Strength in Numbers

Janie Wow, I bet your hair is gorgeous. Where are the pictures???? I have never tried to grow my hair that long, I don't know if it would grow that long. I can't wait to see the new doodle when it is ready! The power shopping got me to the point of at least not feeling COMPLETELY panicked about Christmas and the birthday dinner was fun. My sister really enjoyed it.
Trying is the key word on those desk chair pikes - the chair just didn't want to roll like the stability ball does! :rolleyes: It was worth a shot though.

Julie/B] Great job on GG, it all sounds very impressive! I like taking breaks from lifting every so often, and we are supposed to, right? Oh man, I DID bring my discs, I didn't even think about doing the pikes with them! OK, now that is on my list! I think it would be harder, but it would be a good workout. Wow, you are really young to be getting night sweats!! Do yours wake you up? I just sleep right through mine.

This morning for me was AOLIH, double floor pre-mix and I added on the disc section. I was ready for a little lighter workout, but I was still dripping sweat at the end. I will have to do a tougher one tomorrow because we went out for a HUGE BBQ lunch today and I am stuffed! I am so excited though, because we are finishing the class early and I was able to change my flight to go home tomorrow night instead of Friday night. HOOORAY! I hope everyone else is having a great day!

Julie Great job on Pedal Power scrambled premix. I have been like you in having a hard time getting going.

Pam You are so lucky that your night sweats don't wake you up. I wish mine didn't. I will be glad too when this all stops. I guess you don't realize how much sound carries in a hotel. Well at least being on the first floor you can really rock your workout instead of trying to be quiet to not annoy anyone. Innovative idea to try to use the desk chair as a stability ball.Too bad it didn't work.

Janie Wow your hair sure is long. I don't think I have ever grown my hair quite that long. How much longer would you like to grow it?

Julie Great job on your Get Glutes workout. Sometimes a break from lifting is a good thing. It sounds like you need it.

Pam Great job on AOLIH double floor premix. I hope your enjoyed your HUGE BBQ lunch. Yep it sounds like it should be a really tough workout for tomorrow :D. I am happy for you that you can come home a day early. That must have been a nice surprise to finish the class a day early.

Last night I was feeling really crappy so I didn't workout. This morning I was still feeling off so I decided to take a sick day. I haven't taken one of those for several years so I thought I was due instead of pushing myself to go into work. I slept in and then felt much better so I decided to do Great Glutes timesaver premix #3. After that I just lounged around the house for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I will be back at work.

Have a great day everyone.
Here is the latest drawing I did. It's been done a month now I think, but this person didn't want it shown until now. My first nude. She also doesn't want her name mentioned. I'm still working on my newest doodle. Taking more time to do it for some reason.


Julie, Great job on Get Glutes. If you are still feelling tired, then I agree, a break from weight lifting will help. Letting your body heal is a big part of being healthy too. I sometimes forget to do it too. Good for you.

Pam, Great job on this mornings AOLIH, double floor premix and the addition of disc section. Love when it's dripping wet! Good for you. So glad you will be home earlier than expected. Be safe.

Cheryl, Glad to see you listening to your body and taking it easy. Also great job for doing Great Glutes Timesaver premix 3.

Take care everyone,

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This morning I did CrossFire! This morning I felt a little more motivated and had a little more energy. When I was doing the last move in the Circuit Blast, the rowing wood chop, I dropped my weight. Not sure what happened or how it slipped out of my gloved hands but luckily I missed my foot and my floor did not get damaged.

Pam Great job on AOLIH double floor + discs. I have done that one that way when traveling before and it is a goodie. I am so happy you get to come home a day early that is awesome news. I don’t know that the night sweats wake me up. I have always been a light sleeper and tend to wake up at any movement, sound, or light change. I even wake up to roll over and that is when I notice how gross the sheets feel since they are sopping wet.

Cheryl I am glad you stayed home. It sounds like you needed it and forcing yourself to go into work could have just made it worse. Great job on GG timesaver and your lounge day. I hope your day off helped with your energy level. I am really going to try to go light on my recovery week but I already have creeping thoughts of doing some of the extreme premixes and compilations like the Terminator. Oh boy will I ever learn.

Janie Wow! That is an amazing doodle! Very intricate and I love the tree in there. I would be nervous about having a nude doodle of me shown around but then I look at this woman and think she is gorgeous and glowing and should be proud to show off her beauty.

Have a great day!
Thank you for the compliments on my nude doodle. Means a lot to me. I can't wait in getting started again on my exercises. My foot is clearly almost healed. One more week and I'll be good to go. I CAN"T WAIT!

Julie, Great job on CrossFire. So nice when the energy is there isn't it? YIKES! Just a reminder to truly respect weight. So glad you are OK. I'll tell the model of your compliment. She really would like it. Thank you so much for the Christmas card. Your doggies look so happy.

Take care,

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Cheryl I really am lucky that the night sweats don't wake me up. It's kind've amazing because to sweat that much you would think I would be roasting. I don't like being soaking wet when I wake up, but I definitely will take that over it waking me up. I have to admit I haven't tried being quiet with my workouts in the past when I haven't been on the first floor, but I was feeling a little guilty when I saw how much you can hear :eek: Oh yes, the BBQ lunch was DELICIOUS! I did a salad for dinner to try to compensate a little.....I did do a tough workout this morning too...CCC! UGH We kind've forced the class finished a day early. 2 of the 3 students who flew in were already leaving on Thursday no matter what and one of the local guys wasn't going to be there. So we just did all of the presentations and left some of the lab exercises for people to do on their own. Who knows if they will.....:rolleyes: Sorry you are feeling bad, good for you for taking a sick day! No one does anymore, everyone seems to either come to work or work at home when they are sick. It's not good for people! Good job on GG timesaver and lounging around!

Janie Your drawing is awesome as usual! I was admitring it on Facebook. It is beautiful and the model should be very proud because she is very beautiful too!

Julie Great job on CF! Wow, I'm so glad you didn't hit yourself when you dropped your weight. I have worried about dropping mine before. I guess I am very lucky just sleeping right through my night sweats. It's gross in the morning, but at least I get my sleep!

This morning I did CCC! Yowza, it never gets easier. If I was dripping sweat yesterday you could've wrung me out like a washcloth today! Now I'm in Dallas partway home. Need to leave to catch my flight. Take care!

Janie Love your drawing. I am so glad that your foot is almost healed so you can get back into your normal workout routine.

Julie Good job on CrossFire. Lucky that you didn't hit your foot when you dropped your weight. You probably should go light on your recovery week, it sounds like you need it. Terminator that is one I haven't done in a long time.

Pam I am surprised that you don't wake up at night. I wish I could sleep through like you can. Great job on CCC, that is one tough workout. I hate it when people come into work sick. I wasn't really sick just more run down. Have a safe flight home.

Today I did Knockout Rockout Premix #3. Tonight they say we are going to get snow. Yuck the commute tomorrow will be lots of fun :rolleyes:. Happy Friday everyone.

This morning I did Get Glutes and I added on DWP. I think I figured out why this GG workout always makes me feel like I have no energy. There are a lot of moves that require substantial balance which I always struggle with so I think it just takes more out of me. I did get through DWP without adding any extra breaks which is a first I think.

Janie Yea! I am so glad your foot is much better and pretty much healed. You were so good with taking time off to let it heal. I need to learn from you.

Pam Great job on CCC! Always a doozie and yes it never gets easier. I tend to “forget” about it and don’t put it in my rotations. So happy you got home a day early. Hopefully you can use that time to relax and get ready for Christmas.

Cheryl Great job on RK premix! After I dropped the weight, all I could think of was having to deal with a broken foot again like I did last year if it had actually hit my foot. I hope your commute wasn’t too bad today.

Have a great day!
Julie Balance moves do take a lot more out of you because you have to concentrate more to keep your balance. Great job on GG and DWP with no extra breaks. I remember when you broke your foot it would have been horrible if the weight had fallen on it and broke it again.

What a mess it was today with the snow. We have about 4 inches here but it is turning to rain so I don't know how long it will last. After work we had to go get another seal for our toilet upstairs. It is the one that leaked last year which we ended up having to replace part of our ceiling in the kitchen. It seems to be leaking again so my brother is coming over tomorrow to help us with it. Then I went to get stuff for lunch tomorrow. By the time we got home and had dinner I didn't get a workout in. I would love to get adjusted again to get my workout done in the mornings so nothing will get in the way. I am on vacation now until January 6th so I am hoping to get my act together with being consistent with my workouts.

Have a great day everyone.

Pam, Great job on CCC. Nope it never does get easier. LOL Have a safe trip home.

Cheryl, Great job on Knockout Rockout Premix 3. Do be careful and safe commuting in to work.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes and the addition of DWP. Yep, balance takes a lot of energy. Congrats for doing the whole DWP workout. Good for you!

Cheryl, Seems after a toilet leaks and a new seal on it, it still isn't the same. Maybe your brother can see what is really wrong with it. You'll get in a routine again, you always do. Very proud of you.

Take care everyone,

Saturday DH and I ran errands in the morning and then we had my family Christmas get together. It lasted from noon until 6 and I was pooped afterwards. Sunday I did Get Glutes. Then it was lazy day the rest of the day. This morning was Supercuts.

Cheryl Oh now! Toilet problems again. I hope you got it fixed up. Not fun to have a leaky toilet. On vacation until January 6 sounds so nice. I am working up till Christmas and then going back on 1/2. Enjoy your time off!

Janie Do you have plans to get together with your family for Christmas? DH and I have to go to his dad’s on Christmas day. I wish we could stay home.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I'm surprised that the night sweats don't wake me up too, but happy. It is nasty waking up all wet though! Great job on RK premix 3. Snow....yuck. We have been having summer like weather and I wish it would stay. It is not going to, but I will enjoy it while it is here! We even had to turn on the AC in the house yesterday :rolleyes:

Julie Great job on GG and DWP. Oh yes, balance moves really take a lot out of you. I really struggle to balance on them too. Great job on getting through DWP with no extra breaks too!!!! CCC is one if the few Cathe workouts that doesn't require any equipment, so it tends to be on my list when I travel.

Cheryl Oh yuck, I hope your snow is gone. It sounded like it maybe wouldn't last too long since it was raining by the end of the day. What is up with that toilet?! I'm glad that you are getting it fixed early though so hopefully you won't have any more ceiling issues as a result. Enjoy your nice long break, I am off until January 6th too, although I have a couple of things that I need to do over the holidays because they are due when we get back.

Janie Thanks for the well wishes on my trip. It was very smooth and I even got upgraded on the flight from Dallas to Raleigh which was a nice surprise!

Julie Great job on GG on Sunday and Supercuts this morning! I almost did that one, even had it in my hand, but at the last minute decided to do FlexTrain instead. It was the thought of th su/pu combo that did it for me :confused::rolleyes:

Let's see I got home late Thursday night and then got up and did Mindy's extreme intervals on Friday morning and then went and got a pedicure :D I took Saturday as a rest day and Sunday I did The Gauntlet from the terminator. That was Julie's inspiration because I hadn't thought about that one in awhile. This morning I did Flex Train. As I was telling Julie, I was going to do Supercuts, but I didn't want to do the su/pu comb at the end....I've spent the last few days getting my shopping finished and getting everything wrapped and starting on the baking. I made sugar cookies yesterday and today is peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses, brownies with peppermint glaze and a white chocolate cheesecake layered with red velvet cake. Everyone is coming here for dinner tomorrow and then we are having a relaxing day on Christmas day. If I don't get a chance to post again, I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!!
My keyboard is coming today! I even have a chance of getting a guitar from one of my art friends husband at the ocean. I may have a choice between a nylon string or steel string. I'm thinking steel string because it's less hassle, it plays louder and I'm liking the idea of different kinds of music, not just folk, or classical. I think I can do both, if not I'll learn keyboard first and then later add the guitar. So exciting! Decisions, decisions. LOL By the way, thank you all so much for the Christmas cards.

Julie, How fun getting errands done and a Christmas get together. Great job on Get Glutes and Supercuts.

Pam, Great job on Mindy's extreme intervals on Friday. OOOOO nice about the pedicure. Hope you had a restful rest day. Also great job on Sunday's Gauntlet from the terminator and for this mornings Flex Train. MMMMMM all your cooking sounds soooooo good. Can I have some? LOL Enjoy your family dinner tonight and your relaxing day Christmas day.

Take care everyone,

Julie Great job on GG and Supercuts. I am glad that you enjoyed your family get together even though you were pooped afterwards. Enjoy your time off.

Pam Lucky you to be having summer weather and needing to turn on the air conditioner. Enjoy it while it lasts. Snow is gone now I am glad that it didn't last too long though it would have been nice to have snow for Christmas. Great job on Mindy's extreme intervals, The Gauntlet and Flex Train. What you didn't want to do the su/pu combo at the end of Supercuts!!! I can't imagine why :p. Enjoy your time off and you have a wonderful Christmas too with your family.

Janie So exciting to get your keyboard and possibly a guitar.

Saturday I did a workout but I can't remember what it was :eek:. Then my brother came over and I think we got the leak fixed. We really don't want to use that toilet right now, at least we have two more that we can use. Then Sunday I did a BOSU cardio workout and then a yoga pilates mix workout. Today I did Afterburn. Wow that was a tough one for me today. It looks like my New Years Resolution will be to get my cardio and strength back to what it used to be. I was really sucking wind this morning.

This morning I did Cycle Max. I should have picked something that would have kept me warm this morning even after my shower. It was -2 with a wind chill of -12 when I left for work. If I forgot to say it before, I’ll say it now: I HATE COLD WEATHER! It took about 20 minutes for my toes to thaw out after I got to work. I just calculated the number of days until Spring and am depressed. Ok rant over. Merry Christmas Eve. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas as I probably won’t check in tomorrow.

Janie That’s cool that your keyboard is almost here. Oh wow, a guitar too! You are just so talented. You might have to record something and send it to us so we can hear you play.

Cheryl Great job on your Saturday workout, Sundays BOSU/yoga/pilates mix, and Mondays Afterburn! I love AB. It used to have a dread factor for me but I have been incorporating it more into my rotations so I actually look forward to it now. Maybe I should try that with CCC! I would be nervous about using the toilet too. I am glad you have others you can use until you make sure it is not leaking.

Pam Great job on Mindy’s Extreme Intervals, The Gauntlet (your welcome :)), and FlexTrain! What you didn’t want to do the su/pu combo at the end but that is the best part! Oh all your goodies sound so yummy! I bet that cheesecake/red velvet cake will be scrumptious.

Have a great day!
Been slowly and clumsily practicing playing the piano. Trying hard to make my fingers work and remembering what note it is, on the keys. Oh My. Just like art, it takes practice and a lot of it. LOL. I did play already, with both hands,
"Love Me Tender". Again, very clumsily. I'll get there and with enthusiasm.

Peace to you and those you love and blessings from the lord above and at Christmas time and always. May your Christmas be filled with joyful noise.

Cheryl, Great job on the workout Saturday. Oh, so glad you got the leak fixed in the toilet (hopefully?). Great job for Sunday's BOSU cardio and also great job on Afterburn. It's a tough workout for sure. Love your New Years Resolution, couldn't have said it better. I'm with you on that one.

Julie, Great job on Cycle Max. Brrrrrrrrr -2 is sooooooo cold! I hat cold weather too, and can't even imagine -2 with a wind factor added to it. Too cold for this lady! I too am ready for Spring. LOL I don't know how to play these instuments, but would like very much too. I'm starting with the piano and will learn it well before I attempt the guitar. I will record when I feel a lot more comfortable. I bet it will take me at least a year just on the piano before I am. LOL

Merry Christmas Everyone,

Julie Great job on Cycle Max. Oh man that is cold. Try to stay warm. I should incorporate AB into more rotations as well. I need to incorporate CCC too. That one gives me a dread factor.

Janie Keep practicing, it will all come together.

This morning I did Cardio Supersets. Another one I hadn't done in a while. After that I went and got groceries before it got too crazy out there and then did the housework and made a batch of Butter Tarts.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Janie His exciting about your keyboard and maybe a guitar too, very cool! I wish I could send you some of my baking. I didn't let anyone leave on Christmas Eve without a piece of cake and a plate of cookies, and we still have a ton left! My mom was asking how I made my scalloped potatoes because she wanted to make some the next day for Christmas. I had a second pan that we hadn't even started on, so I just gave her those to take home. I'm determined to get rid of all of this food! :)

Cheryl Great job on Saturdays workout, no matter what is was! Also on your Bosu workout and your yoga Pilates and AB! I can't really figure out what my cardio keel is these days. Someday as I do a tough workout and it doesn't seem so bad and then other days it's serious wind sucking.

Julie great job on cycle max. OMG, -2and -12 is just crazy cold!! I hope it warms up soon! The cheesecake/red velvet cake was really awesome. As I was telling Janie, I made everyone who was he on Christmas Eve take a piece home with them. We have one piece left but everyone has been resisting it so far.

Janie it sounds like you are having fungi the your new keyboard! that is awesome. It makes me smile just reading about it.

Cheryl great job on cardio supersets!I haven't done that one in ages either. Oooooo I love butter tarts, yum!

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas! We had a really nice time with everyone on Christmas Eve and a nice relaxing Christmas day with just the 5 of us. I did 40/20 on Christmas Eve,took Christmas Day as a rest day and then did X49 and the abs from LIC this morning. I thought X49 was going to kill me, I'm not sure how I ever have done the whole thing. I hope everyone had a great day!

Pam I am glad that you had a great Christmas with your family. Great job on 40/20 X49 and abs from LIC.

Yesterday I did LIC one I haven't done is quite a while. DH was sick on Christmas so he missed getting together with the family. Today I was really tired so I did the cardio only from Hardstrikes. Today was our Boxing Day which is similar to your Black Friday. This afternoon we decided to go to the mall which was crazy. You couldn't even get into the parking lot so we decided to park across the street. When we got there the Apple Store was closed as it was filled with smoke. I have no idea what happened and the fire department was there along with the police. I really didn't find anything which was fine.

Have a great day everyone.

Practiced piano for an hour. Finding out about hand positioning. Hmmmmm. Not easy, but love the practice anyway. Today was Total Body Sculpting. Ate very clean today. No pain anywhere!

Cheryl, Great job on Cardio Supersets. What are butter tarts? Sounds yummy.

Pam, I'm sure everyone loved taking home some really good food. I smile too when I try to play, or should I say learn. Great job on 20/40 on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas a rest. And for this mornings X49 and abs from LIC. Wow, a challenging workout! Good for you. But you always work so hard.

Cheryl, Great job on LIC. Oh no, hubby was sick on Christmas? Poor guy, hope he is feeling better. Great job also on the cardio from Hardstrikes. Hmmmmm wonder what was happening at the Apple Store?

Have a great evening everyone,


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