Strength in Numbers

Julie Good job on your short mobility workout and bike ride in Florence and stretch. It is hard when you don't get a good nights sleep I hope it is better tonight.

Pam Great work on STS 2.0 Tri-Sets Total Body. Hopefully things will work out for Liza.

So this morning was Step Blast but I really struggled through the first 2 step routines so I decided to stop. I got a great nights sleep but maybe I have a little too busy during the day. We are having family over for Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday so I am trying to get the cleaning done that I sluffed off on during the summer. I also got the grocery shopping done and cleaned a rack that we have in the kitchen that has a lot of stuff on it and organized it again. Next week I can relax.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job n STS 2 TSTB! Oh I hope things go well with Liza and she finds her home!

Cheryl Great job on the first two routines from SB! Some days are just harder than others but you have also been doing a lot lately. I hope you get everything done you want and maybe can relax for before your get together Sunday.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some heavy deadlifts. I really surprised myself this morning getting through the workout because I was not feeling it this morning. Thank goodness tomorrow is my sleep in day.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout and heavy deadlifts. That is great that you got through it even though you weren't feeling it. Enjoy your sleep in tomorrow.

This morning I did STS 2.0 Mat Yoga then I went for a walk. Now I need to get out to my mom's to take her out for a bit.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 Mat Yoga and your walk! I hope you have a great day with your mom.

This morning I slept in and it felt great! We are supposed to get a rainstorm today and then it will be in the 60s for the weekend which is a drop from the 80s this week. Perfect Fall weather and hopefully we don't move into colder weather too soon.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job listening to your body and stopping when you needed to. Sometimes it’s not just about sleep and you have been very busy lately. I forgot that your Thanksgiving was this weekend already, this year has just been flying! Hopefully you will be able to relax next week after the holiday.

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout and deadlifts. It’s always nice when a workout goes better than you are expecting it to!

Cheryl Great job on Mat yoga and your walk. I hope you had a nice time with your mom!

Julie Sleep in days are the best! Our temps are supposed to drop to highs in the 60s this weekend also So I’m trying to soak up as much of the heat as I can while we still have it!

Yesterday was a beautiful day so DH and I went for a bike ride and then I had some errands to run. This morning I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 and standing abs core plus floor. I started volunteering with Dress for Success and have a luncheon for that today and then will hopefully relax by the pool for a bit. Have a great day!

Julie It is great to sleep in. Hopefully your temperatures won't get any lower for a while. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Great job on your bike ride and STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 and the standing abs core plus floor. Nice that you are volunteering with Dress for Success. Hopefully you were able to relax by the pool too.

This morning was PHA 3. I am going down to the SPCA in a bit to help with our transfer of animals and then probably do a few errands in the afternoon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PHA 3. I hope you were able to get all of your errands done!

This morning was Body Max 2 step and power circuits. Now I have some work to do around the house and will probably put up some Halloween decorations. Have a great day!

Happy Saturday! I hope you are both enjoying the weekend so far. This morning was STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. I don’t mind the hip thrusts themselves, but I have such a hard time getting in position with that heavy barbell! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH and STS 2 UB2 plus standing abs core & floor! I hope the luncheon was fun and you had some time to relax by the pool before the cooling off came. Great job on BM2 step & power circuits! It's crazy it is already Halloween. Great job on STS 2 LB1! Yes, you really need big diameter bumper plates to be able to roll the bar over thighs easier.

Cheryl Great job on PHA3! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and again surprised myself with being able to lift heavier for more reps. I hope this continues for a while because I like this progress. Saturday I did my mobility workout and then went to my mom's to help her with some things. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and this morning was another heavy lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout. That is so exciting that you are seeing progress! It has to make you feel great! Great job on your mobility work, heavy upper body and heavy lower body workouts!

Cheryl Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your dinner was great and that you get to do some relaxing this week!

This morning was Step Blast. I was really tired because we had some friends over for dinner last night, then after they left I went to check on the kittens. I had gotten 3 new ones on Saturday and when I went to check on them one was really lethargic. I brought him downstairs and my DH and I gave him some fluids and set him up in our bathroom, but he died during the night ☹️ Poor little guy, I don’t know what happened. I talked to the foster that had him since he was born and she said he had been fine, but she gave them vaccines on Friday, so that is our only guess. I definitely had a restless night though, the first time I got up to check on him he had already died, but then I dreamt that he was ok. This is the bad part about fostering. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on BM2 step and power circuits and STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. I have a hard time moving the heavy barbell into position too.

Julie Good work on your heavy lower body workouts, heavy upper body workout and mobility work. It is a great motivator when you see progress like that. I hope it continues for you.

Pam Good work on Step Blast. Oh no poor little kitten, it could have been the vaccine but you can never be totally sure. {{{Hugs}}} I know how difficult it is when something like this happens.

So I haven't worked out since Thursday. I have been so busy cleaning and getting things ready for dinner that I used that as my activities. Dinner turned out great yesterday though it was really hot here to have the oven on, but we managed. This morning I was really tired but I did ICE Chiseled Upper body. Now I think I am just going to have a lazy day.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on SB and making it through it with being tired! Oh no, poor little guy. I am so sorry to hear that. His little body must not have liked the vaccines. I think when we dream about a pet that has died they are letting us know that they are ok and happy.

Cheryl So glad you had a great Thanksgiving with your family! Cleaning and getting everything ready can definitely be a workout at times. Great job on ICE CUB! Hope you enjoy your lazy day.

This morning I did a short mobility workout, a bike ride in Italy, and a short stretch. It felt amazing but again I had to push myself to want to do it. I had to keep reminding myself I needed to do it to feel better.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I’m happy to hear that your dinner turned out great! It’s so much work to do a big dinner like that so I’m sure you were exhausted afterwards! Great job on ICE CUB, I hope you have a nice relaxing day after that!

Julie AWW, that made me so happy to think that the little guy might have been letting me know he is ok and happy. I always spend so much time second guessing if there was something more I should have done. Great job on your mobility workout, bike ride, and stretch! I’m glad that it made you feel better too.

This morning was STS 2.0 Body parts chest and mini ball abs. The ball can be a bit awkward at times, but I think that is the favorite of the STS 2 ab workouts. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2 BP Chest and MiniBall Abs! I am the same way always wondering if there was something I missed or something more I could have done.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout! It was so cold this morning in the 30s. I had to dig out my coat.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. Oh no! I’m not ready to have to wear a coat yet, Yuck!!

This morning was Intensity. I hadn’t done it in a long time and it was as hard as I remember it. I had to talk myself out of quitting early a couple of times but I made it through. Have a great day!

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Julie Good job on your mobility workout, bike ride in Italy and stretch.

Pam Great work on Body parts chest and mini ball abs.

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout. Yikes that is cold, hopefully it doesn't last too long.

I didn't get a chance to sit at the computer yesterday. I did do ICE Rock'em Sock'em Kickbox and then I went and got a few groceries. Then I met up with a friend in the afternoon. This morning was ICE Chiseled Lower Body. Now I need to get ready to go out to my mom's to get her to a dentist appointment and shopping.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Intensity! I haven't done it in so long, I doubt I could get through the warm up.

Cheryl Great job on ICE RSK and ICE CLB! Hope the dentist appointment went well for your mom.

This morning was my sleep in day. I didn't get too much sleep though because Petunia decided she want to sleep right up against me and try to push me off the bed and steal my covers. I always keep an emergency blanket though for covering up in this situations. Oh well, at least it is the weekend now!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great ob on RSK ad CLB!

Julie That’s too funny about Petunia, you are smart to keeo that emergency blanket around! I hope you have a great weekend!

This morning was STS 2.0 Body Parts Back and No equipment abs. Have a great day!

This morning was Rockout Knockout. I woke up early because I’m worried about the other 2 kittens I got, they are both sick now too. I gave them fluids last night and syringe fed them but they threw up the food, so I’m taking them to the vet this afternoon. I’m hoping they will be able to figure out what’s going on! Have a great day!

Julie That is funny about Petunia. Good idea to keep an emergency blanket close by.

Pam Great job on STS 2.0 Body Parts Back and No Equipment Abs and Rockout Knockout. I hope the kittens are OK.

So Wednesday when I got to my mom's she had fallen and couldn't get back up and she was too far away from the emergency pulls that are in her room. She also has something that she wears around her neck but she never wants to wear it because it goes off too easily. So she was on the floor for about 8 hours before I got there. She got checked out by the nurses and she was OK but she seems to be falling more often now. I did manage to get her to the dentist and out for a few things. Thursday I was very tired so I just went for a bit of a walk before I went to the SPCA to help out. Friday I was still tired so I didn't workout but I did get some laundry done and took Tango to the vet for his arthritis shot. I have been really dragging my butt this week so I just did STS 2.0 Foam Rolling Upper and Lower.

Have a great day.


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