Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on cardio kicks. I love that one and love it when she makes the guys come up front too. It is fun watching that big guy doing the punches. Oh yea, my DH was surprised when he woke up and I was in bed yesterday. He was worried when I was up getting ready for my workout this morning, but I assured him no cardio! :rolleyes:

Janie Ewwwww, the dead seal sounds nasty, I'm glad you didn't post a picture of that! ;) It looks like Anthony had a lot of fun and you have another busy weekend ahead! Oh, your artist in action event sounds like fun too!

Cheryl No, I am not looking forward to my day on Tuesday at all. I don't like jello to start with and that is the closest thing to food that I get to eat :confused: at least it's just a day though. The VS store sounds like it would be a lot of fun to just wander around in once the novelty wears off and there aren't so many people!

This morning I did Supersets from the Body Blast series. I have never done that one before. It's a nice relaxing and not too hard total body workout. Great for light weight days. Have a great day everyone.

This morning it was so hard to get out of bed. I really wanted to go back to sleep. I think I actually cried when the alarm went off. Anyway, I got up and did STS M3 Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps. I have not been getting good sleep the last couple nights and I think it is because work is getting stressful. I really wish I had a switch that would turn work thoughts off after I leave the office.

Janie Great job on your walk with Anthony and Rolly! He is such a cute kid. How sad to see the dead seal. I hope it didn’t bother you or Anthony.

Cheryl A two story VS is crazy! I would have never thought they would need two stories. I’m curious if the store sells a lot of the catalog items that are not in normal VS stores, like the clothing and shoes. That is awesome that you got $500 for all those old catalogs. I’m with you, I would have thrown them out not thinking they would be worth anything.

Pam Great job on Supersets! That is a good one and short but you still feel worked out with it. How did your heel do with the weights?

Have a great day!
Tonight was MM and boy did I need it. Very stormy out today, lots of wind and rain. Also did Yoga Relax. Was so nice to just stretch.

Cheryl, Aw rest day, enjoy it. I would love to see the new VS store. Glad you were able to go.

Pam, I'm looking forward to "Artist In Action". Working on a piece now and will have it ready to work on, on Labor Day. Great job on Supersets from the BB series. Hmm will have to check that one out.

Julie, Great job on first getting out of bed. You poor thing. I know how it goes wanting to sleep in. Also great job on STS M3 shoulders, biceps and triceps. Try and get some yoga in before sleeping. Maybe you will have a better night. (Hugs)

Take care ladies,

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I got decent sleep last night so didn’t have much trouble getting out of bed this morning thankfully. I did Gorgeous Glute work using heavier weight and feeling great. Then I went to do my HiiT workout and that’s when things went south. I hit the power button on the remote for the TV and heard a loud boom. Not good! My TV will not work now. So I had to run upstairs and grab our portable DVD player which has a 9” screen and use that to do DWP.

Janie Great job on MM and YR! That must have felt so great to do all that stretching in YR after MM. I have thought about doing yoga before bed but I don’t have a lot of time when I get home from work before I go to bed. It is pretty much feed the dogs, get things ready for tomorrow, eat dinner, relax for maybe 15 minutes, then go to bed. Ok, enough whining from me.

I am leaving work early to try and get some things done for this weekend. Probably won’t post again until Tuesday.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Pam I hope everything goes well on Tuesday. I am waiting for my doctor to tell me I need to go get one too.Good work on Supersets. It isn't a hard workout so it is great of those day you just want a light workout.

Julie You are awesome to still get out of bed when you just wanted to sleep. Good job on STS M3 Shoulders, biceps and triceps. Don't you hate it when you mind can't shut off. I hope the stress at work doesn't last long. The VS store here doesn't sell the shoes or clothing. The only clothing that they had was their workout gear.

Janie Good job on MM and yoga relax. It was stormy here yesterday too. It rained hard during the day and when I was in bed last night a thunderstorm rolled through.

Julie Glad that you got a better nights sleep. Good job on your GG work. Oh that sucks that your DVD player died, at least you had a portable DVD player that you could use. Enjoy your long weekend.

I don't know what it is about not being to get my butt out of bed in the morning to get a workout in. I was going to do it when I got home but I found way too many others things that needed to get done. But this morning since I was off I did All Out Hiit and core #1. After that I got all the housework done so I don't have to worry about it for the weekend.

The Stafford's arrived! We played with giant bubbles and all of us and Rolly went walking on the beach for 45 min. Very foggy and just a light mist. Had a lot of fun.

Julie, Yea for getting enough sleep. Great job on Gorgeous Glute work with heavy weight. What in the world happen to make your TV make a loud boom? What a bummer. Good thing for the portable DVD player. Great job being able to do DWP. Will see you here Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend.

Cheryl, Great job on this mornings All Out Hiit and core #1. And for the clenamax. Have a relaxing weekend. Nice to be able to get the cleaning done for the weekend.

Take care ladies,

Janie Enjoy your company.

This morning it was STS disc 13 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and then I did Tabata 1. After that I did laundry, cleaned up some plants that had died and chatted with the neighbours. A nice relaxing day.

Yesterday we played on the beach for 3 hrs. Runny, jumping, jogging, walking and investigating. Burned a lot of calories. Today we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, played with bubbles. The Saffords left right after lunch. It was a blast. Now I'm relaxing and will go to my Artist in Action tomorrow at the Gallery. Will let you know how it goes.

Cheryl, I had the best time with our family/company. Great job on STS disc 13 chest, shoulders and triceps and also Tabata. And doing your laundry clean up plants. Nice to have those nice relaxing day's ha?

Take care,

Julie aw man, I hate it when it's so hard to get out of bed. Great job getting up and getting it done with STS shoulders, bis and tris anyway! Wouldn't it be great to just be able to switch things off when you need to?! I hope work calms down for you soon. My heel did just. Fence with the weights on Thursday, no problem at all. :)

Janie Great job on MM and Yoga Relax. Great combo! I cannot wait to hear about your artist in action today. Sounds very cool!

Julie so glad you got a good sleep on Thursday night. Great job on GG with heavier weight and Hiit. Yikes about your TV, sorry to hear that. It's great that you had the portable DVD player to use as an option. I hope you have been having a great weekend.

Cheryl great job on AOLIH and core number 1. That is a great combo! And housework too, whew!

Janie oh how fun, i'm glad you enjoyed your visit. i didn't get my giant bubble maker made, but will be keeping that in mind for another time.

Cheryl great job on disc 13 and tabatacise 1!

Friday morning I did Cyclemax and it didn't bother my heels at all, I was very happy! I did the scrambled premix since Julie likes that one I think I like building up to the hovers better though. Since getting to the beach we have been doing mostly a lot of eating. We did go for a three me walk yesterday and had some fun playing in the water because there were really big waves. I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend!

Janie What a fun way to get in your exercise. Have fun at the Artist in Action tomorrow.

Pam Good job on cyclemax. Bonus that your heels were OK too.Eating and long weekends go together. Things will be back to normal tomorrow. Well maybe not if you have to go in for your colonoscopy. I don't think I would like to just eat jello all day. I think I would become a big grouch :D.

Yesterday I did STS disc 37 squat rack legs. I had never done that one before and since I had my weighted vest I gave it a try. I didn't like it because I found it hard to lift the barbell over my head with the weight I needed to make it feel like I was working. Later yesterday afternoon we went to my parents for dinner. They left this morning for Utah for a couple of weeks. This morning I was really sore mainly my neck and shoulders so I decided that I would do yoga relax this morning. Then just puttered around for the rest of the day.

I hope everyone had a great long weekend.

Cheryl My colonoscopy is tomorrow so today is my day of not eating. What a way to make up for all of the eating over the weekend. :rolleyes: I'm doing alright with it so far, but it's not even noon yet :confused: I did warn my manager last week that I would most likely be very crabby today! Great job on squat rack legs. I have never tried any of those since I like the plyo leg workouts so much. From your description, I'm not sure that I would like them. I have a hard time getting barbells over my head when they aren't even really heavy and I don't have a weighted vest. That is probably why your neck and shoulders were sore too. Great job on YR, it sounds like that is just what your body needed!

I did not get up and workout this morning. I had planned to since I don't expect I will be able to tomorrow, but I had a terrible night and then felt bad this morning so I slept instead. I should be back at it by Thursday. Yesterday my girlfriend and I went for a 3 mile walk on the beach. It started raining a little right at the spot where we turned around, and then we got poured on :confused::rolleyes: We walked in the pouring rain for about half a mile, then it cleared up for most of the rest of the walk, but then started raining again when we were almost back, so we got soaked again! We were glad that it was warm rain. Have a great day and I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday I did Cleanmax at my house. Well sort of. I did the basics to just keep it somewhat cleaned. Then I went to my mom’s and we had a cookout. Sunday I did Gorgeous Glute work plus STS Chest and Back for the last time and then DH and I lazed around and watched Criminal Minds. Monday was Intensity and more Criminal Minds and being lazy. This morning I did Gorgeous Glute work plus additional back work.

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH + core #1! Plus Cleanmax! It feels so good to get all that cleaning done. It wasn’t my DVD player that died. Unfortunately it was my TV. We can’t afford to replace it so I will be using the little portable DVD player for quite a while. Great job on STS 13 plus Tabata 1! Great job on Squat rack legs! Sorry you had troubles with the barbell. I think it really is suited more for those that have a squat rack so you don’t have to lift the weight over your head. Looks like you had a nice relaxing weekend!

Janie Great job on Bubblemax and your walk with Rolly! Great job on your 3 hours of playtime too! So glad you had a blast with your family. Hope your Artist in Action went well!

Pam Great job on Cycle Max scrambled! I can understand wanting to work up to the hovers. I just like getting them done and out of the way for some reason. I am glad you found some ways to exercise while your heel is recovering. So sorry you had a terrible night last night. I hope you do well with your day of no eating. I hope the rest of your beach time was sunny except that little spurt of rain. Good luck on your procedure tomorrow.

Have a great day!
Pam So how did you do the rest of the day without eating? I know I would be crabby :D. I think I like the plyo legs too, I don't think I will do the squat rack legs with just the weighted vest and barbell. You probably needed the rest and Thursday will be here before you know it. Walking in the rain is one thing walking in a downpour is something completely different.

Julie It was a mini cleanmax ;). Good work on your GG work and STS chest and back. A DVD player would have been much cheaper to replace. Well at least you have the portable DVD player that you can use.

So I decided that I wanted to try out Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer. I remember Eunice doing it and getting good results from it. I have wanted to try it for a while and I finally decided to do it. I am going to start on Thursday, for me it makes sense if I always take Wednesday as my day off. So today I just did segment one of stretch max.

The Beards did show up and I have to tell you, it was the most enjoyable. We all had such a ball. Wish they didn't live in MI. Walked the beach the two days they were here for at least an hour each day. They also were health minded and we ate all wonderful foods. The Beards will be leaving tomorrow morning. I plan on getting started on the Wed. exercises with Cathe's Sept. rotation. Artist in Action was OK. I think the time I was there only two people showed up. It's OK. That was the last day until next year.

Pam, I've had a colonoscopy done, and it's going to be OK. Just something we all should do at a certain age for preventative illness. Good for you. Glad you are listening to your body and getting extra sleep. Great job on the 3 mile walk on the beach. Wow, that is something I haven't experienced yet (rained on walking the beach). Someday it will happen to me. Hope to hear from you soon, but you might just want to rest for the next couple of days.

Julie, Great job on Saturday's Cleanmax and having a cookout at your Mom and Dad's. How fun! Also great job on Gorgeous Gute work and STS Chest and back. Oooo, love criminal Minds. And for doing Monday's Intensity and more Criminal Minds. LOL. Great job on this mornings Gorgeous Glut and the add on back work. Yea!

Cheryl, OMG! I remember Eunice. Wonder how she is doing? I can't wait for you to tell us about Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer. Hope you get the results you deserve. Great job on today's segment one of Stretch Max.

Take care,

This morning I did Ride. I almost didn’t work out but I am glad I did. My day at work has been crazy and I think having worked out this morning helped push me through.

Cheryl Great job on Stretch Max 1! I’ve toyed around with the idea of doing Jamie’s LiveFit Trainer too but was worried I wouldn’t be able to without having access to a gym. I am anxious to see what you think of it.

Janie That is nice that they were health conscious like you. It makes it so much easier to stay on track. I’m glad you enjoyed their visit. Too bad it was only for a few days. Maybe there wasn’t a lot of people at the Artist in Action because it was the last day.

Pam I hope your procedure went well.

Have a great day!
Janie Glad that you enjoyed your company. Nice that they are also health minded too. I think Eunice is doing fine. I only see postings from her on FB.

Julie Good job on Ride. It is nice that you could get it done to help you get through your day. I know that I won't be able to do all the exercises that she lists because of not going to a gym. But I thought I could work the different muscle groups such as Chest and Triceps, Back and Biceps etc using Cathe's videos. I was thinking of using STS and the Gym Styles to see how it goes.

Today was a crazy day at work, I didn't even get a break. I am taking today as my off day and will start in on the LiveFit Trainer tomorrow.

Julie Great job on Cleanmax on Saturday, GG and STS chest and back on Sunday, Intensity on Monday and GG and back on Tuesday! Whew!! You had a much more productive weekend than I did! The day of not eating turned out to be not as bad as I was expecting, probably because I was dreading it so much! The bonus was that it made up for all of the over-eating on the weekend! :p:rolleyes:

Cheryl The rest of the day was not so bad. I really do NOT like jello, but the chicken broth sure tasted good and I was allowed to have pepsi. I think the sugar in that helped. I got really hungry in the afternoon, but that was about the time that I had to drink the special solution and that took care of any hunger issues. It was 16 ounces of fluid and then you had to drink another 32 ounces of water within the hour. My stomach felt so full that I was uncomfortable. My DH had to do 32 ounces * 3 last week, I have NO idea how he did that. I'm looking forward to hearing how you do with Jamie Eason's Livefit Trainer. Great job on stretch max too!

Janie Oh, so glad that you had another fun visit. It sounds like the perfect visitors too since you were able to get some exercise in and also eat well! Sorry to hear that Artist in Action was so slow :confused: Hopefully things will be better next time. .

Julie Great job on Ride! I love those days when I think about skipping it but then feel so good afterwards! Nice that it helped you get through a crazy day at work.

Cheryl Sorry you had such a crazy day at work too, I hope that today is better!

So, the colonoscopy itself was a breeze and the prep wasn't nearly as bad as I had convinced myself it was going to be. Drinking that nasty tasting liquid and then another 32 ounces of water was the hardest part. That really took care of the hunger though, I wasn't the least bit hungry after drinking all of that. They told me afterwards that they said something about ticks and I sat up all alarmed and said 'I have ticks?' I don't remember that at all. They also said that I kept reaching for things while I was dreaming and I did remember that I was dreaming that I was on the Food Network :rolleyes: crazy. I got a clean bill of health though so I don't have to do that again for 10 more years! :DI was done and home by just after 10 am and then I slept for a few hours and just chilled the rest of the afternoon and evening. This morning I did Muscle Max and it felt good to be getting in a workout again. Have a great day everyone!

This morning I could not get up and workout. I had a terrible night’s sleep and just wasn’t feeling like I could do anything when the alarm went off this morning. I actually got the best sleep after I decided not to get up and work out. Of course it was only an hour but it was so nice.

Cheryl That’s an interesting idea to use Cathe’s workouts in line with LiveFit Trainer. I can’t wait to see how it goes for you. Ugh … I am there with you on the crazy work days. I think this whole month and probably most of next is going to be chaotic. I hope you enjoy your day off.

Pam So glad your colonoscopy went well. I’m glad your fasting went well too. I wouldn’t mind the broth but I don’t eat jello or drink soda. That’s funny about your dreams. I wonder if you were dreaming about eating food and kept reaching out for the food. Great job on MM!

Have a great day!
Last night was 4DS Boodtcamp. Yawzie! Talk about a sweat-fest. I did modify of course. Now to get back (again) to where I'd like to be. It has been such a crazy month. A lot of work ahead of me, but looking forward to it. Tonight was a fast walk on the beach with Rolly for 30 min.

Cheryl, Glad to see you are taking a rest day. Seems much needed. Good luck on the LiveFit Trainer tomorrow.

Pam, Glad you got a good bill of health. I remember odd things too when I went in for a colonoscopy. I can't believe you worked out so soon. I couldn't do anything for a few days, meds are not for me, they hang around for the longest time. Yuck. Great job on MM. Hugs to you for going through it.

Julie, Aw, I feel for you. Hopefully you will get caught up on the sleep you so dearly need.

Take care ladies,

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Julie So sorry to hear that you had a rough night, it sounds like you did exactly the right thing by getting a little bit if good sleep before starting your day. Sometimes that is just what your body needs. I don't like jello either and I think the next time I do this I will try to remember that! I don't usually drink soft drinks, but I enjoyed having that as an option. You can have popsicles but we didn't have any, but I discovered that Luigis Italian ice is really good :D

Janie Great job on 4DS BC and getting your sweat on! I love that workout! You have had a really busy month, but seems like it has been a really fun one too. Great job on your walk on the beach with Rolly too!
The good thing about the drug that they give you for the colonoscopy is that you metabolize it very quickly, which is why I was able to work out the next morning. I was feeling totally normal by that same night. The main reason I needed to sleep when I got home was because I had been up since 3:30 that morning since I had to drink some more of the prep liquid at 4:00 am. My Doctor calls it the Michael Jackson drug since I guess it is the drug that he liked so much :rolleyes:

This morning I decided to give Body Max a try since my heels were feeling good. Of course, I did this too soon and they are talking to me now :rolleyes::( Guess I need to rest them a little longer......It was a good workout though. I didn't do the upper body work since I did MM yesterday. Tonight we are driving back to the beach for the night because Carl has a big XC meet there in the morning. We are staying with our friends tonight and then going to the meet and driving home in the morning. Send Carl some good running Karma :D Happy Friday ladies!


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