Strength in Numbers

Pam Great job on STS BP Shoulders plus bonus plus core! Probably a good idea to not bike ride in the extreme heat. Oh poor Liza. I hope the new cone comes in quickly and works well. You have done really well with holding off on the cardio so I don't think it is going to hurt to do Perfect LI HiiT. Isn't it crazy how much cardio decreases in such a short time. Great job on BP Back plus bonus and BP chest plus bonus! I hope the trial goes well and that would be awesome if they took Liza too. How fun to see Counting Crows!

Cheryl I hope all your mom's appointments went well and she is still doing good. Great job on BP Back and making it through Costco! Great job on BP chest! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend with dragon boating, seeing your brother, going to the farmers market, and people watching!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some cleaning and stuff around the house. Saturday was my mobility day and then I went to my mom's to do some chores and meal prepping for her. When I got home, I had to pick up a bunch of pears that had been knocked off the tree by the storm that came through. Sunday was my rest day and this morning I did a heavy upper body push workout.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on BP Chest and laundry and housework! Coffee and people watching sounds like a lot more fun than a tricep workout. I hope you had some good people watching!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and cleaning and also mobility. So nice of you to help your mom like that. Great job on your heavy upper body push workout too!

This morning was Body Parts biceps plus biceps bonus and total body stretch. It was supposed to just be the stretch, but we are going out of town for a couple of nights at the end of the week so I want to get all of my body parts in . Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and heavy upper body push workout. That is great that you can help your mom out with cleaning and meal prepping. I seem to remember that you get a lot of pears from that tree.

Pam Good work on Body Parts Biceps + the bonus + the Total Body Stretch.

This morning was Body Parts Biceps + Standing Core Metabolic Warmup. Now I need to get some things done around here and then it will be dragon boating tonight.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BP Biceps plus bonus and TBS! I think stretching the total body sounds like a better plan.

Cheryl Great job on BP Biceps plus Standing Core Metabolic Warmup! Hope you had a great time dragon boating! Oh yes, there are still plenty on the tree which actually surprises me given we had almost a 2 month drought in May and June.

This morning I did a heavy deadlift and back/bis workout. I was not sure it was going to go well because I was super tired this morning but I made it through it and set a new PR. The last two nights Petunia has had diarrhea in the middle of the night that we have had to clean up. She is going to the vet today to get some bloodwork done to see if there is a metabolic issue going on because she also is having trouble gaining weight. I felt bad because she has to be fasted so no breakfast for her this morning. She looked so sad and confused it was breaking my heart.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on BP Biceps and standing core MW! I hope you had a nice evening for dragon boating.

Julie Great job on your heavy deadlift and back/bis workout with a new PR! That is awesome, especially when you weren’t feeling like it was going to be a good workout. Poor Petunia, I hope it’s nothing serious and they get it figured out quickly, I hate when they give you those sad confused looks. I had to take Barbie for her spay this morning. I tried putting her in a room by herself last night, but she was crying so much that I just took food and water away from everyone so she didn’t have to be alone. They were all a bit confused, but at least the rest of them got to eat this morning.

This morning for me was Body parts triceps with the bonus exercises. I think it’s one of the easier body parts workouts, which I didn’t mind at all. Have a great day!

Julie Yes dragon boating was nice last night. It was the perfect temperature. Good job on your heavy deadlift and back/bis workout especially when you are so tired. I hope things get figured out with Petunia. It is so sad when they give you that look.

Pam Yes it was a nice evening last night. Great work on Body Parts Triceps + the bonus.

This morning was Body Parts Triceps too. Then I went and got groceries and now I am trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my day.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on BP Triceps plus bonus! Oh that is nice to have an easier one in the mix. Oh that would break my heart too if Barbie was crying that much. I am sure they were confused but forgot all about it once they got their food back.

Cheryl Great job on BP Triceps! Oh yea, that is great the temps were perfect for dragon boating. Hopefully you figure out how to spend the rest of your day. A nap maybe?

This morning I was super tired again but I did a heavy total body workout and ended up again setting some new PRs for hip thrust and overhead press. Hmm... maybe the secret is being tired and not wanting to workout.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on your heavy total body workout and setting some new PRs. Hmm interesting concept to be tired to lift heavier.

So yesterday afternoon I went for a walk and then we went to the mall and I got a new Samsung S23 phone. It sure is a time consuming process to get everything done. My old phone was an S9 so it was time for an upgrade. This morning I did Step Sync, I was really missing the cardio and it felt really good. Now I am getting ready to go to my mom's to take her out and about.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Triceps! I hope you figured out something fun to do with the rest of your day!

Julie Great jo bon your heavy total body workout and more PRs!! That is too funny that you are doing so well when you are really tired.

Cheryl Great job on SS and your walk! I hate getting new phones for that reason. It’s nice once everything is working again, but it seems like it takes forever. I hope you had a nice time with your mom!

My morning did not go as planned today. Liza has been very good at removing her cone. When I went in to take care of them this morning, she was out of her cone and I noticed that she had scratched a bit around her eye and there was a little blood on her face. I put the new cone on her thinking maybe she will keep that one on. She was frantically trying to take it off and I turned around to start washing their dishes and when I turned back around there was blood pouring from her eye! I grabbed her and a washcloth and was holding that on it to try to stop the bleeding while getting a carrier to get her into. I got the bleeding slowed and got her in the carrier and into the car. The vet who did the surgery told me I would have to take her to an emergency vet, which made me mad. I ended up taking her to another vet that we use all of the time and they saw her right away thankfully. Luckily she didn’t tear out the stitches, she just scratched below them, so they cleaned it up and gave me some antibiotic cream to put on it. She also said the new cone I got won’t work because she can still get to her eye, so she‘s back in the giant cone. I’m so stressed now though because they put it on tighter and she still had it off by the time I got home. So far she’s kept it on for 5 hours but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep tonight! The vet said worst case put both cones on her, so I think I might do that at night. AND of course, we are going out of town tomorrow for a couple of nights. Another foster is going to keep her while we’re gone but I know I am going to worry the whole time. The better news though it that Blaze and Petra were officially adopted, Cinnamon, Mango, and Mimosa are all on trials, and I am down to only 4 fosters at the moment. Oh and after all of the excitement this morning I needed a stress releiver so I did Step Blast. Have a great day!

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Cheryl Wow, you were due for an upgrade. I have an S21+ and DH has an S22 Ultra. We love them. Hope you enjoy the new phone. Great job on SS! Hope you had a great time with your mom!

Pam Oh no poor Liza! She is just not having that cone at all. I hope you get the double cones to work and hopefully the temp foster will keep a good eye on her. That is great about the other cats getting adoptions and trials. Great job on SB and getting a chance to relive some stress! Have a wonderful trip!

This morning I was exhausted. After 3 nights in a row of being woke up to diarrhea to clean up, I needed to sleep in. I still didn't want to get up when my alarm went off 2 hours later. I need to call the vet because they put her on special food that was supposed to get rid of the diarrhea in 24 hours and it has been 2 days now.

Have a great day!
Julie Oh no, poor Petunia. Getting up in the middle of the night to clean up diarrhea is definitely a bummer (no pun intended). I hope the vet can figure out what is going on with her and get it cleared up soon!

I wasn’t able to get the double cone on Liza, it just was too bulky, but she has been keeping the one cone on. However, last night she had a big sneezing spell and the eye started bleeding from that! I got the bleeding to stop pretty quickly and cleaned her up, but there was no way I could send her to another foster with this going on. Luckily DH was/is ok with postponing or canceling going to the lake. I moved her to a small bathroom by herself so the other kittens wouldn’t mess with her. I got up around 4:30 to check on her and she had had a little bleeding, but not too bad. I went back to bed and went back up a couple of hours later, and there was blood all over the room again and pooled inside her cone ☹️. I got her cleaned up and called the vet so she is going back in this afternoon. After all of that I did body parts legs+bonus. Have a great day!

Pam They are very good at getting their cones off. Do you have an extra collar that you can use for her? You can put the collar through the loops in the cone and that can make it harder to get it off. Just an idea for you. That is great that Blaze and Petra were adopted and hopefully Cinnamon, Mango and Mimosa's trials go well. Great job on Step Blast, that is a stress reliever.

Julie We have a tendency to keep our phones for a long time. So far I love my phone, it is so much nicer than my old one. I hope you can get the diarrhea issue sorted out soon. That is not fun to clean up.

Pam I hope everything is OK with Liza and you can get her to stop scratching her eye. Good job on Body Parts Legs + Bonus.

This morning was Body Parts Legs. Then I was at the SPCA helping with our transfer. Now I think I am just going to relax.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Body parts legs. That is a tough one for me. I hope you enjoyed your relaxation!

This morning was Total Body Stretching. It felt good after this crazy week! Liza went 24 hours with no bleeding so I’m feeling happy about that. Of course now that she’s feeling a bit better again she’s back to trying to get out of her cone. Have a great day!

Pam Good work on Total Body Stretching. I am happy that Liza is doing better. I hope it keeps up.

This morning was Body Parts Shoulders + Bonus. Then I got the laundry and housework done. Then I went and got a few errands done.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on Shoulders+bonus, laundry, and housework!

This morning was also Body parts shoulders+bonus for me and I did the mini ball abs. I got one of Cathe’s mini balls which definitely worked a lot better! Little Liza got her cone off again, but luckily no bleeding. She definitely scratched it and there was a tiny drop of blood, but nothing like the carnage earlier this week. I tried putting the double cone on her, but it seemed like it made her face stick out too far so I just put the one back on her and will check her a lot. The cone she has is a soft one and doesn’t have any loops, so I can’t do the collar thing like you described Cheryl. She’s definitely feeling a lot better and wanting to play so now I just need to keep her from breaking it open any more! Have a great day!

Pam Oh poor Liza! I am impressed you did BP Legs plus the bonus after getting up so much in the night. Great job on BP Shoulders plus bonus! Could you cut slits in the soft cone to thread a collar through?

Cheryl Great job on BP Legs plus bonus and BP Shoulders plus bonus!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout but it did not go well. I felt super tired and weak. Not sure if it is where I am in my cycle or what but I was so frustrated. Saturday I did a short mobility session. This week is deload week in the program I am running and I am going to take it as a week where I do very little like maybe just walking. My body is feeling very beat up so hopefully this will help. We did find out that Petunia was suffering from Pancreatitis. We put her on a bland diet of boiled shredded chicken and white rice and it cleared up her diarrhea. I am slowly trying to get her onto a sensitive skin and stomach dog food. Hopefully by the end of the week, she will still be diarrhea free.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on doing your heavy lower body workout when you were so tired and weak,. It sounds like this week being a deload week couldn’t have come at a better time. Hopefully taking it easy and hoping you get some good sleep to rejuvenate! So glad you were able to figure something out for Petunia and she is able to stay diarrhea free! Does she have to be on any medication for the pancreatitis?

Yesterday I did Rhythmic step and then had a wish celebration and then had some friends over for dinner. This morning was body parts back plus the bonus. I think it is my least favorite of the body parts workouts. I don’t like all of the pulls up and chin ups and those pendlay squats are killers! I’m glad to be done with that one for awhile. Liza has made it 4 days now with no major bleeds and she has been keeping her cone on well. It seems like she knew it was serious because she is not really trying to get out of it all the time like she was. She goes back on Thursday to have it checked and hopefully get her stitches out, but I’m guessing she will need to stay in the cone another week. Barbie had a meet and greet on Saturday and is on a trial run. She is a doll so I expect that will be successful. Mango and Mimosa were officially adopted, but they are still deciding about Cinnamon. She was really scared at first but they said she is getting better every day. Of course with all of the adoptions I picked up 2 new ones on Saturday. They are a little older and still pretty hissy with the other kittens, but getting better. Have a great day!

Pam Good work on Body Parts Shoulder + bonus and the mini ball abs. I am happy to hear that Liza isn't bleeding like she did. Yeah the soft cones don't have the loops like the plastic ones do. Too bad because it works quite well.

Julie It sounds like you need a deload week. You haven't been getting a lot of sleep with Petunia's diarrhea issues and I am glad that the vet figured out what it was and it will now get better. Good job on your heavy lower body workout and mobility session.

Pam Great work on Rhythmic Step and Body Parts Back + Bonus. I don't like all the pull ups and chin ups either but I will take them over push ups any day :D. Glad that Liza is doing much better now and is keeping her cone on. I hope all the trials go well.

This morning was also Body Parts Back + Bonus. Then I got some cleaning done and spread sand on our front patio to fill in the cracks. Tonight I am going dragon boating. Apparently there was a pod of Orcas spotted today where we dragon boat. I will see if we can get a glimpse of them tonight.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on RS! No meds for pancreatitis. The protocol is to rest the pancreas and feed bland, low fat food for a few days. Great job on BP Back plus bonus! Oh I have done pendlay rows before and they are so much tougher than they look. That is good Liza is leaving her cone and eye alone now. Hopefully that streak continues so she can heal That is great news about all the kitten adoptions too!

Cheryl Great job on BP Back plus bonus! Do you do regular sand or locking sand? We have a small section of patio blocks and I tried locking sand but it hasn't worked very well. That would be so cool if you got to see the orcas!

This morning I did an STS 2.0 montage of Active Recovery + Standing Core & Floor Abs + Mobility 1 + Mat Yoga. It sounds like a lot but it was just over an hour with all the DVD switching. I feel like it was just what I needed. The AR was interesting with some of the moves and felt very different than what Cathe has done in the past. I couldn't keep up on the animal flow when she went faster though.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on BP Back+bonus and your cleaning and sand spreading! Oh I hope you get to see the Orcas! That would be just amazing. I agree, I would much rather do the chin ups and pull ups than pushups!

Julie Great job on your STS 2.0 montage! I think some of the AR moves are a bit awkward and I’m not sure I really like it very much, but it’s quick at least. I do like that she put an AR workout in there since I never really knew what I was supposed to be doing for AR days.

This morning I had to drop a kitty at the vet for a spay and then did Body parts Chest+bonusI felt weaker this time than the other 2 times I have done it and had to drop my weights for several sets. Another foster is taking this cat but couldn’t get to the vet and back because of work. I’m cautiously optimistic about Liza as we have gone 5 days with no incidents now. She did have one of her legs inside the cone this morning though . She gets so excited when I let her in with the other kittens that I have to watch her like a hawk because she keeps trying to wrestle with everyone. I’m going to be very happy when she can be safely out of the cone and back with the other kitties! Have a great day!


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