This morning I did more hip thrusting and did something I can’t believe I am actually telling others about. I set up my barbell to do heavy hip thrusts and after the 2nd set I realized I needed to go down in weight for the 3rd set. I took 5 lbs. off the left side of the barbell and must have had a mind blip because I did my 3rd set and then went to take all the weights off and realized I left the 5 lb. plate on the right side. After that awesomeness, I did Cardio Core Circuit.
Janie Great job on PS Biceps and Abs and 40 minutes on the mountain climber! I am not sure what that is but I was picturing a standing mountain climber done on some type of machine? I’m glad you found something for that bug bite. I prefer natural remedies myself but will use man made items as needed too.
Pam Great job on GS BSB + LIC (original style) abs! Oooh yes do the pure strength series it is a goodie! And to continue the enabling, I say get Ride. It is a goodie as well! Too cute about the black cat
Have a great day!
Janie Great job on PS Biceps and Abs and 40 minutes on the mountain climber! I am not sure what that is but I was picturing a standing mountain climber done on some type of machine? I’m glad you found something for that bug bite. I prefer natural remedies myself but will use man made items as needed too.
Pam Great job on GS BSB + LIC (original style) abs! Oooh yes do the pure strength series it is a goodie! And to continue the enabling, I say get Ride. It is a goodie as well! Too cute about the black cat
Have a great day!