Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on SS! I hope you got everything done and maybe it cooled down a little for your dragon boating.

Pam So glad you got to spend some time by your pool. Great job on CK and Imax 2 (with all those Jeannie hops)! Oh no poor kitty. I hope she does ok with her eye. Animals seem so resilient and seem to adapt so quickly to lost limbs or eyes.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor work! I am so tired but it has been so worth it getting our new girl.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work! Awwww, in this case, the loss of sleep was definitely worth it!

This morning was Supersets. I have only done that one a couple of times, but I like it, I need to remember to think ab out it more often. The vet said that the kitten’s eye needs to come out sooner rather than later, even thought she is only 1 pound. They usually like them to be 2 pounds, but it can’t wait that long, so she is having her surgery on Thursday. The eye looks terrible, but she is so sweet. She was rolling over for belly rubs at the vet. Have a great day!

Pam Good job on Cardio Kicks and Imax 2 and your favorite Jeannie hops :p. Oh the poor kitten having to lose her eye.

Julie Great work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor work. Sometimes the lack of sleep is worth it.

Pam Good work on Supersets. Oh poor kitten I hope everything goes well.

Last night was really windy and choppy on the water. Our practice was cut short because it was a bit dangerous out there. This morning I did P30 Upper Body. Now I need to go get groceries and figure out what else needs to be done.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on SS! Oh no, poor kitty, I hope the surgery goes well. She sounds like a great kitty if she is not letting her eye bother her.

Cheryl Oh no, so sorry about the choppy water but I am glad you called it quits early to be safe. Great job on P30 UB!

I decided to sleep in this morning and try to catch up on some sleep. Got maybe another hour or so. I think it helped but I am looking forward to sleeping in again already.

Have a great day!
Cheryl That sounds like it would be a bit of a scary practice.Great job on P30 UB!

Julie You definitely have more sleep to catch up on. Hopefully you’ll be able to do that this weekend!

This morning was CCC without the dread factor since I decided I don’t have to do the squat roll backs. I still feel a bit guilty for not doing them though. Little Liza’s eye burst during the night sometime. It looks ugly, but apparently once it bursts there is no pain. She does seem to be more active this morning so I guess it’s a good thing. I’m glad her surgery is tomorrow though! Have a great day!

Julie Glad that you got to sleep in. Hopefully you can catch up on your sleep this weekend.

Pam Great job on CCC. Oh no poor Liza. At least there is no pain but it will be good to have it removed.

So my STS 2.0 DVDs finally came yesterday. So this morning I decided that I would start the 12 week rotation. This morning was Giant Sets and that was a great workout. I was sweating by the end. I am really looking forward to this program. After that I went out to my mom's It is hot and really smoky at her place. The smoke from all the wildfires are starting to come down our way.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on CCC! It is freeing when you decide that modifications are ok. Oh that sounds so awful about Liza's eye. I hope her surgery went well.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 GS! I hope you are all staying safe with the smoke from the wildfires.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor work! Petunia is still as sweet as can be but she is starting to test her boundaries. While I was working out, she went into the bedroom and stole my sleep mask to chew on. She also is still working on getting her potty training down.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Julie So far the fires are away from us but sometimes we get the smoky skies depending on which way the wind is blowing. Good work on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor work. They can be like kid sometimes testing their boundaries. I am sure it won't take long to train her.

This morning was STS 2.0 Mobility 1 and Standing Abs Metabolic Warm up. I really do need work on my mobility and I hope I will see improvement as I go through this series. Now I need to get the housework done before I need to go to the SPCA. We are getting bunnies today :).

Cheryl Great job on Giant Sets. I have been reading great reviews on the new program. I’m waiting until after our vacation next week to start it. Hot and smoky is a bad combination! Stay inside as much as you can! We’re getting air quality alerts every day now from wildfires in Canada, but they haven’t said where in Canada they are. I’m assuming somewhere in Ontario, but I think it’s funny that they always just say they are in Canada.

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor work. I guess Petunia is starting to feel comfortable there if she is starting to test her boundaries! Hopefully she didn’t destroy your sleep mask.

Cheryl Great job on Mobility and abs. I am with you in that I really need work on my mobility. Oh bunnies! I love them! I’m always so tempted to get one, but I don’t think our cats would be amused.

Yesterday I did Perfect Pump upper before dropping the kitties at the vet. Then DH and I went for a bike ride. The vet called and said that Liza was doing a lot better than when she first saw her, so she wants to hold off on her surgery until she is 2 pounds. She went home with another foster who is keeping here while I am gone next week. Cinnamons spay went well and now I am able to have all of the fosters in one room again. This morning AOLIH was on the calendar, but I didn’t feel like doing that one so I did Power Max. I always get a kick out of the thongs and hair scrunchies in that one. Have a great week! We start getting family in today and then we all leave on Sunday for a week in the Outer Banks.

Pam It is a great series, I am loving it so far. The smoke that you are getting is probably from the wildfires in Nova Scotia. There is a really bad one there. Funny that they just say Canada. Good job on Perfect Pump and Power Max. The thongs are hair scrunchies are a blast from the past. That is great that Liza is doing better and they can hold off on the surgery until she is a bit bigger. Enjoy your time at the Outer Banks.

Friday I did Supersets Total Body, Saturday was dragon boating and Mat Yoga and today was Total Body Tri Sets. I am loving the workouts so far. It has been rainy here for a couple of days but the sun came back out today. We went with our friend for dinner at a golf course near us. We sat on the patio and had a nice view of the golf course and the mountains.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 Mobility 1 plus Standing Abs Metabolic Warm Up! That is one thing that I wish my younger self had known was how important mobility is and needing to keep up with it. Great job on SS TB, dragon boating and Mat Yoga, and TBT!

Pam Great job on PP UB and your bike ride! That is great Liza is doing better and glad Cinnamon's spay went well. One room will be easier to manager I am sure. Great job on Power Max! That sounds more fun than AOLIH! I hope the smoke stays away for your vacation!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some cleaning before spending some time outside since it was nice. Saturday was mobility and skill work and then I spent some more time outside after doing some more cleaning. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did a lower body workout and a hike in the Scottish Highlands since it is deload week on the program I am on. Yesterday we let Gunner and Petunia play a little too much and one of her stitches ripped a little. She was bleeding too bad and she gets them removed tomorrow so hopefully it will be ok.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility and skill work, and your lower body workout and hike in the Scottish Highlands. I hope Petunia's stitches are OK since she is getting them out tomorrow.

This morning I did Active Recovery. I was glad that was all I needed to do since I didn't get a good night's sleep. I just got back from taking Tango t the vet for his arthritis shot. He has put on 4 pounds since last month (how I have no idea) and if he stays the same weight he will need 2 shots at a time which of course is twice as expensive. I will need to see if I can get him down a little bit for next month.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Active Recovery! I hope you get better sleep. Poor Tango, hopefully you can help him lose those few pounds as I am sure that will also help his joints feel better too.

This morning I did an upper body workout and some hip flexor work! I must have pulled my groin muscle in my lower body workout yesterday because it has been really bothersome today. Hopefully it heals quickly because it is annoying.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your upper body workout and hip flexor work. That is annoying to pull your groin muscle. I hope it is doing better tomorrow.

This morning was a day off which was good since I had another crappy nights sleep. I don't know what is going on I normally sleep really well. Today I did go and get my hair cut and then went and got groceries after that. This afternoon I had a nap which I really needed.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I am so sorry about the crappy sleep. I am glad you had the day off from working out. Do you think it is the air quality or temperature disrupting your sleep? Hopefully you got better sleep last night.

This morning I did a bike ride in Costa Rica and a Hatha yoga session. My groin is feeling a little better. Not 100% but I can tell it is getting better.

Have a great day!
Julie I think my crappy sleep was from not eating properly. I ate much better yesterday and had a much better sleep. Great work on your bike ride in Costa Rica and Hatha yoga session. Glad that you groin is feeling a bit better.

This morning was STS 2.0 Supersets. I was pretty sweaty by the end. I am going out to my mom's this afternoon to take her out for a bit.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Oh I have definitely had crappy sleep from not eating well. Great job on STS 2.0 SS! Hope you had a great day with your mom.

This morning I made an attempt to work out even getting dressed but I just couldn't get into it. I decided to go back to sleep and slept another hour or so. I forgot to mention that Petunia got her stitches out and everything was great and it is healing really well. Also her biopsy came back as benign so good news all around.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Thanks yes I did have a great day with my mom. It sounds like it was a good idea to sleep longer if you were not up to it. That is great news about Petunia, now she can play with your other dogs. Enjoy your weekend.

This morning was STS 2.0 Mobility 2 and Standing Abs Core + Floor. Then I got the housework done and now I will go to the SPCA to help out for a few hours.

So on my way to the SPCA on Thursday I decided to walk since it is close and it was a nice day. I take a back road where there isn't any traffic and there are empty homes on one side and bushes on the other side. I was halfway down the road when I hear crashing in the bushes. I knew it was too much noise for a squirrel and coyotes don't make that much noise so I figured it was a bear. And sure enough out pops a baby bear from the bushes. He was only about 6 feet away from me and saw me and ran back into the bushes. I looked for his mom but couldn't see her so I walked very fast from there because I didn't want to get between her and her baby. Talk about getting an adrenaline rush. Friday I met up with a friend for a walk. It was a bit rainy out but not too bad. Then I got the laundry done. Saturday morning I went dragon boating. It was another rainy day and the practice was hard. I was pooped after. I did do the total body stretch afterwards which really helped with the stiffness in my back. This morning I took as a day off. I am going to start STS 2.0 week 2 again tomorrow since I missed several of the workouts this week.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 Mobility 2 and Standing Abs Core & Floor! Oh boy that is super scary about the bear; so glad you are ok. Great job on your rainy walk, dragon boating, and TB Stretch.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and a hike in the Scottish Highlands and then did some chores around the house and got some outside time since it was so nice out. Saturday I did a heavy upper body workout. The program I am following did a bench press cycle and we tested our 1RM. I had DH spot me and I was able to get 1 rep at 135#. I tried 137.5 but I failed. After that I went to my parents house and did a bunch of cleaning and meal prepping for them. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did a heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!

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