CherylGreat job on Tabatacise 1 - 3 and core #1. That is great that you still had some energy left after that!!! You must be getting your cardio back for sure!
Janie Great job finishing the piano book that came with the keyboard. Too bad there wasn't much there, but glad to hear that you had some fallbacks! Great job on Total Body Sculpting too!
Cheryl Great job on STS Total Body. That one always gets me!
Janie Great job on First practice yoga foundation! And Happy new Year to you too. I hope that 2014 turns out to be a great year!!!
Julie So sorry to hear you have still bee feeling bad. I think it is a good plan to take the rest of the week off and good for you for sticking to it! Don't worry, you aren't missing out on anything at all not painting. I can't stand it myself so I was very happy to be done!
Cheryl Great job on Intensity, that one really is named appropriately! It is a killer. You did deserve a little indulgence after that

Great job on KPC too!
Janie Great job on YF.
Cheryl Great job on AB, you have been hitting the cardio hard!!!
Janie Great job on Upper and lower body sculpting and stability ball abs! Oh my, the funny walk and twitching abs! I guess you were being reminded that you worked hard.......! Great job on Basic step too, glad to hear you didn't melt
Cheryl Great job on MM! Glad to hear that your brakes were ok and that they are all adjusted now!
I didn't realize I had been MIA for so long! We had a nice time at the beach but no workouts. A couple of walks on the beach, but not even very long ones because my knee was bothering me

Thursday morning I did Drill Max, yesterday I did Imax and this morning was High Step Training. I forgot about those hover squats and sit and stands...ouch! I'm supposed to be on vacation but worked all day Thursday and Friday because I have a big deadline on Monday

It looks like I will not have any trouble meeting it now though. Today we went to see a basketball game (NC State vs Pitt) and came home and took down the tree and put away all of the Christmas stuff. That was my bonus workout hauling all of that stuff up to the attic

I can't believe how fast the last two weeks went. Monday i will be starting Cathe's January looks pretty intense!! Have a great Sunday!