Strength in Numbers

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ate horribly today!:eek::mad::( Had a really good breakfast, but for lunch I ate two candy bars and some potato chips. For dinner it got worse, had a pizza, chocolate ice cream and tapioca pudding. I finished the challenges, but decided not to do the weight workout for fear I would barf! This does not happen often, thank God.:eek: I used Valentine's day for an excuse to eat the way I use to. Not a good idea at all!

Challenges: Push Ups on toes with 60 sec. between sets: 28, 35, 25, 22 and 36. Very hard! Week 3 of Pull Ups with 60 sec. between sets: 6 Assisted, 4 Australian, 5 Assisted, 5 Australian and a hang. I tried to do one pull up, it wasn't happening at all. I just hung there. Sit Ups with 60 sec. between sets: 60, 75, 38, 35, and 85. Joey exercised today, but of course no shoulder work. I'm so proud of him.

Cheryl, I'm such a horrible speller. Critique and critic. I meant critic like you said.:eek: Great job on Friday Step Moves, Sat. for getting a sign copy from John Furlong of his book Patriot Hearts. Wow, lucky you, I bet that was exciting! Also a great job on your yoga practice today. Hope your throat feels better soon.

Pam, A 10 mile bike ride sounds heavenly. Good for you! So glad you were entertained by Jerry Seinfeld. I love his humor. Sounds like you enjoyed your rest day.:)

Julie Great job Sat.on STS TB and on your pull up challenge. Haven't been able to master that one yet. That's the one that keeps me going back to the first day of week 3. Sigh, it will happen when it happens. Good job on Sun. 45 min. yoga too, and today's Body Max 2.:) Oh, I love the sound on how to do the baby pull ups. That's a good idea, I'll try it. Yes, you explained the Workout Manager very well. I sure hope one day it all (the two calendars) will get connected.

, Great job on Hiit 30/30 and Pilates ab work.

Have a good evening everyone,

Julie Wow, you are doing so well on those pull ups. I just love the idea of the baby pull ups - I bet that will really help. And BM2, that is such a great workout but so long and intense! Great job!
Sorry you are still having such cold weather. Ours is really starting to warm up so hopefully that will be heading your way soon. It was 2 yesterday and supposed to be 71 on Friday. I am so glad. I'm also liking to see the days being light longer. I am a real wimp when it comes to cold weather since I moved south! I really do think it's true that your blood thins!

Cheryl Great job on Hiit 30/30 and Pilates based abs. I think I have 30/30 on the calendar for tomorrow. I'm glad to hear that your sore throat hasn't amounted to anything. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it stays that way!
It did feel really nice getting out for a bike ride. There were so many people out walking, I think everyone was ready to get out of the house and enjoy some nice weather.

Janie Don't beat yourself up over the food yesterday. We all have days like that once in awhile and as long as it's only an occasional thing then you are ok. You were probably smart skipping the weight work though!
You are just smashing those challenges though. WOW, your push ups are amazing!!! Great job! I know you are going to get to that pull up too, no matter how long it takes!
Good for Joey getting some exercise in, I bet that made him feel good.

Yesterday morning my mom's cat was hit by a car and killed :( Very sad. He was a big sweet kitty but he loved to roam. DH and I were supposed to do our push up max test last night, we were even talking about it on the way home from work, and then we got home and forgot! :rolleyes: So we got up and did it first thing this morning. I did 36 this time, which I guess is good since my last one was 23, but I was still disappointed. DH is NOT a morning person and never exercises in the morning and he ended up hurting his back doing his! :confused: He did 46 which is only 2 more than his first test, so he obviously wasn't happy about it. Then I did STS Total Body. I noticed that in week 5 there are a lot more sets of pushups, not as many per set, but this is where we get into the shorter rests. It will prove to be interesting! Have a good Tuesday everyone!

Last night I did day 1 of week 4 of the pushup challenge: 21, 25, 21, 21, and 32. That last set was still hard to get all of them in. I hope I have the strength to finish the week out so I can move on to week 5. This morning I did Imax 3.

Cheryl Great job on HiiT 30/30 and Pilates based abs! I did enjoy doing Yoga on Sunday. I haven’t done it forever and when I used to do it, I couldn’t really get into it. I am on the lookout for more DVDs to try. We are in a little bit of a heat wave. Yesterday it got up to 40 degrees F and today it is supposed to get to get above 40!! That groundhog may have been right and we will get an early Spring. I won’t complain!!

Janie Don’t beat yourself up over eating bad one day! Happens to us all I’m sure! Great job with your challenges! I noticed you are in Week 5 of the pushup challenge. That is so amazing!!! I am really hoping to get there next week but week 4 is just kicking my booty big time. I’d like to blame it on the fact that each day of the pushup challenge I have done a workout in the morning that also includes pushups. Not sure I can use that excuse forever though! Good job to Joey for doing what he can! You know they say exercise helps heal!

Pam I’m so sorry about your mom’s kitty! :( That is so sad. No wonder you forgot about the pushup test, you had bigger things on your mind. I think 36 pushups is amazing, especially since that is an increase of 13! I’m excited (and a little nervous) about trying the baby pull-ups. I think they will definitely help but I hope I can do at least one! We are getting a little warmer and the days are getting longer so that is so exciting!

Happy Tuesday!
This morning was STS Disk 4, I am repeating week 2 since I didn't really do it last week :eek:.

Janie Don't worry about eating badly, I do that too sometimes. I think we need to do that every once in a while to remind us why we eat healthy. You are doing really well with your challenges, good idea not to do the weight work though after what you ate :D. Don't worry I am really bad at spelling as well. Sometimes I will change my sentence around if I can't figure out how to spell a certain word :eek:.

Pam I am so sorry to hear about your mom's cat. That would be terrible to deal with. I hope the people who hit him stopped. That is one reason why I don't want mine wandering. I had a dog when I was younger and she got hit by a car. I still think about it and that was 40 years ago.
When the weather starts getting nicer out you do see a lot more people out and about. It is still cold and rainy here so it will be a while before we can get out. I hope DHs back is doing better. Sometimes if you are not warmed up before you do anything first thing in the morning it is easier to hurt yourself.

Julie Good job on your pushups, I know you will have the strength to finish the week. I am really enjoying yoga. I have found my flexibility has improved even with doing it only once a week. It is warmer here too though they are talking about snow on Thursday or Friday but I don't think it will amount to anything.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Today was Rhythmic Step. Whew! I needed that!

Pam, I'm so sorry about your Mom's cat. It's always so awful when and how a beloved animals dies. Give her lots of (((((hugs))))). Great job on your 36 push ups on toes. Wow! So sorry your honey hurt his back. Did you guys stretch before you did the tests? Great job on the STS TB. Yes, the challenges are becoming more challenging, it will be interesting how it plays out.

Julie, Great job on your challenges and Imax 3. You can blame the workout in the morning, but, I have to say, you are doing amazing work no matter what. That's like doing a double workout.

Cheryl, HA! I change my sentences around too to make a sentence look good.:D I'm glad I'm not alone with spelling. Great job on STS Disc 4.

Take care everyone and have a nice evening.

Julie Great job on those push ups. I have to start week 5 now and I'm scared :eek: It looks hard! :confused: Imax 3 and the pushups on the sasme day is awesome!
Glad to hear that you are getting some warmer weather! I left work last night at 6:00 and it was still light out, I was so happy to see that! Now they are saying 75 here on Friday! I can't wait!

Cheryl Good job on your STS disc.
They don't know who hit him, my sister saw him in the side of the road when she was going over there yesterday morning so they went and got him :( He was a stray that they took in and he just loved to roam. I had a cat who was hit by a car once and I swore all of my cats would be indoor only after that. Some of them just have to be outside though. Luckily the 2 I have now are happy to hang out on the screened porch and don't care about being outside.
Yea, I think DH probably skipped the warm up before his pushups yesterday. I think he's ok though.

Janie Oh Rhythmic Step, I love tha tone!!
Thanks for the hugs, everyone was very sad about Marshmallow. DHs back or shoulder or whatever it was seems to be fine. I guess the true test will be the next time he tries to do pushups. He decided not to redo his max test since he already had done enough to put him in column 3 for week 5.

This morning was 30/30 and then Butts and Guts. I'm starting to wonder if Cathe is trying to kill us! :rolleyes: Now I get to go have my mammogram - then fun never ends ;) Have a great day everyone. Helen hope you are doing well!

Last night I did day 1, week 3 of the pull-up challenge (2nd round but added 2 reps to each set and increased weighted vest by 5 lbs. on assisted): 8 assisted, 6 australian, 7 assisted, 7 australian, and 1 max hang of 7 seconds. I also tried a few baby pull-ups. I started with my chin above the bar, lowered myself so my eyes were just below the bar and then tried with all my might to pull myself back up. I only got my eyes to barely eye level with the bar before I had to go back down. I’m going to keep working on it though. This morning was a 30 minute steady state run and then Muscle Max. I am now spent! :p

Cheryl Great job on STS! I am hoping incorporating yoga and trying to add another stretching video in once a week will help my flexibility too. I am not horribly inflexible but I definitely could use improvement. So far we are still above the freezing mark here. Mid to upper 40s today and in the high 50s tomorrow!!! :eek:

Janie Great job on Rhythmic Step! I love that one but haven’t done it in so long! That one is coming up in my next rotation and I can’t wait!! This morning I did the pushups in MM on my knees hoping that would help with being able to complete the challenge tonight. We’ll see! :confused:

Pam Great job on 30/30 and then B&G! WOWZA!!!! Hope your mammogram goes well. If you can get through 30/30 followed by B&G, then you can handle a little-o-mammogram! ;) Sounds like DH did the smart thing in not retesting (what’s the point if you already did the least to get you in column 3); glad to see he is doing better.

Have a wonderful mid-week everyone!
Challenges: OMG! Pushups on toes 45 sec. between sets: 18, 18, 20, 20, 14, 14, 16, and 40, almost didn't get that one. Sit Ups 45 sec. between sets: 30, 30, 35, 35, 30, 30, 27, 27 and 100. Pull Ups 60 sec. between sets: (also tried a couple of baby pull ups) 6 Assisted, 5 Australian, 6 Assisted, 5 Australian, and 1 hang. This time it was better, but man o man it's still so very hard! Still hoping for a full pull up at end of month, but not sure it it's going to happen. Well see. Also did heavy weight lifting for the rest of my body.

Pam, REST IN PEACE Marshmallow!:( Great job on 30/30 and Butts and Guts. Great job for getting your mammogram. I'm very proud of you.

Julie, Great job on the Pull up challenge. That's amazing with your vest and all. I love the baby pull ups. What a great idea. Also a great job on 30 min. steady run and MM. I would be spent too, with all that you did today. Well done. Oh, good idea doing push ups on your knees in MM. Very smart move.

Have a great evening everyone,

Julie You are doing great with those pull ups. You're scaring me though with even the baby ones being so hard. The push ups are kicking my butt so I'm definitely not ready for the pull ups!
Loved your comment about mammograms! :D You're right, it was a walk in the park compared to Cathe! I thought about that while I was there :)

Janie Wow, you are just powering out those pushups! I don't know how you're doing it, they are absolutely killing me! Shaking, whining, crying, totally out of breath during the rests - yowza! Another reason that I am very afraid of the pullups. You don't even talk about the pushups being hard!

Cheryl I hope you are having a better week this week!

This morning for me was PUB plus BBW. I didn't get through all of the BBW this moring, I'm planning to do the bonus barre work from LBB tonight (if I don't forget :rolleyes:) I really like PUB, but boy oh boy do those bicep exercises kill me! I also screwed up last night, I thought I had to do my pushups. I forgot that I had just done them on Tuesday and I knew I didn't want to do them today with PUB. I had a complete failure with week 5 day 1. It was supposed to be 28/35/25/22/max (at least 35). I did 28, 35, 23,16! At that point I decided there was no sense in even trying for 35! I was so mad! :mad: I was even madder when DH reminded me I had just done them the day before. Errrrrr....I am going to try again on Saturday. If it is bad then I will either go back to week 4 again or move to column 1 of week 5. Any advice? I hope everyone is having a great Thursday! I can't believe it is already 2:00 and this is the first chance I've had to post!

Last night I did my pushups: 25, 29, 25, 25, and 36. That last set was hard again which makes me nervous for Friday when I do my next challenge. :confused: This morning was Intensity! That along with not sleeping well last night has me pooped out and I still have to do pull-ups tonight! (I wish there was a smily face with zZZZs that I could insert here!)

Janie Great job on your challenges and the heavy weight training! You are doing amazing with those pushups! I’m hoping to get a full pull-up in by the end of March! I am not thinking it will happen by the end of February but I’m gonna keep tryin! I also really want to get through the pushup challenge by March 7 when I start a rotation that includes a Bonus Burn with 40 pushups every day. I will keep the pull-up challenge going but there is no way I will be able to do the pushup challenge and the additional Bonus Burn that includes 40 pushups! :eek:

Pam Great job on PUB and BBW (what you could fit in anyways)! I love PUB and it always kicks my butt (well actually it kicks my upper body but you get the idea!). That stinks about the pushups but still amazing you did that many. I am struggling to figure out what to do if I don’t complete day 3 of week 4 tomorrow. I have this looming dread that I will not be able to get the last set of at least 40 done. I was really thinking of just doing the test and moving on to week 5 even if I can’t complete week 4. That doesn’t really help you but if I were in your shoes I would probably move to column 1 of week 5. I imagine you could always complete column 1 of weeks 5 & 6 and then go to column 2 of weeks 5 and 6 if you still wanted to build up.

I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with these challenges. I love that they are making me stronger but sometimes I dread doing them and am looking forward to being done in a way. I also am highly doubtful that I would actually be able to do 100 consecutive pushups upon completion of the challenge but I will be quite happy with just being able to do 40 consecutive during my next rotation with the Bonus Burn! :p

Have a wonderful Thursday!
We are having a new roof put on today, so we were out all day shopping around. When we got back the men were still here. It is getting a little dusk and they said they will be done tonight. It looks really good. Before, we would have leeks almost in every room. I'm so glad this is finally happening, we waited to save enough money for a few years and today is the day for a nice dry house. Yeah!

Pam, Last night I was so late doing my exercises, I didn't have time to explain about the push ups. It felt like I was about to pass out three times while I was doing the last set. I don't know why that was, but it never happened before. Yes, my GOSH they are hard, but the pull ups are so much harder. The sit ups I think I can already do 200, but I'll continue with that as planned. Great job on on PUB and BBW. Did your body tell you that you had already did Push Ups. :( You're too funny. Can't believe how many you did though. You are amazing! You asked for advice; well, don't do push ups two days in a row. LOL;) (just kidding). You will do just fine on Sat. you'll see. I may have to go into column one next week. We'll see how things go. See how it goes for you by moving into column one, only if need be.

Julie, I thought all this time that we had 50 consecutive push ups to do. 100?:confused: Yep, I looked at the paper, and it is 100. I can't see myself doing that many especially when I did my last set of 40. I didn't feel all that well doing them. Well, we'll see how things go. I might not be able to do a full pull up by the end of February either. Just have to see how things go. I'm really yearning for Cathe workouts though. I guess I have a love hate with these challenges too.;) Fantastic job on your pushups and Intensity! Well done. Try to get some much needed rest tonight.

Have a wonderful evening everyone,

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Julie I know what you mean about being nerbous about doing the challenges. They have a real dread factor for me! But at the beginnin gof the year I had set a goal to be able to do 40 pushups on my toes, and I am almost there already and decided I need to up the goal to at least 50. I think 100 is a dream! Wow, intensity after not sleeping well must've been tough! Good job getting through it, I hope you got a great sleep last night!
I like your idea of moving to column one for weeks 5/6 and then moving back. I'll give column 2 another try tomorrow and then decide based on how it goes. You have 40 pushups every day in your next rotation? Ouch! They will probably seem easy after doing the challenge though! Come on, only 1 set! :p

Janie A new roof, nice! I always hate to have to dish out a bunch of money for something like that, but it's good that you're getting it done. Espeically if you had leaks everywhere! :confused: It will be nice not to have that anymore!
You felt like you were going to pass out 3 times doing the pushups but the pull ups are even harder. Oh my! Maybe I don't want to do that pull up challenge! ;)
OK, I laughed out loud when I read your advice of not doing pushups 2 days in a row. Thanks a lot :p We'll see how they go tomorrow!

I did the bonus barre work from LBB last night to finish out the BBW for yesterday. It hasn't felt too bad the last couple of times I did it, but it was hurtin last night. My quads were still sore from the day before and they were just not happy with me. This morning was Intensity and luckily no add ons! I'm so happy it's Friday! I woke up this morning and the first thing I though was no alarm clock tomorrow! Hooray! Happy Friday everyone!

Last night I did my pull-ups: 8 assisted, 7 australian, 7 assisted (that was supposed to be 8), 7 australian, and 1 max hang that was really just a downward spiral. :eek: Before I did the challenge, I tried using a band to do the assisted reps but I only have the Cathe bands and I really think you need a big loop band to do the assisted reps that way. I just bought one from amazon but it won't be in until at least next week.

This morning I did Body Max. Tonight I will beat day 3, week 4 of the pushup challenge!!!!! :mad: (That's supposed to be my game face)

Janie Congratulations on your new roof! It is always exciting to get much need home improvement work done (even though they are expensive and can be stressful)! I didn’t get any better sleep last night but instead got worse sleep. I don’t know what is going on but I think my mind just cannot settle down. I have so many things I want to get done around the house before I start STS in May and that is about all I can think about! So sorry you were having problems getting through that last set but 40 consecutive is absolutely amazing!! I am so impressed (and just a little jealous!). ;)

Pam Great job on getting that barre work in last night! Great job on Intensity with sore quads! I have to say the last two times I did Intensity; I had leg DOMS and Intensity seemed to help work the DOMS out. Weird! That is too funny about the alarm clock comment because I was thinking the same thing this morning! I did not sleep well again so hopefully I can recharge and regroup over the weekend. I have no doubt you’ll make your goal of 50 pushups. You are doing fantastic and are so dedicated to this goal. In my defense that bonus burn also includes 40 tricep dips, 30 alternating back lunges, and 200 crunches. So I may only be doing 1 set of pushups, but I am adding on sets of other exercises! Does that count? :confused:

Have a very wonderful Friday (Yea!!!!!)!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Pam, I had to jump in here before my workout to tell you that I hope I didn't scare you away from any challenges, or for that matter give you an excuse not to do them. Everyone as you know, will experience different sensations to their body while doing them. So, if you want to do it, please do it. It can only be a good thing. For me, I think my oldness is coming out. LOL;) Great job on the bonus barre and the completion of LBB and Intensity. Wow! I must say you are doing fabulous! Enjoy your Friday.

Julie, Great job on your Pull Ups. When I bought Cathe's Tower the band came with it. I haven't used them, maybe I should tonight. I have a feeling there will be more Pull Ups in our lives, rather they be prepped or the real deal.:D Great job on Body Max. Oh, no sleep last night either? Something is going on for sure. I sometimes can't quite myself at night too, worrying or upset with something. That's where my insomnia comes from. But, I've never had it more than one night in a row, mostly it comes around once a month or so. I feel for you.:( What are you going to do about it? If I can work up, so far, to 40 consecutive push ups on toes, anyone can. I do have a limit though, and have a feeling I'm about there. We'll see.

Will talk again later and post my workout.

Hi to everyone else out there,

Challenges: Push Ups on Toes with 45 sec. between sets: 18, 18, 20, 20, 17, 17, 20 and 45. Wow! Did not have negative sensation like the last time. Very very hard! Pull Ups with 60 sec. between sets: 7 Assisted, 7 Australian, 6 Assisted, 6 Australian, and 1 hang with 3 baby pull ups. Once from chin to eyes, then chin to forehead, then chin to eyes again then one last hang. It's working! I will continue with week 3 day 3 until I can actually do a pull up. I feel so good about this! This is why, I think, I'm motivated to keep at it. OK ladies, Da Da! I did 200 Sit Ups. YaHoo!:eek: It was very difficult and I good barely make it through, but darn it, I just wanted to finish a challenge so I could concentrate better on the other two. I'm already feeling my neck getting sore. I'll stretch it and put some ice and heat on it before bed. Ya Hoo!:eek: Also made sure I got in the appropriate weight lifting routine for the rest of my body. I feel DOMS already.

Julie You're doing great with the pull ups. I know it can get frustrating sometimes when your body isn't doing what you want it to. I'm going through that with my pushups right now. Great job on BM too! I think it's even harder than BM2. I hope you conquered those pushups last night!!
Sorry to hear you had another bad night, I hope last night was better. Wasn't it lovely not having to turn on the alarm? That is such a treat!
Oh I was not intending to say that your 40 pushups in your bonus burn was small and adding on all those other exercises too every day, yow! That is some serious stuff! It more than counts!!

Janie You are so sweet. Not to worry though, you didn't scare me off! I don't scare that easy! ;) If anything it makes me more determined when I see your success. I'm the kind of person that thinks of course I can do it! That attitude gets me in trouble sometimes though :rolleyes:
Fantastic job on your challenges! It sounds like those baby pullups may be the secret huh? 45 consecutive pushups after doing 130!! WOW!!!!!!! Great job! I can't even do the 45 alone yet! AND you finished the sit up challenge too! You must be on cloud 9!

This morning for me was Leaner legs, then Hiit DWP, then the BBW. I did the Squats, squat jumps, walking lunges, power scissors, plie squats, ice breakers, firewalkers and dead lifts and will try to do the bonus barre work from LBB later. I broke my firewalker band while I was doing the fire walkers! Then I tried my pushups again. It was an even bigger failure than last time. First set was 28 and it wasn't too bad. The second set was supposed to be 35 and I could only get 30. Third set was supposed to be 25 and I couldn't even make it to 20! At that point I stopped and I will wait and start column 1 tomorrow or Monday. These are not going to beat me! Does anyone use a foam roller? I was reading people saying how wonderful they are for getting rid of sore muscles so I ordered one from amazon this week. We'll see how it goes. Have a great Saturday everyone!

Last night I did my pushups: 29, 33, 29, 29, and …. 39 ½. :mad: Because I didn’t quite make it to 40 in the last set like I was supposed to I quickly took a 30 second break and then did 10 more. I am counting it as 40 and moving on to week 5 (maybe that is cheating a little but I feel I worked hard enough). I will probably do my test tomorrow and start week 5 on Tuesday.

This morning was a double header of MMA Boxing and Muscle Max. In MM, I was so proud because I did both sets of 12 pushups on my toes and then did the slow count (down 4, up 2, down 2 = 1 set) for all 8 sets on my toes!!! I guess I can only thank the pushup challenge for that one! I have to get some things done around the house, go grocery shopping, and then I will do my pull-ups tonight.

Janie Great job on your challenges! I am so amazed at how far you have come and you certainly are inspiring me to keep going! That last set of 45 pushups is just :eek::cool::eek:! And 3 baby pull-ups!!! :eek: I hope I can get there soon. I think I got better sleep last night, although it helps not having to wake up to an alarm! :D

Pam All I can say is :eek:WOW:eek: to your triple header today! LL followed by HiiT DWP, follow by the BBW!!! Did you hear Cathe laughing? That stinks that your Firewalker band broke! It must be because you are so strong now! ;) I am sure the pushups were just from your body being exhausted with all the work you had already done. I know you will do better next time. I have a foam roller and have used it a few times when my hammies were so sore I could barely move. It really helped me but I can’t say it I use as often as I thought I would. Definitely nice to have around though.

Cheryl and Helen I hope you guys are doing ok.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
It has been a bad week again. Monday and Tuesday were fine but as of last Wednesday I felt a cold coming on. I was so wiped out when I got home from work I have been in bed no later that 7:30 for the rest of the week. I feel a bit better today but I didn't have any energy to do a workout. It didn't help that we had to get Tigger to the vet early this morning for his checkup after his teeth were pulled. His teeth are doing well but we got the lecture for him being overweight. So we need to get him on a diet and help him lose about 7 pounds. Not fun since the other two are not overweight and like to graze through the day. We will see how it goes.

It looks like the rest of you are doing really well with your workouts. For me it will be try try again next week. This is getting a bit fustrating.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Taking today and tomorrow off for rest days.:D Update on neighbor dogs. Two of the 3 dogs come around. I found out (by looking) that they are both females. The tan and white dog love me and I love her, as you know we call her Baby. Then there is this huge Mastiff, that I always seem to shy away from. It took a long time, but when she visited me by the hot tub I was able to pet her, she got so close that she even licked me. My, here is this enormous dog that I let kiss me. Since I was in the hot tub, her slime that comes off her by shaking her head, didn't effect me at the very least. I could always wash it off right away. I'm falling in love with her too. They both allowed me to pet them for the longest time. They didn't even fight each other, cause they both got equal treatment. The third dog I rarely see.

Pam, I think we all motivate each other, at least you all are motivating me. I can only thank you, and yet it seems it's just not enough.;) Thank you so much for the encouragement, it means a lot. I'm so on cloud nine!:eek: Great job on Leaner Legs and Hiit DWP. You really worked your butt off! Love your spirit on your push up challenge. I don't think I can keep up this pace for long, evenually I may have to do a week over, or use another column. But, as you know, it's OK, it only makes us stronger. I use a roller every now and again. I have a love hate relationship with it. In the end though, it's well worth doing. It hurts! It's doing it's job when that happens.

Julie, You did really well on those push ups. That's exactly what you do when you seem you just can't do that last one. At least that's what Tony Horton says to do. I believe it!. You should count it as 49, really. Glad to see that is not stopping you from moving on. Good for you. Great job on the double header; MMA Boxing and MM. Congratulations for doing the MM push ups on toes and with the slow count. Well done! So glad you had better sleep last night. It shows in your exercises. Thank you so much for the encouragement, but it is also you guys that inspired me to try it. I'm glad you all did.;)

Cheryl, Oh darn! I wonder why you are getting so many colds lately? Perhaps your immunity is out of whack. Try to get a hold of elderberries and put them in your tea. Or elderberry juice. It suppose to truly help with that sort of thing. It's hard to get it at this time of year (go figures, this is the time for it), check your Co-Op or health food stores. Take care of yourself, and hope you feel better very soon. I think Tigger needs to exercise along with you. LOL Poor little guy. You'll get him to lose I'm sure. Feed him 1/2 c. of food twice a day. That's it. He'll feel better for it. It's OK Cheryl, you can catch up when your body feels better. Hope you don't get too frustrated. I know how it goes when you want to feel better and can't exercise. Just hang in there, better days are just around the corner. Trust me. When I had my implants out, It took me months to get back to working out again. It was over a year when I felt like myself again.;)

Have a great Sunday everyone,

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Will come back later for personals, just wanted you all to see what I've been up to on the weekends.


Beads I put together from mood stones and various other beads. These are sets of earrings and necklaces.


Other beads I put together to make sets.

The pictures just don't them justice at all.


These are my favorites. They are made from magazines, and made into paper beads. I love making them and putting them together. Can also make them (by finding the correct pages of the magazines) same color schemes. The available designs are endless and up to ones imagination.

The pictures don't do it justice at all, they are so much better in real life. You don't even know they are paper, not even when you look up close. All one can tell is that they are very unique looking beads.


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