Strength in Numbers

Today I did yoga at Lululemon. It felt good and the class was really crowded. I think word is getting around that they offer free yoga on Sunday mornings.

Janie You are getting along really well with those two dogs. Sometimes the big dogs can be nicer than some small dogs. Well at least two of them really like you maybe in time the third will too. Good thing you were in the hot tub to wash the slime away. I think the cold wet weather is doing me in. At least we have had sunshine for the past several days. That has really helped. Today I got out in the garden to do some clean up. There is still a lot to do but I will get there. Poor Tigger he does need some exercise but he his very hard to walk :D. We have some diet food for him so we are seeing what he likes better. I think he has some eating issues, since we got him when he was two years old I don't know if he had to fight for food as a kitten. It just makes things hard for the other two who know how to graze during the day. I am now only feeding all of them once in the morning and once at night. I take the food away during the day. It will take them time to adjust but I hope that this will help Tigger lose weight.
Cheryl, Great job on your yoga. I had to laugh at the Mastiff, because, I splashed some water over the tub, and she jumped at it in joy. It was so funny and scary at the same time, because when she wanted more she would bark. That bark! So deep, so loud, made me nervous to play anymore. I'll get use to it, I hope. I told her she can leave now, but she wouldn't, she wanted more petting.:D Garden. I have so much to do in mine.:( Sounds like you have everything under control for Tiggers diet. He'll get there.:D You have a good approach for everyone.

Julie You are doing awesome with those pushups, if it had been me, I would've counted that 39 1/2! You are so good doing 10 more! Great job on your double header of MMA Boxing and MM too! Obviously the pushups are working since you were able to do all of the pushups on your toes in the workout! Yea!
Hehehe, I think I did hear Cathe's evil laugh while I was doing my workouts on Saturday! And I'm SURE the firewalker band broke due to my amazing strength :p;) I am looking forward to trying the foam roller, although most people seem to say they have a love/hate relationship with theirs. I am very interested in giving it a try.

Cheryl Sorry to hear that you had another bad week :( at least you are being smart and listening to your body and giving it the rest that it needs though.
Oh boy, 7 pounds is a lot for a cat to lose! That will be hard, especially when you have other cats! Ours are used to just going and grazing whenever. We have one that could stand to lose a few pounds too. Anytime I start cooking he is immediately in the kitchen rubbing around my legs. We don't feed him from the table, but he still tries all the time. And he waits for things to fall on the floor. I have never had a cat that was so food obsessed before!
I sure hope you have a better week this week, glad to hear you were able to get to Yoga on Sunday!

Janie This is so cute about the dogs coming to visit you in the hot tub! Nice that her slime wasn't an issue :p I just love big dogs, I think they can be even bigger babies than the little ones!
Janie, your jewelry is absolutely beautiful! I could not believe it when you said that the beads are made out of paper?! That is incredible. Are you going to open up and ebay store or something? Those necklace and earring sets are especially beautiful!

Yesterday was a rest day for me. I did do my LBB barre work in the morning because I never got to it on Saturday. We had some of our neighbors over for dinner Saturday night and did a murder mystery dinner where we all dressed up in costumes and had a part to play. It was set in a winery and I was Marilyn Merlot! It was fun, unfortunately the batteries were dead in BOTH of our cameras so we got no pictures :mad: Oh well. This morning was Body Max 2 in it's entirety. Such a fun workout. After that I did week 5 day 1 column 1 of the pushups. I can't believe how much easier column 1 is than column 2! There is a big difference, I felt like I was cheating. I did 17/19/15/15/20 Then I realized that the last set was a minimum of 20 so I should've kept going :mad: I had been so used to either just barely squeeking out the minimum or not quite getting there that I forgot! So I did another set but could only manage 17. I hope everyone has a great Monday. Cheryl sending lots of positive thoughts your way for a good week! Helen Hope you stop in to say hi soon!

Yesterday I did 45 minutes of Yoga, then I did my pushup test and got 45 on my toes, and finally I did Stretch Max segment 3. That many pushups puts me in column 3 of week 5. I was kind of hoping for column 2 because 3 looks scary! :confused: Oh well. We’ll see how I do starting tomorrow. This morning was Imax. Tonight will be another repeat of week 3 of level of the pull-up challenge.

Cheryl I am so sorry you have run into a cold and poor Tigger has to go on a diet! I hated having to put Maggie on a diet! We fed her ½ C of food twice a day with a ½ C of pureed green beans to add as filler. She hated the green beans but it got her weight down and I didn’t feel like I was starving her too bad. Great job on making it to Yoga on Sunday. I bet it was just what your body needed to help with the cold and stress!

Janie I hope you enjoyed your rest days! I love the story about the dogs. It is nice to see you becoming more at ease with them. That will make the upcoming nicer weather even better for your walks with Rolly! Your jewelry is amazing! I can’t believe that is made from magazine paper!!! You are so creative! I wish I had that type of creativity in me.

Pam Great job doing LBB Barre on Sunday and Body Max 2 (I agree that one is fun and works you good!). That party sounded fun. I was invited to one of those once but couldn’t go. I don’t think my DH would enjoy it but I would! That’s too funny about stopping on the last set of pushups! I probably would have done the same thing since I have just been squeaking by on the last set. Even with moving to column 1 you still did over 100 puhsups which is just amazing!!

Have a very happy Monday!
Julie Looks like it's just you and me right now! I hope everyone else is doing well. Good for you doing yoga. I need it badly but it's just not something I enjoy. :confused: 45 pushups!! WOWOWOWOWOWOWW! I agree though, I would be afraid of column 3. You will do great though! Imax too, good for you!
The murder mystery party was fun, but kind've cheesy. I don't think I would do it again. I was surprised that DH agreed to do it, but I think it was because he was a 'pot stirrer' which was a perfect role for him.

This morning was Intensity, which is my new favorite workout. It seems like just when you think you are going to die and can't do anything more she switches things up which helps you go on. That last blast with the plie jacks just kills me though! Tonight I am supposed to do the BBW and no equipment abs. This rotation is a killer. I have been really really hungry too which is not helping me! Tomorrow is supposed to be 4DS kickbox AND LBB! I'm not sure I will get them both in. It's hard to do a double header during the week.
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

I did my pull-ups last night: 10 assisted, 8 australian, 9 assisted, 9 australian, and 1 max hang of 5 seconds. Before I did those, I tried baby pull-ups again. DH watched me and said he saw me move up and down twice. I tried for a third but it just wasn’t happening. Yesterday afternoon, I started to feel a slight cough coming on. Last night, I kept waking up during the night with a scratchy throat and a dry cough!!! Ugh!!!! I did manage to squeak out Cardio Core Circuit this morning despite the throat, cough, and poor sleep. I was really looking forward to this morning’s workout because I hadn’t done CCC in so long and I didn’t get to enjoy it. Right now I am sipping hot tea and hoping that I will have it in me to attempt my pushups tonight when I get home.

Pam Great job on Intensity! I have to say I love that workout too and am so glad I got it. There is just so much variety and it seems to fly by so quickly. Plie jacks are killers! Especially when they are stuck at the end or middle of a workout. Put it more towards the beginning and I might be able to do a decent job but when I am already pooped out, there is no way I can keep up. It does help that you do squat thrust jabs on the step in between sets. Helps but doesn’t alleviate the pain!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!
I was wondering why I'm still on top of the push ups, don't get me wrong, I'm barely making them by the skin of my teeth, but...How come you guys are so much younger than me and sometimes just can't pull off that last one? I thought I must be doing something wrong. Went on the internet and found out something.:eek::(:eek: When I do my push ups, (I measured) it takes two yoga blocks or 6 inches from the ground, then I do them as fast as I can. Not a complete push up if you ask me. Tomorrow I will retest myself and put one block on the ground to remind me that's how far I have to go before I can go back up. I've been such an idiot thinking I could be that good. Challenges: Even though I did the push ups the wrong way the real truth comes out tomorrow. Incomplete Push ups on toes with 60 sec. between sets: 40, 50, 25, 25, and 50.:eek: Preparing Pull Ups 60 sec. between sets: Assisted 7, Australian 7, Assisted 6, Australian 6 and one hang. Also did the baby pull ups. These are making things happen just a little more. Also did my weight training for the rest of my body. Had to use the Smith Machine (Home Gym) for my quads and hamstrings. I'm still motivated to continue because of all of you. You are my inspirations.:)

Pam, Hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday. Great job on your LBB Barre work. Murder Mystery dinner sounds like it would be so much fun. How is it played, rules? I looked it up on the internet. Is it that kind of game? If so, I think I'm getting me one. How fun! Great job on BM2, I like this one too. There is a huge difference on those two columns. You did fantastic on those push up challenges. Well done. You may be right about big dogs being sweeter than the little one. Never had these experiences before.:rolleyes: Don't know if my jewelery would sell on E-Bay. There are some beautiful sets out there and the competition is gruesome. Takes me so long sometimes (especially with the paper beads) to make. Thank you for the compliments.

Julie, Great job on your yoga and stretches yesterday. Also congratulations for making it on Week 5 column 3. Very well done. Great job on Imax. When the dogs come over Rolly is always in his shelter and the dogs come over to him to say hi. I haven't the nerve yet to see what they will do to him if he weren't protected. I keep thinking they are so huge, it wouldn't take much to hurt him.:(

Pam, Great job on Intensity. That one is a toughie. Cathe does seem to get you through it, dosen't she? I haven't done that one but only a couple of times, but do remember that it was hard.;)

Julie, Fantastic job on those Pull Ups, I think the baby pull ups work by getting you a little stronger, don't you? Great job this morning on CCC, even with your symptoms of a cold coming on. Good for you. Try and find some elderberry tea, suppose to help get rid of a cold.

I've been thinking that I would love to make each of you a piece of jewelry, but would need what colors you like and what style you like to wear. If you would want beads, or paper beads. Let me know (really) and I'll make them. Should I give them to you as they are done, or wait until Christmas to give them to you all at once? Up to you.

Here is a picture of the beads I have on hand: Just an idea, (if you like paper beads) what they look like.


The bowl goes deeper than you think and so you can't see all the ones underneath, but I think you get the idea.

You all are very special to me and inspire me to continue on my journey. Just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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OK I am going to try to post again today. Yesterday I did a long post and just when I was going to add my name POOF went my post. It was time for me to go to bed so I didn't try to do it again. So here I go.....hopefully I don't lose it this time :confused:.

Monday morning I did MMA Kickbox and it felt really good. I went to work and I was a bit late leaving, so to make my train I decided to take the subway instead of walking since the subway was faster. So I am going down the escalator and my feet slip out in front of me and I land on the escalator on my back and I slide down about four stair before I stop. People we asking me if I was OK and I was trying to get my skirt back down because I was showing more than I wanted to. I told them I was OK, I wasn't but I was more embarrased at the time and just wanted everyone to go away. The subway attendant came down to see if I was OK and if I needed first aid. I said that I didn't and that I was sore but there was nothing broken. So I get home and see that my elbow was bleeding and my butt had a big lump on it. It was a good thing that it was winter and I had a heavy coat on. I would hate to see what would have happened if it had of been summer. So right now my elbow is bruised along with my butt :(. My back hurts a bit but I don't know if it is from the fall your just my normal back pain. So I didn't workout this morning just to give myself time to recover. I am going to try again tomorrow.

Julie Good job on your yoga and the pull up challenge. It isn't fun having Tigger on a diet but it has to be done. He is overweight and we want him to live a long life.

Pam 7 pounds is a lot to lose. It is about the same as a human needing to lose 100 pounds. Two of our cats graze but for some reason Tigger is obsessed with food like yours is. He is always in the kitchen trying to convince me to give him something. Good job on all of your workouts. I am hoping that I will be back at it tomorrow. The murder mystery sounds like fun, I like your name Marilyn Merlot.

Janie I think big dogs can be really gentle. Sounds like she was having fun with the water. I saw the jewelry that you made and they are really nice. That is so nice of you to make us a piece of jewelry. I like all colors and I wear pretty much anything. I don't know what Pam, Julie and Helen would like. I am easy with with what everyone else would want.

Well before I lose my post again, Have a great Wednesday.

Julie You are doing great with those pull ups, keep up the good work! I bet your DH is proud of you. I hope you are feeling better today. I can't believe that you did CCC with a sore throat, cough and bad night's sleep. That workout is hard enough when you are feeling top notch!
Yes, I thought that was especially cruel of Cathe to put THREE sets of plie jacks at the end of that intense step segment. Yowza! I always feel so accomplished when I make it through it though!

Janie Even if you are 'cheating' a little on the pushups, you are still doing amazing and getting stronger every day. Don't beat your self up, just keep on plugging! Those numbers are amazing even if they are incomplete as you say. I don't think I could come close that that many!
The murder mystery thing was something that my neighbor got as a Christmas present. We each had a script and some things that we knew about ourselves that others didn't know and then for each round our booklet told us things to ask the other players as well as how to respond to what they were asking us.
I understand you not being interested in selling your jewelry on ebay. Folks have asked me about selling my glass, but it's something that I do for fun and relaxation and probably wouldn't enjoy it so much if I felt like I was having to do it. Besides with as long as it takes and as much as the materials cost it would be tough to actually make any money from it. Your jewelry really is gorgeous though, you have me very intrigued with the paper beads.
Wow, that is awfully kind and generous of you to offer to make us some of your beautiful work! I don't know what you call them but I love the paper beads that are long and thinner at both ends than in the middle. I think all the colors are gorgeous too.
Love love love the bowl of beads picture!!!

Cheryl Oh no! So sorry to hear about your fall on Monday. I know that you must've been terribly embarassed but it sounds like you really hurt yourself :( I hope you are doing better today! For once though thank goodness for the cold weather so that you did have that heavy coat on to help break the fall. Man, what a terrible way to end the day!
Good luck with Tigger's diet, I know that will be tough for all of you! How much does he weigh? Last time we weighed our cat I think he was 14 pounds, but I'm guessing he is heavier now. The other one is 8 pounds and light as a feather.

Last night when I got home I did my no equipment abs and the Bonus butt work. That BBW takes 30 mintues so I ended up with an extra 45+ minutes of workout. This morning was 4DS kickbox and I'm also supposed to do LBB later in the day?! :confused: I'm not sure I'm going to get that one in tonight. This rotation is crazy. Tonight I do need to do my pushups. Tomorrow is supposed to be a 40 minute steady state run, so I think instead I will do LBB tomorrow and then do a Hiit. We'll see. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Last night I tried to do column 3 of the pushup challenge. I actually made the first set of 36, the second set, I only got 30 reps in. That’s when I decided to move to column 2 and finished out the sets with 25, 22, and 35. This morning I woke up with a headache, sore throat, and congested cough. I really wanted to go back to bed but decided to give working out a chance. Today was Low Impact Circuit which is one of my favorites and while I finished it I just didn’t enjoy it because I couldn’t give it my all. The 5 lb. dumbbells felt so heavy. I didn’t even want to attempt to do any pushups on my toes. The only thing I felt I did decent on was the lying tricep extensions which are usually really hard for me. I should have stayed home from work but I guess I am just a glutton for punishment.

Janie You are not an idiot! I can’t tell you how many times I do something and am so proud that I can do as many as Cathe and then I realize I am doing a modified version and not going as deep or as heavy or whatever. You have done great with your challenges and recognizing that you need to pay a little more attention to your depth is another great step toward improving yourself. Also, I have to say that my pushups seem to get more shallow (or not as deep) as I get closer to maxing out. I really have to force myself to go deep towards the end. I have never measured how close I get to the ground but I am thinking it is around 3 inches. I’ll have to stick a yoga block under me next time I do them. Now on to those dogs! I know they look huge and I can only imagine you would think they could easily step on Rolly or accidentally kick him and he would be a goner but I have to tell you my 80 pound, 10-year-old boxer plays with my sister’s 20 pound, 2-year-old French bulldog and he has yet to hurt him. Somehow he is agile and aware enough to know to take it easier and step lighter. I will look for the elderberry tea this weekend. Unfortunately there are not any stores nearby that would sell that so I have to wait for my weekly trip into the big city! You are too sweet offering to make us jewelry! I feel like I have nothing to offer you in return. You really don’t have to do anything for me but if you have your heart set on it, my favorite color is blue but I wear almost all colors (except red). About the only piece of jewelry I don’t own is a bracelet. The paper beads are just gorgeaous but I know you said the they take longer so go with your best judgment.

Cheryl Great job on MMA Kickbox! I think that one is fun and love the ab work at the end. Your spill sounds awful! I hope you are doing better today and your back isn’t messed up from the fall. I know you will but make sure you listen to your body and take more time if needed. I don’t really have much room to talk because I really shouldn’t have worked out this morning but I get my stubbornness from both sides of my family.

Pam Great job on doing your ab work and BBW last night! I know it can be tough to want to just do my pushups/pull-ups when I get home from work but to do another 45 minutes is amazing. Great job on 4DS Kickboxing too! I think DH is a little proud of me but at the same time he told me I got a cold because I am trying to do too much. I said, no, I got a cold because dumb people like me go into work when they are sick. When will I learn?

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Well my elbox and butt are feeling a bit better today but my lower back feels worse. So I didn't workout today and I think I will try stretching tomorrow to see if that helps. January and February have been a bust for me, maybe March will be better.

Pam I was glad that I had a heavy coat on I would hate to see what would have happened if I didn't. On the bright side with that fall I didn't get a run in my nylons :D. Tigger will be a challenge, I think he just wants to eat he doesn't care if he is full or not. 14-15 pounds is what we need to get Tigger at, right now he is 22 pounds :eek:. He is a Maine Coon and they are a large cat but he has gotten just a bit too large. Our small cat is about 8-10pounds and he is soooo tiny next to Tigger. Sounds like Cathe's February rotation is a killer. Are you seeing good results with it?

Julie You are doing really good with your pushups. Don't worry that you had to move to column two to finish, you are still doing really well. I hope you are feeling better. I remember that I used to be like you, I would workout whether I was feeling well or not. That was when I was younger, now I if I am feeling under the weather I can't get the energy levels up at all. I know that feeling where 5 lb. dumbbells feel so heavy you don't know if you will be able to lift them

Have a great Thursday everyone.


p.s. Julie only 25 more days until Spring!!!!
Did the Push Up test today and am qualified for Week 3 column 1. I will be doing that one today, tomorrow and starting Mon. for a fresh week. Today's Challenge: Push Up On Toes with 60 sec. between sets: 10, 12, 7, 7, and 5. I thought this was hard before, but having that yoga block under me, it's even harder! Pre Pull Ups with 60 sec. between sets: 7 Assisted, 7 Australian, 6 Assisted, 6 Australian 3 baby pull ups and 1 hang. Also did heavy weight on quads, hamstrings and inner and out thighs, then triceps, shoulders and biceps. Glad that's done! Whew!

Our weather is snow, all over the Pac. NW. Can't go anywhere, so decided to make your gifts. Everyone who mentioned that they wanted jewelry, I made. I'm just waiting for the snow to melt before I can send them to you.

, Great job on MMA Kickbox. That tumble sounds like it was awful! I sure hope your butt and elbow get better fast. I'm so glad you didn't break any bones. You poor thing! To help make you feel better, I did finish a set of matching pieces for you. You said nothing in particular, that you wear anything. I decided to make the set with smoky pink and smoky blue colors with a very iridescent light blue and pink crystals to make it sparkle. Very unusual colors. I'm hoping I guessed right. The others wanted paper beads, but the beads are so...I don't know. You tell me when you get them. If your heart is set on paper beads, please let me know now, and I will be glad to do them instead. I can give these to someone else in the family. It's OK, I just want everyone to be satisfied and want to wear them.

Pam, Thank you for your encouragement. :) That murder mystery does sound like a lot of fun. I'm for sure going to get that game. You are right on, that is why I don't want to sell jewelry. Very well said. While we are on the subject, yours are done, and Joey asked if I bought these beads. He couldn't believe they were paper. I made them like you wanted with small beads on the top and bottom and a larger saucer like bead in the middle. Hope you like them. I'm going to make me a pair as well.:rolleyes: Great job on no equipment abs and the bonus butt work. Also great job on today's 4DS Kickbox.

Julie, Thank you for the encouragement. You are doing really good on the challenge push ups. I think we all are getting stronger. Also on the LIC. You are sick, try and give your body some kind of break. I'm going to have to get a lot of nerve to let the big dogs and Rolly join in together. My gut feeling says no right now. Maybe during the Spring when we can all go out for walks, they may know each other better. We'll see. I made you a bracelet, not like the one in the photo though. It's simple and unique.

Julie Week 5 of the push up challenge is a real killer! I had the same issue as you when I first tried to do it, I did the first 2 sets ok but then just fizzled from there. I however quit and didn't move down to the next column down to at least finish like you did. :eek: Great job with that! It sounds like you really need to give your body a rest! Sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad, hope it doesn't last for too long.
My DH is like yours sometimes. Overall he really likes that I workout and stay in shape but he sometimes worries that I overdo it. He knows how important it is to me though so he doesn't really say much. Plus, I am proud of myself for getting him to do the pushup challenge. I think he was worried that I was going to be able to do more pushups than he can! :p

Cheryl Oh no, sorry to hear that your back is feeling worse, that is just not good! I was thinking of you yesterday when I was leaving work. I was walking down the stairs and as I was stepping down a step my shoe started falling off my foot! When my foot landed my shoe was partway off and as I result my ankle twisted and I started to fall. The only thing that kept me from falling was I was holding the hand rail and my instincts made me grab on tight which allowed me to keep my balance. I was embarassed because there was a guy behind me in the stairwell. He didn't say anything at first, but then he said 'I'm glad you were able to keep from falling!' At that point I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, but I had to really be careful about how I stepped after that :rolleyes:
The really frustrating thing with this February rotation is that I'm NOT seeing any results despite the killer rotation and really being careful about my eating. I put on 2 pounds in January and I haven't been able to get those 2 pounds to budge! It is really frustrating me.

Janie I really commend you for going back and redoing the pushup challenge! I'm not sure I could motivate myself to do that right now! You are doing so well with your challenges and heavy weight work! You had quite the workouts yesterday!
By the way, how is Joey's shoulder doing? I hope it is at least not bothering him.
I've been hearing about all of the snow you are getting. UGH, I hope it melts fast! Our weather has been all over the place. 80 last weekend, 40 Tuesday and it's supposed to be in the 70's again tomorrow. :confused:
Oh my goodness, you are so generous making us jewelry! It sounds so beautiful, I can hardly wait to see it! I think we need pictures of each person wearing theirs. What a great compliment that Joey thought you bought your beads!

This morning as I mentioned yesterday was supposed to be a 40 minute steady state run. Since I don't run and I didn't do LBB yesterday, I did Hiit 30/30 and then the timesaver pre-mix of LBB. It's the entire workout except for 10 minutes of floor work. I was planning to do the floor work after work tonight, but DH just told me that he wants to go to Nordstrom's and look for a new suit after work, so I'll probably go to the mall with him instead!Last night I did week 5 column 1, day 2 of the push up challenge. Now we are doing more sets with shorter rests, but also shorter sets. This time it was 10/10/13/13/10/9/25 It was still hard, I think I'm actually getting worse! I guess we will see when I do my max test. The last 10 of my 25 set were really hard and I was grunting and groaning and whining so much that I scared the cat! :rolleyes: Well Thursday is already half over for me. I hope everyone is having a good day.

I decided to skip my pull-ups last night and rest. I think that (and taking ½ dose of Nyquil) really helped. I hate Nyquil but I didn’t want to feel too cruddy today. I am not 100% yet but getting close. Close enough that I was able to do HiiT 40/20 and No Equipment Abs Circuits this morning. DH was watching me do HiiT this morning and made it a point to tell me I wasn’t keeping up with Cathe during the sprawl punch thingies. :mad: I held my tongue on telling him he was welcome to join me next time if he thought he could keep up!

Cheryl Sorry you’re still feeling sore, especially lower back pain which is the worst. It is almost like you can never get in a comfortable position either sitting, standing, laying down. Well at least that has been my experience with lower back issues. I think the stretching sounds good. Take it slow and easy and hopefully you will start to feel better soon. 25 days until Spring sounds so good! :cool: Unfortunately, they are calling for 5-8 inches of snow tonight. :(

Janie Great job on your challenges and heavy weight training again! When you put the yoga block under you, is it under your forehead or chest? I wasn’t sure where to put it and thought maybe forehead but then pictured myself slamming my head into it! :rolleyes: Oh! I wasn’t trying to rush you into anything with the dogs! Take your time. It is important for you to be comfortable with whatever interaction you choose! You are too sweet for making the jewelry! I’m sure we will all love it. For some reason, I feel gifted jewelry is much more special than something I pick out and buy myself. I will especially enjoy telling people who gave it to me and what they mean to me!

Pam Great job on HiiT 30/30 and LBB Timesaver! I don’t think you are giving up much by skipping the floorwork and going to the mall. Just squeeze your cheeks with each step at the mall and it will be like you are doing the floor work! :p I am really scared about week 5 and I can’t convince myself I will be able to make it through it. I try to tell myself just to do what I can but then I think how in the world can I do 40 after doing 120 pushups spread over 7 sets with hardly any break? Your description of your last couple pushups sounds like me. I have to lock myself in a separate room or else Oscar will come over and nudge me to see if I am ok. It’s sweet but not when I am dying to get those last pushups in!

Happy Thursday!
Pam, It's not hard to go back and be where I'm suppose to be in the challenge. It sure is taking a lot longer though, than they say. Don't you think? Joey has good days and bad days with his shoulder. Today he went for the dreaded and awful cancer surgery on his face, yet again. We just have to keep on top of it. They are certain, they got it all. He will be spending the night with his daughter, son in law and grandson tonight. The surgery was near their place, so why not? Your weather is strange too. Great job on Hiit 30/30 and premix LBB. Have fun at the Mall picking out a suit for hubby. Terrific job on the push up challenge. It may seem like you are getting worse, but I doubt it. You made me think that why not take a picture of everyone's earrings? Here they are.




Julie's: The one that looks red really is orange.



Hope to send them out soon.

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This morning I did 40 minutes of stretching. I was so stiff this morning I felt like I was 80 years old. I will do stretching again tomorrow morning.

Janie That yoga block under you really makes you think about how low down you go doesn't it. When I do my pushups I usually have a cat who wants to lay under me while I do it instead of a yoga block :confused:. We don't have any snow in our area yet but they are threatening snow for Saturday and it is going to be really cold tomorrow about 20 degrees with the windchill. I wish I could just take the day of and stay in bed.
I saw the pictures of the earrings and I love them. The colors are perfect for me. Thanks so much for making them for us. I hope everything went well with Joey's surgery. I hope that the Drs are right and they got it all this time.

Pam I am glad that you were able to stop you fall at least you were hanging onto the railing. It is scarry because it happens so fast. Of course there always has to be someone around that sees it happen :rolleyes:. At least your skirt didn't slide up to your waist :D. I thought that you would be seeing great results with the February rotation because it was so intense. That is really fustrating to not be able to lose the 2 pounds especially when you put in so much effort. That is too funny all your grunting and groaning scared the cat. Enjoy your shopping trip with your husband.

Julie It was probably a good move to skip you pull ups and take a break. You hate Nyquil......that is one of my favorites, but then I like those one legged hops in Imax 2 haha. You should have made DH do those sprawl and punch thingies with you that would have quieted him down. Hopefully you don't get as much snow as they are forcasting. They are saying we will get snow on Saturday, we will see they have been wrong many times before. This is the second year we have had snow tires put on our car and we still haven't needed them. Maybe soon....

Happy Friday everyone.

Julie I know what you mean about the Nyquil. It is a god send when you need it to get to sleep, but then I am so sluggish the next day! I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling so much better, you are a machine! 40/20 AND CCC when you aren't feeling well! Wow! I don't think I would've been very happy with DH either making a comment about not keeping up with Cathe! What was he doing at the time?! I think you should make him do it while you watch! :p
You are so funny! I didn't remember to squeeze my cheeks while I was at the mall, but great suggestion :p I did do the 400 walking lunges when I got home though. Don't worry so much about week 5, no matter what you do you are improving and getting stronger. I didn't like going down to column 1, but I just finished day 3 of week 5 and I was able to do the whole thing. So even though it's just column 1, I think I feel more accomplished than I did when I was failing at column 2. I may have to repeat this week a few more times, but that's ok too.
Animals can be so helpful when you're working out can't they? :rolleyes: The other day I was doing a downward dog and I was facing so that I couldn't see the door. All of a sudden something crashed into my head! It was my cat coming to rub on me :rolleyes: He likes to try to walk under me during pushups like Cheryl's cat too.

Janie Yes, these challenges are taking a LOT longer than they said. I don't believe that it is possible to make it through the whole thing in only 6 weeks. I have had to repeat too many weeks. Oh boy, sorry to hear about Joey's surgery yesterday but it is good that he is keeping on top of it. One of our good friends has had several skin cancer surgeries too. It's just so scary.
OMG Janie, I just absolutely love the earrings that you made me!! That are so so gorgeous! I had hardly wait to wear them and tell everyone about my friend that made them for me!

Cheryl You are so good about your stretching! I hope it helps your stiffness :(
Oh my goodness your weather forecast doesn't sound good at all, but hopefully they are wrong. It is really starting to feel like spring around here, it's going to be 71 today and in the 60's over the weekend. My DH is leaving for Myrtle Beach on a golf trip this morning so I will have the house to myself for the weekend.
Oh yes, those embarassing moments always happen when someone is around :rolleyes: You are right though, the skirt around the waist would've been much worse :confused: at least you will probably never see any of those people again though!
The shopping trip with DH was short and sweet! He isn't much of a shopper and had a pretty good idea of what he wanted so we were in and out in 30 minutes!

So as I said, I did 400 walking lunges when I got back from the mall last night. I was supposed to also do BBW but I wasn't up for it. This morning was disc 29 plyo legs and then I did the first half of the BBW after that and will try to get the barre work in later in the day. I also did week 5 day 3 column 1 of the pushup challenge. The last set was tough but I made it. I did: 13/13/15/15/12/12/10/30 with 45 second rests in between. It wasn't as hard as day 2, so that was a little encouraging. There is another max test that I will do probably on Sunday. Wow, what is wrong with Charlie Sheen?! They were just talking about his latest radio show rant on TV. Poor guy, he really has issues, doesn't he? Anyway. I'm so happy it's Friday! Have a great one everybody!

No challenges last night. Still not feeling top notch when I got home last night. I went to bed at 6:30. Yes you read that right. Despite not feeling well this morning (yes I am very stubborn), I still did my 30 minute steady state run (yuck!) and Lower Body Blast. I was so tired afterwards that I almost fell asleep in the shower so I decided I better stay home from work. Good thing since the roads were covered in ice and snow. Hopefully I can get good rest today and recover from abusing my body. :eek:

Janie It looks like our posts crossed yesterday. I hope everything went well for Joey yesterday. {{{HUGS}}} I agree that these challenges sure are taking longer than they said! I’m not sure what they based their timing on but I can’t imagine it was the average person given we are all Cathletes and not finishing in the time they said! Oh well, getting stronger is what is most important. All of the jewelry items look beautiful. I am so excited to be able to tell people about you when they ask where I got the bracelet!

Cheryl Great job on stretching. I bet stretching was hard with being so stiff but I am sure it also felt so good. If I take a full dose of Nyquil, it usually knocks me out for 10-12 hours and then I am groggy for the next several after waking up. That is why I don’t like taking it. The ½ dose seemed to be ok though. We only got about 4 inches (I think) so not bad but it rained first and that turned to ice under the snow. Still thinking Spring and hoping they are wrong about your forecast! :rolleyes:

Pam Great job on doing 400 walking lunges after the trip to the mall! Plus doing plyo legs today! Great job on your pushup challenge too! I am thinking of just re-starting week 5 next week because I really think this week has been a bust. I may be going to column 1 when I restart. I think that is where I belong anyway. Sometimes I am so stubborn and end up paying for it but I never seem to learn from my past behavior. I am sipping lemon tea all day today and trying my darndest to slow down! Oh yes, I love my dogs trying to “help” me workout. I think their favorite thing to do is lick the sweat off of my face during cruches! :p

Happy Friday everyone!
This morning was more stretching. I am doing better so I am hoping to do a regular workout tomorrow morning.

Pam Aren't animals wonderful. So yours likes to help you with the pushup too does he haha. They are still calling for snow by noon tomorrow. We did the grocery shopping tonight just in case they do happen to be right. I wish our temperature was as warm as yours. We broke records here today with it being around 26 degrees brrrr. The embarassing moments always happen when someone is watching. But you are right I will never see these people again. If we could just shop as fast as a man. Good job on the walking lunges after the mall and your pushups challenge. Charlie Sheen is having major issues. I hope he will finally clean himself up. Speaking of weird people Randy Quaid's wife was just given Canadian citizenship because her Dad is Canadian. So now she will be sponsoring he to stay here too. I am so happy to have more wacked out people living here :confused:.

Julie I hope you are feeling better. I am glad that you decided to stay home and rest. I think your body needed that. I have no idea if they are wrong or not with use getting snow. I will let you know tomorrow if they were right. Four inches isn't too bad but having the rain first in nasty.

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Wanted to respond to personals and will post later on my challenges.

Will send the gifts out in the next couple of days. It's still so much snow on the ground, I would say at least 5-6 inches. People have been telling me to sell my jewelry, so, I decided to put up a set on EBay to see how they will do. I'm thinking it won't sell, but at least I'm trying it out. If you want to look at the set with an anemone ring included, here it is. Just sharing, not selling on Cathe's site at all. Jewelry set, includes large anemone ring, crystal beads

Would like to hear suggestions, if needed, only if you have time. No biggy.

Cheryl, Stretches does wonders, good for you. LOL!:eek: Now why didn't I think about using a cat under my chin? The kind of cancer Joey gets is skin cancer, the kind that is easy to get rid of by having surgery. The doctor says Joey is likely to have 5 or 6 cancer episodes a year. So, we will be busy. He's been fighting this for a very long time, 20+ years? My poor Joey.:(

Pam, You know, I was only counting on 6 or 7 weeks to get the challenges in, but it looks like it will take so much longer. I'm missing doing Cathe and other instructors so, instead of doing weight lifting by myself, I'm going to do full body workouts with Cathe. The good thing is, I bet I can keep up with her now. Maybe?:D I sure don't want to spend another 5 weeks at it in order to master the challenges. Their time table is so wrong. What do you think? I'm glad you like the jewelry.;) Great job on 400 walking lounges, this mornings plyo legs, the first half of BBW and the Push Up Challenge. Seems you are getting stronger. Told you so.:)

Julie, When you are sick, going straight to bed when you get home, is acceptable. Hope you feel better soon. Great job on 30 min. run, and LBB. Staying home was a very good choice. No one needs to be out on the icy roads. Joey is safe and sound here at home. My poor darling man. Thank you for the hugs, I passed them to Joey, and he appreciated them. Do you think we should continue with the challenges? For me it could take much longer than 6 weeks still.:(

Am preparing dough for a bread bake tomorrow. Should have 6 mini loaves, and 4 large loaves.


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