Strength in Numbers

Janie Great job on Upper and Lower body sculting and Basic Step. The brown betty is really good and easy to make. I am sure you could find the recipe on the internet.

Today was Muscle Max, one I haven't done in a long time. Because I was a bit slow getting going this morning I did the timesaver premix as I had to get the car in to have the brakes looked at. The brakes are fine just needed a little adjustment. Now it is laundry.

Have a great day everyone.

CherylGreat job on Tabatacise 1 - 3 and core #1. That is great that you still had some energy left after that!!! You must be getting your cardio back for sure!

Janie Great job finishing the piano book that came with the keyboard. Too bad there wasn't much there, but glad to hear that you had some fallbacks! Great job on Total Body Sculpting too!

Cheryl Great job on STS Total Body. That one always gets me!

Janie Great job on First practice yoga foundation! And Happy new Year to you too. I hope that 2014 turns out to be a great year!!!

Julie So sorry to hear you have still bee feeling bad. I think it is a good plan to take the rest of the week off and good for you for sticking to it! Don't worry, you aren't missing out on anything at all not painting. I can't stand it myself so I was very happy to be done!

Cheryl Great job on Intensity, that one really is named appropriately! It is a killer. You did deserve a little indulgence after that :D Great job on KPC too!

Janie Great job on YF.

Cheryl Great job on AB, you have been hitting the cardio hard!!!

Janie Great job on Upper and lower body sculpting and stability ball abs! Oh my, the funny walk and twitching abs! I guess you were being reminded that you worked hard.......! Great job on Basic step too, glad to hear you didn't melt :p

Cheryl Great job on MM! Glad to hear that your brakes were ok and that they are all adjusted now!

I didn't realize I had been MIA for so long! We had a nice time at the beach but no workouts. A couple of walks on the beach, but not even very long ones because my knee was bothering me :confused: Thursday morning I did Drill Max, yesterday I did Imax and this morning was High Step Training. I forgot about those hover squats and sit and stands...ouch! I'm supposed to be on vacation but worked all day Thursday and Friday because I have a big deadline on Monday :confused: It looks like I will not have any trouble meeting it now though. Today we went to see a basketball game (NC State vs Pitt) and came home and took down the tree and put away all of the Christmas stuff. That was my bonus workout hauling all of that stuff up to the attic :rolleyes: I can't believe how fast the last two weeks went. Monday i will be starting Cathe's January looks pretty intense!! Have a great Sunday!

Today is a rest day for me and I have to tell you I'm so glad. Having DOM's like no other! That is also unlike me, but I'm savoring every moment of it. And yes, I didn't pass the toilet test. L:DL Yahoo! Who new beginner workouts were so effective. Also practice some piano. Still such a joy to do. Thinking of drawing on paper today.

Cheryl, Great job on Muscle Max, believe me the timesavers are just as good. Isn't it wonderful to have excellent choices in our exercises? I need to do laundry today as well. Thank you for reminding me.

Pam, How is your knee lately? Great job on walking the beach. At least you got out and about. For Thur. Drill Max, then Imax and High Step Training. Yep those squats are to be remembered L:DL. Awww, you worked on vacation. Well, that's why you are so successful. You do what needs to be done no. Good for you. Hope you had a good time with NC State vs Pitt. Who won? Oh yes, taking down the tree. Such a chore, but I'm sure good memories. You hauled all the stuff in the attic yourself? Bonus workout for sure! Which January rotation will you be doing, The new calendar one or the one here? Both look intense.

Take care ladies,

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Pam Weclome Back!!! Glad you had a good time at the beach. Great work on Drill Max, Imax and High Step Training. Those hover squats and sit and stands are tough. How is your knee doing? You are dedicated to work on your vacation. Nice that you don't have to worry about your deadline tomorrow. Which January rotation are you doing. The one in the calendar or the one she posted.

Janie Enjoy your rest day and enjoy your DOMS :p. Isn't it great when you fail the toilet test LOL.

Julie I hope you are feeling better.

Today I did Yoga Max. I needed to do some stretching. After that I got organized to go back to work, making my lunch getting clothes ready....sigh. It went by way too fast. After that we went to a park by us because it was really nice out, a little cold but it was sunny. Then we went out for dinner as it is back to the grind tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.

Janie Oh wow, congratulations on those major DOMS and failing the toilet test. You must have had quite the workout since you don't usually get DOMS. Awesome! :D I'm so impressed with your dedication to practicing your piano too, great job! Unfortunately my knee has been acting up a lot. I stopped my stretching when I was doing so much traveling but I need to get back to it. I can hardly walk at all without it bothering me. Luckily workouts are still not a problem....I didn't take everything up to the attic myself. DH took the heaviest stuff. I was still huffing and puffing though! Pitt won the basketball game. That is where DH went to school so he was happy. Of course we were sitting there with our Pitt shirts on in the middle of all of these NC State fans, but they were nice to us :) I am doing the January rotation that Cathe posted here. I have never gotten a calendar, I didn't know there were rotations in the calendar too.....hmmmmm....

Cheryl Thanks for the welcome back! My knee is not doing well at all, I really need to start doing my stretches again :confused: I am doing the rotation that Cathe posted. As I was telling Janie, I have never gotten one of the calendars, I didn't know that they have rotations too. Great job on yoga max. I really really really need to get busy with stretchig too. Good for you getting organized for work. I was amazed at how fast those 2 weeks went by. I hated setting that alarm clock last night :confused::( That is wonderful that you got out to the park. We had a really pretty day yesterday - low 60's. It was 60 degrees when we got up this morning and tomorrow it is supposed to be...:eek: and is only supposed to get up to 25 tomorrow. Luckily that only lasts a day, but man is that cold! Jasper, our one remaining outdoor has recently discovered the heated cat house, so I'm sure he will be using it tomorrow!

Yesterday was a rest day and as I said, I started Cathe's January rotation today. It started with Afterburn and it felt really hard today. Probably because I haven't been up and working out that early in a couple of weeks! I'm supposed to do weights and plates abs too, so I'm hoping I remember to do that when I get home. Happy Monday :confused::rolleyes: everyone!

Will come back after I workout and post later tonight.

Just wanted to print this Jan. 2014 (from one of our Cathelets) from Cathe's 2014 calendar. It's different from the one she posted here.

2014 Calendar Rotation

Week 1
Mon – Tabatacize (as many rounds as you can get through)
Tue – STS Total Body
Wed – Intensity
Thu – Kick, Punch & Crunch
Fri – Afterburn
Sat - Muscle Max
Sun - yoga Relax (or rest day)

Week 2
Mon – Cardio Core Circuit
Tue – Pyramid Upper Body
Wed – Imax 2
Thu – 4 day split: Kickbox (in its entirety)
Fri – CrossFire
Sat – Athletic step
Sun – Stretch Max – segment one or rest day

Week 3
Mon – X10 (as much as you can get through)
Tue – MMA: Boxing
Wed – Body Max 2
Thu – Hard Strikes
Fri – Pedal Power (or solid cardio workout of choice)
Sat – Lower Body Blast
Sun – yoga Max (or rest day)

Week 4
Mon – All Out Low Impact HIIT
Tue – Great Glutes
Wed – Rockout Knockout
Thu – FlexTrain
Fri – To The Max
Sat – Drill Max
Sun – Total Body Stretching – segment one or rest day
Tonight was Travel Fit. It was 51 minutes. Burned about 376 calories. Yahoo! Felt so good. Spent a lot of time trying to memorize notes and places for the notes on the keyboard, without the flash cards. Should be here soon. I'm practicing Hallelujah. I love that music/lyrics! I figured out all the notes now tomorrow I'll practice trying to play it. Still drawing the art work. This will take awhile.

Cheryl, Great job on Yoga Max. I know how times fly when vacation is over. Glad you were able to enjoy some sun and dinner.

Pam, I'm so sorry about your knee hurting. It brings me down when something hurts, because it seems I can't do my best. I know you said it doesn't effect your workouts, just sharing. Hope your knee will feel better soon. Joey and I will be going to the beach house towards the end of this month and all I can thank about is seeing your plates. I love them sooooo much. Thank you again for such beautiful art work, and just for me. Oh my, always wondered how people would treat the other team if they were near by. Glad to see they were nice. Great job on the rest day and today's Afterburn.

Have a good evening everyone,

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Janie Oh thanks for posting the rotation from the calendar! That is different that what she posted online and it looks really good too. I may save that one for next month! Great job on Travel Fit and burning 376 calories! Do you have a fitbit or something that tells you how many calories you burn? Hallelujah is a beautiful song and a tough one to play. That was one of my favorites back when I knew how to play the piano! You are quite the busy lady! I'm pretty worried that the knee will start impacting my workouts soon. I need to remember to be more diligent with my stretching to see if it helps. When I was Christmas shopping it was bothering me just walking around the mall :rolleyes: It started acting up in less than a mile when we were at the beach - not good :mad: Oh you are so sweet to be excited about those plates. I'm just so glad that they make you happy! :D

Yesterday I was super-productive at work and finished everything that I needed to get done and then some. I was pretty happy about that. It makes me feel like I can take it a little easier today :D I did remember to do my weights and plates abs when I got home last night and my stomach is reminding me of that fact today. That one is a killer! This morning was Gym Style legs. I already had DOMS from AB yesterday so yowza, it was killer. I am feeling it while sitting in my chair and glad I have a soft chair :rolleyes::cool: I hope everyone is staying warm today with the artic vortex! I think only Julie and I are lucky enough to be feeling it though......? I'm not sure what the temp was this morning, but it was cold and below zero with the wind chill. Now we are all the way 'up' to the low 20's. Brrrrrrr! It's supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow and that will feel like a sauna after this! Have a great day!

So Saturday was a lazy day hoping to get over my cold but it didn’t work. Sunday I did do start month 4 of Get Glutes. The rest of the day was spent being lazy and watching the snow and wind blow. Monday work got cancelled because it was in the negative teens with windchills in the negative 40s. Super cold!!!! I wanted to do Afterburn Monday but my cough was pretty bad so I just was lazy. Today work delayed opening until 10. I appreciated another day of sleeping in and got my 2nd month 4 GG workout in. Then I added on 30/30. I still had a cough this morning but I think pushing myself to do 30/30 helped me cough up a lot of junk (sorry if that grosses anyone out).

Cheryl Great job on Afterburn! I am right there with you on the mountain climbers and spidermans. The spidermans especially kill me. Great job on MM! Timesavers are great when you are running short on time. Great job on Yoga Max! I probably should have done some stretching yesterday instead of being lazy in bed but it was so warm in my bed snuggling with my puppies. That’s awesome you had nice weather. Can you send some my way?

Janie Great job on Upper/Lower body sculpting. Great job on Basic Step. Gotta love that DOMS feeling. Cathe’s beginner workouts are probably more intermediate compared to other instructors. I think you are doing awesome with your workouts. Great job on TF! I really like that one and do not consider that a beginner workout. It can be quite intense at times. If it is the same song I am thinking of, I love that song too. There is something peaceful about it.

Pam I hope your knee starts feeling better soon. That is weird that workouts are fine but just plain walking causes problems. Hopefully the stretching will help you feel better. That is funny about the Pitt/NC game. I always wonder how the visiting team fans feel sitting in the crowd surrounded by the home team fans. They always stick out like a sore thumb on the TV. Great job on remembering W&P when you got home and GSL! Looks like you are getting hit with the cold temps too. This is terrible and I cannot wait for it to warm up. Supposedly we should start getting warmer by the weekend. And by that I mean into the upper 30s.

This is sad but I have my countdown to the first day of Spring going: 74 days.

Have a great day!
Tonight was Yoga Foundation Practice 2. Did really well until towards the end. I couldn't do the Plow or the shoulder stand. I use to be able to do them like butter. Wow! Just goes to show ya. I need lots of work! Went to the dentist today. Joe and I waited a whole year. Shouldn't have done that. The gum pockets are larger and my teethe needed deep cleaning. I have to go in to finish the cleaning tomorrow and then I have two very small cavities which can be done without shots or anything on Thurs. The new technology they have can see better than ever when a cavity is forming. So we'll nip that at the bud. I use to have my teeth cleaned every season or every 4 months. Now I have to again. Never Never again will we wait that long! Lesson learned. Didn't get on the piano today.

Pam, Being super productive has it's benefits, like ease of mind and spirit and relaxing more. Great job on weights and plates abs last night. Nice DOM's, good for you. Also for doing Gym Style legs. Seems you are working very hard. It does pay off as you know. You stay warm, safe and cozy through this arctic vortex. Sounds so awful. The temps you have are all over the place! Is that normal? How's your knee through all these workouts?

Julie, Great job on Sat. rest day. Oh no, still feeling under the weather. Take it easy when exercising K? Great job on Sun. mo. 4 of Get Glutes. So glad you didn't have to work when the weather was so cold. Nice to hear you are not working out, even though you were forced to do so by that darn cold. Hope you feel better soon. Also for doing 2nd mo. 4 GG and the addition of 30/30. Hmmmmm, I guess sometimes workouts can be great for coughing up flem. Which is always good to get out of your body.

Take care ladies,

Julie Sorry that your lazy Saturday didn't work for getting rid of your cold, but hopefully you are turning the corner after your 30/30 induced purge :D Ya gotta get that stuff out of your body somehow! I'm always happy when I have a cold and start coughing stuff up...weird huh? Wow, I thought it was cold here but you guys are having crazy cold. It's good that you didn't have to go out in it. Great job on your GG workout and 30/30! I figure all of the coughing is working your core too, right? ;) Gotta look at the bright side :) . It is weird that working out doesn't bother my knee. I'm not gonna complain though, just hope it stays that way! I felt like we stuck out like sore thumbs at that game, but it was nice when the guy behind us chatted with us a little bit and welcomed us and then congratulated us at the end of the game. Nice fans! It was in the teens here again this morning but the last forecast I saw had a high in the 40's today and into the 60's for the weekend so I hope they are right. Otherwise I will be right there with you on that countdown to spring. Actually I am anyway, I like heat!!

Janie Great job on YF Practice 2! I'm not sure I could do a plow or shoulder stand either.....Oooo...I need to make a dentist appointment. I was so sad that our dentist retired last year. He was the best dentist I have ever had and now we have to find a new one :( I am overdue for a cleaning though. The deep cleaning is no fun at all, ouch! OMG, I thought I was doing some tough workouts over the holidays, but so far this week I feel like someone beat me up every day :rolleyes: is pretty typical for our temps to be all over the place in the winter, but we don't usually get this cold. This is a very special cold that the whole eastern part of the country seems to be enjoying :rolleyes::confused: My knee is hanging in there so far, let's hope it keeps up. This is reminding me to do my stretches after I finish checking in :D

This morning was FlexTrain. I really enjoy that one and it was a good one for me with how sore I am! I got out of bed this morning and got a quick reminder about yesterday's calf work...OUCH! My whole lower body is hurting today and I am still supposed to do the leg drills from Kickmax when I get home tonight....:eek: We'll see if that happens..... :p Happy Hump day!

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This morning I did Afterburn Double Trouble Premix. Made it all the through with only taking 1 mini break. We had a heat wave this morning at 4 degrees—that’s +4 degrees this time not negative. Whoo hoo!

Janie Great job on Yoga Foundations! Plow and the shoulder stand are tough moves to do. Give it time and you will be smooth as butter again. Going to the dentist is one of those necessary evils. I am glad you are getting it taken care of because it is important to more than just the health of your teeth.

Pam Great job on FlextTrain! I had horrible DOMS last week from all the coughing. It was crazy and made me think maybe that should be a new kind of workout. I feel for you with the cold weather. Since you don’t usually go this cold, I know it can hit you harder. Hopefully you had some heavier coats to wear. I hope your legs hold up and you get your leg drills in.

Have a great day!
Tonight was Body Fusion. Right in the middle of the DVD I felt like jello and every step was like going through mud. I decided to listen to my body and did not complete it.

Pam, Joey and I had to abondaned our Dentist a couple of years ago. Every 4 months we went 80 miles one way to see them. This was going on for many years. Then the gas prices forced us to find one locally. It was really sad. But found out it was better for us anyway. Great job with FlexTrain this morning. Were you able to get some stretching in?

Julie, Great job on Afterburn Double Trouble Premix. Wow, you are good to get all the way through. I'm impressed. L:eek:L A heat wave of 4 degrees. You are too funny. Stay warm and cozy. And safe.

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job on AB double trouble! It sounds like you have bounced back from that cold very nicely! I ope your glutes are doing ok today. Mine are always sore for a few days after that one! woo hoo 4 degrees, you are burning up! Time to get out the marshmallows and weenies! ;) Yep, we definitely have some heavy coats. My poor DH had a 6 am flight to New Jersey on Tuesday morning when it was so cold. I was a big baby, I was afraid to leave the house! It's so silly, because it is usually at least that cold when we go skiing. :rolleyes: I did get my leg drills in last night, but I must say that my legs were NOT very happy about it!

Janie Wow, jello and mud are not good, you were smart to quit your workout when you did. Good for you for listening to your body and doing the smart thing. Oh yes, I would not be willing to drive 80 miles just to see the dentist. Especially considering the fact that I don't really like to go. I did get a little stretching in. Not as much as I should have, but at least I did some. I already did some this morning too, just have to remember to do it a few more times during the day.

I did get the Kickmax leg drills in when I got home last night, despite my legs begging me to skip it. I sure didn't have my leg up as high as Cathe, or especially Jai though. I was very happy when they were finished. My legs are feeling a little better today at least. This morning was GS Chest and Triceps. Can you say push ups?! My muscles were quivering by the end of the workout. I'm already scared because CCC is on the calendar for tomorrow.....:eek: Have a great day ladies, the weekend is almost here!

No workout this morning for me. I am feeling better and think my cold is pretty much gone but I could not sleep last night. I ended up going to bed 2 hours late and then tossed and turned all night. Hopefully tonight I can sleep better.

Janie Great job on what you could do in Body Fusion and for listening to your body and stopping. I think my goal for this year is to be kinder to my body and focus on quality over quantity.

Pam Great job on getting the leg drills in and GS CT! Jai is amazing at how high she can get her leg up. Her balance is crazy too. She can always do the 1 leg deadlifts with lifting her leg off the ground. I try but end up wobbling all over the place. Good luck on CCC!

Have a great day!
Was getting ready to go to the dentist and realized I had a tear in my eye. Couldn't figure it out. On the way there, I was crying. Had to compose myself before I got there. All went well with the 4 fillings. Went home and looked on the calendar and realized it has been 4 years to the day my mommy died. No wonder I was so teary eyed. My memories of her always start off when she made each 9 of us feel like her favorite. Incredible how she did that. Miss her so much! I remember her death so well. But when they took her away it was even worse. Sorry you guys, having a hard day today.

Had Yoga Foundation 1 today, but really wanted to try the plow once again on Yoga Foundation 2, so I did this instead. Almost there, but not quite. Will do it again until I do this, along with the shoulder stand before I can move on to another yoga. I'm determined! L:)L

Pam, Great job on Kickmax leg drills last night. Good for you and your determination. Also for doing GS Chest and Triceps. Quivering is good. I don't blame you for being scared of CCC tomorrow after such tough workouts. You go girl!

Julie, Nice to see ya resting today. Also glad you are feeling better. So sorry for you insomnia. I had it last night too and woke up way too late. Maybe you will sleep better tonight. I really like your goal this year to be kinder to your body. I think you are right, to focus on quality over quantity. I'll do this as well.

Take care ladies,

Julie Oh boy, sorry about the sleepless night, that is no fun at all. Your goal of being kinder to your body and focusing on quantity is a good one!

Janie Awwwww, Hugs to you! Isn't it amazing that your heart knew what day it was instinctively? It sounds like your mom was a very special woman!! Great job on YF 2 and your commitment to the plow and shoulder stand!!! I love that determination!

Well the dreaded CCC wasn't so bad this morning. I changed the order up a little differently this time. I just wasn't ready for round 4 yet after finishing round 1, so I did rounds 1,2,4,3,5. I liked it this way a little better because round 3 is the easiest so gave a little break after that killer number 4! My red face didn't even last as long as usual :rolleyes: of course after that I made the mistake of looking at the calendar and seeing that I have all of X10 on the schedule for Monday.....AHHHHH I hope I am having a strong cardio morning Monday! Have a great Friday ladies!

I got much better sleep last night. I woke up a few minutes before my alarm so I just went ahead and got up. I did Get Glutes and additional back work. So happy today is Friday!!

Janie You never have to apologize for having a hard day. You have a right to miss your mom. From the sounds of it, you loved her dearly and she was an amazing person. I am glad the fillings went well. Great job on YF2 and working on the plow. That is pretty much the only way to get better at something is practice, practice, and more practice.

Pam Great job on the dreaded CCC! That does sound good to put the easier round after the hardest for a mini break. I have yet to do all of X10 so I tip my hat to you and wish you a strong cardio Monday.

Have a great weekend ladies!
Tonight was Total Body Sculpting. It was good.

Pam, I'm not that special, but wished I was. I looked on the calendar the night before her death anniversary and when I got up forgot about it until I got home from the dentist. Then saw it on the calendar again. Sorry about that. Thank you so much for your heart warming comment. Great job for this mornings CCC. I like the rounds you did. Good job tricking your body. Wishing you to have a strong cardio on Mon.

Julie, So glad you had a better sleep last night. Great job on Get Glutes and the additional back work. Thank you for your loving comment. I'll keep practicing that plow.

Have a good evening everyone,

Did HiiT 30/30 for 25 min. (I had a 5 min. phone call in the middle) and according to the Workout Manager I think my met was 6.5 so I burned 200 calories. Close enough for me.


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