Strength in Numbers

It was short lives. Still here in the woods. Joey decided to come back home. The beach isn't dry enough to take walks and he wants to come home. I'll post later on the workout I will be doing today. Right now it's time to clean.

Pam, I just bought one of those bands to help with pull ups from Walmart. I can't wait to use mine! It's called Perfect Pullup.

Sounds like traditional Christmas stuff made you stay up too late. LOL, I'm use to my Joey sleeping in the middles of a game or movie, but only once can I remember that both of us went to sleep while watching TV. You must have been soooo tired.

Great job on AS and abs from LIC. Yep that would wake up anyone and get things going.

You are so sweet to make a birthday dinner for your sister. Yea! What a nice boss giving you the rest of the week off. Wow! Happy Friday!

Will post later tonight,

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This morning I did Pyramid Upper Body but I skipped the abs and instead rode the spin bike for 10 minutes. I’m slowly working my way up on the bike. Hopefully, I will be able to do Cycle Max Express in another couple of weeks.

Penguin Great job on LB + Abs from High Reps! Hehe! Getting off your tailfeathers. That’s cute. I have spelling problems too. But I type my post in Word first and then copy and paste into the reply. It helps sometimes. Great job on Imax 3 too! I like Imax 3. There are a few tricky combos in the step parts but the intervals make up for it.

Janie That would be no fun to try to walk on a wet beach. Although it would be a good leg workout maybe. I can see why he wanted to come home though.

Pam Great job on getting up and doing AS and abs from LIC! That is why I love rotations rather than just picking what I want that morning. Because if I did that, I would pick staying in bed! I think that is why Ozzie and Maggie wanted me out of bed too. It messes with their routine and dogs are definitely creatures of habit. Here is the band I am using right now. It is the most assistance but they have a medium resistance and a lighter resistance so that way you can work your way to no resistance eventually. That is a very nice boss to give you that extra 1 ½ days off. I hope you enjoy your dinner with your sister.

Have a great day!
Did a little bit of spinning, about 30 min. and a little stretching tonight.

Julie, Great job on PUB. I love the spin bike, so convenient. I'm sure you would be able to do Cathe's bike workout then. Hmmm, maybe I can too? I don't know.

Take care,

Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA for so long. I quickly went through everyone's posts but it is too overwhelming to reply to them all. I have been busy and the evenings just fly by so there never seems to be enough time to post. Pam and Julie you are so lucky that you can post at work I wish I could.I have been busy with several Christmas parties, I posted last Thursday's on FB with our Cotton Candy drinks :eek:. I am glad that the Christmas lunches and dinners are now over with since it does not sit well in my tummy. I haven't been working out as much as I would like since the days have been so busy but I want to get back into a routine starting next week. My brother gave me a free pass for twelve visits to a gym near me so I may go tomorrow to see about it. Today I wanted to workout but yesterday's lunch was still not sitting well with me so I had no energy to do one. I am hoping to get back to normal with posting.

Have a great weekend everyone.

In my artwork I'm doing "Adrian" over again. His eyes are just like I want them to be, and now I can zentangle around him and get this done. Have another one in mind. It's my niece's baby Zander. After that one is the one I've been really wanting to do for the longest time. It's my mother. Still working it out in my head, but soon will put it on paper. Most likely the beginning of next year. What a great way to start art work. This one will be the most unique of all. UPDATE: It's snowing!

Penquin, Good for you. It's really nice to be able to listen or watch something while working out. Great job on that treadmill or should I say dreadmill. LOL

Cheryl, It's always so nice to hear from you. When you are such a busy person as yourself, coming back here to catch up would be overwhelming. Just take the last few entries and start from there. ;) Been very lucky not working and getting all those goodies offered at work during the Holiday season. Whew! I remember them very well. How nice of your brother to give you visits to a gym near you. That was very thoughtful of him. Do you like it?

Take care everyone,

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Janie You are a very talented artist. I love the pictures you are doing of your family. We are having a lot of rain where we are no snow at least not yet. I went to sign up at the gym today. I will actually start there tomorrow just to get used to everything. My brother belongs to this gym too but at the location in downtown Vancouver. It is called Club 16 which is the number of the Vancouver Canuck (Trevor Linden) whose gym it is. This is his new career after retiring from hockey.

Today was yoga. It felt good to stretch for some reason I am feeling really tight. Happy Monday everyone.

Saturday was spent cleaning and then going to DH’s brother’s Christmas party. Sunday I did GS Chest & Triceps and then rode the spin bike for 15 minutes. After that it was lazy day Sunday spent catching up on some reading while DH watched football. This morning was Butts & Guts Floorwork & Abs premix without the planks.

Janie Great job on the spinning and stretching. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your artwork. Enjoy the pretty snowfall. I’m not complaining but we have not even really had a chance of snow yet. Not cold enough.

Penguin Great job on the treadmill! Having something interesting to listen to can really help keep the dread in dreadmill down.

Cheryl I’m so glad you popped in to say hi. Holidays can be so busy but it sounds like maybe yours may be winding down (hopefully). I am very thankful I can post at work. It really helps out. I am usually pooped by the time I get home and the last thing I want to do is get on a computer after being on one all day. The gym membership sounds awesome. That was very nice of your brother to give it to you. Great job on yoga and getting good and stretched out (sounded like you needed it too).

Pam I hope you are having a blast in NYC!

Have a great day!
Worrisome time for me. Our electricity went out today and nothing to do but talk to each other. Joey was telling me about his 5 new cancer areas are doing. He said 3 out of the 5 areas look like Basil. The other two are different. I'm so scared. One of them is close to his heal, the other is on his calf and other leg. If these two cancers are not basil, then from what I understand he will have to go through Kemo no matter what. The first thing they will check is his limp nodes to see if any cancer cells have accumulated there. I know we don't know yet which cancer they are and I might be carrying around here needlessly and I so hope I am. But how can you not think about those things? I'd hate to see My Joey go through kemo, have his body parts taken scared and such a cry baby. Not at all strong for Joey, I can't even do that right. Venting you guys, I know you can't say too much I just need to vent. He goes in Jan. 3 to cut out the other 3 cancers but the other two will be tested deeper into the tissue. Yep a long time to worry. We'll know then what we are dealing with. The doctor and Joey usually laugh and play but the doctor was very silent this time around. Not a good sign. Maybe the doctor had a bad day, I don't know.:(

Cheryl, Great job on yoga. I love the feeling of stretching and getting loosen up.

Pam, Great job on GS Chest and Tri and the spin bike for 15 min. Also for this morning's B&G floorwork and abs prem without the planks.

Take care,

Julie Good job on GS Chest and Triceps and spinning. It is so nice to just have a lazy day and catch up on things or just doing nothing. Good job on Butts and Guts floorwork and abs premix this morning too.

Janie Sorry to hear about Joey's skin cancer. I have my fingers crossed for you that the other two areas are also basil. It is always harder when you don't know what kind of cancer it is, your mind then starts thinking the worst. You can always vent here that is what we are here for the good and the bad.

Well today was the first day I went to the new gym. It was interesting getting back into the routine again, it has been a long time since I belonged to a gym. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill. I think my quads are going to feel it tomorrow. I am signed up for a circut training class tomorrow. I am going to try to do 3 days at the gym and three days at home.

Have a great day everyone.

This morning was my rest day. Today is my unit Christmas outing. We are going to have pizza for lunch and then go bowling. I wonder if the bowling alley will let me bowl with only one bowling shoe?

Janie I’m so sorry you are having to go through this and especially at Christmas time. It will be hard but I hope you can put aside your worries and have a wonderful Christmas with Joey. After the New Year, you both be able to figure this out and do what needs to be done to get him better. Feel free to vent here anytime.

Cheryl Great job on your cardio duo of the elliptical and treadmill! I like your plan of 3 days at the gym and 3 days at home. Seems like the best of both worlds. The circuit training class sounds fun. I like circuits because the workouts seem to fly by and you really feel like you get a lot done in that time too.

Have a great day!
I got new glasses yesterday! And I can see a lot better!!!!! This is always fun for Hubby and I because I run around looking at everything! Distance isn’t much improved by reading is much clearer!

we never did go see Dad by the time we got everything done and more, Mom said not to bother.

Hubby said there was a loose belt on the car, so I thought he had fixed it last night, so I didn’t think anything of it when he wanted to take the car {not the truck} today, well the alternator belt came off so we made it to a shopping center that had an AutoZone and Hobby Lobby. So I walked around HL for a while, then made it to the car. We had expected to eat lunch before going to see Dad so we were both starving so we walked a few blocks to a McAlister’s and had lunch then Hubby finished fixing the car.

Yesterday was an interesting day, anyway.

today, I did a mile with Leslie's 3FM. I have a headache {I think from the new glasses} and I tried to push through and keep going, but that was all I could do. I think I"m going to try a nap. FIL is home from the hospital.
I was so emotional yesterday. Went on line and found many different ways to treat what Joey has. Let's hope for the best. Thank you for all of your support.

Cheryl, Sounds like you are enjoying your gift. I'm so happy for you. What an awesome gift. Great job on the elliptical and the treadmill. I think your quads will feel it too. Happy DOM's your way.

Julie, Thank you so much for the card. It was nice to see Ozzie and Maggie. They are soo sooo cute. Seems you had a very nice unit Christmas outing today. Good for you.

Pinquin, Yep, glasses makes all the difference in the world. I just got mine not to long ago. Love them. Good thing the car is fixed. Now you don't have to worry any longer. Great job on 1 mile with Leslie. She's fun. Glad your FIL made it home from the hospital. He must be feeling better then?

Take care everyone,

Julie Enjoy your Christmas outing. It sounds like fun pizza and bowling. I thought three days at the gym and three days at home would work well. Going to the gym is giving me a lot of different equipment to use to keep things interesting.

Penguin You don't realize how much you don't see until you get new glasses. Your headache is probably from the new glasses it seems to take your eyes a couple of days to adjust. Car problems are such a pain good thing you could make it to a place where you could get what you needed.

Janie Yes my quads were feeling it today. It felt good to mix up the cardio.

Today I went back to the gym for another circut workout that involved weight machines. It was a class where you alternated between a cardio machine and a weight machine and then you would do an active recovery of squats or some ab work. It was only 30 minutes long but once you get used to how much resistance to use on the various machines it would be a very effective workout.

Have a great day everyone.

Finished Adrian's second artwork.

Cheryl, Great job on circuit workout with weight machines. It sounds like a great way to do gym style exercises.


So bowling yesterday went well with my boot. Well, it went fine in that I could do it and it didn’t hurt. I can’t say I am a good bowler when my scores for 2 games were 71 and 61. Yes, that’s right. Don’t be too jealous now. Anyway, this morning I did GS Back, Shoulders, and Biceps.

Penguin Well that was quite a day yesterday. I’m glad you made it Auto Zone so you could get it fixed. Hobby Lobby is fun to walk around in. I’m not a crafty person but I always get excited about everything they have. Great job on the Leslie mile. New glasses give me a headache too. I have to ease my way into them. I’m glad your FIL is out of the hospital.

Janie I’ll keep my fingers crossed and you both in my thoughts and prayers for Joey’s skin cancers to be ok. You are welcome for the card. Thank you for the card you sent me. It is funny but Maggie is so calm. I told her to lay down by the props and she did and stayed there while I took about 25 pictures or so. Ozzie I had to wrangle over to the photo area. I got two pictures taken, went to take another and noticed he was not there and one of the stuffed animal props was gone too. Little rascal. Another great drawing. I bet he will love it.

Cheryl Great job on the circuit workout. That sounds like a very interesting pattern. Those classes must be like new Cathe workouts in that it takes a couple times to find that right weight to use. Speaking of new Cathe’s, did you get X-Train? I hope it doesn’t take too long to go through customs for you if you did. And I hope you don’t have to pay a large duty fee like before.

Have a great day!
I did the Total Body premix from Cathe's Drill Max today. It actually felt good to get all hot and sweaty. I’ve got to hang onto that feelling for next time! I wore my new glasses to exercise today and they kept sliding down my nose. I'm trying to switch back and forth so I'll need to change to the old pair soon.

This is the first morning of the week I usually spend at Bible study, so I felt at loose ends but I'm enjoying the break.

Roll Call: Just curious...who preordered Xtrain? I did!

Janie, I'm sorry to hear about Joey's diagnosis and chemo. I'll be praying for you both. Good job on the new Adrian

Julie, I was in a bowling league with my sis when we were younger; I was terrible at it, but I thought it was fun. Hobby Lobby has some fun things even if you aren't a crafter.

Cheryl, glad to have you back. I like a good circuit workout. I should do more of them.
Janie Love Adrian's picture.

Julie Is 71 and 61 bad scores in bowling???? I haven't bowled in a very long time so I have no idea what is a good score and what is a bad one. Good job on GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps. Yep I ordered X-Train. It usually takes a couple of weeks to get to me once it is shipped. The thing about the duty bugs me only because not everyone pays it. I wish they either made everyone pay the duty or no one pay the duty, don't pick and choose who pays it this time and who doesn't.

Penguin Good job on the total body premix from Drill Max. It does feel goody to get really sweaty doesn't it. I preordered X-Train it looks like it will be really good from the video clips.

I was going to get up early this morning to workout but I was totally beat so I took it as a day off. We have had snow for the past several days here and commuting is a mess. I think that is why I am so pooped as traveling doesn't go as smoothly as you would like. Right now it is raining just to make things really messy for tomorrow's commute.

Have a great day everyone.

This morning I was going to sleep in and then I decided I would get up and do a workout because it would make me smile. I did the floorwork from Butts & Guts and then rode the spin bike for 15 minutes. Today we are supposed to have a winter storm warning in effect from 9am to midnight. Winds up to 50 mph and 2-4 inches of snow. Nowhere near what up north is getting though so I am a happy winter camper!

Penguin Great job on getting hot and sweaty with DM total body premix! I sometimes (ok, a lot of times) have to remind myself how good I feel after I work out in order to motivate myself to get moving. ME, ME, I ordered!! I’m so excited and I probably won’t be able to do most of it until mid-January. I will be using that time to preview over and over again because I am that geeky!

Cheryl Traveling in crappy weather can take a toll on you. I’m glad you have been safe and listened to your body to rest up. I hate when it rains after it snows. That is the worst. In bowling you can have a possible score of 300 if you get all strikes. I think getting to at least 100 is a good score but then again, I have never gotten to 100 in my life. That is true that the duty should be equal to everyone. Probably nothing can be done to change that though.

Have a great day!
I did the other half of Drill Max today, the Cardio Blast premix. I've got to remember that one, it was fun.

I baked a pan of brownies and a batch of cookies for Hubby to take to work tomorrow. I'm going to Knit Night tonight. I need to finish the laundry and clean up the kitchen now that everything is cooled off.

Julie, I found if I preview a workout {more than just watching clips or the intro} I tend to get dread-factor then never actually try it. Same for reading reviews. So mostly I just stick the workout in and see what happens.

Cheryl, enjoy your day off.

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