Saturday DH and I had fun sitting in the mechanic’s shop for 2 hours while some work got done on his car. Then we ran several errands and got most of the Christmas shopping done. After getting home, I was lazy the rest of the night. Sunday I did Get Glutes. Then it was lazy time the rest of the day. This morning was X52 (with extra breaks because man that one is still hard)!
Janie I hope your back and foot are feeling better. Sorry I didn’t get you my address until today. I think I may have gotten my energy back but my back is still sore. It was feeling good Sunday morning but then I must have aggravated it again during my workout.
Cheryl Oh I am sorry about the low energy. I think mine was due to giving blood last week and never really recuperating from it. I think the weekend helped me get back on track. We’ll see as the week goes along though. Great job on STS disc 1! The amount of pushups in meso 1 is what keeps me away. I don’t know what kind of shoes those are but that is one heck of a deal!
Pam Great job on Supercuts on Saturday and AOLIH + Core 1 this morning! You did have a busy weekend. All work and no play huh? Well at least you have everything done except the finishing touches. I hope you don’t have to put in an all weekend work fest again. Hmmm…I thought grip strength was the same thing as forearm strength? In that if your forearms were weak you wouldn’t be able to grip anything.
Have a great day!
Janie I hope your back and foot are feeling better. Sorry I didn’t get you my address until today. I think I may have gotten my energy back but my back is still sore. It was feeling good Sunday morning but then I must have aggravated it again during my workout.
Cheryl Oh I am sorry about the low energy. I think mine was due to giving blood last week and never really recuperating from it. I think the weekend helped me get back on track. We’ll see as the week goes along though. Great job on STS disc 1! The amount of pushups in meso 1 is what keeps me away. I don’t know what kind of shoes those are but that is one heck of a deal!
Pam Great job on Supercuts on Saturday and AOLIH + Core 1 this morning! You did have a busy weekend. All work and no play huh? Well at least you have everything done except the finishing touches. I hope you don’t have to put in an all weekend work fest again. Hmmm…I thought grip strength was the same thing as forearm strength? In that if your forearms were weak you wouldn’t be able to grip anything.
Have a great day!