Strength in Numbers

Today enjoying a rest day. Will do some art and send out cards. Arm was sooooooo sore yesterday, yet today it's OK so far. Hmmmm. Just when I think it's healing. Guess that's how it heals. Have to be patient.

Julie, Your boot is much bigger than I thought it would be. You poor thing. At least it's healing and you can soon do more exercises.

Penquin, Aw, not a nice way to wake up for sure. Enjoy house cleaning and knowing the fridge is gone. When will you be getting another one?

Take care ladies,

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Janie, that was the fridge we replaced earlier this summer when it kept dying. Its just been hanging around in the way. I'm glad its finally gone! I guess I need to think about sending cards, too.
Did spinning today about 45 min while watching TV. Sweated up a storm and used a tid pit more power.

Here is what I did today in the way of art. It's my grandson with Down Syndrome, it's called" Adrian". Decided to use zentangles around his cute little face. Most likely will mess around with it until I think it's better. More shading on the left side for starters. We picked names for Christmas this year and I picked my daughter in law. Hope she likes it. Can't put it on FB because she is on it all the time and will see it, so I'll share it here. Would have any way. LOL

Penquin, Enjoy sending out your cards.

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Julie Great job on PUB on Friday and subbing in exercises that worked with your cast. CONGRATULATIONS on getting rid of that thing too! I love the new boot, so stylish! :p How long will you need to wear it? I'm sure your sleeplessness had a lot to do with being anxious about the appointment. hopefully you got a great sleep Friday once that was behind you! How's it going with the boot? Did you remember how to walk?! ;)

Janie Great job on your casual but sweaty spin! Oh yes, definitely use those versa gripps when you start back up, they are a life saver for my forearms especially!

Penguin Great job on CSS on Friday. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling good. Sometimes a little vacation is just the ticket! I hope things work out for your hubby, but I'm sure that must be frustrating to keep hearing about it and not having it pan out. I will be keeping you in my prayers. How nice that your in-laws will be getting nice hand made hats for Christmas. I don't remember if I told you or not, but I was thinking about you when we went to see the play last week because a woman in the next row was crocheting while she was waiting for the show to start. :D
Oh boy, men just are clueless when it comes to things like having someone into a messy house. My DH thinks it is just no big deal at all. The good thing though is that his friends probably didn't even notice if they are like most men. Congratulations on getting the fridge out of the way.

Janie I hope you enjoyed your rest day! Sorry to hear that your arm was feeling sore again but yea, I think that is how it goes. It sure can be hard being patient though, can't it?!
Great jobon your 45 minute spin and sweating up a storm!! Your new drawing is amazing as usual. I'm sure that your DIL will absolutely love it!

We had quite the busy weekend. I ended up working Friday until 2:00 and then DH came home and wanted to go run some errands. We had to return some fireplace tools and there was a new car at the BMW dealer that he has been dying to drive, so we had to do that too :rolleyes::confused: He fell in love with it of course, but we just don't buy new cars. Hopefully he will be able to wait for a couple of years when he can pick up a used one for a lot less! Friday night some friends had us over for a belated birthday dinner for DH. Saturday we got our Christmas tree and as always, had quite an adventure getting it up. Saturday night we had a Christmas party to go to, then Sunday I did some shopping and Christmas decorating. We still haven't decorated the tree though. We got the lights on last night and then were too tired, so hopefully we can get that done tonight. I ended up taking Saturday as my day off and yesterday I did Afterburn. I'm done with my rotation but not sure if I want to start a new one or wait for XTrain. I did Imax this morning as Monday's had been intense cardio days on the last rotation so at least at the moment I'm keeping with the theme. Cheryl I hope all is welll......! Have a great day ladies!

So you all saw the boot on Friday. To celebrate, I spent Saturday going Christmas shopping. Sunday I did GS C&T plus rode my spin bike for 5 minutes and that was plenty to start with. This morning I did the Floorwork and Abs premix from B&G. I couldn’t do all hamstring roll-ins and will have to work on that. I also had to skip the plank work because it is not comfortable being on the toes of my boot.

Penguin Oh man, I would have ripped DH a new one after everyone left if he did that to me. He could have let you know the night before so you could prepare. But I guess as you said at least the refrigerator is gone now.

Janie Sorry you were having arm pain the other day. Hopefully it was a sign of healing. Great job on 45 min. of sweaty spinning! The boot is actually wider than the cast but shorter so it doesn’t go as far up my calf as the cast did. I am enjoying having hands to carry things again. I have to hold myself back though because I want to walk all the time now. That is a great drawing! He looks adorable. How old is he?

Pam Great job on Afterburn and Imax! Two toughies back to back. You are such a machine especially after that busy, busy weekend. I have the boot for at least 4 weeks. I didn’t forget how to walk but I am much slower with the boot right now. I’ll take the slowness since it means I can carry things in my hands now!! My sleep has not improved much unfortunately. I think last week it was excitement about the boot but now since I sleep without the boot my foot is exposed and I think I am sleeping lighter because I want to be able to quickly move it should DH or a dog get too close to it.

Have a great day!
The weather has turned cold again, but I'm enjoying the chill so far, but that won't last long, our low is 20* tonight! ACK! At least the sun is back out!

Hubby is at a funeral for a retired coworker; who beat cancer then passed from pneumonia.

When he returns we will do a little more Christmas shopping then, hopefully do something fun. No ideas yet. :mad:

Julie, Hubby doesn't do advanced warning very well. He gets an idea in his head and makes it happen! The rest are left wondering what's going on. He's been trying to get rid of the fridge for a few weeks and may have just gotten together with the guy and decided 'now is the time!"

Janie, great picture. I'm sure Adrian loves it.

Pam, nice to be thought of. I carry around a small project in my big purse in case I get stuck somewhere so I have something to do. Im not very good at just sitting and waiting. I've had the tree up for a week or so and just got the ornaments out of the attic today.
Julie It sounds like you enjoyed being out of that cast last weekend. It must have felt so nice being able to carry things again!! Great job on GS C&T an your spinning! Also on the Floorwork and Abs premix from B&G. I can't imagine even thinking about being on your toes in that boot! Oh, I can see being worried about your foot at night :( Hopefully you will be able to relax and get a good nights sleep soon. Either that or you will just pass out from exhaustion!

Penguin Oh I really don't like the cold weather. I have really been enjoying the mid-70's we've been having. I think there is a cold front coming through today though :( My cat will not be happy because that will mean he doesn't get to sit on the screened porch. Wow, beating cancer and then dying from pneumonia, that just doesn't seem fair :( OK, I don't feel so bad about putting off decorating our tree then. We did get it decorated last night which was a big relief. I'm not sure if I will even get any cards out this year though :confused:

This morning I did disc 19 chest, shoulders and triceps, except I haven't done the triceps part yet! I got a late start and then realized the workout is 69 minutes, so decided to do the triceps after work tonight. I am thinking I may need to pick a new rotation since Cathe's post yesterday made it sound like it is still going to be a few weeks before XTrain ships. I started getting a little panicky yesterday when I realized that Christmas is only 2 weeks away. I have hardly done any shopping and don't even have many ideas :confused::( I need to get busy! Anyway, have a great day ladies!

This morning was a rest day. Our house is so dry it is almost unbearable and makes it hard to sleep well. We have a humidifier going but I think I will have to get another started.

Penguin Your DH sounds like mine. He never makes plans and is constantly changing his mind at the last possible moment. Used to drive me insane when we first got married because I am a planner and an organizer. Not sure why but it doesn’t bother me as much anymore.

Pam Great job on disc 19! That stinks when you are running late and can’t finish a workout but I know you will finish it tonight. I was a little sad to see that XTrain might not get here until around the new year (or later). Even though I probably won’t be able to do it until mid to end of January, I was still excited about everyone else getting them and being able to preview them and the rotations she made. I can’t believe how soon Christmas is coming this year. I was thinking it wouldn’t get here so fast since Thanksgiving was kind of early.

Have a great day!
In the process of doing artwork and didn't get to the posts yesterday. It got way to late.

Also did some yoga yesterday afternoon.

The person I'm drawing has been bullied all her life, through grade school and also in high school.
When I saw my second cousin's photo, I looked at that and thought how sad she is. I asked my sister, (she is now with my sister) her story. The story touched my heart. She has been bullied and her mama is a little too busy to notice. Because I also was bullied during grade school and high school I know what she is going through. Words expressed like those kids did to me, literally broke me.
I hid in the bathroom stall, behind buildings, anywhere to get away from the kids verbal abuse. All the while crying my eyes out. Then I was caught hiding in those places and forced to go outside at recess only to face my torturer's. So Cruel.
I'm hoping when I get done with her drawing, she knows she is loved, beautiful and not alone. One day she may take this experience and help out others later down the road. She is so withdrawn from people, but with the right environment (at my sisters) she seems to be doing much better. It all takes time. I only want for her to know when she looks at her drawing, she is not alone. She might have been bullied and broken, but not defeated.
This one is a very personable art piece.

Pam, Great job on disc 19, chest, shoulders and later on triceps. I know how that goes. Yep, no time any longer to procrastinate about Christmas. It's almost here. Enjoy getting ideas for your loved ones and shopping. It's can be fun.
Used cars can save you a lot of money, I have to agree. Such a busy time of year, Christmas parties, looking at cars, putting up a tree, shopping. Great job on Sun AB. Hmmm hard call about a new rotation or wait for XTrain. I would start a new rotation, it could be a month before we get those new DVD's in our hot little hands. If we get them sooner, then you can stop the rotation and start on XTrain. Also great job on Sun. with Imax. You are so good. Enjoy your cardio.

Julie, Yea, shopping already. Nothing is going to keep you down for long! Good for you. Great job on Sunday's GS C&T plus spinning for 5 min.
And for this mornings Floorwork and Abs prem from B&G. Modifying is can be a good thing. I'm so impressed. My grandson is will be 4 soon.

Penquin, 20 degrees is cold, hope you are using your favorite afghan to cover up with. Oh! Beating cancer and died of pneumonia. How horrible! My brother in law is suffering from lung cancer, he is on his death bed as we speak. I feel close to my sister in law and wish I could be there for her. It's so sad.

Julie, Great job on this mornings rest day. We all need one from time to time.

Take care ladies,

I started this morning by doing laundry and I ended up finishing the laundry but also re-arranged my tiny closet. Since its gotten colder {yesterdays low was 20*} I got the heavy sweaters out of the suitcase I pulled out of the attic the other day and hung them up, I also removed the short sleeve shirts I won't use for layering, and arranged my closet by catagory; caridgans, vests, sweaters, and long sleeves. And I cleaned out a small drawer in my dresser and was able to add in my turtlenecks instead of stacking them on top of the dresser among all the other stuff.

I found my Christmas cards and got two sent out {since this is something I tend to procrastinate, this is a big step for me:p}. And after dinner Hubby and I ran some errands.

Janie, poor girl. I can't wait to see your newest drawing.

Julie, I never thought of myself as organized or a planner but after meeting Hubby I realized I am to some extent. I think we get used to the upheaval and realize that somethines nothing bad will happen without planning.

Pam, further saga of the tree. We had lights and two ornaments on the tree and then the lights burned out. Dispite Hubby's best efforts he couldn't fix the lights {yes there was blinking. Why does one blinking light overrule all the rest of the non-blinking lights and make them all blink?} so we had to get more lights tonight. I should point out the tabletop tree used to be my Gma's and is possibly from the 80's.
Julie I hope you enjoyed your rest day. Oh I hate how dry it gets in the winter. Fortunately for me it doesn't disturb my sleep though! I hope a second humidifier helps. I did remember to do my triceps when I got home last night. I keep telling DH he had to help me remember because forgetting is usually my biggest issue! Yea, I was pretty bummed when I saw the update on XTrain, I was really expecting we would get it before Christmas. Oh well. I think maybe the early Thanksgiving lulled us into thinking we had plenty of time before Christmas and then whammo, it's almost here! At least DH and I sat down and brainstormed on a few gift ideas and I am done shopping for him already. My mom is the hard one, I have NO idea what to get her :rolleyes:

Janie No worries about not having time to post, it happens ot all of us sometimes. Great job on doing yoga. Awww.....what a sad story for your cousin. It is nice to hear that she is in a loving and supportive environment now so hopefully that will help. It just amazes me how mean kids can be. So far I'm not in a big rush to pick out a new rotation because I've having fun doing my own extended version of the last one. I have a feeling that will change soon though as it will get harder to pick the workout of the day!
It does sound like it could be another month before we get XTrain though :(

Penguin Wow, good for you doing the laundry and rearranging your closet! Doesn't it give you a great feeling to get that done? Brrrrr 20 degrees is too cold. Enjoy those heavy sweaters though! OK, you are definitely making me feel better about my Christmas procrastination this year! :D I never like to do cards either and had totally forgotten about them until we started getting some.
Aren't tree lights SOOOO frustrating?! It makes no sense that one light being out can make the entire string (or sometimes half the string) go out and it is even worse when they work until you put them up. ERRRRRR. You would lucky you could find lights. Anytime I've gone out looking for lights everyone is always out of them. Last year I went to something like 6 stores and couldn't find any. This year I went out on December 1st to 4 places and they were all out already! Next year I guess I need to look before Halloween!

This morning I continued with my STSish rotation by doing disc 29 plyo legs and then weights and plates abs. Whew, I was huffing and puffing by the end of the plate work in the abs. That just takes my breath away. And those 1/2 turn jumps just never get any easier do they?! Oh well! My exciting news is that hubby has to be in NYC for meetings on Monday and Tuesday and I am going with him! We're going to go up on Sunday morning and come back Tuesday night. Maybe I'll get some Xmas shopping done there.....???? :rolleyes::D So now I am going to be working this Friday again so that I can take vacation time for NY, but it will be worth it. Have a great day ladies!

This morning was Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, and Biceps. After my workout, I was so ready to get in the shower but DH called me upstairs because Ozzie had an accident on the carpet and he couldn’t remember how to use the SpotBot to clean it up. We took Ozzie to the vet on Saturday because he has been licking his private areas a lot lately and his ears are really itchy and dirty. The vet thinks it might be allergies so she put him on steroids and told us Ozzie may have to urinate more because of them. Guess his teeny tiny bladder just couldn’t hold it anymore this morning. At least DH acknowledged it was partially his fault, Ozzie tried waking him up and he ignored him. Bad DH!

Janie Great job on yoga! How’s your elbow doing? Hope it is getting better day by day. That is really sweet what you are doing for your second cousin. I bet she will feel loved and be so happy you were thinking of her.

Penguin Sounds like you got a lot of stuff done yesterday. Right now our closets are pretty decent but I have got some serious issues with my desk and kitchen table. It has gotten out of hand and I am hoping I can take some time off over Christmas/New Year’s and clean and organize them up.

Pam Great job on plyo legs and w&p abs! That has to be one of the hardest ab workouts by Cathe. At least I think so anyway. Oh that is exciting and worth switching your vacation around so you can go to NY for a few days. I haven’t set up the second humidifier yet. Maybe this weekend. Oh moms are the worst to buy presents for. They have everything already and they always tell you all they want is your love. Good luck. I am sure you will come up with something great.

Have a great day!
Did some spinning, yoga and finished the art piece. This is called "Bullied But Not Defeated". Update: Had to change the name to "You Are So Beautiful". She's too young for this kind of attention. That song is sung to her all the time.

Penquin, I'm OK about the bulling now, just wanted to let it come across that it's here and like my cousin, I know what she is going through. Busy cleaning and organizing I see. I need to do that too. I'm done with everything Christmas except wrapping them. Enjoy your errands with hubby.

Pam, I think what you are doing to the rotation you are on now is great. Yep, I wish we could have XTrain before Christmas, but it looks like it won't be. Great job on disc 29 plyo legs and weights and plates abs. I haven't done that ab work yet. Sounds like a good one. Love the half turn jumps, really is affective in the abs. YEA! New York with hubby. How fun is that?!? Oh, I would love to shop there at Christmas time. ENJOY!

Julie, Great job on GS back, shoulders, and biceps. You need to give lessons to hubby on the SpotBot.;) Poor Ozzie with his allergies. When they have to go they have to go. Elbow has been good off and on and lately better. Can I hope?

Take care ladies,

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My parents took me to lunch and we did a little shopping. I couldn't find the present I wanted for Hubby so I got Dad to pick it up for me on his way home! My Mom, brought me a few slices of a choc cake that she makes {I dare not make it because I will eat the whole thing} I left the slices on the counter, and while we were gone April ate them. I came home to find the empty foil neatly licked off on the kitchen floor. So someone didn't get lunch! Later, I put the lights on the tree and added decorations {mostly penguins, I might add}. I slept reasonably well last night but I'm just tired today.

Janie, beautiful work. I'm sure she will appreciate you work and the message.

Julie, good for DH for admitting his mistake, but Poor Ozzie for feeling badly. Hope he gets well soon.
Julie Great job on Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, and Biceps. OK, so do you think DH really didn't know how to use the Spotbot? My DH can be purposely dumb sometimes I think. He will step right over cat messes because I think he sees that as my job :rolleyes: Oh poor Ozzie, allergies are a pain! I can understand ignoring the dogs request to go out when you are in a nice warm comfy bed though.....Oh yes, w&p abs is a killer. The HC workouts make it look easy though :rolleyes: That's why I haven't done one in awhile! :D

Janie Great job on your spinning and yoga. Your new drawing is amazing. Is this a Christmas gift for her? I know she will love it!
Oh yes, weights and plates abs is a toughie!

Penguin Oh my, I can't believe April ate the cake! I guess the temptation was just too much to bear. Was she hiding in the corner looking guilty when you got home? I am making a chocolate cake today for my sister's birthday tomorrow. I'm glad to hear you got the tree decorated, it sounds cute!

This morning for me was disc 21, back and biceps. I can't imagine doing reall pull ups, my modified ones are sooooo hard! It has taken me most of the day to write this post, so I'd best get it posted. Have a great day!

This morning was a rest day. Although Ozzie and Maggie started to get restless around my usual wake up time for working out (3:30) so I didn’t get good sleep for the next hour and a half. I think they wanted me out of the bed so they could have more room. Good thing they are cute and I love them.

Janie Great job on yoga and spinning! Nice combo too! That is a lovely drawing. She is very beautiful. The drawing and story of bullying reminds me of that Christina Aguilera song Beautiful. I don’t know if you have ever heard it but it is about inner beauty and not letting other peoples' opinions and words ruin your peace of mind.

Penguin That’s a relief to get DH’s gift out of the way. Bad April! Eating off the counter like that. I hope the chocolate doesn’t upset her stomach. I bet your tree is so cute with all the penguins on it.

Pam Great job on disc 21! I understand about the pullups. I do pullups with one of those giant rubber bands looped around the pullup bar. I think I have the biggest band (so most assistance) and they kill me right around number 6. I think DH really didn’t remember how to use it. He had it out and was looking at it like now what?

Have a great day!
Today I got off my tailfeathers and did the LB+Abs premix of Cathe's High Reps.

I'm still working on knitting gifts in the form of hats and a scarf for my Mom. Hubby is taking his Dad to the Dr today because of a schedulding conflict with another appointment.

I swear I'm losing my mind, my ability to spell, which was never good in the first place, has gone out the window, now I'm starting at words like 'solid' thinking 'that can't be right?"

Pam, usually we put things on top of the fridge out of her reach but mom handed it to me and I left it on the counter. April once pulled a cake in a 13x9 casserole dish off the counter. It had one of those rubbermaid plastic lids that I have trouble getting off, but she pried it off and ate the rest of the cake while we were gone. I don't know how she didn't break the glass dish but it survived.
Julie That's funny about Ozzie and Maggie wanting your out of bed! Shorty doesn't like it when i stay in bed in the morning either. I messes up his routine! Is the giant rubber band thing you are talking about the kind that you stand on? If so, where did you find that? I tried those when I went to Crossfit and I really liked them. I think it seems like a good way to help you get better at pullups. I do them with my tower and have my legs on the floor right now the same way that Brenda does in the video. That is funny that your DH was baffled on how to use the Spotbot!

Penguin Great job on the LB+Abs premix of High Reps. Good luck getting all of those gifts done! I know what you mean about the spelling sometimes, I think we all lose our minds occasionally! April must have REALLY wanted that cake to pry the plastic top off. When we had a dog it ate an entire cake once too. I didn't realize it at first because the plate was still on the counter and so was the plastic wrap that had been on top of it, but the cake was completely gone! Not a crumb left. Luckily April didn't get hurt when she pulled the glass dish off the counter!!

Janie Oh yea! I'm happy you are going to the beach house! I hope you have some nice relaxing time there!

Last night was my Girls Night out for Christmas. I got some really fun gifts and had a lot of fun, but was up too late! When I got home my DH was downstairs watching foot ball, so I went down and hung out with him. We both woke up on the couch at midnight and went to bed :rolleyes: I really had a hard time getting up this morning AND I discovered it's even harder when you don't have a workout on the calendar. I did finally make myself get up and do a workout though. I did Athletic Step and the abs from LIC. That did the trick to get my blood moving. Today is my sister's birthday so I am making her a birthday dinner tonight. My boss just called and told me to just take the whole week off next week :D how nice was that?! I was only scheduled to work 1 1/2 days, but it still made me happy. Happy Friday everyone!

I did premix 1-5 of Imax 3. I bought Imax 2 and 3 together {as a deal?} then was so intimidated with 2 that I neve tried 3. I should point out I only did half the DVD, and about 1/3 of the choreography. This is why I gave up step in the first place, I tend to get confused! but it was fun!

Pam, I'm amazed that the plate wasn't pulled off the counter and broken. April would probably eat plastic wrap if given the chance. Nice of your Boss! Glad you had a good time. Hubby and I alternated naps last night.

Janie, have a great time!

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