Strength in Numbers

Julie Sleep in days are the best no matter when they are.

Pam Great job on P30 HI Hiit and PP Lower Body.

So neither of us won anything at the casino yesterday. This morning I did STS 2.0 at Yoga and in a little bit I will be going to the SPCA to help out. There was frost on the roofs this morning when I woke up. Eeks it is getting colder out here.

Have a great day.

So yesterday was a busy day. I met up with a friend for a morning walk around one of our local lakes. Then I came back home and did the laundry and housework. After that we had some errands to do. This morning I am pretty tired so I decided to take today off. However I will need to get outside and get some more leaves cleaned up.

Have a great weekend.

Pam Great job on P30 Hi Hiit and PPLB! Oh that would be cool if you did get to go with them. Do any of them share pictures of their trips? It would be nice to see them having fun.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 Yoga! Ugh frost is not a fun thing to see. Couldn't it have at least waited until November? I am always so jealous of how many beautiful places you have to walk to or around. Hope you got your leaves cleaned up.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then some cleaning around the house. Saturday was my mobility day and then I had a pretty relaxing day after that. Sunday I did a heavy upper body workout and some more relaxing. This morning I did a heavy lower body workout and now I need a nap!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Sorry you didn’t win anything at the casino, but hope you had a good time! Great job on STS 2.0 yoga! NO NO NO, it is too early for frost, tell that mess to stop right now! Great job on your walk and laundry, housework, and errands. Our leaves are just starting to fall so I will be getting into the leaf clean up mode now too.

Julie Some of the people do send pictures from their trips and I love it when they do.Great job on your heavy lower body workout, mobility work, heavy upper body and heavy lower body workouts! It sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend.

Thursday night we had a hockey game so were out late and I had something going on with my foot. The arch of my foot was hurting so bad I could hardly sleep and Friday morning I could hardly walk on it, so I took Friday as a rest day. It did start feeling a lot better later in the day after some ibuprofen, so I’m not really sure what was up with it. Saturday morning it was feeling a lot better, but was still a little tender, so I did STS 2.0 Trisets Total Body. Sunday it was 85 degrees so DH and I went for a bike ride. The trail was really crowded since it was such a nice day, but it was beautiful out there. This morning I did Crossfire plus core. Unfortunately Crumpet died Saturday evening. I was really hoping she was going to be able to kick it since she hung on for so long, but when I was feeding her Saturday afternoon she wouldn’t even swallow the food. Poor thing . Now I’m going to be doing a huge disinfection of the bathroom that they were in because I have no idea if it’s something that can live in the environment. I am going to be so nervous the net time I have to put any kittens in there. Have a great day!

Pam Oh no, that is a bummer your foot was hurting. I'm glad it didn't last long. Great job on STS 2.0 Trisets TB and on your bike ride! Wow 85 is a nice Saturday for so late in October. Great job on Crossfire plus Core! Oh poor Crumpet. I am so sorry.

This morning I did a short mobility session, a bike ride in Italy, and a short stretch. Well we couldn't make it to November without frost. It was 27 degrees on my drive into work this morning. I want to hibernate already!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workouts, mobility work and heavy upper body workout.

Pam Good job on STS 2.0 Tri-Sets Total Body and your bike ride. That is so sad about Crumpet I was really hoping she would pull through.

Julie Good work on your mobility session, bike ride in Italy and short stretch. Yep that is the weather we have been getting this past week.

So Sunday I went to the farmers market and we did a short walk. Yesterday I didn't workout. We had people coming to put mouse traps in all of our garages (we have a bit of a mouse problem here) and I wasn't sure when they would get to our place so I wanted to be ready when they did get here. It made it feel like a very weird day for some reason. I guess my routine was off so I pretty much didn't do anything yesterday. This morning I did LITE Pyramid Upper Body. Now I am going to get groceries and then get things ready for all the ghosts and goblins that will be out tonight.

Have a great day.

Cheryl We get mice in the Fall and Winter too. They all come in from the fields once they start harvesting and then stay over winter to be warm. Great job on LITE PUB! Hope you had a fun time handing out candy.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. I was really struggling. Everything felt heavy and hard. I got decent sleep last night so I don't think that was it. I didn't eat much yesterday so maybe that was it.

Have a great day!
Julie Great. Job on your mobility session, bike ride, and stretch! 27 is definitely hibernation weather!

Cheryl I hate it when you don’t know when someone is going to show up like that. It always throws off my whole day. For some reason I get a bit paralyzed and don’t feel like I can do anything! Great job on PUB. I hope Halloween was good!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I hate those days when everything is heavy and hard, especially when you really don’t know why. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday, but I did XTrain Chest, Back, and Shoulders. We got the dreaded turn in the weather and it was cold and rainy yesterday, but the rain stopped in time for the trick or treaters and we had quite a few. We did our usual fire pit in the cul de sac with the neighbors which is always fun. This morning was Cardio Leg Blast. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout when it was so hard. It could have been from the lack of calories the day before. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Pam Yep we seem to be the same when you don't know when someone will be showing up. Great job on XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders and Cardio Leg Blast. That is great that the rain stopped for the trick o' treaters.

Last night was fun though we didn't get as many kids as in previous years. It was only about 325 kids so we do have left over candy which made DH very happy. This morning I did P30 LIHI Hiit. I will be leaving soon to go out to my mom's to get her out for a bit.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on XT CBS and CLB! Oh I am glad the rain stopped for the trick or treaters. Our kids got a trick of some snow flurries.

Cheryl Wow, even at 325 that seems like a lot but I know you have had more before. Great job on P30 LIHI HiiT! Hope you had a great day with your mom.

Today was my sleep in day. I got some really good sleep last night but I still didn't want to get up even two hours later to work. I could have kept sleeping. Oh well, one more day and then my weekend is here.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl I can’t imagine getting 325 kids! We probably had about 40-50 which is really a lot for us. Great job on LIHI Hiit! I hope you had a nice time with your mom.

Julie That’s awesome that you got such a good sleep! Hopefully that will continue this weekend. I’m not excited about having to change the clocks this weekend though, even though we gain an hour.

This morning was Xtrain Bis and Tris. Have a great day!

Julie That is great that you got a good sleep. I think it is just hard to get up to go to work, if it was something fun you were doing I bet you wouldn't have had a problem getting up. Enjoy your weekend.

Pam Great job on XTrain Bis and Tris.

So I broke even at the casino. What I lost I won back again so it was good. This morning was LITE Pyramid Lower Body. I will be heading to the SPCA soon to help with our animal transfer. I don't know how many we are getting just that it is a large transfer today.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on PLB! I consider breaking even at the casino a success! I hope everything went well with the transfer at the SPCA!

This morning was Kick, Punch, and Crunch. I was happy because I made it through all of the pikes, even though I wasn’t getting all the way up on the tips of my toes. Today is the first day all week that I haven’t had a bunch of stuff on the calendar, so I’m hoping to get caught up with some things around the house. Our weather is looking a bit better too! We are cold in the mornings, but it is supposed to be in the 70s this weekend and 80 one day next week. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Bis & Tris and KPC with getting through the pikes (so tough)! I hope you got a lot done that you wanted to get done and still found time to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.

Cheryl Better to break even then to come out on the negative side. Great job on LITE PLB! So true that if I was doing something fun, I might not mind getting out of bed.

Friday I did a lower body weight workout, and then some things around the house. Saturday was my mobility and then I went to my mom's and helped her clean out her basement some more. Another round of lots of heavy bags and boxes to bring up the stairs and outside. I was exhausted and excited to get an extra hour of sleep but of course the dogs had no problem reminding me that their feeding time was the same regardless of what the clock said. Sunday I did a heavy upper body workout and then had a relaxing rest of the day. This morning was another lower body workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your lower body workout, mobility, heavy upper body and lower body workouts! It sounds like you got an extra all day workout on Saturday at your moms. No wonder you were exhausted! I hate the time change even though we got that extra hour this time. Now it’s so dark in the evening and it feels so much later than it is!

Saturday I did Flex Train, then made some chili because we were having friends over for the game on Sunday And I had a Wish that was an hour and half drive away Saturday afternoon. Sunday was my rest day and I went to give 14 kittens vaccines and hour and a half from here. Then we had our friends ocer for the Patriots/Cowboys game. They are big Patriots fans, so were happy with the outccome. This morning was Hiit Circuit Upper body with abs mixed in. This afternoon I went with some friends to bake cookies at the Ronald McDonald House. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on FT! Oh chili sounds so good. I definitely need to put that on my to make list soon. Great job on HiiT CUB w/abs mixed in! Oh how fun baking cookies at the Ronald McDonald House.

This morning I did a short mobility workout, a bike ride in Italy, and a short stretch. It was tough getting going this morning but I did it. We are supposed to be in the 60s most of the week with possibly reaching 70 tomorrow. I'll take it even though it isn't typical November weather!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your mobility work, bike ride, and stretch! We are having summer weather again too and I am just loving it. I hope it sticks around!

This morning was Tababtacise. I got a couple of extra breaks because the disc froze a couple of times, but I didn’t really mind . Hae a great day!

Pam Good job on KPC and getting through all the pikes. Isn't it nice to not have things on the calendar so you can do what you need to get done.

Julie Great job on your lower body weight workout, your mobility work and your lower body workout. I hate the time change. Our cats were looking at us all day Sunday wondering when they were going to get fed. Their internal clocks never change.

Pam Great work on Flex Train and Hiit Circuit Upper Body. You had a busy weekend. Glad the game went the right way for your friends.

Julie Good work on your mobility workout and bike ride in Italy. Wow you are getting warm weather.

Pam Good job on Tabatacise and getting some extra breaks.

Friday I took as a day off and got all the housework and laundry done. Saturday I did Rev'd up Rumble and Sunday was Yoga Relax. Monday I was really tired so I just decided to go for a walk. This morning I did LITE Metabolic Blast. Then I had a dental appointment. Now I need to go and get some groceries. It is nice here today but not as warm as it is for you guys.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise! Oh that is a nice happy surprise to get some extra breaks especially with such a tough workout!

Cheryl Oh yea on getting all the housework and laundry done! Great job on RUR, YR, your walk, and LITE MB! Hope the dental appointment went well. Even a little warmer weather is welcome this time of year.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout! Yesterday Petunia found the biggest leaf ever and brought it in the house like it was a toy or a treat. She can be nutty at times.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. Too funny about Petunia treating the leaf like a toy or treat.

This morning was Step Sync. Now I am heading off to my mom's to take her out. She has a two for one coupon to eat at the casino, so that will probably include some gambling as well.

Have a great day.


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