Julie What a nice treat getting to sleep in and still getting to workout on Friday! Great job on CM extreme! Congratulations on getting the all clear from your doctor. I do think it's smart to ease back into the High impact. Your plan of starting with LIS and working up to higher impact sounds perfect! The timing worked out well with the arrival of XTrain.
Penguin I'm just the opposite, I really like having a planned rotation. I think it helps to get me more accountable, but it also forces me to have more variety in my workouts. When I was just randomly picking I'd go for the same few workouts all of the time.
Janie Wow, your picture of your daugher is your best yet. I think that every one gets better. The eyes are absolutely amazing, they are so lifelike!! I bet she will love it!
Penguin Great job on your dreadmill and All out Hiit workouts. Good for you for switching to something more enjoyable and not just quitting! What a nice surprise that your hubby got to come home a day early!!
Kelly That was a nice way to start your weekend. I bet you were so relieved when Monkey got such a good sleep in. Bummer that you were still up by 5:00 am though

It sounds like he is on his way to be totally recovered at least! Great job on the FIRM Aerobic Body Shaping.Wow, a first birthday party, how fun!
Cheryl I'm glad to hear that your legs have gotten back to normal. You gave them quite the workout for sure! It sounds like quite the tough decision on the personal training business, but that would've ben pretty stressful adding another 10 hours/week to a full time job. Hopefully something else will work out for you soon.
Great job on your BOSU workout and med ball abs. I keep forgetting about my BOSU, I need to work that in more often.
Julie Great job on your cleaning day. I'm not sure I would want to see what they water would look like at my house, but how nice to know you got rid of all of that dirt! Great job on Burn sets CBS and CONGRATULATIONS! on lifting heavier than ever on your DB presses!!! Wow, that is just awesome!
janie Great job on your spinning workout! I know you are so happy to be able to start your rotation too!
Cheryl Great job on yoga yesterday and the extra push! I hope you had a nice time with your cousin and family!
Well I guess I had a busy weekend since I never got around to posting. Saturday I decided to take a rest day since we were planning to go see Carl run in his track meet. Of course we all got in the car to drive to it (about 45 minutes away) when the DH noticed he had a text saying he was going to be running an hour earlier than he told us. We would not have gotten there in time so we turned around and went home. Then I spent most of the rest of the day putting away all of the Christmas stuff and running errands. When I was walking downstairs on Saturday afternoon in my sock feet my foot when down on the bottom step and slipped out from under me and I fell down hard on my butt! OUCH, it really hurt and still does. It doesn't look like much, there is just on tiny little bruise mark, but if I touch it at all it hurts.

It doesn't bother me when I workout at least, so yesterday morning I did Mindy's extreme intervals. The rest of the day was a marathon cooking session and then this morning I started my 90 XTrain undulating rotation with disc 1 Chest, back and shoulders. I like the format of doing one exercise for each body part per round. It went by pretty fast, despite the 68 push ups

Happy Monday everyone!