Strength in Numbers

Janie OK, I was teasing you in an earlier post because you had responded to everyone except me, and now I see I did the same thing to you in my last post!!!! It was an accident, I swear :eek: I'm trying to remember HC volume 1 now, but I don't think I had to modify that one quite as much as the others. I have had to modify them ALL so far though so they are quite humbling. I know you need to challenge your body and and all that but MAN, she makes me feel weak! :confused::rolleyes: I think you have the right attitude to be the best that you can be and not worry if there is someone else who is fitter, stronger, etc. There will always be people like that. My goals are to be healthy and happy but still enjoy life. It takes so much discipline to have a body builders body and I enjoy my food and wine too much for that!

I spent most of yesterday playing with my kiln. I'm trying to make some glass plates for my GFs for Christmas, but I just got the programmable controller for my kiln and don't have the firing schedules figured out yet. Last night's was close, so I made some adjustments this morning and have another piece firing now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will do it. This morning's workout was Circuit Blast. I didn't want to do such a short one though, so I did the first 3 rounds a second time to make it an hour. That worked out well. Happy Monday everyone!

This weekend went by fast. Saturday was errands and cleaning. Sunday was GS C&T and then lazy day. This morning was a rest day as well. I’ll be back at it tomorrow. I have a two day class for work that I have to go to Tuesday and Wednesday so I probably won’t be posting until Thursday.

Penguin Well, you have been a busy little penguin getting everything ready for DH’s homecoming and the holidays. How did he like everything you got done? Try not to worry about that scale going up. I am sure it will turn the right direction soon.

Cheryl Great job on Hiit DWP! I like that one too. I especially like it more than 30/30 since I broke my foot doing 30/30. I get the same way when I take Nyquil. I can’t take it unless I have absolutely nothing to do the next day because I wake up in a fog that lasts forever.

Janie That’s a good idea to sell your crochet books on ebay. An easy way to make a little extra cash I am sure. Great job on yoga and your spin ride. It is still ok to dream big. I would love to look like I could be on the cover of Oxygen magazine but I am coming to the realization that I don’t have the genetics or willpower to live that life. I want to be healthy and happy for as long as possible but happiness is more than a certain look to me. I need to have balance in my life and I just couldn’t dedicate myself to make the sacrifices needed to have a bodybuilder’s body.

Pam Great job on TTM and HC4! I am proud of you for sticking out that toughie HC4. It can be discouraging as you said when you can barely keep up with modifications but hopefully over time you will be showing her how it is done! Great job on extended Circuit Blast! That is a good idea to repeat rounds to make it longer. Maybe when I get back on my feet (haha!), I’ll keep that in mind to try.

Have a great day!
Today is a rest day for me and thinking about doing some artwork. I'm missing it.

Pam, LO:DL! I didn't realize that I missed a post from you!:eek: How rude was that? LOL:D. I've noticed at times people not responding to me, but never thought I did it. It wasn't intentional and now I know because it wasn't for me either. If you are at all like me I wouldn't have done that on purpose. That is so funny!
HC Vo. 1 works with the pole weight. I have a lot of those and need to dust them off and use them, so purchasing this one will help utilize all the paraphernalia I've collected. :rolleyes: People are talking about HC being very very challenging. If it's that challenging, (in my minds eye) then why doesn't the instructor (her name has escaped me for the moment) have huge muscles? She is slim and hard (I think that's the key) and healthy. Can't wait to do them to experience the frustration of a "CHALLENGE". I think of it as appreciating DOM's. LOL:) I want to be humbled.
I'm so proud of you for doing them even though this type of exercise makes you feel weak.
I've reconsidered wanting to look like a body builder only because I've injured myself and don't want that happening again (my fault for rushing into it). Learned not to rush and take it nice and easy. The way life should be for a woman nearing 62. Thanks for the reassuring.
I should have never given away my kilns (one high fire for porcelain and one for bisque) both programmable. You will love it once you figure it out. Miss my kilns terribly. How lucky for your girlfriends to receive such a beautiful gift for Christmas. Let me know how your firing went.
Great job on CB and doing the 1st 3 rounds twice. Good for you!

Julie, Great job on all your errands and cleaning on Sat. Also on Sun. for doing GS C&T.
Looking forward to your post on Thurs. Enjoy your classes.
Selling on E-bay allows justification in purchasing the HC DVD's. Hubby can't say a word about it. LOL:D
You are right, the realization hit me late in life (dealing with injuries) wanting to have a body building look. I don't think there is a gene in my family that would respond to Body Building anyway. My willpower is there now to be happy and healthy. Thank you for your reassurance. The best I can be is now my motto. No more injuries, they are toooooooo awful.

Take care everyone,

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Last night April raised a ruckus in the backyard, she had cornered a possum! I called her inside {not thinking possum!} then later noticed she has a few scratches on her face so Hubby went outside to investigare! He tracked it to the empty house next door where it was trying to climb a tree. Ewww!

Hubby got his offical termination letter from his employer; some of the things they have been telling him about the possiblity of a job past the end of the year haven't panned out.

Other than the above we've had a nice weekend. the weather is nice, back up in the 70's. We went to a Christmas music program at our church with my parents. Hubby's dad was put in the hospital this week but it out again, and at home.

Julie, Hubby being Hubby he noticed but forgot to say anything about the decorations. :p
Julie Great job on your GS C&T on Sunday. I hope you enjoy your class at work. I don't think I'll ever be showing her how it's done in HC, this woman is incredibly strong! I will be doing well if I can ever keep up!

Janie Looking forward to your next creation! LOL I knew it wasn't intentional when you didn't respond to me and here I was teasing you about it and I did the same thing :rolleyes: Oh yes, I remember HC 1 now. I did it with the bar only from my barbell because I don't have any of the body bars. I didn't think it worked very well though because it is too long and skinny. So now of course I need a body bar :rolleyes: I can't think of the HC instructors name right now either, but you're right, she is not big and muscular at all, but she is really toned and strong. I like that look. Oh, just thought of her name - Sandra! I can't wait until you are able to be humbled by her either! ;) As they say, misery loves company! I am very very close on my kiln. Yesterdays project was the best yet. I made a couple more adjustments and did another piece over night, but I couldn't look at it yet this morning because the kiln was still too hot to open, so won't get to see how it went until tonight. Then the next challenge will be figuring out the slumping firing times. :confused: I'm hoping that won't be too hard after getting the initial firing figured out. I love your new motto!

Penguin Oh no, Possums can be really mean! I hope that April wasn't hurt. We get possums on our porch sometimes because I have adopted 2 'wild' cats. Those darn possums hardly even run when you open the door. They slowly turn around and look at you and then saunter off. Ewww is right. So sorry that things didn't work our for a job past the end of the year for your hubby. I sure hope he finds something soon. Our weather has been gorgeous too, it was almost 80 yesterday and will be in the 70's again today. I love it!
I hope that your FIL is ok and it was not anything serious!

This morning for me was supposed to be Turbo Barre, but I was liking the mini STS rotation last week so I did disc 16 chest, shoulders and triceps instead. I was wondering why my warm up sets were so hard and then realized I was looking at my 1 RM weight and not the weight I was supposed to be using for the exercise. That made me feel a little better :rolleyes: Have a great day everyone!

Hubby and I had routine eye dr appointments today. He got new glasses and I got 'spare' glasses before our insurance runs out. The weather changed to warm again about the time we got our down comforter out, so we are shifting it from place to place, bed during the day and couch at night until it cools off again. Its raining and yucky today, and seems to be getting chillier.

Pam, wow, I guess that was a hard warm up! Our subdivision has been here for 50+ years so I didn't expect to see anything but cats and squirrels! Who knew there were possum?
Penguin Looks like it's just you and me for the moment. I need to try to get to the eye dr before the end of the year too and use up this years eye glass allocation, thanks for the reminder! W keep our down comforter on our bed year round, just push it to the bottom t night when it's too warm out for it.....:rolleyes: oh you probably have other critters that you just don't know about too.we have raccoons that come and eat out of the cat bowl and every once in awhile a fox. Yesterday morning there were 2 bucks strolling through the backyard when I came downstairs after my workout. It's a regular animal kingdom :p

This morning for me was 40/20 and stability ball abs. I did every thing except the 1-legged pikes, I'm still too chicken to even try those, so I just did the two legged ones instead. I can't believe how they get right upon the end of their toes for those too. I am sure I would fall on my head if I tried! Last night we went to the the Million dollar quartet, it was such a great show. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get up for my workout this morning after being up too late, but luckily it was not a problem. I even had lots of energy for 40/20. I was contentedly spent by the end though! Have a great day!

So my class got out early today (yea!). Yesterday I did GS Back, Shoulders, and Biceps and today was a rest day. Now I am going through my 150 emails from being out a day and a half!

Janie I like that motto of being the best you can be. I think we can all use that kind of motto in our lives. Well I hope you sell a bunch on Ebay so you can buy even more DVDs and fitness toys!

Penguin Oh my a possum encounter is never good. I am so sorry to hear about DH’s job. I hope he finds something soon. Our weather has been crazy too. Some days we have highs in the 70s and then the next couple of days the highs are in the 40s and 50s. Still quite warmer than usual for this time of year.

Pam Good for you for switching up your rotation to be more your liking. Great job on disc 16! Oh wow! Using your 1RM for the warm up could be discouraging when you don’t realize it. Great job on 40/20 and SB Abs! I can’t get all the way on my toes with those pikes either and definitely cannot even imagine trying the 1-leg ones.

Have a wonderful day!
Did the Wedding Video today cardio only.

Penquin, Nothing like getting prepared before the insurance runs out. That's what to do. You are so lucky to have such nice weather.

Pam, Great job on this mornings 40/20 and stability ball abs. Oh, one day I'd love to conquer those 1-legged pikes. Next year I'll give it a try. Two legged is a good sub. The Million dollar quartet sounds so lovely and enjoyable.

Julie, Great job on yesterday's GS Back, shoulders and biceps and your rest today. Good luck catching up on your many e-mails.

Take care ladies,

I'm not sure what's the matter with me, but I've had a poor attitude and been in such a bad mood this week that I've tried to limit my contact with others so I don't infect them with my 'black cloud". At any rate I feel better today {maybe its a hormone thing? They get blamed for everything!}

Today is our last Bible study until Jan, so that will be a nice long break. I'm helping out in the Childrens' Dept, because of a lack of volunteers.

Pam, we practically live in the middle of the city. My parents live out in the next county and see those animals so I never expected to see the possum. I might be happier with a racoon because they are cuter, at least.

Julie, our weather is cooling down again. This up and down of temps isn't helping my allergies and sinus problems.
Julie Congrats on your class get out early and great job on GS Back, Shoulders, and Biceps. That is the worst part about being out of the office - the email build up! I hope you got through them quickly. Hey, are you only 1 day away from your leg checkup? I hope all goes well!

Janie Great job on the wedding video cardio! I'm not sure I will ever be brave enough to even try those 1-legged pikes. Maybe if I had a spotter......

Penguin Sorry to hear about the black cloud, but I'm glad to hear that you were feeling better yesterday. I hope that the happier mood keeps up. Yea, it's funny because Raccoons can be bigger pests than possums, but I don't mind them because they are cute. Possums are just so ugly :rolleyes:

This morning for me was Athletic training. I hadn't done that one in awhile and it felt great. I had forgotten how much fun it is. Today is my virtual Friday, hooray! have a great day everyone!

This morning was another rest day for me. I’m glad because I got terrible sleep last night. I don’t know why but I couldn’t get comfortable. So annoying!

Janie Great job on the Wedding Video cardio! I got through all that email yesterday afternoon so I can devote today to meetings. It’s one thing right after the other.

Penguin I’m glad your “black cloud” has gone away. Getting in those funks can be so frustrating especially when you can’t figure out what is causing the mood in the first place. Here’s hoping you can keep that black cloud away.

Pam Great job on Athletic Training! That is a fun one especially once you get past that burner of a beginning with the step cardio. Yep, as of the time I post this, I am down to 29 hours! I am excited and a little nervous. What happens if I forgot how to walk on that leg!?!

Have a great day!
Last day of Bible study until Jan. I was helping in the Childrens Dept {not my favorite place but they really need the help this year}. I was with the 2 year olds. Even though I wore sneakers, My feet are killing me because since 9am-11 the only time I got to sit down was during story time!

The rest of the day was my own {mostly napping on the couch} and Knit Night is tonight! so that will be fun!

Pam, today is my friday but Sat is Hubby's Friday {everyone confused now?}
Julie Oh man, sorry to hear that you had a bad sleep, I hope last night was better. I am sending positive vibes your way for a good report from the Doctor today and that you get rid of that cast and into a boot! You are so funny, I'm pretty sure you'll still remember how to walk on that leg, although I bet it will feel funny for awhile.

Penguin Glad you made it through the childrens duty ok, it sounds like it was very tiring though! I hope you had fun at knit night. What are you working on now? I thought about you last night when I looked at and saw a big fat raccoon eating out of the cat bowl on our porch. I was glad it wasn't a possum. Well my virtual Friday didn't quite work out that way. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to so I am working today, or this morning at least.

This morning was supposed to be Kick max according to the rotation, but I don't have that and I did STS disc 18 back and biceps instead to balance out Wednesdays disc 16. It sure is good having those versa gripps for the back work. Every time I use those I am thanking Janie for the recommendation! Have a great day ladies!

This morning was Pyramid Upper Body! Instead of doing the knee roll-ins and pikes on the ball, I did bicycle crunch and v-sits. Today is the big day! My appointment is at 2:15 CST and I told my husband he better get ready to see me standing on my own two feet when I get home.

Penguin Nothing like making it confusing with everyone’s Fridays being on a different day! Oh wow, a couple of hours with 2 year olds will send you straight to the couch napping! Hope you got a good one in before knit night.

Pam Great job on disc 18! I have versa grips too. I think you talked me into them and they are a godsend for heavy deadlifts. I didn’t really sleep much better last night. I think I am anxious about getting the boot (excited, nervous, can’t wait!). Thanks for the positive vibes. I need all the help I can get because I am a little scared I won’t get the boot.

Have a great day!
Yesterday was on the spin bike doing a casual spin for about 45 min. while watching TV. LOL:D I got sweaty for that!

Penquin, It's so nice of you to help out in the Children's Dept. Two year old's sure do keep you on your feet. Aw the long awaited rest. Enjoy napping and Knit Night.

Pam, Great job on subbing with STS disc 18 back and biceps. I keep thinking if I wore my versa gripps, maybe I wouldn't have injured myself. Will be using them a lot when I start all over in Jan. Good for you for thinking of them. They do help keep your form and able to lift heavier weight with so many exercises.

This morning was Pyramid Upper Body! Instead of doing the knee roll-ins and pikes on the ball, I did bicycle crunch and v-sits. Today is the big day! My appointment is at 2:15 CST and I told my husband he better get ready to see me standing on my own two feet when I get home.

Julie, Great job on PUB and subbing with bicycle crunch and v-sits. Let us know how your appt. went with CST. You've waited sooooooooo long.

Take care ladies,

I did Cathe's Cardio Supersets today. I feel better than I have in a while. I'm not sure if its the vacation from Bible study or what. Hubby talked to his boss who said there may be a postition availible for him after the hanger here in Memphis closes down. We've heard this before from the company the past month or so, and they keep changing their minds so we won't believe it until it happens, but its still good news. if it happens :p

Janie, your Santa made me laugh!

Julie, I know you will be thrilled to be on your feet again! Think positive about the boot!

Pam, I've started Christmas gifts. I made a hat for my FIL yesterday at KN which I finished up today, then started another hat for him. I might make one for MIL, she wears her hair up a lot so I'm sure her ears get cold. At least hats are easy, pretty mindless actually.
Just wanted to pop in and let everyone see my new boot!!

Janie Great job on your spin ride! Getting sweaty is a good sign you were working it.

Penguin Great job on CSS! That is a good one. I am glad you are feeling better. The company shouldn't string people along like that. I hope they come through for you.


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So today is the one day a week I get to sleep late. So I set my alarm for 9am. Hubby comes in at 8:45 with friends so they can move the extra fridge out of the garage. So I’m racing around getting presentable while they move the fridge, then Hubby and another guy comes inside and we stand around my tiny kitchen in the middle of all my unwashed dishes soaking in the sink from last night. I tried to get us to move to the living room but no they’d been sitting all day and wanted to stand. I didn’t want to draw any more attention to the dishes but arrggghhh!!!

I can already tell this isn’t going to be a great day. One bright spot is the fridge is gone! and I get to clean house today.

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