Strength in Numbers

This morning I did more hip thrusting and did something I can’t believe I am actually telling others about. I set up my barbell to do heavy hip thrusts and after the 2nd set I realized I needed to go down in weight for the 3rd set. I took 5 lbs. off the left side of the barbell and must have had a mind blip because I did my 3rd set and then went to take all the weights off and realized I left the 5 lb. plate on the right side. After that awesomeness, I did Cardio Core Circuit.

Janie Great job on PS Biceps and Abs and 40 minutes on the mountain climber! I am not sure what that is but I was picturing a standing mountain climber done on some type of machine? I’m glad you found something for that bug bite. I prefer natural remedies myself but will use man made items as needed too.

Pam Great job on GS BSB + LIC (original style) abs! Oooh yes do the pure strength series it is a goodie! And to continue the enabling, I say get Ride. It is a goodie as well! Too cute about the black cat

Have a great day!
On rotation today was Pure Strength Series Chest Shoulders and Triceps. Love this. Also Rolly and I went for a walk on the beach for 45 min.
My mountain climber is called an Alpine Climber. It's like stepping up all the time like you are going up hill. It makes for a great sweat. I truly love this machine.

Pam, On my bug bite, the redness is almost gone and swelling is gone. This is amazing! I think in a few days it will be healed. WOW! Pain makes me such a Lilly. I have no pain tolerant what so ever. You are lucky. Maybe that's why I'm down most of the time? But if I had symptoms like yours I'd be in a lot of trouble.LOL Great job finishing up on the GS with Back, shoulders nad ciceps and did the abs from LIC. The Pure Strength Series is in the Sept. rotation I'm doing. Oh they are good! Oh! It's Friday the 13? Happy Friday the 13th. Aw pet your black cat for me, I f forgot the name.

Julie, Great job on more hip thrusting and your achievement on the barbell heavy hip thrusts. Wow! Good for you. Also on the Cordio Core Circuit.

Well, take care ladies,

Julie Great job on your hip thrusts and CCC! That was quite the day, I can't imagine doing an add on with CCC! That is so funny that you forgot to take the weight off one side of your barbell. I hope you aren't lopsided after that ;) I'll have to check out the Ride download. I was looking to see if I could download some spinervals workouts but they are $30 each which I thought was too much.

Janie Great job on PS Chest Shoulders and Triceps and your beach walk with Rolly! The alpine climber looks cool but your room looks cooler. Love that floor! I am so glad to hear that your home remedy worked so well on your bug bite. That is just amazing! I need to keep that in movingly for the future. To is a real relief. Oh I don't like pain either, all of my suing is over plain old DOMs :p They are intense DOMS, but they are just DoMS.... Ok, you two talked me into it, I'm doing the purse strength series next week.

Yesterday. Ended up doing Afterburn. It made me realize I have more cardio options that are gentle on the Achilles so I was very happy about that :D Of course that means I have some killer glute DOMS today, but not as bad as they usually are after that one. Friday night we also skiied. My first set was really ad, but my second was really good so overall I was happy. My aunt and cousin came down to visit my mom for the weekend so I had everyone over for dinner last night. Today is errands, laundry and relaxing. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Can't believe I didn't post yesterday! I did IMAX2 and today's rest. Yes! Feeling confident once again. Today I might get done with yet another doodle art. If so will post later. Woke up to thunder wow! That doesn't happen here usually. Now the misty rain is here and the fog is rolling in.

Pam, Yeah, my Joey worked so hard on these floors. I'm very proud of his work. Glad the bug bite solution worked too. I was getting nervous about having to visit the hospital. Whew! I'm certain it will work for mosquitoes too. What is the purse strength series? LOL To see if you can grab a purse at the store from some maniquin. And whoever gets the purse in hand it's theirs? LOL I'm Kidding, just having fun. Pure Strength Series. You will benefit from it for sure. Great job on yesterday's Afterburn. Aw, so nice to find an exercise that won't hurt the injured part of the body. Good for you. Congratulations for the continued DOM's. I still think Skiing is a wonderful workout so good for you on that. Sounds like you enjoyed your family yesterday. Good job on the cleanmax today. Do have an enjoyable time relaxing.

Take care,

Janie Great job on Imax 2 and congratulations on being back to your old confident self! That is awesome. Can't wait to see the latest doodle art. Hahahahaha on the purse strength! It's always interesting to see what my posts say when I post from the ipad. I was thinking the purse strength series could be for building strength for carrying some of those giant purses that some women carry! ;) I do love the running in to the store and grabbing a purse from a mannequin!

So this morning I started the PURE Strength series :D with chest, shoulders and triceps, then did the abs from Muscle Endurance. Even with the add on, it was only 50 minutes. I decided that was ok for Monday morning though :rolleyes: I hope everyone had a great weekend. Busy week ahead for me. I'm only working 3 days, but we are going to a concert Wednesday night, I'm hosting a surprise bridal shower Thursday night, Friday we are leaving to go to the mountains for the weekend, then Sunday night when we get home I fly to Stockholm. whew. Have a good Monday!

I stayed the night at my mom’s on Friday and Saturday night and left around 5 in the morning on Sunday to come back home. Saturday for the HT challenge I did 3 sets of single leg ht with a 3 second hold at top for max reps. Sunday I did 2 sets of a single leg ht for a max hold time. Then I 4DS Kickbox, weights first premix. Love doing it this way as the cardio first wears me out and then I have to go lighter on the weights later. This morning I did Bootcamp from the Intensity series. Man, those squat thrust climbers really sneak up on you. We have a department picnic at work today. I think I would rather be able to go home.

Janie The climber machine looks interesting and tough. I had to laugh because in the picture, Rolly is looking at it like it will be coming at him to get him. No worries on posting. I tend to only post Mondays through Fridays myself because I just can’t seem to get on the computer on the weekends. Great job on Imax 2! So glad you are feeling confident. I love sleeping in Thunderstorms. Not sure why but I always get the deepest sleep during them.

Pam That’s my fear after my barbell fiasco that I walked around with a lopsided behind that day. Better even it out next time! $30 is a lot for a download. That is more than an actual DVD too! Great job on Afterburn plus skiing and cleanmax! I was wondering if some of the low impact series would be gentle on your heel. Glad you have more options. Great job on PS CST plus ME abs! That is a pretty time efficient workout. Well I imagine your week will go by super fast with that schedule!

Have a great day!
Today was a walk with Rolly on the beach then after that warm up did Gym Style Legs. Whew! Legs are so hard for me!

Pam, LOL Never thought of lugging around those huge purses for strength. Guess that would work. Could fill them up with all kind of things to make them heavier. LOL:D Great job on Pure Strength chest, shoulders and triceps and abs from Muscle Endurance. 50 min. is a good workout. You do have a thought out fun planned week. Enjoy.

Julie, Great job on HT challenge on Sat and Sun. Wow, that is a challenge. Good for you! Also on the 4DS Kickbox, weights first prem. And for this mornings Bootcamp from the Intensity series. Really? You don't like department picnics? Don't blame you, I'd rather be home too. Try to enjoy.
I took the photo of Rolly looking at the climber because it was so odd. He even posed that way for the longest time. LOL

Take care everyone,

Julie Wow, your ht's are amazing that sounds like some seriou stuff! Great job on Saturdays 3 sets and Sundays 2 sets plus 4DS KB weights first! Great job on yesterdays Bootcamp, gotta love those terminator climbers! I hope the department picnic was nice. I'm with you though, I'd rather just go home early! :rolleyes: Hehehehe, now I'm picturing you walking around with one cheek higher than the other!

Janie Great job on your walk on the beach and GS legs!! How are your calves feeling today? mine hurt for days after that one last week! OMG, there was a woman at nail place sitting next to me one time with one of the biggest purses I have ever seen. I asked her if I could pick it up to see how heavy it was and I swear it was close to 20 pounds! I don't know what all she had in that thing, but it was crazy!

This morning I did Athletic Training. I can really tell that I haven't been doing as much cardio lately, I was huffing and puffing. It's going to be tough getting back up to snuff! I hadn't done that one in a long time, it was good but this time I snapped one of my firewalker bands :rolleyes::confused: Too bad I didn't reorder those when I got the other bands. I was impressed with how fast my other bands came though. I ordered them last Tuesday and got them on Thursday. I do have another firewalker band, but it is the tough one and I had to finish the workout with it :confused: Have a great day.

This morning I did not want to get up and work out. I was so tired I could have stayed sleeping. But I got up anyway and did Athletic Step plus 2 sets of the hip thrust march. I noticed this morning that I have some pretty nice glute DOMS. Made me smile!

Janie Great job on your walk and GSL! GSL is such a good one but a toughie. Those slow low static lunges that Cathe does with 5 pounds really gets me. I can usually get the first round, maybe the 2nd but by the 3rd and 4th I am toast. The picnic wasn’t terrible but I just would rather be home with my puppies and DH.

Pam Great job on AT! I bet you will catch up in the cardio factor pretty quick. It will be tough but you are tougher. Oh boy, having to do AT with the heavier band couldn’t have been easy. Let’s see how you are doing tomorrow after that. As I was telling Janie, the picnic wasn’t bad but oh to be able to go home early would have been so much better. They always split us up into teams and we play games. This year they had darts, bags, trivia, and other picnicy type games. Makes the day go by fast at least.

Have a great day!
Wedding Video today. Just love that one. Here is a photo of my Fiddle-Doodle (zentangle). Couldn't figure out a name for the type of artwork I do so named it Fiddle-Doodle. LOL

It's my hand and spray can. Think I might have real words, but don't know what to say yet. Any suggestions?

Pam, I have DOM's in my calves. YaHoooooooo! It's working, I'm so excited. A 20 # purse? You know what kind of exercises that can be done with that? Many.:rolleyes: Maybe she's not crazy afterall. Hmmmmmm, gives me some ideas...LOL Great job on this morning's AT. Tell me about it, it is tough getting back to where we belong. But it has to be. It's for our own good. I've never yet snapped a band. It's due. Yikes!

Julie, Great job on this mornings AS. So proud of you for doing it, and having to get out of bed to do it. Also the 2 sets of hip thrust march. Congrats on the DOM's. Yea! I lowered my weight on the GSL. No way could I have done it without doing that.

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job getting up and doing AS and your hip thrust marches, especially when you weren't feeling it. Sometimes those are the most satisfying workouts for me! Congratulations on those glute DOMS too! Thanks for the motivation, and you're right. It will be tough, but I know I can do it. :D I'm actually not really feeling any special DOMS today after using that harder firewalker band. Hmmmm....maybe that means I should be using it all of the time.....:confused: Well the picnic definitely would make the day go by fast. I hope you had some fun and some nice weather for it.

Janie Great job on the Wedding video! Wow, I just love your fiddle-diddle, so cool!!! I'm not sure I know what you mean about real words, do you mean that you might add some words into the drawing? I really like how it looks right now! Woo-hoo, congrats on your DOMS in your calves!

This morning was PS Back, biceps and abs. That is a short workout so I added in the LI Hiit from Intensity. That section sure seems a lot easier when you haven't done the step and the HI Hiit first! :rolleyes: Have a great day ladies!

This morning I did my hip thrust challenge which was barbell bridges, 2 sets of max reps with 95 pounds. I got 15 and 13 reps. After those I did Supersets. I like that workout except the explosive lunges are killer. I had to rest about halfway through before continuing. My quads were on fire!

Janie Great job on the Wedding Video! I keep forgetting about that one and it is good. That is an amazing doodle you drew. I love the hand! It brings it to life. I don’t use the 5 pound weights on those low slow lunges in GSL either. Cathe uses 5 and I use 3 and sometimes not even that.

Pam Great job on PS BBA + LI Hiit from Intensity! You know, I did feel good about getting my workout in even though I didn’t want to get out of bed. You might be on to something that those are the most satisfying workouts. No DOMS, better get that heavy band back out! Just kidding!

Have a great day!
Today was GS back shoulders and biceps. Gotta love it! Still being very careful but feeling good about it too. Then a usual walk on the beach with Rolly for about 40 min.

Pam, Yes adding words on the can. The Lords prayer or something else. I really don't know. Great job on the PS back, biceps and abs. Also the addition to LI Hiit from Intensity. Good for you girl!

Julie, Great job on the hip thrust challenge, barbell bridges, 2 sets of max reps with 95 #'s and getting 15 to 13 reps. Whew you're good. And for doing Supersets.

Take care,

Julie Great job on your HT challenge, 95 pounds sounds killllller! Wow! And supersets after that, you are awesome!

Janie Great job on GS BSB and your beach walk with Rolly! Ok, I love the idea of t he Lord's Prayer on the spar can, but I do think it looks pretty awesome right now. I'm so glad you are feeling so strong again!

This morning I wanted to do an intense cardio but was still worried about my ankles. I decided t I do Tabatacize because even though it' intense, the cardio is pretty brief. It went great, I had no issues at all, I was so happy! The concert last night was a lot of fun and the shower tonight was really nice. She was so surprised and really touched which s very cool. Now I'm off to bed. I have no idea where my husband is :D, t her is evidence that he was here, but I think he was afraid of all the women in the house! I hoe everyone had a great day. Cheryl W miss you, I oe you are doing well!

One of my all time favorite workouts 30/30. Love it! And a 45 min. beach walk with Rolly. Found a poor little seabird going in and out with the tide. I picked it up and all kinds of green little bugs were on it. I didn't have the heart to put it to sleep, obviously it was very sick. So I put it on a bed of soft seaweed in hopes the sea would take him out gently. When I left it, I looked back and he was off the seaweed bed going in and out with the tied. I cried.

I've been on line about this bird and I have high hopes to it's future. Pretty sure it is a Murre seabird.
Cool Fact:

A Murre chick leaves the cliff in dramatic style. Even without proper flight feathers, it hurls itself off the edge and glides down to sea—a drop of 800 to 1,000 feet (244 m to 304 m). The male murre escorts the chick out to sea, where he feeds and cares for it until the chick can fly on its own. Also I learned when it's molting it won't fly from 45 days to 60 days. Positive thinking on this beautiful seabird.


Pam, Not so strong yet, but I'm getting there LOL. I'm taking it slow and easy, maybe a little more slow than I'd like. Will up with the intensity later this year. Maybe for my own Christmas present. Want to make sure I have a solid foundation. Great job on Tabatacize and good thinking of safety on your part.

, I miss you too.:)

Take care everyone,

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Oh boy! Work has been CRAZY! I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday but I did do my hip thrust challenge and then Slide & Glide. This morning I did more hip thrust challenge and Muscle Endurance. I am getting excited about the new Cathe’s coming. I am hoping they get them early next week to start shipping.

Janie Great job on GS BSB plus your 40 min. beach walk with Rolly! I am proud of you for being careful. You are doing excellent! I can’t remember which video it is but I remember Cathe emphasizing being safe over going heavy or too fast (not sure which one). Great job on 30/30 plus your beach walk! Aww! That bird is so cute. Poor thing. Maybe he liked bobbing around in the ocean and that is why he went back in.

Pam Great job on Tabatacize! That is great you could do it and not have your heal bother you. Hopefully that is a sign that you can slowly work back up to longer cardio sessions. That is funny that your DH was afraid of all the women in the house.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on your fav 30/30 and your walk on the beach. Oh that poor little bird, hopefully he was ok. So ce of you to try to help him. That is pretty weird about them hurling themselves off the cliff!

Julie Sorry work has been so crazy for you, but great job getting your workouts in anyway. Awesome job on the hip thrust challenges, slide and glide and ME! I am a little bummed that the new Cathe's will probably come while I'm out of town, but that will give me something to look forward to when I get home.

Yesterday I had a very frustrating start to my workout. I had PS strong legs and abs not the calendar. I only had the download so I burned a DVD the day before. The dvd kept freezing up though so I went and got my computer to do it front can't instead and it was out of power, then when it finally booted the screen went black and wouldn't come back. I had to reboot it again and was finally able to do the workout after that. Errrrrrr. Now we are at the Grove Park inn and I am getting ready to head tot he Spa for a massage, ahhhhhhhh, I can't wait. The guys went to play golf but it is raining :( Hopefully it will clear up for them. Have a great weekend ladies. I'm nots cure when I will get to post again. We drive home tomorrow and then tomorrow night I leave for Stockholm. I'll be there for a week and then London for a week! but will try to check in some while I'm gone.

Been having rainstorms and busy cleaning and forgot to post. Yesterday was GS chest and Triceps and cleanmax. LOL Today I got started unusually early and did Cardio Leg Blast OUWIE! But it's all good. Working hard at challenging leg exercises are so wonderful! Suppose to be rainy all day today and a big storm tomorrow.

Julie, Great job on crazy work, and the hip thrust challenge along with Slide and Glide. And for this mornings hip thrust challenge and Muscle Endurance. I'm am too getting excited about the new DVD's shipping soon. I found out these kinds of birds grow up in the water and they also stay there for 45-60 days while molting. It might be it was normal for him to be in the water like that. Hope so anyway, a positive outlook.

Pam, Technoloy sometimes is so frustrating! Great job on PS strong Legs and Abs. Ooooo, do have fun at the spa, sounds heavenly. Do drive safely and have a great trip to Stockholm. Then London? You are so lucky. Will be thinking of you.

Take care ladies,

Hi everyone,

Oh boy MIA again :eek:. Things have been crazy at work and I have been exhausted when I get home. My workouts again have not been consistent, I am having a very hard time getting motivated and energy to do a workout. I found the Jamie Eason workout hard to do with Cathe's workouts and I really did miss doing cardio. This morning I did (or tried to do) Intensity. I think I need to work back up to that level. Yesterday I did XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. before that it was a pretty pathetic week in trying to workout out. After this week things will get back to normal at work and I hope (again) that I can get back into a routine. I see on FB that Pam is off travelling again. Janie and Julie you are both doing well with your workouts.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Was stormy all day today with sheets of rain coming down. It even turned sunny out and decided to walk the beach with Rolly. Plants and seaweed all over the place. As we were coming home decided to take a route closer inland.

I literally found a secret trail not obvious at all. Well, the curiosity took hold of me and in we went to investigate. It reminded me of the rain forest further N. of us. Trees were full of moss. The trail was full of tree roots and sometimes hard to keep walking without almost tripping. Someone put a lot of work in the trail because as we continued further, there were several wooden bridges to cross. Very slippery with tennis shoes on, but I had to find out where it came out. So we kept going. I felt maybe we should turn back, but I went this far I might as well continue on.

After going for about 1 mile Rolly and I saw houses in front of us, but I still couldn't tell where we were. There was a little path connected to the trail going left, but didn't want to lose my way, so we kept going on the trail into someone's yard. They weren't home, it looked like it was abandoned, but once I got in the front yard I knew where we were.

It was so thrilling to find something like this. I think it belongs to the development for the neighborhood here. How Lucky They Are! Next time I'll see where the little path leads. It may lead out of the trail without having to go through someone's property.

As soon as I reached home it poured sheets of rain again. Was so lucky not to get caught in something like that. Whew! The storm continues even tonight off and on.

Cheryl, With all the things you have to go through, I bet you are tired. I'm proud of you though to continue to find time for your workouts. You never give up and I admire you for that. Great job doing Intensity. It's good to keep the challenge going. You don't want it easy anyway. Great job on yesterday's XTrain Chest, back and shoulders.

Take care everyone,

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