Strength in Numbers

Julie I hate being that hungry but that was smart to take some food with you. Great job on you bike ride in Chicago and Hatha Yoga Burn session. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Good work on STS 2.0 Body Parts Back and the bonus exercises. Oh no poor Blaze I hope the fever comes down and the abscess can be drained soon. Wow you sure did have a fun afternoon good thing that you could make it to the mall in time.

This morning I did Mobility 1 and Mini Ball Abs.. Now I am just waiting to hear from the SPCA when our transfer is near to go help with our new animals.

Have a great day.

Great mob on Mobility 1 and mini ball abs. I haven’t tried to do that one again since I don’t have the right kind of ball. Did you get some fun animals in?

This morning I did STS 2 Body parts chest. i didn’t have time to do the bonus exercises because I had to take Blaze to the vet. She decided not to wait for her procedure though and scratched open her abscess and drained it herself . So they are going to clean it up and make sure everything is drained. Crazy cat! Have a great day!

Nicki Hi Nicki! Welcome to our group, it’s great to have you here. I bet your house feels empty with your son gone, but it’s nice to have the fur babies to keep you company. We are a fur baby loving bunch. I have 2 cats and also foster kittens. I currently have 9 fosters (way over my limit which is supposed to be 5) and am kitten sitting 3 for another foster. Chiweenies are SO cute! I love Cathe too. I started workout videos doing The Firm. I don’t remember what year I discovered Cathe, but I bought a step and one of her workouts came free with it. I tried it and was hooked. I have a few others, but I also go back to Cathe. I am in week 5 of the 8 wee STS 2.0 rotation and really enjoying it. I can’t wait to hear about your Alaskan cruise, that is on my bucket list!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 UB 1 And getting your housework done before it got too hot! You are right across the street from the hospital? Wow, that is convenient. I hope you were able to relax and cool off when you got home

Julie Great job on your bike ride in Chicago and Hatha yoga! I’m glad your good sleeps are continuing, it sounds like the beginning of a very good trend!

This morning was STS 2 Body parts back and the bonus exercises. Unfortunately I ended up having some more kitty drama yesterday. I had a shopping spree wish all afternoon so I went in to see them for awhile before I left and noticed that Blazes jaw looked huge! I was kind’ve panicky because I had to be at the mall in an hour and would be there until after the vets all close. One of the other fosters said she could pick her up if I dropped her at the vet, but then neither of the vets were answering their phones. I ended up putting her in a carrier and getting in the car and got in touch with the vet when I was 5 minutes away. It’s an abscess, but they couldn’t drain it yesterday because her fever was too high, so they sent her home with some meds to bring down her fever and the inflammation and she goes back tomorrow to have it drained. I did end up making it to the mall about 5 minutes before the limo arrived with the family and it was a fun afternoon.Have a great day!

I started with Kathy Smith and The Firm!!! Found Cathe and never went back to the others.
Hello, Everyone!
Today was a "rest" day. I started with Foam Rolling Upper Body, Mat Yoga, Step Boss Ab Stacker and finally Perfect 30 Extended Stretch. I love my stretching days! Tomorrow is Tre-Sets!
Good Friday morning!

My thought process behind the name for this thread is this: The more people we have working together toward a common goal, the stronger we are, collectively and individually. I know that I need the support and advice from other people to reach my fitness goals and I hope to offer as much support and advice as I can to help YOU reach yours.

I'm bringing a few people along with me who will be phenomenal at this also. Janie, Pam, Cheryl, Julie, Workinprogress, and anyone else who might have been lurking on the "Lurkers Invitation For The Holidays" thread.

Now for any "new" people, here's a little about me: I am a 47 year old wife and mother. My husband and I have been married for 23 years and have 3 great kids, ages 21, 19, and 14.

I cannot remember a time in my life when I didn't "wish" I was more fit and I've dabbled in fitness and workouts off and on (more "off" than "on") for as long as I can remember. Four years ago, a trip to my doctor for a routine physical smacked me into reality. I stepped on the scale and was mortified at the number. I am 5'3" short and was stunned to discover that I weighed 174 pounds. I had no idea how I had gained 20 pounds in one year. I decided, before I got off that scale, that it was time to take things seriously.

I started working out every day at home with a beachbody workout (Slim in 6) that a co-worker loaned to me. Power 90 followed, then P90X. They, along with online help and support, helped me lose 35 pounds in a little over a year. I discovered Cathe Friedrich workouts quite by accident less than 2 years ago and have been absolutely hooked on her style, demeanor, and oh-so-challenging workouts. I am currently working out with STS for the second time and can't say enough good things about this program.

I have had ups and downs in the last few years and have slowly gained about 15 of the 35 pounds back in the last year and a half. Injuries and job changes have hampered (but not stopped) me, and I am still trying to master one of the most important elements to any fitness journey...nutrition. maybe that's more than "a little about me". :p Join us, please, because there truly is Strength in Numbers.

Have a wonderful day, and thanks for joining us! :DHelen
I’ve always loved fitness after watching my Parents work out-after seeing Terminator 2 in movies I was so blown away by Linda Hamilton’s arms that I moved my Dads free weights into my room and just lifted them every which way.I became a DVD fanatic when my kids were little and did P90 X and also entered the Body for Life challenge twice-the second time was at age 49 and it coincided with a miserable time in my Life-I at least was in the best shape ever and was getting compliments from Strangers.My issue is that after menopause,my body just won’t cooperate and now the Dr said I could possiblly have fibromyalgia since I feel achy often and exhausted-I still show up every day though for my workouts-I keep comparing my 56 year old body to my 49 year old body and sometimes it saddens me
Pam Great job on STS 2 BP Back plus bonus exercises! Oh my what a crazy day. Poor Blaze. I am glad you made it to the mall on time. Great job on STS 2 BP Chest! Oh my, I can't believe she did that but I bet she felt a little relief with it draining. I hope she heals quickly.

Cheryl Great job on Mobility 1 and Mini Ball Abs! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Nicki Great job on Foam Rolling Upper Body, Mat Yoga, Step Boss Ab Stacker and finally Perfect 30 Extended Stretch! That sounds like quite the "rest" day :D

Fleming Hello and welcome! I am so sorry about the possible fibromyalgia diagnosis. You are amazing for still showing up every day.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some things around the house. Saturday was my mobility day and then DH and I went to Costco. Petunia peed and pooed outside before we left and was only in her crate for 2 1/2 hours but still pooed in her crate. She was laying in it when we got home. I think it is nerves and we are seeing about upping her anxiety meds but I hate doing that. Sunday was my rest day and this morning I did a heavy upper body workout!

Have a great day!
Nicki Wow, that’s an interesting “rest” day that you had! Great job on foam rolling, mat yoga, ab stacker, ES, and Tri-sets! I wish I loved stretching, I need to do it so much more, but I can never get motivated to do it!

FlemingCol56 Hi and welcome to the group! Good for you for still showing up every day, but I know it’s frustrating. I’m 62 and get very frustrated with the age related issues!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, mobility, and braving Costco! Poor Petunia, it can be so frustrating not knowing what is going on with them and how to help them. Maybe you can up her anxiety meds and slowly wean them back down? Great job on your heavy upper body workout!

Saturday was Mobility 2, then I took Toast (one of the kittens I am kitten sitting) to a trial adoption. He is the sweetest cat, so I’m sure it will go well. It will all be about how he gets along with her current cat. Then a former adopter came over to meet Blaze. She said she isn’t sure if she’s ready yet, but she’s going to start coming over to visit the kittens and help out with them. Yesterday was Body parts biceps and this morning was body parts triceps. Have a great day!

Pam Good job on STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest. Yes we got 7 kittens and 3 cats. They were all very friendly and won't last long before they are adopted.

Nicki Great job on your Foam Rolling Upper Body, Mat Yoga, Step Boss Ab Stacker and P30 Extended Stretch and Tri Sets. That doesn't seem like a rest day to me :D.

Fleming Hi and welcome to the group. I understand your frustration with menopause and your body not cooperating. I am 63 and I am gaining that layer of fat especially in the middle area no matter what I do. I hope you don't have fibromyalgia and good for you in still showing up for your workouts.

Julie Great work on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility day and your heavy upper body workout. I am going to have to brave Costco this week. I am not looking forward to it. Poor Petunia I hope she gets over her anxiety.

Pam Good work on Mobility 2 and Body Parts Biceps. I hope Toast's trial goes well.

Friday was Lower Body 2 and Saturday was Upper Body 2. Saturday was DH's birthday so we went down to the park with our friend for Ribfest. It was a great time with lots of bands and food. It was hot and super crowded but a lot of fun. Sunday I went to the farmers market and I helped out with our SPCA booth that we had there for a few hours. Sunday we went out for dinner again since DH likes to stretch out his birthday as much as he can. This morning was body parts legs. No I got to get a few things done around here. It is raining here after a very long dry spell so it is nice that it is cooler. Tonight will be dragon boat practice.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Mobility 2! That is such a cute name Toast it reminds me of my nephew naming one of his stuffed cats Toaster Strudel! That will be nice to get some help with the kittens. Maybe she would want to be a foster if she isn't ready to adopt?

Cheryl Great job on LB 2 and UB 2! How lucky his birthday lined up with Ribfest! Like it was a party thrown for him. I don't blame him for wanting to stretch out his birthday. I always tell my DH it is my birthday month. One time, DH accidentally told me it was birthday year! Great job on BP Legs!

This morning I did heavy deadlifts and back day! I added on like 10 minutes of conditioning and boy am I out of shape. I need to start adding some conditioning back in more frequently.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your heavy deadlifts and back. It is amazing how fast you can lose your conditioning. I am sure you will get it back quickly.

This morning was Body Parts Shoulders. Now I need to go get some groceries and then I am meeting up with a friend this afternoon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on BP Shoulders! Hope you had a great time with your friend. I couldn't believe how out of breath I got. I don't think I could do a Cathe warmup without breathing heavy.

This morning I did a weight workout. I didn't get great sleep so I kept it shorter and lighter. Day dreaming about the time in my life when I might get consistently good sleep instead of consistently bad sleep.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on LB2 and UB 2. Ribfest sounds like so much fun and I love that your DH likes stretching out his birthday like that. I have a friend who always celebrates her birthday month.

Julie I was laughing when I had toast here because I also have a Cinnamon. I was thinking I needed one named Crunch too . Great. Job on heavy deadlifts and back and your conditioning. It is crazy how quickly you lose conditioning compared to how long it takes to build it. It’s not fair!

Cheryl Great job on shoulders. I hope you had a nice time with your friend.

Julie Great job on your weight workout despite getting a lousy sleep. I always think about how well I used to sleep and wish I could get those days back!

It looks like I forogt to post yesterday but I did Upper Body Foam Rolling. I had to take Petra and Nebo in for their spay and neuter surgeries, then I had a hair appointment, and then I had to go meet someone to pick up a donation for the Wish ball. I also took Pancake and Waffle back to their foster. This morning was Body Parts legs with the bonus and then I took Liza for her enucleation and spay surgery. Now I’m feeling like I should get outside and do something active, but it’s so hot out already that I’m having a hard time getting motivated. Have a great day!

Pam OMG that would be too funny to have Cinnamon Toast Crunch kitties! Great job on UB Foam Rolling! Wow you had a busy day after that. Great job on BP Legs plus bonus! Hopefully little Liza will feel better with her eye removed and it will heal quickly for her.

This morning I woke up exhausted. I am not sure if it is the heat or the fact that I had another bad night's sleep. I decided to not workout but might try to walk on the treadmill over my lunch time. It is way to hot out to do anything outside today or tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Oh man, I was hoping your good sleep streak would continue. Sorry to hear that didn’t happen. I’m sure both the bad sleep and the heat are adding to the exhaustion. Hopefully tonight will be better.

This morning was STS 2 Shoulders, the shoulder bonus, and abs core plus floor. We were thinking about going for a bike ride this morning, but it’s going to be 96 and we both are still remembering the last time we rode and not feeling motivated. Plus my DH just got back from a race in Pittsburgh last night so he wasn’t very anxious to get up early to beat the heat. Liza’s surgery went great yesterday, but the poor thing was so sad with the giant cone on her head. She’s so small that even the smallest one looked enormous on her. She was either walking backwards or sitting with her head down ☹️. And of course this morning I went in and discovered that she had managed to get it off. I ordered a different type that looks smaller so hopefully it will be better. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your weight workout. Sorry that you didn't get a good nights sleep.

Pam Good job on Upper Body Foam Rolling and Body Parts Legs + bonus. You had a busy day.

Julie Sorry that you woke up exhausted. The heat can really zap your energy. I hope it cools down for you.

Pam Great work on Shoulders + bonus and abs core plus floor. Poor Liza and the cone of shame. Hopefully the smaller one will fit better. They are very good at getting it off.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. I had very bad time management yesterday morning and I didn't get a chance to even do the Active Recovery before I had to leave to go out to my mom's. She had appointments for blood work, a eye doctor's appointment, doctor's appointment and running around in between all of it. I was really tired by the time I got home. This morning was body parts back and then I went to the SPCA for transfer. It was a small one so I wasn't there very long. Then we went to Costco, it was crazy busy but it is done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Oh I hate it when I am rushed in the morning. It sounds like you had a busy day with your mom. Great job on body parts back And braving Costco! I did a Costco run yesterday too because I needed cat litter. Luckily it wasn’t too busy and I was in and out quickly,

This morning was supposed to be Active Recovery but I wanted to do a little more cardio. I know Cathe said not to kill it with Cardio while doing STS 2, but I have been missing it so I did Perfect Hiit LI. It was harder than normal since I really haven’t done much cardio in almost 6 weeks. Have a great day!

Happy Saturday! This morning was Body parts back and the bonus. Someone is coming over to meet kittens this morning so hopefully I’ll have 2 less soon . Have a great day!

Good morning! This morning was Body parts chest with the bonus exercises. I know I said this before, but I’m so happy that there aren’t a lot of push ups in this series! The kitten meet and greet went well yesterday and they ended up taking Blaze and Petra for a trial. They were funny because they had a really hard time deciding and changed their minds several times. They also said to keep them posted about Liza because they might want her when she is ready also . Last night we went out for dinner and then went to see the Counting Crows, It was a great show and it was beautiful outside so it was lot of fun. Have a great day!

Pam I am missing the cardio too. Good job on Perfect Hiit LI, body parts back and the bonus and body parts chest and the bonus. I am glad that the meet and greet went well and I hope the trial goes well too. Wow 3 kittens will be a handful but a lot of fun too. Nice that you enjoyed the Counting Crows and had a nice night too.

Friday I did body parts chest and then got the laundry and housework done. Saturday I went dragon boating in the morning and then went over to my brother's for dinner. They had just completed an addition to their house so we went over to check it out. This morning was supposed to be body parts triceps but I wanted a day off instead. I did go to the farmers market and now we will be going down to the local coffee shop for coffee and people watching.


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