Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on getting your housework done and taking a day off. Great job on your hike too!

This morning I did a bike ride in Chicago and a short stretch! It felt so good and just what I needed. I do feel like I slept a little better last night.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your bike ride in Chicago and stretch. Glad that you got a better nights sleep.

This morning I got part way through LITE Stacked Sets Upper and then my computer crashed. This is one of the series that I only have in digital form. So my workout ended then. I have finally got it working again but it looks like I am going to need a new laptop very soon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Oh no what a bummer about your laptop crashing. Great job on getting through what you could of LITE SS UB!

This morning I took as my rest day. It is rainy most of the day today. I am so ready for the weekend. It is supposed to be nice so hopefully I can get some time outside since it is already Fall Saturday! :eek:

Have a great weekend!
Julie It is nice to have a rest day. I hope you get a nice weekend and can get outside. It is suppose to start raining here on Saturday and will probably last for at least a week.

This morning I did FS Low Impact Cardio and Metabolic Conditioning. Then I went to the SPCA to help out. In the afternoon I had an appointment with my neurologist regarding my heart test. Everything is normal so except for having to get my bad cholesterol lowered and keeping my stress levels in check I am in very good health. It was good to hear and hopefully my eye stroke was just a blip and it won't happen again.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on FS LIC + MC! That is great news about your health being all on point. Keeping stress levels down is the hardest but you got this. You already have a step up on others with being active.

Friday I did a lower body workout and then did some stuff around the house before getting a haircut. Saturday I did my mobility work and then want to my mom's to do some stuff for her. Sunday I did a heavy upper body workout and this morning was a lower body workout. It ended up being rainy on Friday so I didn't get outside but hopefully I can this coming weekend. It's only Monday and I am already ready for the weekend.

Have a great day!
OK, I’m a little behind here but getting caught up!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout despite having low energy levels. I hope your energy returned.

Cheryl Great job on your hike. I hope you had a nice time at tea with your friend.

Julie Great job on your bike ride in Chicago and your stretch!

Cheryl Oh that sucks that your computer died during your workout. Great job on what you were able to do before that!

Julie I hate that fall is here already! It always happens too fast!

Cheryl Great job on LIC and MC! I’m glad to hear that your neurology appointment went well and hopefully things continue to be good!

Julie Great jo bon your lower body workout, mobility work, heavy upper body workout, and lower body workout! Hopefully your week will be stress fee and go by quickly!

I didn’t realize I had missed so many days posting! Last Tuesday DH and I went for a bike ride and Wednesday was STS 2 Upper Body 1. Thursday we left to go to Pittsburgh for the weekend to meet up with some of his college friends and go to a football game. We stopped on the way in Virginia and went to the Luray Caverns, which were very cooL. Then on Friday we stopped on the Memorial for Flight 93 from 9/11. It was very depressing, but the memorial is very well done. It was a really fun weekend with his college friends, it was the first time that I met most of them, but everyone had a really good time. This morning was Imax and the standing abs from STS 2. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your lower body workout, mobility work, heavy upper body workout and lower body workout. I hope the week goes by fast for you and next weekend you will be able to get outside.

Pam It is easy to have the days get away from you. Good work on your bike ride, STS 2 Upper Body 1, Imax and the standing abs from STS2. I saw your pictures on FB at the caverns. They were impressive. The memorial for 9/11 would be depressing but an important one to have.

So Friday I did something but I can't remember what it was. Then I got some laundry done. Saturday I did some yoga and Sunday I went to the farmers market and then went for a walk. In the afternoon we walked down to a coffee shop and sat outside to people watch. This morning I did Stacked Sets Lower and I didn't have any issues with my laptop this time. Now I need to go and brave Costco. Wish me luck :p.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH and STS UB 1! Sounds like you had a really nice trip to Pittsburgh and Virginia. That would be sad to see the memorial. Great job on Imax plus STS 2 standing abs!

Cheryl Great job on your Friday mystery workout and on yoga! I remember my grandpa used to love taking us to the mall so he could sit and people watch while we shopped. Great job on SS LB! Oh yea on your laptop not having issues. Hope you got through Costco quickly and easily.

This morning I did a short mobility workout, a bike ride in Chicago, and a short stretch. Today is a big test for Petunia. She has been doing good in her crate but that has only been for a few hours. Today she will be in it for over 7 hours.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on your mobility workout and bike ride in Chicago and short stretch. Fingers crossed that Petunia does well in her crate today.

This morning I did Step Sync. Now I need to get a few groceries that I don't get at Costco and then we need to do few errands this afternoon.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SS! Hope you got all your errands done.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout. Petunia made it through 6 hours yesterday. She has an even bigger day today and hopefully can make it the 8 or 9 hours before I get home. I have to grocery shop after work before going home and I really don't want to come home with a bunch of groceries to put away and clean up after her.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on your heavy upper body workout. That is great that she made it through the 6 hours yesterday. Fingers crossed again that she goes the 8 to 9 hours today.

This morning I did Stacked Sets Upper. It played through this time so I have no idea what went wrong the last time I tried to do it. Now I need to get ready to go and take my mom out for the day.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on SSUB! Oh that is weird but maybe that means you don't need a new computer. Hope you had a great day with your mom.

This morning I slept in and it felt nice but at the same time when my alarm went off I wanted to keep sleeping. Petunia made it yesterday so I think we are getting there. I still don't fully trust her and next week she will be in there even longer but hopefully she is starting to understand we will be back to get her.

Have a great weekend!
Once again I forgot to post for a few days! I guess I have been out of my routine too much lately!
Cheryl Great job on Friday’s mystery workout, yoga, and SSL! I’m glad that your computer is cooperating again. I hope that the Costco run wasn’t too painful!

Julie Great job on your mobility workout, ride in Chicago, and stretch! It sounds like Petunia is starting to get used to her crate, that is great news!

Cheryl Great job on SS!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout!

Cheryl Great job on SSU! I hope you had a nice time with your mom!

Julie How nice to get a sleep in day during the week! Great job Petunia, keep it up!

Tuesday I did STS 2.0 Total Body Giant sets, yesterday was a Kari Anderson step workout and then yard work, and this morning was PHA 3 and ab stacker abs. Now I have a bunch of laundry to get caught up on and lunch with some friends. Have a great day!

Julie Nice that you got to sleep in this morning. That is great that Petunia is doing so well. Hopefully she will continue to improve.

Pam It is easy to get out of a routine. Good job on Total Body Giant Sets, Kari Anderson Step and PHA 3 and Ab Stacker Abs. Enjoy your lunch with your friends.

This morning was Rockout Knockout. Then I went to help at the SPCA. Now I am just getting caught up with a few things at home.

Cheryl Great job on RK!

This morning was Cardio Kicks! I was in a meh mood and was looking at my dvds trying to decide what to do and there it was, the obvious choice! Have a great day!

Pam No worries on the not posting. It looks like you have been busy and having fun. Great job on STS 2 TBGS, Kari Anderson step workout, PHA 3 plus Stacker Abs, and Cardio Kicks! Cardio Kicks is always a good choice.

Cheryl Great job on RK! Hope you got caught up on everything you wanted to.

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then some things around the house. I tried to sit outside since it was so nice outside but now that harvest has begun we are getting a bunch of corn creep and insidious flower bugs which are tiny little buggers who hurt when they bite. Saturday I did my mobility and then some things around the house. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and this morning was a heavy lower body workout. I am ready for the weekend again!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and house work. That stinks about the bugs, it is so annoying to sit outside being bitten!Great job on your mobility work, heavy upper body and heavy lower body workouts!

Saturday was STS 2.0 Supersets Total Body and then some work around the house. Sunday was my rest day and I had a wish celebration, then some more work around the house. This morning was Intensity Series Bootcamp. I found out yesterday that Doja is going to be adopted by the guy who has had her for a trial! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Cardio Kicks. That is always a fun one.

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workouts, your mobility work and your heavy upper body workout. Yuck bugs like that are not nice and it doesn't make it pleasant to sit outside.

Pam Good work on STS 2.0 Supersets Total Body and Intensity Bootcamp. That is great news about Doja.

Friday I took as a day off but I did get the housework and laundry done, some errands and then raked up some leaves. Saturday I did STS 2.0 Chair Yoga and Sunday I went for a power walk. Then I cleaned the screens and the windows inside and out. It was nice out and I wanted to do that before it started raining. This morning was PHA 2 and then cleaned out the fridge.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS 2 SSTB and Intensity Series BC! Oh that is great news about Doja!

Cheryl You had a very productive day off Friday. Great job on STS Chair Yoga and your power walk! Wow you are a cleaning machine. Great job on PHA 2!

This morning I did a short mobility workout, a bike ride in Florence, Italy, and a short stretch! Even thought it was all fairly light and easier than my other workout days, I had to really force myself to do it as I did not get good sleep the last few nights.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Wow, it sounds like you did enough work on Friday to count as a workout! Great job on chair yoga, your power walk, and PHA 2. You did a lot of cleaning! Those are all jobs that I dread.

Julie Great job on mobility work, your bike ride and stretch! I hope your sleep improves!

This morning was STS 2 Tri-sets total body. Someone came and met Liza last night and took her for a trial, so hopefully that works out because I really like the people. They have another cat and 2 dogs, so it will all be about how the animals get along. Have a great day!


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