Strength in Numbers

Yesterday I was struck with DOM's so bad that it looked like I had diapers on when I walked. Failed the Toilet test measurably. I had to hold on to a counter top for support. LOL!:confused: I couldn't do my workout properly, so I rested the whole day. Today I promised myself to catch up and so I did. This afternoon Disc 9 Tabatacise premix 1 with back exercise and tonight AOLIH premix 4 shoulders. I was so proud of myself for staying true. YaHoo! So far my elbow is doing just fine. It's the biceps work when I will be very very careful.

Julie, I hear you with your DOM's I felt that way yesterday as well. Whew! Thank you for the compliments on my drawings. It means a lot to me. I give out copies to the owners, but what am I going to do with all of my drawings?:confused:

Pam, Great job on Burn Sets Bis and Tris and core #1. They sound hard.:confused: Good plan for your exercises tomorrow. Have FUN! How is your brother?

Julie, Great job on this mornings Yoga Relax. I bet that shower felt nice. I usually soak in a hot tub.

Penquin, Wow 70 degrees. That is amazing for the middle of Winter. That is so nice of you to do knitting and donate your work to church. Hope you enjoyed your parents at lunch and Knit Night. I have a feeling you did.;)

Take care,

My legs are so much better today. There was still a little hamstring tightness when I rolled out of bed but I did Ride and that seemed to help loosen them up. I really love the countdown timer in Ride. It really helps me push myself harder and for some reason makes it seem like it goes by faster than Cycle Max even though they are the same length. I also tacked on the 100 rep challenge for lying triceps extensions.

Janie Great job on your double header with Tabatacise premix 1 and AOLIH premix 4! That is quite the double header to do too! I am so glad your elbow is doing fine. It is good that you know which exercises affects it the most. Those you can go easier on. I would have loved to have taken a bath but I had to go to work and wouldn’t have been able to relax as long as I would have liked. Maybe some Sunday I will be able to.

Pam Hope you are having a blast at the BMW school!

Have a great day!
Slow and lazy day planned for today. I got to sleep late until Hubby texted me and woke me up, so I got up, texted him only to have him not text me back. Oh, well, I needed to get up anyway. Its not raining today but will rain starting tomorrow until next Thursday. sigh. Hubby got tagged to work on Sunday so we will have a short weekend, too.
Happy Friday!

Had a follow up appt for Aiden's ear infection yesterday - all clear! We were worried they sere still infected cause he's been going after them pretty good still, but it's either it of habit or due to teething :p Fun, fun. I'm guessing teething as he woke up at 10:45 crying last night and just wanted to be held and cuddled. Got him back down an hour later.
I got my STS Shock Cardio DVD's in the mail this week and can't wait to try them out! Gonna start with one of the step ones.

Do you ladies have any plans for the weekend?
Penguin Bummer about the rain and DH having to work this weekend. If it makes you feel better, we are supposed to get 1-2 inches of snow tomorrow night.

Kelly That is great news that the ear infection is gone. How exciting to get your DVDs. Circuit Blast is a great workout that is short (45 min or so) but gets you good. We have errands to run tomorrow and a vet appointment for 1 of our dogs. We might take the hour one way trek out to see DH's brother who just had a baby but other than that Sunday will be spent snuggled up and being lazy (after I get my workout in).

Have a great day!
Janie Good job on Disk 7 All Out Low Impact Hiit premix 2. I do have Xtrain I got it on Monday but haven't had much of a chance to use it yet. Too funny about your DOMS. How are you doing today?

Penguin I hope hubby's job works out. I hate it when they tell you one thing and then change their minds.

Pam I have fallen down the stairs like you did but the one you are thinking of is when my feet went out from under me on the escalators and I fell hard and then slide down with my skirt coming up around my waist :eek:. I had the imprint of the escalator stair on my butt for a while. Good job on cardio leg blast. I haven't done that one yet. I hope your brother is doing better after his heart attack. Scary that both of your siblings are having heart attacks.

Julie Good job on TBT lower body and the 100 rep hip thrusts and rear delts. I don't think my clients will do more than 3 sessions with me but you never know if they will recommend me to someone else. Too funny about walking like an old person. Don't worry about your co-workers giving you funny looks we can relate to not being able to walk.

Kelly I am happy that Aiden's ear infection is gone. Enjoy the STS Shock Cardio workouts.

It has been a busy week for me. Tuesday I trained my clients and it went really well. I didn't get home until late so I couldn't fit a workout in or the next day because we had to get groceries and it was really busy so another late night. Thursday night we finished sanding the ceiling so we could paint it today. So another workout missed however I did Hard Strikes today. It was fun and wow the last ab exercise where you do 5 complete sit ups and then do 5 push ups and then repeat and repeat :eek: I was sucking air at the end of those. So I took today off work so we could paint the ceiling and be done with it. It looks pretty good for rookies doing it. I got most of the house work done today too. It will be so nice to have a Saturday and Sunday with not much to do.

Have a great day everyone.

Can't believe how much my legs have gotten better. It's like night and day. Tonight did Hard Strikes prem. 3, 71 min. Woe! That was so hard modified and kept moving is all I could do. :confused: Until the end.

Julie, Great job on Ride workout.= and loosening up the tightness even more. Also great job tacking on the 100 rep challenge for lying extensions. You go!

Penquin, Hubbies, what are they thinking?:( Glad Aiden's ear is better. Yea! I'm guessing teething too for itching his ears. Enjoy your STS Shock Cardio DVD's. They are great workouts.

Cheryl, Great job on training your clients on Tues. And Great job on doing Hard Strikes today. Don't you just love that one? O yest those ab workouts are very torturous. Yowzy!

Enjoy your weekend everyone,

Janie Good job on Hard Strikes premix #2. Don't worry that you had to modify you did well that was a long workout..

Today I tried Super Cuts I really liked that one and it went by really fast. After that it was laundry and cleaning that I didn't get done yesterday. It is cold and sunny here so much better than the dreary rain.

I was procrastinating all day when to do my exercises. It is 70 min. and just felt I couldn't do leg blasts for that long of time. So, took a rest day today and will do a different prem. same bicep muscles just not so long on the blasts and it's 45 min instead. I have to listen to my body. I'll get the endurance soon, but not there yet. Don't want to cause any injuries.

Cheryl, Great job on Super Cuts and cleanmax. It was cold and Sunny here as well. Love the crisp shiny days here.

Take care,

Julie Great job on YR and your long hot shower! That ounds like just the ticket! AO Hiit worked out well in the hotel room. I saw that Cathe used 5 lb weights for some of the rounds, so I went to the hotel exercise room and grabbed a set and brought them back to the room with me! It was perfect! My DH is the stunt driver in our family, not me. He is always laughing at me when I grab my door handle when he is going around turns. He LOVED the driving school!

Janie Oh my goodness, your DOMS sound like they were intense, I hope your legs are doing better today! I had to laugh that you said it looked like you were wearing diapers and were failing the toilet test. I was thinking diapers could be the perfect thing for that :p;) It sounds like you made a wise decision to take a rest day! Great job on your catch up day with Tabatacise and back exercise and AOLIH premix 4 shoulders. That is awesome. So glad that your elbow is doing well too! My brother is doing great, thanks for asking. he is home and the Dr gave him the ok to drive. Isn't medicine amazing?!

Julie Glad to hear that your legs have recovered. Great job doing Ride, I'm telling you, you are making me think about getting it! Great job on your 100 rep challenge too! Greenville was fun, I just dropped DH at the driving school and then bummed around town, but I was fine with that.

Penguin I guess your DH was making sure you didn't sleeo to late! :D
Sorry about the short weekend, I hope you made the most of it.

Kelly So glad to hear that Aiden's ear infection is all clear. Oh boy, teething, the fun never ends huh?! ;) Congratulations on getting STS Shock cardio, that is a great series. It has such a nice variety of intensity in the workouts!

Cheryl Oh yes, your escalator fall, ouch ouch ouch! I can't believe you had the escalator imprint on your butt too :confused: I hope you can laugh about it now! I'm so glad to hear that your training session on Tuesday went well! Wow, you did have a busy week. I bet you will be happy to have your ceiling all repaired. Great job on Hard Strikes, I haven't tried that one yet. That sit up and push up sequence sounds kind've scary :confused::rolleyes:
I would be sucking wind after that too! I hope you are enjoying your weekend with most of the house work behind you!

Janie So glad your legs recovered so quickly! Great job on HS, 71 minutes WOW! Great job on pushing through and modifying when you needed to.

Cheryl Great job on Super Cuts. I've only done one of the short premixes of that one so far so looking forward to trying the whole workout.

Janie Good for you for listening to your body and not doing something that it was ready for. You are being smart!!

I logged on to post yesterday and then got distracted by FB and forgot :rolleyes: On Friday after I dropped DH at the driving school I went back to the hotel and did AO Low Impact Hiit the double floor premix and then did the disc portion as well. That was really fun. I felt like I wasn't working that hard, but at the end the sweat was just pouring off me and my face was red as a beet, so guess I was working harder than I thought. Yesterday morning I did legs (can't remember if it's disc 5 or 6), but it was all sections plus rear delts, then I did core workout #2, so ended up with about a 95 minute workout! I really though I would have terrible DOMS today because my glutes were shaking during some of the barre work, but I'm not feeling too bad :rolleyes: Today is a rest day for me. DH loved the driving class. They did timed laps and he had the fastest time in the class, so he was pretty proud of himself. He kept telling me how much fun it was. Today it is 75 and sunny so I need to get myself outside! Have a great day!

Hubby had to work today so I knitted and cleaned house. Its still raining but the temp have dropped again. I can't seem to make up my mind if I'm hot or cold but the weather can't make up its mind either.

Julie, snow is worse, but the backyard is beginning to look like a swamp with the standing water back there.

Janie, I have a hard time even wanting to do a workout more than 60min, that seems to be the cut-off.

Pam, good job on HIIT. That one does sneak up on you. Yay for the fasted timed lap!

Chyrl, I think Supercuts was the one I did and I liked it too. Glad you liked Hard Strikes, I've read mixed reviews.

Kelly, glad Aiden is fine
Tonight was XTrain disc 6 Cardio Leg Blast Premix 5 with burn set bi's. Loved this workout. So far this rotation is very good for me. Went lighter than I would like but I have no more problems with my elbow. YEAH! Waiting that long (more than 2 months) was very worth it. Now, steady as she goes.:)

Pam, Meds are amazing in that circumstances for sure. I've learned my lesson and have to respect the exercises put on my body. I'm hoping for no more injuries. Great job on LIH the double floor premix and the disc portion as well. It sounds like fun. Yep when face turns red as a beet you know you did good.:) Great job on yesterday's legs, rear delts and core workout #2. Wow, 95 min. you go girl! I think your initail DOM's is over, at least mine are, thank God. LOL Enjoy your rest day today. I'm very proud of your hubby as well having the fastest time in class. 75? What? How come? I'm jealous, snot fair. Enjoy that beautiful weather.

Penquin, Enjoy your knitting and cleanmax. We've been having very crisp days lately. Nice to see sun.

Take care everyone,

Penguin Our weather is really wacky too. It was in the 70's and sunny all weekend, today is supposed to be 70 and rain and tomorrow 47! The 5 day forecast was really crazy too as we are back up to 70 again mid-week, then back in the 40's the next day. Nutty!

Janie Great job on Cardio Leg Blast Premix 5 with burn set bi's. I haven't done any of the premixes on that one yet, but it sure is a fun workout, isn't it?! I'm glad that the rotation is working well for you and especially that your elbow is doing so well!! Good for you having the strength to stay patient! It's funny because I didn't get very bad DOMs from the leg workout, but I am still feeling the ones that I did get today so I guess they were still intense. Sorry, didn't mean to make you jealous, but it sure was a beautiful weekend. I got the convertible out and had the top down both days :D

I spent my rest day yesterday cleaning, doing laundry and running errands. This morning was burn sets chest, back and triceps. This one goes by really quickly too. I do hate it when she puts pushups in the warm up though :rolleyes: It just doesn't seem right! Oh well, Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday we took Ozzie for his annual checkup. He has been having problems with itchy skin and ears and the vet wants to put him on an elimination diet to see what he might be allergic too. That involves finding a food with a protein and carb source he has never had before and then limiting his food to just that protein and carb for 2-3 months. That should be fun! After that we visited DH’s brother who just had a baby for a few hours. Sunday morning I did Turbo Barre which is not one of my favorites but I made it through with a little extra rest. This morning was XT Chest/Back/Shoulders. I like that one even with the 78 pushups. They didn’t seem so bad since they were spaced out a little.

Cheryl Great job on getting HS in with your busy week! I bet you are so glad to have that ceiling done. Great job on Super Cuts! I am really looking forward to trying this one. It just looks like fun with all the different exercises.

Janie Great job on HS! Modifying is great too. I have to modify and take longer breaks too. Good job on taking that rest day and listening to your body. You are doing it right by not taking chances on getting hurt which would only set you back. Great job on Cardio Leg Blast! I can’t wait to try that one but still working up to more impact right now. Going lighter is great for that elbow. You are doing so good!

Pam Great job on AO Low Impact HiiT at the hotel! How awesome that they had dumbbells for you to use. Great job on that crazy 95 minute workout of Legs, Rear Delts, and core! Wow 75 and sunny sounds wonderful. I think it will be sunny today but only a high of 26! Great job on BS CBS! I feel the same way about pushups in the warm up. I can tolerate them in PUB because they are done on your knees and elevated on the step. Today my warm up had those walk out pushups. Ugh!

Penguin Our weather couldn’t make up its mind either. Friday was warmer and close to 60. Saturday was around 50 until around 8 and then we got an ice storm. Yesterday and today back below freezing.

Have a great day!
Did Tabatacise premix with back. Sweated and had fun.

Pam, Great job on cleanmax. And also on Burn sets chest, back and triceps.

Julie, Aw poor Ozzie. Glad you are doing this for him. It's always nice to see family especially something like a baby to see. I bet he's a proud daddy. Great job on Sunday's Turbo Barre. And for this morning's XT Chest, back, shoulders. Wow, still hard to wrap my mind around 78 pushups. Good for you!

Take care ladies,

Julie Oh boy, that is going to be interesting figuring out what Ozzi is allergic too, but it would be nice to get rid of the itching. Good luck! great job on Turbo Barre and XT CbS. It's funny because I am never very excited to do Turbo Barre either, but the times I have done it it always seems to fly by :confused: Well our sunny is gone and so is our 75! Today is rainy and supposed to struggle to make it to 50. Oh well, I don't mind it as much on the week days :D Walk out pushups in a warm up is just wrong!

Janie I can't wait to try tabaticise. I think I might do one of the pre-mixes for an add on tomorrow. Great job on Tabatacise and back!

My chest is really talking to me today after yesterdays burn sets! This morning was disc 6 cardio leg blast and core number 2. The core work went a little more smoothly this time since I knew what to expect. I didn't feel like QUITE the clutz that I did last time! Have a great day ladies!

This morning I did the scrambled premix from Cycle Max. I love that one and realized that that is the premix missing from the XTrain workouts. I think it would have been great to have scrambled premixes for Ride, All-Out, Super Cuts, and the two upper body workouts (not Burn Sets). I may have to play around with the workout blender some Sunday and see if I can make my own premixes.

Janie Great job on Tabatacise premix w/back! Yep it is going to be hard to manage Ozzie’s diet but he is worth it because he is such a cutie patootie! DH’s brother is very excited to be a dad. He was showing off how big his son’s hands are.

Pam Great job on CLB + Core 2! I hope your chest is talking nice to you today! That Burn Sets is sneaky. It doesn’t feel like you did that many sets but it must do something right. I felt the same way about Turbo Barre. I wasn’t thrilled to have it on my schedule but it did fly by.

Have a great day!
We had a busy off day trying to cram all the errands in one day, then it started to sleet so we did the groc shopping and went home for the day. The rest can wait. After 70's of last week its now 28* outside.

Hubby has an inerview with his present company for the job in corperate that he has been told he will have. We think the interview is just a formality.

I need to do laundry, bake cookies for tomorrow, finish my Bible lesson, and I'm sure several more things I'm forgetting, lol.

Julie, poor Ozzie, that doesn't sound like a lot of fun for you either. Baby sounds adorable. I like the scambled premixes also. Its like a whole new workout each time.

Janie, glad to hear your elbow is better.

Pam, I object to pushups whenever they apprear, lol
UPdate: Tonight was AOLH premix 2 with emphases on chest. Beat red sweaty mess. Just the way (ah hu ah hu) I like it (ah hu ah hu).

I will come back with personals and to post my workout. In the mean time I have another drawing. It's called "Carly". She is my 2nd niece and has a rare condition that causes hair loss. That's why the lack of eyebrows.


Will be back!

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julie Great job on the CM scrambled pre-mix. You know, it seems like there are a TON of pro-mixes in XTrain, but I've had trouble finding just the one that I want too. :confused: It is a good idea to use the workout blender though. My chest is STILL talking to me today. Yesterday it hurt if I just touched it softly. Today it's a little better but still letting me know that it's there. I'm thinking it must be the failure sets that do the trick because you're right, it really doesn't seem like you are doing a lot in these workouts.

Penguin Oh sleet, yuck. You were smart to go home and not try to fight with that. I hope that you got most of your errands done anyway. Brrr.....28 is COLD! We are going to Maine this weekend to ski and I was just looking at the weather forecast. It looks like I am going to need to pull our all of my warmest clothes! Oh, I am keeping my fingers crossed that the job works out well for your DH! When will you know?

Janie Great job on AOLH premix 2 and being a beet red sweaty mess! Love your song too :D That is another awesome drawing! I don't know how you do them so fast. Have you considered making a business of this????

This morning for me was Bis and Tris Burn sets. It is only 37 minutes long so I also did Tabatacise 1+2. wow, I can't imagine doing all 5 of those back to back! 2 was plenty for me. Have a great day ladies!


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