Pengn Great job on the WSAB! that is one tought workout that i always feel for days afterwards! How scary that you black out when you do push-ups or planks, yikes! Reality does have a way of sinking back in, doesn't it? I still have my laundry waiting for me!
I'm glad you got to the bread in time!
Cheryl So now my poor sister has had 4 heart attacks, they said she had another.

She has always been told that it would be too risky for her to have heart surgery, But one of the Drs who saw her this week told her she is too young to be living like this (she's 53) and recommended that she go to the Cleveland clinic because they specialize in difficult cases. That is the most encouraging news she has had in a long time, so that was nice.
What a bummer that you still woke up at 4 after being up so late. I am starting to get used to sleeping in. Of course, I will be fully used to it just in time to go back to work!
Janie Great job on yoga, so,glad to hear you had a lovely Christmas at your daughter's house! Hope you got a great sleep.
Julie Great job on GS back and shoulders and scrambled CM! I love House, I haven't seen it in so long. Did you get the XTrain downloads? They were supposed to be available tonight!
Thanks, my sister is doing quite a bit better. She was moved to a regular room this afternoon and may get to go home tomorrow. As I was telling Cheryl, she got some hope for being able to have heart surgery too, which would be a really good thing!
Penguin I haven't heard of Fight cellulite fast, sounds like you aren't recommending it though. Sorry you have to wait for your knitting needles, but I guess you have something to look forward to.
I realized that I just finished the full 4 weeks of meso 2 upper body, so am treating this week,as an active recovery week and did step blast this morning. DH got me s weight bench for Christmas so he keeps hoping that I have tried it out, but I will get to it.

looks like XTrain will be here in a day or so!!