Strength in Numbers

Hi ladies, I’m back after a week of too much eating and drinking and not enough activity! We did get in one bike ride, but other than that my only exercise Was walking the stairs in the house and to and from the pool and beach. It was a really nice week, but now I need to get back into the swing of things. It looks like you have both been doing pretty well. Cheryl, your bear encounter sounds pretty scary, I’m glad you never saw the mama! Julie, I’m glad Petunias biopsy was negative and everything went well with getting her stitches out! 135 pounds for bench press!!! WOW! That is impressive! Great job! We got home yesterday early afternoon and I was exhausted so was lazy the rest of the day. This morning I started the 60 day STS 2.0 rotation with Total Body Giant sets and standing mobility abs. Cathe sure goes heavy with her weights! I was only able to match her weights on a couple of the exercises. I’m sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workouts and your hike the Scottish Highlands. That is awesome that you were able to bench press 135 pounds. I am sure you will get to 137.5 pounds. You are so good to do housecleaning and meal prepping for your parents.

Pam Sometimes you just need to take some time off to recharge and have fun. Good work on STS 2.0 Giant Sets, I really like that one. Cathe goes heavy on all of the total body workouts.

This morning was STS 2.0 Supersets. Then I got some cleaning done in the kitchen. I cleaned out the fridge and pulled it out and cleaned behind it and the stove. I am going dragon boating tonight and it looks like it will be a wet one. It has really cooled down here and I am back in long pants and sweat shirts.

Have a great day.

Pam So glad you had such a wonderful vacation! Some times it is nice to just go with the flow and not worry about getting enough movement in. Great job on starting STS 2.0 with TBGS plus Standing Mobility Abs! Hope you aren't feeling it too much today.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 SS! Oh wow that is some heavy duty cleaning. I seriously need to clean my fridge and freezer out and I know it has to be gross under it. Hope you didn't get too wet during dragon boating especially with it cooling down.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening! Last week when we left Petunia in her crate while we went to work, she pooped in it and made a giant mess. I asked my dad to come over today and keep an eye on them until we can get her to the vet Thursday and hopefully get her some anxiety meds to help her work on crate training. Hope they are good dogs for him today.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on SS! I’m looking forward to trying all of the new workouts! Oh boy, I should probably pull out my fridge and stove and clean behind them, I can’t imagine what it looks like. That is a serious cooling if you are in long pants and sweat shirts now. Wouldn’t it be nice to just have a happy medium?!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and hip flexor strengthening work! Oh poor Petunia, I hope things go ok and that anxiety meds will help her. I hope they behave for your dad!

This morning was STS 2.0 Active Recovery. I love that she included an active recovery workout since I never know what to do for that. It was a lot different than what I have done in the past. And it is only 12 minutes long! My instinct would be to add more, but I decided I am going to stick with the STS 2.0 rotation as it is laid out. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout and hip flexor strengthening. Poor Petunia, I hope the meds work out for her and the dogs were good for your dad.

Pam Yes it would be nice to have a happy medium with the weather. You never know how to dress. Good work on Active Recovery. It is hard to not do more than the 12 minutes.

Well I did get pretty wet last night on the water but at least it wasn't super cold out. This morning I did STS 2.0 Mobility 2 and abs with the little ball (I can't remember what it is called). I need a new ball though as mine wouldn't keep inflated. At least she has options to do it without the ball. Then I went to the dentist for a cleaning and then got groceries afterwards.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS2.0 AR! I'm impressed you didn't add on; I would be tempted to add on too. Although if you really feel you need something, I am sure adding on a stretch would be ok.

Cheryl I am glad it wasn't super cold with you getting wet. That would have been miserable I am sure. Great job on STS2.0 Mobility 2 and Mini Ball abs! I don't have one of those balls but wondering if I should get one. I saw in a preview it being used behind the back for some lean back ab moves and that looked like it would be comfy.

The dogs behaved for my dad yesterday. He was going to come out again today but DH stayed home from work as he wasn't feeling the greatest. This morning I did a full body weight workout and a bike ride in Barcelona. I'm pretty tired today and ready for a nap.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh that doesn’t sound like much fun getting soaked at dragon boating, but glad it wasn’t too cold. Great job on Mobility 2 and abs (medicine ball?). It sounds a bit frustrating though if your ball wouldn‘t stay inflated. It’s always good to get that dentist visit out of the way for a few months!

Julie That’s great that the dogs behaved for your dad yesterday. I hope your DH isn’t feeling too bad! Great job on your full body weigh workout and bike ride!

This morning was STS 2.0 Total Body Supersets. I like how it just keeps moving so quickly. I was able to match Cathe’s weigh in just about everything, so I felt a bit better about that. Have a great day!

Julie Well I wouldn't say the mini ball made it more comfy. You still work your abs hard with it but it is handy to have. That is great that the dogs behaved for your dad yesterday. I hope your DH feels better soon. Good job on your full body weight workout and bike ride in Barcelona.

Pam I couldn't think of the name of it yesterday but it is the mini ball abs. great work on STS 2.0 Total Body Supersets. I like that one too and it feels good when you can match her weights in most of the exercises.

This morning was STS 2.0 Trisets. Another tough one and I did match Cathe for most of the weights except for a few. I will be going out to my mom's in a bit to take her out. It is another cold day here for the first day of summer. Still in jeans and a sweatshirt but hopefully it will warm up a bit for the weekend.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS 2.0 TBS! Yea on matching weights.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 TBT! Yea on matching weights. Weather has been so crazy lately. We are having temps in the 90s which is more like July and we have been in a drought for the last month.

This morning I tried to talk myself into sleeping in but I got dressed and worked out anyway. I did some hip flexor strengthening and a Hatha yoga session. Petunia has a vet appointment this afternoon to get her an initial visit. Excited to see how much she weighs because we have been trying to put some weight on her.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl I noticed when I was looking at the workout that it is called mini ball abs. I have a couple of smaller balls, so hopefully one of those works when I get to that one. Great job on Trisets and matching Cathe’s weight! I haven’t done that one yet, but I think it comes up soon. We had a rainy first day of summer. It didn’t look summery out at all!

Julie Great job getting up and getting your hip flexor work and Hatha yoga in! I hope all goes well with Petunia’s vet visit!

This morning was STS 2.0 mat yoga and standing/floor abs. .So far I really like the 2 ab workouts I’ve done. I like that they are much more functional than tradiditonal ab work. My 3 ginger kittens were supposed to be spayed today, but only 1 of them is 3 pounds so they are now scheduled for July 6th. I hope they make it by then, the other 2 are only 2 pounds and not gaining much weight. They are just not food motivated at all! Tilly left for a trial adoption yesterday so hopefully that goes well. They came to meet her and Cinnamon and Cinnamon barely opened her eyes to look at them but Tilly was all over them. Have a great day!

Julie The weather is like that here too. You have no idea what month or season it is with the weather. Great job in getting up and doing your hip flexor strengthening and Hatha yoga. I hope Petunia's vet appointment goes well.

Pam We had the same kind of weather yesterday too. Today is looking more like summer. Good work on STS 2.0 Mat Yoga and standing/floor abs. I really like these new ab workouts too. Fingers crossed that your kittens put on weight for their spays in time. I hope Tilly's trial workouts out and I bet Cinnamon is just waiting for her human to come along.

This morning was STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch and no equipment abs. Now I am just waiting for my call to go to the SPCA to help with our new cats and kittens.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 TBS! I hope things went well with the new cats and kittens!

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday but it was STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets. I am really enjoying these workouts, they really move along fast! Then I spent a lot of time sending out requests for donations for the Silent Auction at our Wish Ball. I hate asking for donations, but it’s nice how willing so many people are to give. This morning was STS 2.0 Mobility 2. Another shorty, I hope I don’t get too spoiled with all of these short days! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2.0 Mat Yoga and Standing/Floor Abs! Oh poor kitties. I hope they start eating better so they can put on weight. Hope Tilly's trial goes well. Great job on STS 2.0 TBT and STS 2.0 Mobility 2! Hope you get plenty of donations for the Wish Ball.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 TBS plus NE abs!

Petunia's vet appointment went well but we have to get her weight up a little. Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some cleaning. Saturday was mobility and flexibility day and then DH and I went to a dealership and he bought a new/used truck. We are trying to get Petunia crate trained and left her in her crate for half an hour on Friday and she pooped and peed in there. Saturday we tried some anti-anxiety meds the vet gave us and she was in there about 2 hours while we were at the dealership and she pooped again. Not sure what we are going to do. Sunday was a lazy day and this morning I did a heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, mobility and flexibility. Congrats to your DH on his “new” truck. Oh poor Petunia, that is a bummer that she is not liking the crate. I’ve always heard that they don’t like to go to the bathroom in there because they are stuck in there with it, but it almost sounds like she thinks she is supposed to go in there. I hope you are able to figure out something that works! Great job on your heavy lower body workout!

Yesterday was my rest day. I did a went to the Farmer’s Market and got a few things and then did some yard work since we finally had a day with no rain. The weeds were starting to take over! This morning was Giant Sets Total Body again. I matched Cathe on everything except the chest presses and overhead presses, so I was pretty happy with that. I like how she mixes it up with the unilateral set in the middle. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets and Mobility 2. I hate asking for donations too but it is great that people are willing to give for the cause.

Julie I am glad that Petunia's vet visit went well but frustrating about trying to crate train her. Hopefully she will get used to it and not pee or poop in it. That is exciting about DH's new truck. Good work on your heavy lower body workouts and your mobility and flexibility work.

Pam Nice that it stopped raining and you could go to the farmers market and get some yard work done. Good work on Giant Sets. I think that is my favorite total body workout.

Friday I did STS 2.0 Giant Sets. Then I went and got a manicure done. In the evening we had our friend over for a BBQ. It was a late night and I didn't get to bed until midnight. Saturday I was up early since Tango was insisting that I get out of bed. I got some food prepped because the next day I was in a dragon boat regatta. Early in the afternoon we had some excitement as we had some bears wandering through our complex. One walked right past our living room window and if the window wasn't there I could have reach out to pet him he was so close. The baby decided to take a nap in the tree behind our friends place. He was up there for a while. After that excitement I went to a wedding. It was my previous manager from the SPCA and I went to pick up my new manager to take her there. It was a nice wedding and outside. Which was good since the groom had picked up COVID a couple of days before the wedding. He was fine but we decided to play it safe and not stay for dinner since we both have mom's who are elderly and we will be seeing soon. I got home around dinner time and went to another neighbors house for a get together. That was a lot of fun but I had to leave early so I could get up at 4:30 am the next morning for the regatta. It was a 2 day regatta but because of the wedding I could only do the Sunday. It is the Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival and it is the biggest one in North America. There were 200 teams from around the world, lots from Canada and the U.S. and also Australia, China and Hong Kong. It was a lot of fun and we ended up winning gold in the Women's E Division. I was wiped out last night and was fast asleep by 8pm. This morning I was really tired so I just did the one time through premix for Total Body Trisets. I was so tired that I couldn't lift as heavy as I normally do but I figured it was better to do something than nothing at all. I need to walk Zoey in just a bit since our friend is going to his nephews graduation ceremony and won't have time to do it when he gets home from work. After that I have dragon boat practice.

Have a great day.

Pam OMG! I am jealous of your rain. We are in a major drought. We have only gotten 2 inches of rain since May 1. Great job on GSTB! I have always heard that about dogs too but she doesn't seem to mind as she walks through it. We are trying to feed her in there to see if maybe she will associate not wanting to poo where she eats but she is not food motivated so it is hard to get her in there.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 Giant Sets! The bears in your area just amaze me that they wander around like that. I am glad the groom was ok with COVID and glad everyone played it safe. The regatta sounds awesome. It has to be expensive to ship the dragon boat from Australia or China though. Great job on winning gold!!! Great job on doing the TBT premix!

So yesterday I must have over reached on my squats because this morning my low back was super tight. I decided to sleep in and try to stretch out since the dogs usually sleep on my legs when DH is in bed. It's starting to feel a little better and since I also decided to work from home today I might try to get a slow walk in on the treadmill over lunch.

Have a great day!
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Cheryl Wow, you had quite the busy weekend!! Great job on GSTB. It would be kind’ve fun to see the bears wandering around, but a little bit scary also. The babies are so cute, but I know mama can get protective when they are around. My step-daughter just went to a wedding last weekend where the groom got Covid too. They had to postpone their honeymoon because of it. It’s good that yours was outside but you were smart to play it safe. Congratulations on your gold medal! How exiting. Great job on TBT after that busy weekend, I was exhausted just reading about it .

Julie Oh no, sorry to hear that your back is not feeling great, Hopefully the rest time and the stretching helped it!

This morning was STS 2 Active recovery and the mini-ball abs. I discovered I don’t have the right kind of ball for it so will have to look into that. I tried using my medicine ball at first, but there was no way I Could do some of those exercises with an 8 pound ball. Then I switched to my 2 pound ball, but it is really tiny, so there was no way I could keep it up for the bicycle move. I tried, but it kept falling so I ended up just dropping it. Have a great day!

Julie We don't need to ship the dragon boats to the venue which is good. It would be very expensive to have one shipped somewhere. The venue who is hosting the event supplies all of the dragon boats which is great for everyone participating. I hope your back is doing better and you got a walk in on your treadmill.

Pam Good job on Active Recovery and the Mini Ball Abs. You do need a particular ball to do some of those exercises. The med ball would be too heavy.

This morning was Mobility 1 and Standing Abs. Then I got groceries and then got some housework done. After that I went out for a bit of a walk.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS2 AR plus Mini Abs! I wonder if you could use a yoga block for some of those moves? I don't have that particular ball either and wondered about whether the med ball would work but looks like not.

Cheryl Great job on Mobility 1 and Standing Abs! Oh, I guess I was thinking teams would be attached to using a particular boat and not want to use a "rental" but that would make it easier to get more people to participate.

My back is feeling a little better. I didn't get a walk in because my day was a little busier than I expected. but I did get up and do stretches occasionally during meetings. Luckily we don't video during meetings much. This morning I did a heavy upper body weight workout and some hip flexor strengthening.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Mobility 1 and Standing Abs and your walk!

Julie I’m glad that your back is feeling better. Great job on you heavy upper body and hip flexor work!

This morning was STS 2.0 Supersets. I was able to go up in weight for my chest presses and flies so was happy about that. I can match Cathe on everything in that one except the chest presses which makes me feel good! Have a great day!


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