Cheryl We are actually low on fosters right now because we have lost a few recently. I had a new one lined up, but she has a weak immune system so she said she can't help until this is over

. Our shelters are already full and kitten season is just barely starting. I don't think many people are thinking about adopting right now, but hopefully that will change. It's really a great time for it with people being at home to spend time with them and help them get adjusted. Two of our 3 vets are currently operating as normal, so y 2 boys are in for their neuter today. Great job on Step Sync, vacuuming and your walk with Zoey!
Julie I called and ordered my mulch and they delivered it within 2 hours! I haven't gotten a lot of it spread yet because I'm finding most of the beds need some serious work first. I had sprayed for weeds, but we had such a warm winter that the weeds have staring growing into the beds so I'm have to do a lot of digging. At least there is plenty of time for that! Great job on GL and your hike in the Austrian Alps. Our grocery stores are still pretty bare in the meat and produce departments, but so far the couple of times I've been I have been able to get what I needed. Luckily we don't need toilet paper!
Cheryl[ Good for you for sleeping in. I hope you felt wonderful when you woke up. Great job on PP and getting outside for awhile. It is so pretty out here but of course our pollen has also started so everything is yellow.
Julie Great job on your run in Poipu Beach. I bet it was fun reliving being there and seeing the monk seal. Great job on your hike in the French Alps too.
Yesterday I went in a 32 mile bike ride with my friends. I was really feeling it by the end after having leg day and yard work the day before! In the afternoon I did some more yard work. This morning was disc 27 back, shoulders, and biceps and the abs from ME. I had forgotten how chatty Cathe is in Meso 3! The rests are already so long and so many times the counter has counted to zero and she is still chatting away

. I was calling her Chatty Cathe

. Have a great day!