Julie Hooray for getting your XTrain dvds. I didn't end up getting Ride, but now I'm wishing that I had. Even though I've only done Cycle Max a few times, the cycling can be a nice way to change things up when they are getting stale. I guess that is something for the birthday wish list

Great job on doing Ride with all of those hover jumps! Oh yes, hard Strikes is the MMAish one, you're right. I'm glad to hear that Supercuts is similar to AB and CF as I love those workouts!! Thanks for the info about the workout cards!
Janie Oh boy, it sounds like you do have your hands full. I'm sure you are enjoying your time with Adrian, but I bet you will be ready to send him home

That is the good thing about being a grandparent!
CONGRATULATIONS on your good news from the Dr!!!!! I am so happy to hear that. I'm sure that the waiting was torture so it's so nice to know and especially for the news to be positive. What a relief! Time to do the happy dance!
Kelly The FIRM workouts are what got me into working out. I only have the old original ones but still love them. I haven't done any in quite awhile though since I only have them on VHS and our VHS player no longer works

I tried to copy them to dvd but they have some blocking software on them to prevent copying so I couldn't. Oh well....I have to agree with you though that cathe has great choreography and she has such a nice variety of workouts that it is easy to get in a Cathe rut! Oh no, sorry to hear about Aiden's sleeping troubles. That would make for a long day for you! I hope he is back to a normal schedule soon! I love the nickname!
The Biggest Loser competition sounds like fun. I think it makes it a little easier when you are not trying to do it alone and have other people to commiserate with!

Of course a little $$ never hurts either!
This morning for me was Crossfire + core and then a couple of the 1 RM tests for XTrain. I may try to get a couple more done today, I have 10 more to do and I'm planning to start the 90 day undulating rotation on Monday. I'm a little worried about repetition, but like Julie said I'll just make substitutions if I start getting bored. I'm looking forward to having new workouts to do though! Happy Friday everyone, I wish all work weeks were only 3 days!