Strength in Numbers

This morning I did a short mobility workout and a bike ride in Italy! We got snow on Sunday and it has been really cold. This morning it was single digits when I left for work. We found out that Petunia does not like the snow and/or cold. We have to force her outside but she still won't potty so she is back to pottying in the house. Luckily she knows to go on the washable pads I keep out.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on your mobility workout and bike ride in Italy, your heavy upper body workout and hike in Alaska and your mobility session. Wow you did have a very busy time off. I hope that what the vet did for Petunia will help with her teeth grinding. That is a long time to be in a car with a couple of dogs. Good job on your mobility workout and bide ride in Italy. Oh boo snow, it is still too early for that. At least Petunia will pee on the pads that you keep out.

So I have been working out though at this point I can't remember what I did last week. Monday I did LITE Cardio Party and this morning I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body. Yesterday I went out to my mom's to take her to a doctor's appointment so I don't need to go out there tomorrow. Today I got the grocery shopping done. It is really foggy here and the visibility is really low in places so it makes driving fun.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on your mystery workouts from last week, LITE CP, and ICE CUB! Hope your mom is doing well. Oh no fog is no fun to drive in. I am glad you are done driving in it and stayed safe.

This morning I did an upper body workout. I was a little worried it wouldn't go well because I was super tired and had a slight headache when I woke up. It went better than I expected. But I just hope I am not coming down with the cold/flu that seems to be going around.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies, sorry to have been MIA for so long. I‘m not really sure when I posted last!
Julie I hope that Petunia is recovering well from her dental surgery. It sounds like you had quite the long day on Friday! I hope your headache was just a passing thing! Great job on all of your workouts!

Cheryl Great job on all of your mystery workouts CP, and CUB!

Last week I did workouts on Monday and Tuesday morning, but I don’t remember what, then we packed up and headed out for Thanksgiving. We went to DC on Tuesday and stayed with Ashley and then the 3 of us left from there Wednesday morning to head to Ithaca for Thanksgiving. We stayed with Carl and his girlfriend and had a really nice Thanksgiving with them. Other than a fairly long hike/walk on Friday it was mostly hanging out and playing games and we spent Saturday taking the dogs to the dog park and then went to a winery for a wine tasting. We drove back to DC on Sunday and dropped Ashley off, then spent the night in Richmond, Va and drove home Monday afternoon. Yesterday morning I did Great Glutes, then had a wish event, and then dinner at a friends house. The wish event was a car parade at a middle school. It was for a 14 year old boy, but unfortunately he passed away last week ☹️. His family asked if we could still do the parade and I was in charge of the cars so all the way home on Monday I was answering calls and messages and even still had people contacting me yesterday morning wanting to participate. We had 94 cars and we drove around the school and then did a car show in the parking lot. There were over 400 kids and they were all outside for the parade and really enjoyed it. It was only supposed to be 40 minutes total, but the kids were having such a good time that they didn’t make them go back inside and it ended up being most of the day. It was definitely worth it though! This morning it was hard getting up after being up too late and eating and drinking too much last night, but I did Xtrain Bis and Tris. That one moves quickly so it wasn’t too bad. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your upper body workout. Hopefully you aren't coming down with anything and you will feel a lot better tomorrow.

Pam I figured you were really busy (and it looks like you were) and would post when you could. Good work on your mystery workouts, your hike, Great Glutes and XTrain Bis and Tris. That is so sad that he passed away before he could enjoy the car parade. That is a lot of cars to be able to do it in 40 minutes. It was nice of the school to let them stay out and enjoy it instead of making them go back inside.

This morning I did some yoga. My right knee has been giving me grief for a while now so I booked an appointment for physio for Friday. I have gotten so stiff that I am struggling even with my weight training and cardio and now with my knee. I am going to just do some mobility and stretching until I can talk with the therapist to see how to proceed. I think it is my MCL that I have injured but I will find out more on Friday.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your mystery workouts before Thanksgiving! Your Thanksgiving weekend sounds like it was packed full of fun times with family. Oh that is so sad about the boy passing away before his wish could be fulfilled. That is nice that everyone enjoyed the cars and I am sure it was a great way to celebrate his life. Great job on XTrain Bis/Tris with a late night.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! Oh I hope there is nothing too wrong with your knee and they can get you back to feeling good soon. That is a good idea to focus on mobility and stretching until they can get you more info.

This morning was my sleep in day and I really needed it although I wish it had been longer. I had to go into the office today which I normally don't on Thursdays but I have a meeting I need to be in person for. I am going home as soon as that meeting is over though. So ready for the weekend to begin. It is supposed to be a little warmer so that will be nice.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on yoga. Sorry to hear that your knee is giving you problems, I’m glad you’re going to have it checked out. Hopefully it isn’t serious, but you are being smart just doing mobility and stretching until you know.

Julie I’m glad you got to enjoy a sleep in day, even if it wasn’t long enough. Hopefully you are able to get out of there at a good time. We have had crazy cold mornings so I’m hoping that things are going to be warming up here too.

This morning was Tabatacise and the abs from Lean Legs and Abs. The last time I did Tabatacise the disc froze a couple of times. I was a little disappointed that I had cleaned it and it didn’t freeze so I didn’t get those extra rests . I got a new kitten when I got home on Monday and he had his neuter appointment today. I dropped him off at 7 and they called at 10 to say he was already done and ready to come home! So now I’m off to pick him up. Have a great day!

Julie Bummer that you needed to go into the office today but hopefully you get out of there right after it. Enjoy your weekend and the warmer weather.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise. I guess you could have paused the disc to get those rests in instead of having it freeze on you :D. Wow that is fast for a neuter, glad that he is doing well and is ready to come home.

This morning I did STS 2.0 Mobility 1 and 2. I am going to be leaving soon to go to the SPCA.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Mobility 1 and 2. I hope it wasn’t too busy at the SPCA!

This morning was Cardio and Weights. It’s not really one of my favorites, but I hadn’t done it in a long time so it was ok. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Cardio and Weights. That is one I haven't done in a long time too.

So Friday I went to my physio appointment. It seems that I have arthritis in my knee. She worked on it and gave me some exercises to do and I am getting more range of motion in my knee. Movement is important so she told me to keep exercising and to stop if I feel any pain. I have been doing mainly walking and yoga along with my exercises so far but I may try doing something a little harder tomorrow. We will see how my knee feels and go from there.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise and LLA abs! Hmm maybe you should remember to sprinkle some dust on that DVD before doing it! Great job on C&W! Some times it is good to do something we don't always do or like for a change. And some times our preferences change over time too.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2.0 Mobility 1 and 2! I am glad you got some good advice and exercises from your physio appointment. Hopefully it helps. Did she suggest anything like knee sleeves?

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and a hike in Alaska and then did some things around the house. Saturday was my mobility day and then I went to my mom's to help her get some things done. Sunday was an upper body day and this morning was another lower body workout. I did not get good sleep last night and really struggled with my workout. I wish I could take a nap but I have a busy day full of meetings.

Have a great day!
Cheryl It sounds like you have a good plan for working on your knee, hopefully it starts feeling better!

Julie I’ll keep that advice in mind about sprinkling some dust on the DVD before I do Tabatacise again! Great job on your lower body workout, hike in Alaska, mobility, upper and lower body workouts! Hopefully your busy day goes well without feeling too exhausted!

Saturday morning I did XTtrain legs and I am still feeling it today. In the afternoon I got 4 new kittens. I’m over my limit now, so hoping some get adopted soon! Yesterday I had a wish delivery and after driving 1 1/2 hours to get to the house no one answered when we got there. I called and texted both the mom and dad and no answer or response. We were getting worried, but didn’t really know what to do. We waited an hour and then left everything in their backyard shed. About 30 minutes after we left the woman texted and said that they were home but sound asleep. I guess they had had a bad night the night before so hopefully the little boy is ok and will be able to go on his Disney trip. This morning was STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Have a great day!

Julie Yes she did suggest knee sleeves and I do have some. I don't wear them all the time but when I know I will be doing a lot of walking or things like that I will put them on. Great job on your heavy lower body workout and hike in Alaska, your upper body day and lower body workout. I hope your day goes by fast for you.

Pam Good work on XTrain Legs and STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Wow they must have been sound asleep to not hear anything. Hopefully the little boy is doing OK. Fingers crossed that you will get some of your kittens adopted soon.

This morning I did Athletic Training. It has been a while since I have done that one and have done anything really hard. It was not pretty but I got through it. Then I went and got the grocery shopping done for the week. In the afternoon we did some errands and then went to the mall to wander around. We have an atmospheric river over top of us right now so it is raining really hard. I can't wait for it to move on.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on AT! It doesn’t matter what it looks like! I have never heard of an atmospheric river but it sure doesn’t sound good! I hope it moves on soon.

This morning was RWH Plyo Hiit one and bonus abs two. I really am not a fan of that one with all of the burpees, but I made it through. It definitely wasn’t pretty either! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on XTrain Legs! Fingers crossed some adoptions start happening soon. Oh my goodness that would be worrisome that they weren't answering. You were amazing for staying there so long. Hopefully they are all ok and enjoy their trip. Great job on STS 2.0 UB1!

Cheryl Great job on AT! That one is hard for sure. Oh all that rain sounds awful. I hope it passes soon.

This morning I was exhausted so I decided to take my rest day today and hopefully can do a workout Thursday instead. I did get about another 90 minutes of sleep and feel a little better.

Have a great day!
This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. I felt like I was on the struggle bus with a few exercises. I'm starting to feel the winter blahs and it isn't even technically winter yet. :(

Have a great day!
Julie It looks like we were posting at the same time yesterday! An extra 90 minutes of sleep sounds fantastic. Great job on your heavy upper body workout and making it through the struggles. I don’t think I am ever ready for winter!

This morning was STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. By the end I was having a hard time holding onto the weights but did make it without dropping any. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on RWH Plyo Hiit 1 and bonus abs 2. As you said it doesn't matter what it looks like as long as you get through it.

Julie That is great that you could get the extra sleep, sounds like you needed it. Great work on your heavy upper body workout and getting through the struggles. I know what you mean with the winter blahs. I find getting outside even if it is only for 10 minutes for a walk helps.

Pam Good job on STS 2.0 Lower Body and not dropping the weights.

So Monday night my mom got taken to hospital because she couldn't breath. I was told that she had a minor heart attack. So I didn't sleep well Monday night and Tuesday I was at the hospital for most of the day. She is breathing on her own now and she may be able to come home today, I will find out more when I get to the hospital today. So I missed my Tuesday workout and this morning I went for physio for my knee. I will see what tomorrow brings and if I am able to fit a workout in.

Pam Great job on RWH Plyo HiiT 1 plus abs with all those burpees that one is super tough! Great job on STS 2.0 LB 1! Leg workouts are also forearm workouts too.

Cheryl Oh my goodness. I am so sorry about your mom having a heart attack. I hope she is doing better and can come home. That had to be scary. Take care of yourself and your mom.

This morning I did a short mobility session and a bike ride in Italy! So ready for the weekend. Hoping as usual I can catch up on some sleep and rest.

Have a great day!
Pam Great job on your mobility session and bike ride in Italy. Enjoy your weekend.

This morning I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body + bonus abs 1. I haven't been able to get hold of my mom on when she can come home so I may call the hospital to get an update from them. Hopefully she can still come home today.

Have a great day.


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