Strength in Numbers

Pam 104 is really hot, I know I would have passed out in that heat. Great job on STS 2.0 Upper Body 2.

Julie Great work on your 2 heavy lower body workouts and hip flexor strengthening. That is great that Petunia made it an hour in the crate without an accident.

Pam Good work on STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. You do need to get some adoptions done, 9 is a lot of kittens.

So the regatta was good we got gold in our division. The weather was hot but I would rather have that than rain. We were all happy to get home though and sleep in our own beds. This morning was STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Now I need to get some things done around here. There is dragon boating tonight but I said that I am not going. I need some time just to unwind.

Have a great day.

Pam Hope you enjoyed your relaxing chill day. Great job on STS 2 LB 1! Oh wow, 9 kittens is a lot! I hope some get adopted soon. Wouldn't it be wonderful if one day there wasn't such a need to rescue animals.

Cheryl Wow, Gold is amazing in your division. So glad the weather was good too. Great job on STS 2 UB 1! That is a good idea to take the night off from dragon boating.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some heavy deadlifts. I normally do deadlifts on Fridays when I have rested up but lately my squats have been feeling heavier than normal so I moved them to Fridays. This was my first work day doing deadlifts and it was tough. It was only 2 sets of 2 reps. I was doing 217.5# and it felt a lot heavier than that.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your heavy upper body workout and deadlifts. That is a lot of weight to deadlift and it is very impressive. I can't deadlift anything near that weight.

This morning was STS 2.0 Lower Body. Then I had to get Zoey out for a poop but it didn't happen. I took her out again after lunch and it was successful. I did go and get groceries and took Tango to the vet for his arthritis shot.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 LB! You are so nice to help out with Zoey and I bet she loves having you come over and get her out. Hope Tango is doing well with the shot. It has taken me a long time to get over 200 for deadlifts and to be fair they are the full deadlifts like in powerlifting competitions. I cannot do that weight with Cathe which are more like a partial deadlift and to me are much harder to hold the weight.

This morning I did a weight workout! I was really struggling and had to fight to make it through but oddly when I was on the last round my energy came in and I added on a short 5 minute finisher of air squats and kettlebell swings.
Cheryl Wow, Congratulations on Gold in your division, that is awesome! Great job on STS UB1, I don’t blame you for taking the evening off from dragon boating after your big weekend!

Julie Great job won your heavy upper body workout and deadlifts. Holy cow, I can’t even pick up 217.5 pounds, that is incredible!! Not my heavy deadlifts feel pretty wimpy!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 LB. That Zoey and her owner are lucky to have you to help with her! Are the arthritis shots helping Tango?

Julie Great job on our weight workout and getting a second wind!

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday, but I did STS 2 Upper Body 1. Then I had a bunch of running around to do including a wish celebration for a family that is going to Hawaii. They were supposed to go right before Covid, so they have been waiting a long time. The good news though is that the girl is completely finished with her cancer treatments and healthy now, so she will get to really enjoy it. This morning was STS 2 Total body stretch and the standing+floor abs. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS UB1! Oh Hawaii sounds like a wonderful trip. I am so glad they are getting to go after such a long wait. Maybe it was meant to be a long wait so she can be healthy and fully enjoy it. Great job on STS 2 TBS plus Stand+Floor abs!

This morning I did a bike ride in Barcelona and a Hatha yoga session. I was surprisingly motivated to workout this morning. I have a busy weekend ahead of me but hopefully I can find sometime to catch up on sleep.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Yes Tango is doing well with the shot. Great job on your weight workout and your add on with your burst of energy.

Pam The arthritis shots do seem to help Tango. Good work on Upper Body 1 and Total Body Stretch and the standing + floor abs. She will enjoy Hawaii more now that she is healthy.

Julie Good work on your bike ride in Barcelona and Hatha yoga session. I hope you find some time to relax.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I did do the mat yoga. Then I got all the housework done and then went out to get my mom out for a little bit. Then we went to my cousin's place because my aunt turned 80 yesterday so we had a party for her. This morning was Upper body 2 and then I went to the SPCA to help out. After that we had a few errands to do.

Have a great day.

Julie Great job on your bike ride and yoga. Isn‘t it fun when you are feeling so motivated for your workout? That hasn’t happened to me in a long time. I hope you get to catch up on your sleep this weekend!

Cheryl Great. Job on mat yoga and getting your housework done! I hope your aunt enjoyed her party! Great job on UB2!

I forgot to post yesterday but it was Lower Body 2 after dropping 3 kittens that I am sitting for another foster off for their spay/neuters. Then I had a bunch of running around to do before picking them up, and my sister and niece and nephew arrived in the evening for the weekend. This morning was Upper Body 2. I was spent after that! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on LB2 and UB2. Enjoy your weekend with your family.

This morning was Lower body 2. Then I got the laundry done and now I just have a few errands to do.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on mat yoga! Glad you were able to spend some time with your family for your Aunt's 80th birthday. Great job on UB 2 and LB 2!

Pam Great job on LB2 and UB2! Hope you had a great weekend with your family visit.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then had to get my oil changed and then met up with my sister who bought our old Suburban now that DH bought a new truck. Saturday was mobility work and then I went to my mom's to do some organizing and meal prepping for her. Sunday was my lazy day and I actually got some decent sleep last night which is weird for a Sunday night. This morning I did a heavy upper body push workout.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LB2!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout! That’s nice that your sister bought your Suburban, it’s such a pain selling a car usually. Great job on mobility work and your heavy upper body push workout. That is awesome that you got a good sleep on a Sunday night!

Saturday I did chair yoga and Sunday was my rest day. My sister and niece and her family left yesterday morning but we had a nice time with them. Yesterday afternoon I had a pierogi making class. it was fun and the pierogi’s were so good. i will definitely be making some soon. This morning was STS 2 Body parts legs and I did the 3 bonus exercises also, My legs were a bit shaky by the time I was finished, Hae a great day!

Pam Great job on chair yoga! Glad you had a nice time with your sister and niece's family. That does sound like a fun class. Great job on STS 2 BP Legs plus the bonus exercises! Cathe is good about getting legs to shake.

This morning I did a heavy deadlift and upper body pull workout. I actually got good sleep again. I am worried I just jinxed it but hopefully not.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy deadlift and upper body pull workout! Congratulations on another good sleep! Wow, I hope that continues for you!

This morning was Body parts shoulders and the shoulder bonus exercises. I have really weak shoulders and they are feeling it! Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your heavy lower body workout, mobility work and your heavy upper body push workout. That is nice that your sister bought your old car. It is a pain dealing with car dealerships. They always want you to trade it in for practically nothing. It feels so good to have a good nights sleep.

Pam Great job on chair yoga and STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs and the 3 bonus exercises. Pierogis are good and probably taste a lot better home made than store bought.

Julie Good work on your heavy deadlift and upper body pull workout. You didn't jinx it tonight you will get another great nights sleep.

Pam Great work on Body Parts Shoulders and the bonus exercises. I had weak shoulders too so it should be interesting when I start that next week.

Oops forgot to post yesterday. I was really tired Saturday and Sunday so I took those as rest days. Yesterday morning I met up with a friend for a walk and last night was dragon boating. This morning I did Lower Body 1 and then went and got groceries. Now I am going to do some tiding up around here.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BP Shoulders plus bonus exercises! I have noticed for myself that after years of working at a desk, my shoulder mobility and thoracic mobility is poor and since I have started working on it, I feel it has made my lifts stronger. Maybe helping my shoulder stability.

Cheryl No worries on forgetting to post. Glad you took some days off to rest. Great job on your walk and dragon boating and LB 1! Hope you got all your tiding up done.

I got ok sleep last night after 2 nights of being spoiled. I decided to take a day off as I am getting some bloodwork done and have to fast until 11 am.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Don’t worry about not posting, it happens to all of us! I hope you enjoyed your rest days. Great job on your walk, dragon boating, and LB1!

Julie Sorry your sleep wasn’t as good as the previous 2 nights. It is nice to get spoiled like that occasionally. I hate the morning fasting, hope all goes well with the bloodwork and you aren’t too hungry by thte time you get to eat!

This morning was Active recovery and no equipment abs. It’s been a hectic few days with the kitties. One of the kittens that I am kitten sitting has been sick and seems to have given everyone diarrhea! ☹️ So I’ve been giving them all medicine that they hate for the last 3 days and a few of them antibiotics. She is a bit perkier this morning and was eating so hopefully things are starting to improve. I still have 2 more days of the dreaded medicine for all 12! Wish me luck! Have a great day!

Hello, All! My name is Nicki and I am currently single - two previous marriages. My only child, Jeffrey moved out last night so I am an empty nester! I miss him already!
I have 3 fur babies - Skylar, a black and white springer spaniel who is 14.5 years old; Eli, a lab and German short haired Pointer who is 7 years old; Macy who is a chiweenie and 1.5 years old. My first small breed dog and I truly love that little girl!
I love Cathe and started with her in about 1993. I haven't found any other instructor I like better than her. She is genuine and truly cares about her team and her followers! I just finished the 12-week rotation of STS 2.0 and will be doing it again once I return from my first vacation in years - a 10 day cruise in Alaska coming up Aug 16th. Didn't want to start it and then have to stop for a couple of weeks.
Look forward to conversing with you all and welcome the support and encouragement.
Julie Sorry that your sleep wasn't as good. I hate the fasting bloodwork as I am usually hungry first thing in the morning.

Pam Good job on Active Recovery and no equipment abs. Haha giving 12 kittens medicine is not a lot of fun. Good luck :p.

Nicki Welcome to the group, glad to have you here. Cathe is the best and I have been following her since 1998. An Alaska cruise will be nice and the weather should be good in August and the scenery will be spectacular. Looking forward to chatting with you.

This morning was STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Then I got the housework done before it got too hot. DH needed some blood work done so we just walked across the street to the hospital. We were both a sweaty mess by the time we got back home because it is so hot out.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Active Recovery and NE Abs! Oh no, poor kitties and you having to deal with the diarrhea. Good luck with the next few days and hopefully they all start to get better. Twelve is a lot!

Nicki Hello! Glad to have you join us! I started exercise with Jillian Michaels but found Cathe when I wanted to try step and was smitten with how different and friendly she was. Love the community here but I am currently not doing any Cathe workouts. I am doing a powerlifting program called Stronger by the Day for my weight lifting. I use iFit to do cardio on my bike or treadmill as they have so many workouts that are done in locations I will never get to visit in real life like India, Antarctica, Australia and many other places. I hope you have a wonderful time in Alaska. I have had a few friends go there and they say it is amazing.

Cheryl Great job on UB1! Oh no, it is back to being hot. I was so hungry that I took some food with me to get eat as soon as she removed the needle.

This morning I did an iFit bike ride in Chicago along the riverfront and then did a Hatha Yoga Burn session! I got better sleep last night. Of course it is the weekend and I am hoping the trend continues of good sleep.

Have a great weekend!
Nicki Hi Nicki! Welcome to our group, it’s great to have you here. I bet your house feels empty with your son gone, but it’s nice to have the fur babies to keep you company. We are a fur baby loving bunch. I have 2 cats and also foster kittens. I currently have 9 fosters (way over my limit which is supposed to be 5) and am kitten sitting 3 for another foster. Chiweenies are SO cute! I love Cathe too. I started workout videos doing The Firm. I don’t remember what year I discovered Cathe, but I bought a step and one of her workouts came free with it. I tried it and was hooked. I have a few others, but I also go back to Cathe. I am in week 5 of the 8 wee STS 2.0 rotation and really enjoying it. I can’t wait to hear about your Alaskan cruise, that is on my bucket list!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 UB 1 And getting your housework done before it got too hot! You are right across the street from the hospital? Wow, that is convenient. I hope you were able to relax and cool off when you got home

Julie Great job on your bike ride in Chicago and Hatha yoga! I’m glad your good sleeps are continuing, it sounds like the beginning of a very good trend!

This morning was STS 2 Body parts back and the bonus exercises. Unfortunately I ended up having some more kitty drama yesterday. I had a shopping spree wish all afternoon so I went in to see them for awhile before I left and noticed that Blazes jaw looked huge! I was kind’ve panicky because I had to be at the mall in an hour and would be there until after the vets all close. One of the other fosters said she could pick her up if I dropped her at the vet, but then neither of the vets were answering their phones. I ended up putting her in a carrier and getting in the car and got in touch with the vet when I was 5 minutes away. It’s an abscess, but they couldn’t drain it yesterday because her fever was too high, so they sent her home with some meds to bring down her fever and the inflammation and she goes back tomorrow to have it drained. I did end up making it to the mall about 5 minutes before the limo arrived with the family and it was a fun afternoon.Have a great day!


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