Strength in Numbers

I did not sleep well last night. I got asked late yesterday afternoon to speak at a training session for new and aspiring managers. Public speaking is not something I do well at all so I tossed and turned all night long worrying about it. So today when it was my turn to speak my worst nightmare came true and I sounded like an idiot. I was sweating, my hands were shaking, my stomach was doing cartwheels and I had this major brain fart where I totally forgot everything I was going to say :confused:. I felt like crawling under a rock after I was done. So needless to say I was way too tired to do a workout this morning and it wasn't much better this afternoon.

Pam Pushups are the worst part of meso 1 for sure. Good job on your walking lunges. 300 is a lot to do. Hopefully your quads are doing a bit better tomorrow.

Julie I think the disk pikes are a lot harder that the stability ball pikes. I think I need to take another look at STS TB. Maybe the chest presses I am thinking about are done on a flat bench. I haven't looked at the premixes yet. Yes there is another hockey team called the Canadians. They are in Montreal Quebec. I had to get used to liking hockey at an early age. I was the only girl between my brother and cousins and they didn't want to play with dolls, so guess who got to watch hockey:rolleyes:.

Janie Don't worry you will be able to do a pull up by the end of the month. You are doing really well with the other challenges. I don't know if I can brag on th push ups yet. I wasn't feeling very strong so I did them on my knees instead of my toes. I really don't know how the crew does it.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Julie You are doing great with the challenges. You shouldn't be mad about that last set - just think that you were doing less than that one set in total before you started the challenge! I think weights and plates is the hardest of the ab workouts. Those pikes with the plates are killers!!
I bet you're right about incline presses and pullups being in one or more of the premixes on STS total body. These new workouts have so many premixes and I haven't tried any of them yet!
I *think* the beginner/intermediate/advanced is just to tell you what % of your 1 RM you are supposed to be using for the exercises, but I'm not really sure.

Janie Hope everything is ok with your electrical system - that is strange! You are doing fantastic with your challenges, I'm really impressed that you are tackling them all at once! The push ups alone are doing me in!
The walking lunges don't bother my knees at all. So far about the only thing that bothers my knees are some of the side to side moves and the one legged lunges that you do repeatedly like in LBB. It is an intermittent thing for me though :confused:
My quads are still sore today from the lunges though! Not as bad as yesterday at least.

Cheryl Sorry to hear you didn't sleep well. I bet your speaking session wasn't as bad as you think it was either. I used to do a lot of customer presentations in my previous job and no matter how many times I did it I would get incredibly nervous right before. People who are watching/listening usually can't hear your voice shaking like you do either. In any case, it is behind you now!
My quads are a bit better today, but definitely still feeling the lunges!

This morning was KPC. It felt kind've like a rest after the last couple of days, it was nice! :D I was looking ahead in this rotation though and there is one day that you are supposed to do Intensity and THEN Butts and Guts! But that's still not all, there is an ab cicuit workout on that day too. I think Cathe must've been doing her evil laugh when she was putting that in the rotation! Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Last night I did my pull-ups: 6 Assisted, 4 Australian, 5 Assisted, 5 Australian, and 1 Max Hang of 7 seconds! I used a 10 lb. weighted vest for the assisted ones which made them harder to do. This morning I did STS Total Body and WOW!!! That workout flies by! I guessed at my weights since I haven’t done any of the 1RM yet and I think I got close to some of them but will have to bump up a few too! It is bitterly cold right now. Yesterday was close to 0 F with wind chills in the negative 20s and today is supposed to have a high of 13 with wind chills in the negative single digits. Think Spring! Think Spring!! :(

Janie Great job on your challenges! I bet you are really feeling stronger each day! No problem repeating a week once, twice, three times. Every time we do it we get stronger. I have a feeling I will be repeating weeks 2 & 3 of the Level 1 pull-up challenge. I am just not sure I will be able to do a full body pull-up by the end of this week. I am guessing I will be repeating week 4 of the pushup challenge too. I barely finished day 1 of this week and it keeps increasing each day. We’ll see! :p

Cheryl I’m sorry you had a hard day yesterday. I always think I will be ok with public speaking and then I get in front of people and freeze up. I swear that skill is something you are born with and not something that can be learned. Hopefully you got better sleep last night. I found another thread in the forum that SNM replied to saying the incline chest presses and pull-ups were part of the Timesaver Compound Only Premix. I never really watched hockey growing up. We were a baseball family. Then I got married and now I am a sports widow! :rolleyes:

Pam Great job on KPC! I love that one (except the ball pikes at the end). Ab Circuits W&P really did me in I think. I have some serious oblique DOMs. I have gotten ab doms before but not like this! I saw that triple header in the February rotation and I think that made me steer clear of it! I thought for sure Cathe was on something when she typed that up! :eek: Good luck!

Helen Hope you are having fun with STS!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
Challenges: Push Ups on Toes with 90 sec. between sets: 20, 25, 20, 20 and 30. Whew! Pull Ups with 60 sec. between sets: 6 Assisted, 5 Australian, 6 Assisted, 5 Australian, 1 hang. After Friday I will do this week again and add one or two to the sets. This is hard! Sit Ups with 45 sec. between sets: 30, 30, 36, 36, 27, 27, 33 and 90. Then did heavy lifting for my hamstrings, quads, inner and outer thighs, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

Cheryl, I'm so sorry about the Training Session. I'm not a speaker and I see myself doing that as well. I've done it before, with I think the same experience you had. Awful! (((((hugs to you))))). Don't know if I will make my one pull up, but if I can't, I'll keep working at it until I do. I won't give up! Besides I've never had such iron weight gains before, so quickly. Doing push ups on your knees or toes, is hard work. That's all there is to that. One or two or 3 push ups at a time, that's the only way I know to get stronger with them. It's hard work!

Pam, Our electrical system is working now. I don't know what happen, but every now and then it just simply goes.:rolleyes: Glad your muscles are repairing themselves from those lunges and you are not feeling so sore. Great job on on KPC, Hoping you get through that double or is it triple workout that's coming. Sheesh ,(I do hear an evil laugh from Cathe in there somewhere too).

Julie, Using a 10 pound vest is amazing doing your assisted pull ups. You are amazing! Great job on STS Total Body. 0 degrees F. Buuuuurrrrrrrrr. Stay warm and dry and try not to venture out in that kind of weather.

Have a nice evening everyone,

Julie Great job on your pull ups. You two are inspiring me with those! It sounds like you are having perfect weather to stay in with a fire, a book and some comfort food! Stay warm!
The good thing about KPC is that at least there aren't a huge number of pikes. I can make it through them, but I'm so glad so doesn't do even 1 more! Hope your abs are feeling better now.

Janie It sounds like we are on the same day with push ups but you beat me! I did 20/25/20/20/28 this morning. That last set was minimum 28 and I was shooting for 30 but there was no way that was going to happen. You are just doing amazing with all of your challenges. Good job!

This morning was 40/20, ab circuits weights and plates and then week 4 day 2 of my pushup challenge. I really didn't want to do my pushups right after all of those pikes on the plates, but I have girls night out tonight, so I won't be able to do them after work. As I said, I was shooting for 30 on my max set but there was no way I was making it past 28! At least I made it to the max this time. Have a great Thursday everyone!

Last night I did Week 4, Day 2 of the pushup challenge (with 90 second rests in between except last set had 120 second rest): 25, 29, 25, 25 and 36. I barely made it. Numbers 33-36 of the last set were wimpy ones with arms shaking and crying noises all the way up and down. :confused: After that, I treated myself to a round of Stretch Max w/ the band. :D

This morning I did Intensity despite the incredible leg DOMs from STS TB. After STS TB yesterday, I thought I hadn’t worked my legs as hard as I could have. Well, I got up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night last night and hobbled the whole way there. Inner and outer thighs are tight and sore and my hamstrings haven’t hurt like this since I first started working out with heavy weights. I think Cathe knew what she was doing on this one (as if she doesn’t any other time)! ;)

Janie Great job on your challenges! You are getting stronger with each day and it is showing! Using the 10 pound vest made the pull-ups a lot harder but I figure (hope?) that in the end it will make me stronger. I am not brave enough to use the vest on the Australian pull-ups. Those are still killers for some reason! Still super cold out but we are supposed to get in the upper 30s on Saturday! :eek:

Pam Great job on 40/20, ab circuits W&P (I feel your pain), and making your max pushups!!! I am very impressed you doing the challenge after W&P. I am still feeling that workout! Abs are doing much better now, thanks! I wish I could light a fire at home but we don’t have a fireplace. When our power went out last week, I was tempted to bring in our Weber grill from outside and light a fire in that! I’m not sure that would have been a good idea though! :p

Have a wonderful Thursday!
Used stair climber for 30 min. Joey's rotator cuff is giving him a lot of pain, so he hasn't been doing his normal exercise routine the last two times. The doctor had him get an x-ray. I think there will be surgery for him in his near future. Gosh Darn it! He's in pain.:(

Pam, Thank you for the encouragement of the challenges. I'll take it.;) Great job on 40/20, ab circuits weights and plates, and week 4 day 2 of the PushUp on Toes Challenge. Can't believe after the Pikes you were still able to do the PushUps. You are truly amazing!

Julie, Great job on all those Push Ups on Toes and STS TB. I can invision you doing those last three push ups. Mighty proud of you. Glad you treated yourself to some stretches. Also great job today on Intensity, and with DOMS no less. Wow, you are good. Be careful tonight getting up in the wee hours of the morning. ;) There is no way I can even look at my 10# vest when doing those challenges. It already takes everything to do them. You are Fantastic! I agree, those Australian Push UPs are really hard!:confused:

Have a good evening everyone,

I am having a bad week. I haven't worked out since Monday. Yesterday I had a headache that wiped me out for the rest of the day. I will try to do some cardio tomorrow morning. Looks like I will be doing this week again.

Pam I received an email today for one of the people who was in the class that I spoke at. She said that she learned a lot from me. Ummm I am going to have to ask her what she learned tomorrow when I see her.
Glad your quads are feeling better. I find it hard to sit at a desk when any part of my lower body hurts. Intensity and the Butts and Guts :eek::eek::eek:. I can hear her evil laugh now......

Julie Pull ups with a 10 lb. weighted vest!!!! Good for you. STS TB is a good workout isn't it. It sure is cold where you are. Keep bundled up and keep thinking Spring is 5 weeks away.

Janie You are really working hard. You will get your pull up I know you can. I didn't think my session went well but someone emailed me and said that she learned a lot. So who knows.

Happy TGIF

Cheryl, Sometimes I think that we truly are our own worst critiques. I bet your talk went better than you think. Why would this person say so if it weren't true? I think you must have done just fine with your session.:):)

Thank you for the encouragement on my exercises. They are getting truly hard.:confused:

I've had bad weeks like yours before. You might be coming down with something, or it's the 24 hour flu... Take a deep breath, focus on what you want, and set your mind to getting it. Get better!

Have a great Friday.

Julie Oh I can so totally relate to the shaking arms and crying noises during the push ups!!! This challenge is really hard! My legs usually start shaking too! Good for you for stretching afterwards too!
Intensity with DOMS, wow! Great job! I hope those legs are feeling a little better today
I am very glad that you didn't bring your weber grill in and light a fire in your house! :p

Janie Oh, so sorry to hear about Joey's rotator cuff :( I hope he doesn't have to have surgery, but if it will relieve his pain then maybe it will be for the best.
I imagine you are missing your workout partner, but it sure isn't slowing you down!

Cheryl Sorry to hear you are having such a tough week. I hate getting headaches, I just feel like I can't function when I get them. At least it's Friday and hopefully you will get to relax and enjooy yourslef this weekend.
See, it sounds like you did great with your talk. We are usually much harder on ourselves in those situations than anyone else is! The fact that someone took the time to send an email says a lot!
Oh you made me so happy when I read that spring is only 5 weeks away. And we are supposed to be in the mid 60's for the next week, Hooray! I might have to dust off the bike this weekend!

This morning was Athletic step and then what Cathe calls Bonus Butt Work:
1 minute of squats with a heavy barbell followed by 200 seconds of squat jumps, 1 minute of walking lunges holding 8 pound dumbbells followed by 20 seconds of power scissors, 1 minute of plie squats with a heavy dumbbell followed by 20 seconds of ice breakers, 2 minutes of firewalkers and THEN the bonus barre work from LBB. Whew, my legs are still shaking! And this is the easy week of this rotation :rolleyes: It was hard to get up for it this morning after ladies night out, but I made it. I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Last night I did week 3, day 2 of the Level 1 pull-up challenge: 6 assisted, 5 Australian, 6 assisted, 5 Australian, and 1 7-second max hang. I used a 10 lb. weighted vest again for the assisteds only. I then tried to actually do a full, unassisted pull-up and that was so not happening. No doubt I will be repeating Level 1!

This morning I did KPC! I was still feeling DOMs in my legs but I really think they are worked out now! I am really nervous about my pushup challenge tonight. I have to do 29, 33, 29, 29, and 40!!! I am trying to visualize myself succeeding but I don’t know how much that will help!

Janie Great job with the stair climber! I’m so sorry about Joey’s rotator cuff. That has to be painful no matter if you move your arm or not. I’ll be praying he gets better soon.

Cheryl Ugh! Bad weeks are the pits but I know you’ll turn it around! Hopefully you are not coming down with anything. It is good to hear that someone learned a lot from your presentation! I’m with Janie, I don’t think this person would have taken the time to email you that if they didn’t really mean it. Oh, I’ve got my Spring count down on!! Can’t wait!

Pam Great job on Athletic Step and BBW! Especially after Ladies Night Out! I can only imagine your legs were shaking! Try to be careful how much you drink because I imagine the toilet will be testing you tonight and tomorrow!

Happy Friday!
Challenges: Push Ups on Toes with 2 min. between sets: 23, 28, 23, 23 and 33.5. These are truly and really getting harder to do!:confused: Pull Ups with 1 min. between sets: 6.5 Assisted, 6.5 Australian, 5.5 Assisted, 4.5 Australian and 1 hang. This proves to be too much to handle, will have to do Week 3 Over again. I don't mind, I still feel I'm getting stronger, just can't pull half my weight up yet. Getting there, I think. Sit Ups with 45 sec. between sets: 30, 30, 36, 36, 30, 30, 40 and 90. Also did heavier weight than I've ever done before on hamstrings, quads, shoulders, biceps, triceps and inner and outer thighs. Whew!!!!!!:eek:

Pam, I do miss my Joey and our workouts together, just that I'm wanting more out of my workouts than him. As soon as I'm done with the challenges, we'll do exercises together again. I miss that about us.:( I didn't know it, but he admitted to me today that he would like to do the Challenges too, but of course he can't right now. Hopefully after he takes care of his shoulder. Isn't that sad!:( My heart goes out to him. Great job on Athletic Steps and the Bonus Butt Work: I've read what it consists of, man o man, you have your work cut out for you! Well done!

Julie, Thank you for the input about the Workout Manager. I'll try to figure it out, but so far no good.:( I'll reread what you said. Thank you for your prayers for Joey, he says he appreciates that very much. Great job on KPC, I've always like that one. Jeesh! I haven't been able to do so many of my favorite workouts. I know I'm doing my body good for now though. I understand that visualizing what you do, is helpful in getting it done. You will do just fine. Can't wait to here about your progress. Great job last night on week 3 day 2 pull ups. You rock with that vest! I tried to do a full pull up too, not happening here either.:( We are getting stronger though, not a doubt in my mind what so ever.

Have a warm and cozy evening everyone,

Julie Holy cow, great job on those pull ups!!! You and Janie are just doing amazing with those. How did your pushups go? 40??!!! Holy crap! I just barely made it to 32 this morning and my whole body was shaking!
Luckily my legs weren't feeling too bad after yesterdays BBW, just in a couple of spots. It was a good thing too, because this mornings workout was a doozy! :rolleyes:

Janie Those push ups are getting harder aren't they?!! Of course every time I think about that I have just completed more than I had ever done before. I was laughing this morning when I was thinking about having ONLY 23 to do so I guess I'm making progress. It doesn't always seem that way though! I don't think there is any shame in repeating a week fo the challenges though, it's all good! You are really getting stronger!
Awwwwww...poor Joey {{HUGS}} to him, I know it is hard when you are wanting to workout but can't. Hopefully he will be doing better soon.

I have had quite the fitness fest this mornng. I was supposed to do plyo legs disc 26 and Kick Max later in the day. Well, I need to do it all at once or it likely won't happen. I also don't have Kick Max, but I do have hardcore extreme which has the kick max blast challenges and the kick max leg conditioning drills. So I did disc 26, then I did the cardio portion of 4DS kickbox, then the kick max challenges and leg conditioning drills and then a stretch. Whew! After that I did my pushup challenge. It was supposed to be 23/28/23/23/33 (min) I just couldn't manage that last one so I only did 32 on the last set. Every single muscle in my body was shaking and I just shook to the ground trying to get that last one in!! :mad: Better than last time though and I think I will do a test to see how many I can do in one set in a couple of days. Tonight we are going to see Jerry Seinfeld, I can't wait for that! I hope everyone has a great Saturday!

Last night I tried really hard to make the last day of week 4 of the pushup challenge but I was 7 short on the last set. I just couldn’t do it. :( Oh well, I will just do week 4 over and try again! :eek:

This morning was a double header of MMA Fusion and STS Total Body. I love that last combo in MMA Fusion. It made me feel really tough like I could really do some harm. :p I upped the weight in STS TB for some of the exercises. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Now it is off to do some cleaning and shopping!

Janie Great job on your challenges! My heart goes out to you and Joey since you can’t share your workouts together anymore. You guys will get back to it one day but it is so nice to see that you both enjoyed that time together. Let me know on Monday if you are still having problems with the calories burned in the WM. I can’t do it from home but I can get screen shots of what you need at work. I know I will be repeating weeks 2 & 3 of Level 1 of the pull-up challenge. No problem though. I am planning on upping the weight in my vest and seeing if that helps any. It’s crazy but the other day while I was getting dressed I noticed my back had that nice muscle cleavage starting. Makes me appreciate those pull-ups even more!! :cool:

Pam Great job on plyo legs and your kickboxing medley!!! That was very ingenious of you to work that medley out. You did amazing on your pushups after all that cardio and plyo work!!! :eek: I didn’t make it through week 4 but that is ok. I am proud of how far I have come and I’m gonna keep going!! My hard work must be showing in my physical appearance too. When I was doing pull-ups the other day, Jason said “Holy cow, look at those muscles!” That made my day!!! Have fun with Jerry tonight!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Did the stair climber this evening. It was great.

Pam, Thank you for the encouragement of the challenges. :) It does inspire me. Great job on disc 26, cardio of 4DS KB, the Kick Max challenges and leg conditioning drills and finally a stretch. You had a very busy day. Bet you deserve a much needed rest.;) Good for you for all that you have done. Congratulations on your pushup challenge. So what if you didn't do the very last one. Do you realize you did 129 pushups? That's incredible! Oh! I love Jerry, have lots of fun!

Julie, Great job on MMA Fusion and upping the weight for STS Total Body. :eek:I bet you could do some harm after doing MMA Fusion. You are really getting strong. Doesn't feel just awesome? No shame in doing a week over. I have already and what it does is makes you even more stronger. It a good thing. I know you know it's OK.;) Joey and I will get it together just as soon as we can. We haven't given up on our exercising together yet. We are working in getting it back. I have enough wonderful memories, that there is no way in &e11 that we won't do it again. OOPS! LOL:D. Thank you for your concern, you are such a true friend. I appreciate that so much.

I still am having problelms with the Workout Manager and trying to find out where to record calories burned. There are two calenders, diet calendar where I record what I eat. There is a place for activities, but don't know how to do that one. Also another calendar where I record my workouts and calories burned there. But can't seem to get those two calendars to interact with one another. I'm confused.:confused: OOOOOOO, lucky you, you are seeing results. Congratulations! I don't know for sure, but maybe, somehow, perhaps...I may be seeing something happen as well? :D

Have a really nice weekend everyone.

Wow what a busy weekend. Friday morning I managed to do Step Moves. Friday night we went out for dinner because it was my cousin's 50th birthday. It is actually on Valentine's Day but he has to work so they did it a bit early. Saturday morning it was the one year anniversary of the Vancouver Olympics so I went downtown and had breakfast with John Furlong and got an autographed copy of his book Patriot Hearts. It is suppose to be a really good book so I am looking forward to reading it. There were things going on all day but it was raining so hard I decided to go home after the breakfast. I didn't dress warm enough so now I have a bit of a sore throat :(. Today I went to yoga and then we had to go out to my parent's house to check up on it. They are in Arizona until the end of March.

Janie I am my own worst critic. I guess it did go better than I thought but I know I could have done better. I feel like I am getting a cold now. I didn't dress warm enough yesterday and so now my throat is acting up. Hopefully it won't amount to anything. {{{{HUGS}}}} to Joey. I hope his shoulder injury isn't too serious.

Pam Wow you had one tought workout. That bonus butt work looks like a killer and after Ladies Night Out, good for you.

Julie Good job on your challenges expecially with that 10lb weighted vest. I am now counting down to Spring too. It is cold and wet here and I would like things to start warming up now.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Julie The fact that you did 33 on your last set of the push up challenge is pretty amazing! There is no shame in repeating the week!
Wasn't STS total body the one that gave you such bad DOMS last time? AND you still increased your weights! Wow, great job!
I was really afraid that I was going to have major DOMS today after yesterdays workouts because I was already sore last night. Surprisingly enough though it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I didn't even fail the toilet test, but I'd say I was probably getting about a C! :p
That is so cool that your husband noticed your muscles and commented on them!!! It really helps to get that postive feedback doesn't it?! Very very awesome!

Janie Good job on the stair climber. That is my favorite cardio machine. You are so encouraging pointing out how many pushups I've done in total. I rarely look at it that way but you are so right! Thanks!
I bet there are differences in your body from all of the challenges that you have been doing but you just haven't noticed because you see yourself every day.

Cheryl How fun that you got to go to that breakfast for the Olympics I bet it was a lot of fun and brought back a lot of memories! Too bad the weather wasn't cooperating though :( I sure hope that cold doesn't amount to anything. I always worry when my throat is feeling sore!

Today was my day off but it was a beautiful day so I did go out for a bike ride. I only did 10 miles though since I didn't want to overdo it. Last night was really fun, Jerry Seinfeld was so funny. I really like how he can be really funny without being vulgar. Somehow though the weekend is gone again and it's back to work in the morning....sigh :confused: I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Good morning, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! This morning was Imax 2 and then 300 walking lunges. My legs are still sore from Saturday's fit fest so they weren't too happy with me this morning. Tonight will be my pushup test! :confused: Happy Monday and Happy Valentine's day!

Last edited:
Saturday after shopping, I did day 3 of week 3 of the pull-up challenge: 7 assisted, 7 australian, 6 assistend, 6 australian, and 1 max hang for 8 seconds. Yesterday I took a long, hot bubble bath and did a 45 minute yoga DVD. It felt soooo gooood after STS TB on Saturday! This morning I did Body Max 2: WOWZA!!!! That workout is such a calorie burner!!! :eek:

I was reading an article in Fitness magazine about doing pull-ups. They had a plan that included doing the max hangs and assisted pull-ups but they also included a “baby pull-up”. Basically, you start at the top (as if you were going to do a max hang), lower yourself about a ¼ of the way down, and then pull yourself up. After awhile you should be able to lower yourself ½ way down, then ¾ of the way down, and finally all the way down. I think I might try to incorporate this at the end of the regular pull-up challenge to see if it helps (or if I can at least do it :p)! I will be starting weeks 2 over since I can’t do a full pull-up yet.

Janie Great job on the stair climber! The diet calendar on the Calories Consumed tab does not connect to anything. So even if you load your calories burned and activities in there, it won’t show up on the Exercise Calories tab of the workout manager. The calories burned that is entered in the regular calendar portion of the workout manager will load those calories burned into the Exercise Calories tab of the workout manager once you mark the workout as complete. I hope that made sense. If not, PM if you still need help.

Cheryl Great job on Step Moves on Friday and yoga on Sunday! You did have a busy weekend! I bet it was fun to get outside even if it was cold and rainy. It has been so cold here lately but the sun is coming up sooner and going down later and that is a good thing!! Your good habit of Sunday yoga rubbed off on me yesterday. I didn’t go to a class but dusted off an old yoga DVD that I have not used in years and did it. It felt really good to stretch my muscles out. I hope you throat starts feeling better.

Pam I have to say I am jealous you were able to get outside for a bike ride; great job though! It is so cold here and all I can think about is 5 more weeks to Spring! I only upped the weights a little and mainly on the power deadlift and wide leg deadlift. I intentionally went light the first day because I had never done those moves before. My legs were sore but not near as bad as the first time. I think the first time you do a new workout, your body feels it more. Great job with Imax 2 (Genie hops!!) and those 300 walking lunges. Good luck with the pushup test!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

This morning was Hiit 30/30 and Pilates based abs.

Pam It was fun going to the breakfast for the Olympics. It was too bad the weather wasn't cooperating. It kept a lot of people at home. So far so good with the sore throat. It still feels funny but it hasn't amounted to anything yet (fingers crossed). 10 miles is still a good ride and if you haven't been on a bike for a while it was probably good or you would really be failing the toilet test :D. You got to see Jerry Seinfeld. That would have been a good show to see. I like it when comedians can be funny without all the swearing. We went to see John Pinette a while ago and he is also really funny without being vulgar. Good job on Imax 2 and your 300 walking lunges.

Julie You are doing really well with your challenges. I like the article you were talking about in Fitness. It sounds like it just might work. Let us know how it works for you. Doesn't yoga feel good, especially after a hard workout the day before. I really enjoy doing that every Sunday. The classes are getting really full now. You have to make sure you get there early to get a spot. I notice now too that it is lighter out when I get home, not so much in the mornings yet.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.


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