Strength in Numbers

So Friday I didn't workout as I had to get to the hospital to have the heart monitor attached to me. I did get the laundry and housework done though. Saturday morning I did LITE Metabolic Blast and the calorie crush. Then I took the monitor off and dropped it back at the hospital. We will see what the results are. So far with all the tests I am very healthy though my cholesterol is high but still in the normal range. I have been told that I need to get the numbers down. Sunday I went to the farmers market and then went for a walk in the afternoon. Today I did STS 2.0 Supersets. This afternoon I went outside to clean up leaves. It is that time of year again.

Cheryl Great job on LITE MB plus CC! That is great that so far everything is coming back as healthy. My cholesterol has always been low like around 120 and I have been told I need to get it raised. Maybe you can give me some of yours. Great job on STS 2.0 SS! Oh no! It is getting to be fall and while I don't mind fall I don't like what comes after.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did a bunch of stuff around the house and got the last of the pears off the tree. I was pooped by the time I was done. Saturday was my mobility workout and then I got to be lazy the rest of the day. Sunday I did a heavy upper body workout and Monday was a heavy lower body workout. This morning I was exhausted and my foot and shoulder were hurting for some reason so I took this morning off. I have a super busy day with back to back meetings all day so I will probably need the extra rest.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on your heavy lower body workout, mobility workout, heavy upper body workout and heavy lower body workout. Good idea to take the day off if you were exhausted and sore. I hope your day went by quickly for you.

Yesterday I did AOLIH and then went to get groceries. Then I needed to go to an ophthalmologist appointment. She wanted to see me again due to my eye stroke to make sure that everything was fine (which it was). She wants me back for a field of vision test which will be next Friday. This morning was STS 2.0 Mat Yoga. Now I need to get ready to go take my mom clothes shopping.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH! Yea, that is great news your eye appointment went well and everything looks good. Great job on STS 2.0 Mat Yoga! Hope you had fun shopping with your mom.

I had a super busy day yesterday and forgot to post. I did do a heavy upper body workout and did some jump rope. My calves were screaming at me with the jump rope. This morning I did not workout because I have to fast for some annual bloodwork.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout and jump rope. I hope everything goes well with your blood work.

Thursday I did STS 2.0 Tri-Sets. Then I had a very busy day at the shelter. I was pooped by the time I got home. Friday I took the day off as I had a hair appointment early in the morning then I did a bit of cleaning. This morning I did LITE Cardio Party and now I am going to finish up with the housework.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 TS and LITE CP! My bloodwork came back all good except I am deficient in Vitamin D so I have to start taking mega doses for a few months to get my levels up. Hopefully the weather is treating you nice and maybe the smoke is out of your area.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some things around the house. Saturday, DH had an early appointment and then I had to go to my mom's to do some things for her so no workout for me. Sunday I did a heavy upper body workout and this morning was a lower body workout. Today we are getting a new whole house water filter, water softener, and a reverse osmosis under the kitchen sink installed. I am so excited to have better tasting water.

Have a great day!
Julie That is great that your bloodwork came back all good except for the vitamin d. It is important to get your levels up before winter and the shorter days get here. Good job on your heavy lower body workout, heavy upper body workout and lower body workout. That is exciting to get a whole house water filter. I am sure you will taste a difference in your water.

Sunday I went to the farmers market and then raked up some leaves. This morning I did STS 2.0 Giant Sets and then got some meal prepping done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 GS and all the meal prepping and leaf raking! I can drink water from anywhere but DH is super picky so I am hoping with the reverse osmosis system he will want to drink more water.

This morning I did an upper body workout and a walk in Turks & Caicos! After a hot weekend, we are in the 70s this week which seems so cool compared to the last couple of weeks.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your upper body workout and walk in Turks & Caicos. We are cool here too but it supposed to get hot again later in the week.

This morning was P30 LI Hiit + the core bonus. Now I need to get some groceries and then take Tango to the vet for his arthritis shot.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LI Hiit + core bonus! I bet getting the shot every couple of weeks/months is so much easier than trying to give him a daily pill.

This morning I did a bike ride in Chicago and a short mobility session! I did something to my shoulder and I am hoping the mobility this morning helped work out the kinks. I don't think I pulled anything. It only just feels like something needs to pop in there.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies, it looks like you have been doing well and keeping up with your workouts. Cheryl I’m glad to hear that you have been getting good news from your tests so far. Did you get your blood work back yet? I’m sure it would be nice to have an explanation of what caused the eye stroke though.

Our trip was so great, it is just so much beautiful there than I could have ever imagined everywhere you look! We hiked every day and DH added things up yesterday and found out that we hiked for over 85 miles total. I decided that earned me a day off yesterday to sleep in and just work on getting the laundry and some things around the house done. I also picked up the 5 fosters - I was a bit surprised that none were adopted while we were gone, but apparently things have been very slow. Doja does have an approved application now though so hopefully something works out there. This morning I did Low Impact Circuit. I haven’t done that workout in a long time so it was a nice change. Have a great day!

Julie He still does get a daily pill but it is something that I can squeeze onto his food so he will just eat it. Good work on your bike ride in Chicago and mobility session. I hope your shoulder is feeling better.

Pam Welcome back. I am glad that you enjoyed your trip. I haven't been over to Banff or Jasper in a very long time but it is a very beautiful place. Wow 85 miles is a lot of hiking and I would say that you earned a day off too. Great job on LIC. I did receive my blood work back and everything was fine and in the normal range though my cholesterol was on the high side of normal so I need to get that down. I am just waiting for the results of my heart test which seems to be taking a long time. If I haven't heard anything but the end of the week I will give them a call to follow up.

Today was Active Recovery, I like the short ones. I will be going out to my mom's in a bit to get her out for a while.

Have a great day.

Pam Welcome back! I am so glad you had a great time and the pics on FB were beautiful! That is a lot of hiking. Glad you gave yourself a day off to get caught up on being out. Hopefully adoptions will pick up soon. Great job on LIC!

Cheryl Great job on AR! Oh that is good that you can sneak the pill in his food. I hope your heart test comes back soon and with good results for you.

This morning I did an upper body workout and a walk on a beautiful beach in Turks & Caicos! I am so ready for the weekend! It is supposed to be nice weather.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your upper body workout and walk in Turks & Caicos. Enjoy your weekend.

This morning was STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Now I am waiting to go to the SPCA to help out.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on AR! It is so nice to have those short ones in there! I hope you had a nice time with your mom.

Julie Great job on your upper body workout and walk on the beach! I hope you are having a great weekend!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 UB 1!

I had a busy couple of days but did keep up with my workouts. Thursday I did Rockout Knockout, then I helped at a Dress for Success Event. They get all kinds Of donated clothing and 6 times a year they hold boutique sales to sell the clothes that they don’t use for clients. I was wishing I had some extra time to shop because they had a lot of nice things for really good prices. Now I know for next time! After that I had a wish discovery which was an hour and a half drive away. Friday morning I had a morning wish celebration which was an hours drive away, then I did LITE Pyramid upper body and six pack abs. Saturday morning was Imax 4 and then I helped at a Make a Wish event at a car wash. We weren’t washing any cars though . This morning was STS Disc 32 plyo legs. I was glad I happened to pick the one that didn’t have the 1/2 turn jumps!. I also got a new kitten on Wednesday, a little tiny 1 pound guy and another one who is a little bigger on Friday. She is one of the highest energy kittens I’ve ever had! The guy who said he wanted to meet Doja never got back to me, so I assume he ended up adopting somewhere else or changed his mind. Hope you are both having a great weekend!

Pam Wow you did have a busy couple of days. Good job on Rockout Knockout, LITE Pyramid Upper Body and Six Pack Abs, IMAX 4 and Disc 32 Plyo Legs. Six times a year is quite a bit, next time you can shop the boutique sale so you can get some nice clothes at a good price. She will keep the other kittens hopping with all of her energy.

Friday I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. In the afternoon I had a field of vision test, I think it went well but we will see if they call to look at my eyes further. Saturday I did Total Body Stretch and then I went out for a walk. Today I took as a day off but we may go for a walk a bit later before the rain starts.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 UB1 and LB1! I hope you don't have to wait long for the results of the field vision test. Great job on TBS and your walk!

Pam Great job on keeping up with your workouts with being so busy! Wow they must get a lot of clothes in if they can have a boutique sale 6 times a year. OMG what a tiny kitten. Hopefully someone will contact you soon for Doja.

Friday I did a lower body workout and then we had a vet appointment for Petunia. She has been grinding her teeth and luckily she did it while the vet was in with her so he could hear it. He referred us to a specialist but said we could wait and see if she stops doing it after she becomes more settled since it could be nerve related. He also noticed she has distichia which is causing her eyes to water so much. So we have another specialist we need to get her in to so they can freeze off the eye lashes that are causing the problems. Whew this girl is one hot mess but we have had 2 successful times in the crate with no mess. Saturday I did my mobility workout and then went to Costco. I forgot my list but luckily remembered most of it. Sunday I took a rest day and this morning I did a heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on STS LB1. I hope you get the results soon from your field of vision test. Great job on TBS and your walk too!

Julie Great job on your lower body workout. Oh my goodness, poor Petunia, she has so much going on! It’s great that you have had 2 successful crate times though. Poor girl, it just makes you wonder about the circumstances these babies came from! Great job on your mobility workout and braving Costco without your list! Great job on your heavy lower body workout too!

This morning I did one of my favs Body max step and power circuits. I am so sore from my leg workout yesterday that I have been moving slow today! The guy who was interested in Doja texted me and still wants to come meet her, so hopefully that will happen. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on BM step and power circuits! Hopefully the soreness from your legs will work their way out. That is great news about Doja.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout! I was really struggling this morning. I am not sure what was going on but my energy levels were just not showing up. Hopefully I make it through the day and get some good sleep tonight.

Have a great day!
Julie Oh wow Petunia has a lot going on. I hope the specialists can help with some of what is going on with her. Good job on your lower body workout, your mobility workout and heavy lower body workout. You did good to go to Costco without a list and remember most of it

Pam Great job on BM Step and Power Circuits. I hope the guy who wants Doja will come and meet her and hopefully adopt her.

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I hope you get your energy levels back again.

Monday got away from me and I forgot to post. I didn't feel up to working out yesterday morning so I took it off. I did go and get groceries though and managed to get some housework done. This morning I met a friend for a hike and then in the afternoon I meet another friend for tea.

Have a great day.


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