Strength in Numbers

Julie We just use regular sand and it works pretty good. Good work on your STS 2.0 workouts. I have only done the Active Recovery once and I can't remember much of it. I should do that one again soon.

Pam Good job on Body Parts Chest and Bonus. I hope Liza keeps getting better and has no more incidents. I can never figure out how they can get one of their legs inside the cone.

So no Orcas last night but it was crazy busy there because it was a holiday here yesterday. This morning I was so tired I didn't even try to do a workout. I think I did a bit too much yesterday. I did go and get some groceries though and even had a bit of a nap.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BP Chest plus bonus! Oh no, maybe lack of sleep with having to take care of the kitties and poor little Liza's eye caused the weak feeling. Liza seems like a little fireball where nothing slows her down.

Cheryl Bummer on not being able to see the orcas. You must have needed the sleep if you got a nap in.

This morning I did another STS 2.0 montage of Standing Abs Metabolic Warm Up + No Equipment Abs + Mobility 2 + Total Body Stretch. It sounds like a lot again but it was just over an hour with all the DVD changes. I like the Cathe tells you when you just have 1 or 2 more ab moves left to do. That helps me push through and I also feel like she doesn't rep you to death on these ab workouts.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on the STS 2.0 workouts. I really like this series.

This morning was Body Part Chest. I am doing better than yesterday but I sure didn't feel strong this morning. Now I need to get ready to go out to my mom's to take her out.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on BP Chest! I am sorry you are still not feeling strong but are better. Hope you have a great day with your mom. I want to try the weight workouts but may have to wait until my next deload week later this year.

This morning I slept in as it is my last time this week. Next week the program I am doing is ramping back up and it is supposed to be a 15 week long cycle to help peak squat, bench, and deadlift. I hope I make it out alive!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl That’s a bummer that you didn’t get to seer the Orcas and that it was crazy busy. Hopefully your nap helped to revive you

Julie Liza is definitely a fireball, but she is as sweet as can be too. Even through the whole ordeal with her eye, she never stops purring. Great job on your STS 2.0 montage. I really like the core workouts in this series because she doesn’t rep everything out.

Cheryl Great job on BP Chest! Sorry you weren’t feeling strong, but I can relate. I hope you had a great time with your mom!

Julie That’s great that you were able to sleep in. I hope this week prepared you for the next 15, they sound like they are going to be brutal!

Yesterday morning was Mobility 2 and then DH and I went for a bike ride. This was our first one since the one we did when it was crazy hot so we were a little nervous. It was in the mid to high eighty’s which was about 10 degrees cooler and felt a lot better. We also brought pickles with us to eat at the turn around and took an extra bottle of water, so it was good. This morning I had to take Benny in for his neuter and then I did Body Parts Biceps And standing abs metabolic warm up. I am almost done with my 8 week STS 2.0 rotation so need to decide what to start next. It will definitely be something with more cardio. Have a great day!

Julie Oh wow 15 weeks is a long cycle. Get rested up this weekend.

Pam Good job on Mobility 2 and your bike ride and body parts biceps and standing abs. Mid to high 80s is still too hot for me. Hmm pickles is an interesting food to bring along.

Oops I forgot to post yesterday. But I did Body Parts biceps and then went to the SPCA to help out. When I got home I got most of the housework done since it wasn't too hot out. This morning was body parts triceps and then I finished up the housework and got the laundry done. I just got back from taking Tango to the vet for his monthly arthritis shot. Now I think I am just going to relax for a bit before I need to start on dinner. I am going to start another workout routine starting on Monday since it will be getting very hot here and I know how I am when it gets too hot out. I will start STS 2.0 again when the weather cools down again.

Have a great weekend.

Pam Great job on Mobility 2 and your bike ride with DH! Glad it was a nice day for the bike ride. Pickles were probably a great idea because they provide electrolytes. Great job on BP Bis and Standing Abs Metabolic Warm Up!

Cheryl Great job on BP Bis, all the housework, and BP Tris! Hope you find a new routine that excites you!

Friday I did mobility work and then did some things around the house. Saturday I did a walk in Turks & Caicos and a Hatha yoga session. Then I went to my mom's and did a bunch of meal prepping and some housework for her. Sunday was my lazy day. This morning I started the 15 week peaking cycle with deadlifts and lower body. It was a rough start and I can tell my legs are going to be sore after taking last week off.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Every structured ride around here has pickles and pickle juice at the rest stops because of the sodium. I hate Gatorade so I do pickles. We never go on hikes without them anymore either. Great job on BP biceps and triceps and getting all of the housework an laundry done!

Julie It looks like we were typing at the same time because your post showed up when I posted mine! Great job on mobility and housework, your walk in the Turks & Caicos, and your yoga session! It‘s so nice of you to do all of that work for your mom, I’m sure she loves it! Great job on your deadlifts and lower body work, I hope you can pass the toilet test tomorrow!

It looks like I forgot to post on Friday but I did Body parts Triceps. Saturday was supposed to be mobility or stretching or something but I did Body max step and power circuits. I did Mobility 1 on Sunday and started Cathe’s August rotation this morning with 4DS Kickbox. It has been ages since I did that one so it was a good change. Nebo and Benny went on a trial adoption together on Thursday and I got 2 new shy kitties. They seemed like they were doing ok and were not just hiding all the time, but were coming out to play and I was able to pet them both a couple of times. Last night I went to move them into the bathroom so that I could take them for their spay and neuter this morning and they freaked out. My DH came up to help me and we each had one and they both went ballistic. Despite being scruffed, we both got bitten pretty good and scratched up. We were able to get them into carriers this morning but were prepared with big leather gloves just in case. They are going to need a lot more socialization before I would feel comfortable adopting them out, although the women they we got them from described him as a lap cat. I definitely haven’t seen that yet! Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your mobility work, walk in Turks & Caicos your Hatha yoga session and your deadlifts and lower body work. Let us know how you are doing tomorrow.

Pam OK the pickles make sense now. Great work on Body Parts Triceps, BM Step and Power Circuits,, Mobility 1 and 4DS Kickbox. Yikes they must have gone ballistic if you needed the big leather gloves. At least you had them and didn't get bit and scratched again. Sounds like they will need more socializing. Umm a lap cat she said, I guess everyone's idea of a lap cat differs.

So Saturday I went dragon boating in the morning and then had a bit of a lazy day. Sunday I had a pet first aid course that was all day. It was very good though a very long day and now I am certified in pet first aid. This morning I met up with a friend for a walk and I am sure glad that we meet in the morning. It is a hot one out there today. Tonight is dragon boating and I know it will be another crazy busy day down by the water.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BP Tris, Body Max step and circuits, Mobility 1, and 4DS Kickbox! Oh no those poor kitties were so scared and stressed. Poor you and DH getting all scratched and bit too. I hope they settle in and start to get used to people and being in a home.

Cheryl Great job on dragon boating and your lazy day! That is awesome you are certified in pet first aid. Great job on your walk! Hope you had a great dragon boating session.

This morning I did an upper body workout and some hip flexor work. My body was definitely sore from yesterday's workout. Crazy how taking one week off can cause such soreness when you get back to it. So far so good on passing the toilet test. Hopefully it will last and not have more soreness kick in later. I will say walking up the six flights of stairs to my office was a little harder today.

Have a great day!
Julie Good work on your upper body workout and hip flexor work. I am sure your body will get back into the groove with the weight lifting soon. Six flights is a lot when your legs are sore.

This morning I did LITE Metabolic Blast. I could tell that I hadn't done that kind of training in a while. Now I need to go and get some groceries. It is going to be another hot day here. Hopefully only one more day of really hot weather before it cools down a bit.

Have a great day

Cheryl Great job on dragon boating! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your lazy day. That is awesome that you are certified in pet first aid now, I didn‘t even know that was a thing. Great job on your walk, I hope it’s not too crazy busy for your dragon boat session.

Julie Great job on your upper body and hip flexor work! It‘s pretty maddening to me how youu can get so sore for only 1 week off. I hope your pain continues to be mild.

Cheryl Great job on LITE MB! I hope your cool down comes!

This morning was STS2 Giant Sets. It felt wicked hard as Cathe would say. By the last set of deadlifts I wasn’t sure my grip was going to hold out, it was really hard to hold the dumbbells! Before my workout I dropped Doja and Loverboy at the vet for their spay and neuter, then I had a wish delivery, picked up a silent auction donation and dropped it at the office, picked up the kittens and got home by about 1:30. Now I’m catching up on paperwork and relaxing a bit. I was going to say chilling, but our heat index is 115 today! We are supposed to be cooker tomorrow also though. Have a great day!

Cheryl Great job on LITE MB! Oh I hope it cools down for you. We are actually cooled off this week before we are back in the 90s next week.

Pam Great job on STS2 GS! I hate that my grip is my limiting factor on some exercises. Wow you got a lot done. Stay cool!

This morning I did a bike ride in Chicago and a mobility session. It was nice to have a lighter day and I am hoping it gets the rest of the lactic acid out of my legs as they are still a little tight and sore.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your bike ride and mobility session. Hopefully your legs will be recovered by tomorrow.

This morning was Step Blast. It’s still harder than it should be but I made it through. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on SB! It is crazy how quickly cardio endurance decreases but I bet it will be back to normal by next week sometime.

I decided that waking up at 3am is just too much 4 days a week so I am going to start taking a day off. Either Wednesday or Thursday. This week I decided Thursday was the day. It was nice sleeping in and my legs are feeling so much better which is good since tomorrow is heavy squats and legs day again.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Pam Great job on STS2 Giant Sets. I have a hard time too hanging onto the weights for that one too. Wow you did have a busy day. I would die if I had to deal with 115 degrees, I am struggling to get through our days that are in the 90s.

Julie It is suppose to cool down next week but it isn't soon enough for me. Good work on your bike ride in Chicago and mobility session.

Pam Good job on Step Blast.

Julie I agree that waking up at 3am is hard to do. Glad that you enjoyed your sleep in.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Tango was not doing well with the heat so I had to get a lot of fans going for him to cool him down and our place. I didn't get a chance to workout since I was making sure he was OK. I did go out to my mom's to take her out and DH stayed at home to make sure Tango was doing OK. He is doing better but not eating as much as I would like. Though I know I don't want to eat much either when it gets too hot out. This morning I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. It was a struggle since it is still quite hot out. I do need to do housework but I think I am going to leave it until it gets a bit cooler.

Have a great day.

Good morning

Today was P30 LIHI Hiit. It is a bit cooler today so I am going to try to get some housework done. I have a dragon boat regatta tomorrow so I need to get some things organized for that too.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Oh poor Tango! I am glad he is doing better. Is he long haired and have you ever shaved him? I've seen some people do that with long haired cats in the extreme heat. Great job on ICE MTB especially in the heat and on P30 LIHI HiiT! I hope the cooler weather stayed around for the regatta.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some stuff around the house. We had someone come out and test our water as I want to look into getting a whole house filter. We have one now but it is 15 years old. Our water is pretty bad and the guy said it will take 3-4 weeks for the new filter to come in. Saturday I did mobility work and then DH and I ran errands. We took the dogs instead of trying to test Petunia in the crate again. I just didn't want to come home to a mess. Since I am taking a day off in the middle of the week, I did a heavy upper body workout on Sunday and then was lazy the rest of the day. This morning was another heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Julie I don’t blame you for taking a week day morning off. 3 am is crazy early to have to get up. When I was working and taking the kids to school I had to get up at 4:30 to do my workouts and I always took Wednesday as my day off so I could sleep in one day. It helped me a lot!

Cheryl Oh poor Tango, I hope things cool down for you soon. We had a little bit of a cooling but it is supposed to be 99 on Friday. Great job on MTB in the heat! Great job on P30 LIHI Hiit! I hope the Regatta was a success and not too hot!

Julie Great job on your lower body workout, mobility work, heavy upper body and heavy lower body workouts! I fell like we should probably get a whole house water filter too. We have well water and it is really hard.

It looks like I forgot to post for a few days. Thursday DH and I went for a bike ride in the morning and Thursday night was the Wish Ball. We made over $540,000 total so it was a great success. I was not too happy though that one of the items they auctioned in the live auction was a puppy. UGH. It went for $17,000! I wanted to tell all of the people that were bidding on it to go to the shelter and adopt the next day. Friday morning was Ramped Up Upper Body and then a mostly lazy day. I took Saturday as a rest day, Sunday was Butts and Guts, and this morning was Kick, Punch, and Crunch. Now I’m getting myself psyched up for a Costco trip. Wish me luck!

Julie Tango is a medium haired cat. We don't get him shaved because I don't think he would behave for the person doing it. We did have another cat that we got shaved once a year and he loved it. He would prance around showing off his new hairdo. Good job on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility work, your heavy upper body workout and heavy lower body workout. I have thought about getting a water filter too but I haven't done it yet. Our water is pretty good here so I am not too worried.

Pam Well 99 degrees still isn't cool. Good work on your bike ride, RUUB, Butts and Guts and KPC. That is great that the Wish Ball raised so much money but I wouldn't have been happy to have seen a puppy or any animal for that matter auctioned off. I need to get to Costco too this week. Good luck!!

So the regatta was not fun at all. First of all I got woken up around 3:30am by a bear trying to get into the organics bin. He didn't but he sure did make a lot of noise trying. Then my alarm went off at 4:30am and I was out the door before 6am. I dressed and packed things for summer but when we got to the venue the wind was blowing really hard and it was really cold. I did not dress warm enough at all. For our first race it took almost 10 minutes to get us all lined up due to the wind. We did OK but not great. Then just after our race one of the other paddlers got taken to the hospital due to hypothermia. The waves were really coming over the boat and you got soaked. So they suspended the races to determine their next course of action. We had to wait several hours before they had the meeting with the managers from the various team and they decided to keep racing but only do 200 meters instead of 500 and we were only having one more race. I wasn't too happy because I was really hoping they would cancel but they didn't. So they had to have the coast guard there just in case a boat flipped and people needed to be rescued and we needed to go over the capsize protocol. We didn't win our last race that was about 6 hours after our first one and it really wasn't a fun day. I was very glad to leave and go home. Sunday I met up with a couple of friends for a short walk and coffee. It is now very smoky here from the wildfires that are burning everywhere in our province and my throat is feeling it. This morning I was still very tired from Saturday and decided to not push it and just take the day off. It is cooler here but it is still very smoky. We have Zoey over at our place too since she is now dealing with a urinary tract infection and needs to go out to pee quite often. Our friend is hoping to get her into the vet this afternoon and I may need to take her there if he isn't home from work yet. Dragon boating is also canceled for tonight due to the poor air quality. We will see how it is tomorrow.

Have a great day.


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