lot of kittens today.

Have a great day.


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