Strength in Numbers

Julie I am glad that your back is doing better. That is good that meetings aren't done by video so you can do stretches during it and nobody would know. Good job on your heavy upper body weight workout and hip flexor strengthening.

Pam Great work on STS 2.0 Supersets and matching Cathe's weights.

This morning was STS 2.0 Giant Sets. Then I went and took my mom out for the day. We went to the casino but only my mom won some money.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on STS 2 SS! Yea! That is always a good time when you can up the weights!

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 GS! I bet your mom was excited to win some money.

This morning I did a bike ride in Barcelona and a Hatha yoga session. It felt really good on my back with lots of hip openers and hip flexor stretches. We are supposed to get some rain today and maybe all through the weekend. Normally I would dread it but we have been in need of rain for 2 months so it will be nice. Our grass is brown and crunchy because it is so dry out.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good work on your bike ride in Barcelona and Hatha yoga session. I hope you get lots of rain to help with your drought.

This morning I did Upper and Lower Foam Rolling. It felt really good and something I need to incorporate more. Then I went to the SPCA to help out. We got 5 kittens and 3 cats. I doubt the kittens will last through tomorrow since they are all so cute. Then I finished up the housework when I got home.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 Giant sets. Sorry you didn’t win any money at the casino but that’s nice that your mom did!

Julie Great job on your bike ride and yoga session. Oh that does sound like it would be awesome for your back. I’m glad to hear that you are finally getting some rain!

Cheryl Great job on Upper and lower foam rolling! It always amazes me how fast your animals go at the SPCA!

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday but I did Mobility 2 and no equipment abs. Then I had lunch with some friends to celebrate a birthday and then picked up some tickets that were donated for our silent auction. This morning I was invited to a business networking meeting to talk about our silent auction and got 5 new donations, including 2 stays in mountain houses so I was pretty excited about that. Then I did STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets. I feel like my day is almost gone since I did my workout so much later than normal. Now I have a wish delivery for a family that is going to Universal Studios. Have a great day!

Pam Great work on Mobility 2 and no equipment abs and Total Body Trisets. It sounds like you are getting some nice donations for your silent auction. Universal Studios would be a fun place to go to.

This morning was STS 2.0 Total Body Supersets. This was the last total body workout for me. Next week I will start the upper and lower body split. Then I got the laundry done and then did a few errands. It will be a hot weekend which is good since it is Canada Day tomorrow and Monday will be a holiday.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Upper and Lower Foam Rolling! I have a shorter foam roller than Cathe but I am hoping I can make it work. Great job on STS 2 TBS! Hope you had a good Canada Day holiday!

Pam Great job on Mobility 2 and NE Abs! Oh it sounds like you are getting some good donations coming in. Great job on STS 2 TBT!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some cleaning and stuff around the house. Saturday was mobility day and then I went to my mom's and did some cleaning and meal prepping for her. Sunday was my lazy day and then I must have eaten something I shouldn't have. I woke up 3 times in the middle of the night and got sick. I haven't thrown up in years and it sucks just as much as I remember. I think I must have made Petunia anxious because she woke us up with diarrhea on her dog bed and in our bed. So it has been a crazy night and morning. Needless to say, I did not work out but hopefully will be back at it tomorrow.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on STS2 TBT! I finished my total body workouts last week too. I hope you had a nice Canada day and it wasn’t too hot!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, cleaning and mobility! Oh no! That is terrible to wake up sick like that. Having Petunia’s messes to clean up sure didn’t help matters! I hope you are both back to feeling better soon!

Saturday was chair yoga and then I ran some errands and got some food ready because we were having friends over yesterday. It was in the high 90’s so we swam and hung out outside all afternoon and evening. This morning was STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. Now I have some running around to do and getting ready to have some friends over for a cookout tomorrow. Have a great day!

Julie Thank you, yes I did have a good Canada Day holiday. Great job on your heavy lower body workout and your mobility day. Oh no that is not nice to wake up like that. I can relate though when I was going through my food allergies/sensitivities. I hope you feel better soon and Petunia too. That isn't a nice thing to clean up especially when you aren't feeling well either.

Pam Thank you, yes I did have a good Canada Day and it was pleasantly hot. Good work on Chair Yoga and STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. Nice to have a pool to hang out in when it is hot out. Enjoy your cookout tomorrow.

So Saturday I went dragon boating and it was really busy down there. Everyone wanted to get their boats in the water to enjoy the day. Then I came home and did Chair Yoga and then just hung out the rest of the day. Sunday was my day off and I went to the farmers market to pick up a few things. Later in the afternoon we went to my brother and SIL's for dinner. It was mom's birthday on Friday so we celebrated. This morning was STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. Tonight is dragon boating and it will be another busy day down on the water.

Enjoy your 4th of July tomorrow.

Cheryl Great job on chair yoga and dragon boating in the crowd! Happy Birthday to your mom! Greeat job on STS 2 LB 1!

This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 1. I could not match Cathe’s weight on most of the exercises in that one! My arms were shaking by the time I was finished. Today we are having another small cookout for the 4th. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. I couldn't match Cathe either on that one. Enjoy your cookout.

This morning was STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 too. Then i went grocery shopping. Now I need to do a bit of meal prepping.
Pam Great job on Chair Yoga! Hanging out by the pool sounds lovely. Great job on STS 2.0 LB1 and UB1! Maybe all that shaking means you are building muscle. Hope you had a wonderful cookout!

Cheryl Glad you were able to get some dragon boating in with it being so busy. Great job on Chair Yoga! Hope your mom enjoyed her birthday and I am sure she loved having dinner with all of you. Great job on STS 2.0 LB1 and UB1! Hope you got all your meal prepping done.

Yesterday since I was able to sleep in a little I did some heavy weight training but then was lazy the rest of the day. Our neighbors were getting their roof replaced and the workers were there finishing up. It was making Petunia very nervous and she was having accidents in the house. I did not get good sleep at all last night so I did not get a workout in this morning. It is so hot in the office. I think they turned the AC off while everyone was out yesterday and forgot to turn it back on early enough to cool down the office for us today.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on UB1!

Julie Great job on our heavy weight training. I hat that noise when they are working on roofs too, poor Petunia! Sorry you go such a lousy sleep. That on top of the hot office had to make it extra hard to get back to work after the holiday!

This morning was STS 2.0 Foam rolling upper and lower. I liked some of it and some of it felt like torture, especially the calves! It sounds like my foam roller is a lot harder than the one that Cathe uses too. It’s really hard styrofoam and it sounds like hers is softer, so I might need to add that to my wish list. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your heavy weight training. I hate it when things are so noisy especially when you have to deal with anxious/nervous pets as well. On no I hope your office cools down soon for you.

Pam Good work on STS 2.0 Foam Rolling upper and lower. My roller is harder than Cathe's too so some moves really are torture.

This morning was Total Body Stretching + Standing Core and Floor. Now I need to get the housework done before it gets too hot out. I don't need to go out to my mom's today so I have a kind of free day :).

Pam Great job on STS 2.0 foam rolling upper and lower! The type of foam roller can definitely make a difference. Sometimes the torture can be a hurts so good type of feeling like a deep tissue massage.

Cheryl Great job on TBS plus Stand Core and Floor! I hope you had a great day with your mom.

This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and a bike ride in Barcelona. I really didn't want to work out or get up at all as I still haven't gotten great sleep but I figured I have tomorrow off so I can sleep in tomorrow and hopefully catch up on some sleep this weekend.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on TBS and Standing core and floor! I hope you did something more fun than housework on your free day

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout and bike ride. I hope you are able to get caught up on your sleep this weekend. Is the neighbors roof finished?

This morning I had to drop my 3 ginger kittens at the vet for their spay surgeries and then I did STS 2 Lower Body 2 and standing mobility abs. Now I need to get myself motivated to go spray weeds. It’s not hard to do, but for some reason I hate doing it. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout and bike ride in Barcelona. I hope you can catch up on your sleep this weekend.

Pam No I didn't do anything fun yesterday. After the housework was done I went and got the car washed and then picked up some cat food. Oh man I really know how to party :p. Great job on STS Lower Body 2 and Standing Mobility Abs. I hope you got the motivation to spray the weeds.

This morning was STS 2.0 Lower Body 2. Then I got the laundry and more meal prepping done. I didn't go to the SPCA today since I need to get ready to go to Vancouver Island tomorrow for a dragon boat regatta. I am partially packed and I will throw in the last minute stuff tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Thought I would do a quick check in before I left for the ferry to go to Vancouver Island. I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 this morning. Now I have everything packed and ready to go. Enjoy your weekend.

Cheryl Wow you are one crazy lady doing all of those exciting things ! Great job on STS 2 LB2 and your laundry and meal prepping. I hope you have a great time at the regatta! Great job on STS 2 UB 2 also!

Yesterday DH and I went for a bike ride. It was absolutely miserable because it was so hot out. I think the heat index was something like 104. At one point I thought I was going to pass out and I was getting really winded. I think that was a combination of not doing cardio for so long and the heat. As soon as we got back to the car DH jumped off the bike and sat on the ground because his legs were cramping up so badly! What a dumb idea that was going for a ride . This morning was STS 2 Upper Body 2. I’ve been really happy so far that this new program hasn’t been loaded with push ups! I shouldn’t say anything since I haven’t done the body parts chest workout yet, but I’m hopeful. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on STS 2 LB 2 plus standing mobility abs! Oh my! Great job on making it through that hot bike ride with DH! I am glad you both made it. Great job on STS UB 2! The neighbors roof is done. They are supposed to get their siding done soon so that will be fun.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 LB 2 and UB 2! Hope you had a great time at the regatta and the weather was great for you!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some things around the house before sitting outside for a little while. Saturday was my mobility and flexibility day and then DH and I did some cleaning. We have been working on getting Petunia to be in her crate without accidents. We were able to get her up to an hour on Sunday when we left them all in their crates while we ran an errand. Hopefully she is getting there. First couple of times we left, she made a mess after just 10 minutes. This morning I did a heavy upper body workout and some hip flexor strengthening.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout, mobility and flexibility and your cleaning! That is great that Petunia is making progress in the crate. Poor thing, I always wonder what they had to endure when you see some of their behavior. Great job on you heavy upper body and hip Flexor strengthening!

Yesterday was my rest day and it was mostly a chill day. This morning was STS 2 Lower Body 1. Now I have some errands to run and lunch with some friends, then am picking up 2 more kittens. I need to get some adoptions because I’ll be up to 9! Have a great day!


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