In the process of doing artwork and didn't get to the posts yesterday. It got way to late.
Also did some yoga yesterday afternoon.
The person I'm drawing has been bullied all her life, through grade school and also in high school.
When I saw my second cousin's photo, I looked at that and thought how sad she is. I asked my sister, (she is now with my sister) her story. The story touched my heart. She has been bullied and her mama is a little too busy to notice. Because I also was bullied during grade school and high school I know what she is going through. Words expressed like those kids did to me, literally broke me.
I hid in the bathroom stall, behind buildings, anywhere to get away from the kids verbal abuse. All the while crying my eyes out. Then I was caught hiding in those places and forced to go outside at recess only to face my torturer's. So Cruel.
I'm hoping when I get done with her drawing, she knows she is loved, beautiful and not alone. One day she may take this experience and help out others later down the road. She is so withdrawn from people, but with the right environment (at my sisters) she seems to be doing much better. It all takes time. I only want for her to know when she looks at her drawing, she is not alone. She might have been bullied and broken, but not defeated.
This one is a very personable art piece.
Pam, Great job on disc 19, chest, shoulders and later on triceps. I know how that goes. Yep, no time any longer to procrastinate about Christmas. It's almost here. Enjoy getting ideas for your loved ones and shopping. It's can be fun.
Used cars can save you a lot of money, I have to agree. Such a busy time of year, Christmas parties, looking at cars, putting up a tree, shopping. Great job on Sun AB. Hmmm hard call about a new rotation or wait for XTrain. I would start a new rotation, it could be a month before we get those new DVD's in our hot little hands. If we get them sooner, then you can stop the rotation and start on XTrain. Also great job on Sun. with Imax. You are so good. Enjoy your cardio.
Julie, Yea, shopping already. Nothing is going to keep you down for long! Good for you. Great job on Sunday's GS C&T plus spinning for 5 min.
And for this mornings Floorwork and Abs prem from B&G. Modifying is can be a good thing. I'm so impressed. My grandson is will be 4 soon.
Penquin, 20 degrees is cold, hope you are using your favorite afghan to cover up with. Oh! Beating cancer and died of pneumonia. How horrible! My brother in law is suffering from lung cancer, he is on his death bed as we speak. I feel close to my sister in law and wish I could be there for her. It's so sad.
Julie, Great job on this mornings rest day. We all need one from time to time.
Take care ladies,
