Moves you don't look graceful doing

You guys are so funny!!

The reason I do home videos is "because" I am so "over-enthusiastic" as someone else put it!!

You know...I wear 'whatever' (Donna, I'm right there with you on the mis-matched shoes and socks). Not to mention my exercise outfit is ususally p.j. bottoms and a slip-top. My hair is usually a mess. If I get a move right, I get excited.

But you know what, I have a blast. I think I look good doing it! The biggest bonus is when my son happens to catch me; he gives me the funniest looking grin and just shakes his head!!! He thinks I'm silly and love to see him smile!!

Have a great day everyone

We have done Monkey Jogs, Dbl. Jogs and Monkey Hips for years in my classes! Not sure who came up with the move.[/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
This is the funniest thread EVER! I laughed so hard I'm still wiping my eyes, Shonie tht was so funny about the 'party arms" and Kathy S. I will never be able to do pegleg pivots without bursting into uncontrollable laughter. I always feel goofy doing those! Anie
Hey Kathy!

Monkey hips are just swinging your hips side-to-side either in place or moving front/back while doing "monkey" arms at the same time. Does that make sense? I'll teach them to you when we meet on a roadtrip some day!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
No matter how hard I try I just can't do the quarter-jacks. My arms and legs won't synchronize. I can do regular jacks and half-jacks just fine but am a major dork when I attempt the quarters. Maybe I should try one-third jacks or three-quarter jacks instead :)
Now I feel like part of "the family". Thank you for graphic visuals and belly laughs! Whatta great thread!
How about the walking planks on Cardio & Weights -- dork rating is really high for me on this one! Maybe they should be called 'walking the plank' because one minute your up, and the next minute it's all over..... my family cracks up when I do the front squat hops and back jacks on Cardio Kicks both because I shake the house (I workout upstairs, and I live in Southern California, so my son runs in and says --- was that an earthquake.....) and I look especially goofy when hopping low to the ground
Flying angels. I agree with previous posters...they should be called flailing angels or falling angels or flying klutzes but not flying angels.
LOL..... I work out in the basement and the ceiling is low, so when I'm TRYING to do flying angels, I have to make sure I don't jump too high so that I don't hit my head and pass out. It's quite the sight. Actually, I look funny doing anything on the step that involves a jump, but flying angels definitely take the cake as I'm all over the place with those...
This is far too funny!!! I'm with everyone on the flying/flailing (love that Kathy!:)) angels, they definitely keep me humble. Tap dances completely elude me, I have conceded and now just jump wide on the board. Another one that I will get (she said determinedly!!) is the fancy dancy pony feet in combo 1 of PowerMax, it look simple but I just can't wrap my head and feet around it. Funny how some moves start out fairly graceful like my first dozen or so power scissors in IMAX then by #30 whatever they be looking pretty dorky!!:+

Merry Christmas
Oh this is funny, and here I pictured everyone on this forum so graceful and with perfect form. NOW I FEEL MUCH BETTER! hehe. I agree with every move above but one that I don't think I saw was that hesitation repeater, I think it's in IMAX2? You are supposed to stop... or hesitate, on one of the beats in the repeater. When ever I do that my brain asks my body *is something wrong?*

Oh these are all great but my favorites above were someone scratching their face with the party arm move in PowerMax, and someone punching themselves with a kickboxing move.
Oh good lord, I've done that! I've been so busy trying to keep my feet and arms where they're supposed to be that I've ran into the wall and I've also gotten too close to my furniture and fell over that. One time I fell into my chair and it flipped back. My family was in the other room, they know better than to come near where I'm at, they came running in to see if I was ok. I'm lying on my back in the chair, sweating, breathing hard, and they are laughing hysterically. I told them I was ok and told them that I was practicing a new move for the next video. They responded, “grace?” I told them to hush.
If I get off beat when doing the monkey arms w/hamstring curls...forget about it! I try to go faster to catch up to Cathe and will look totally ridicules.
Susan C.M.:D
I really needed this thread! :7 I have been laughing so hard since I started reading it (and I am at work)! I know everyone looking through my office window thinks I am crazy!

I have mirrors off to the side of where I work out and right in front of me . :eek: I look like a complete dork doing soo many moves! I think the dorkiest I get, though is in the low impact portion of SP&J. I thought I would die laughing when somebody up above said she just turns and stomps back to the back of the room and back!

Well, I may look like a dork doing all of these workouts....but I sure have a fun time doing them!!

And all this time I thought it was just me who looked like a dork! I always fall off the ball, and the running man????? I never could do it before, and even with Cathe's help leading me into it, I still look silly!
Floor cardio is my downfall. I'm not good with complex step choreography, but I can "save" a disastrous combination by doing basic step until Cathe and I are on the same foot, or at least on the same side of the step.;-)

FLOOR cardio, on the other hand...the two minutes of hi-lo in CTX Power Circuit are 120 seconds of me hopping around on the wrong foot, arms waving in the air to keep my balance, sputtering, "wait a minute...darn it...hold on..." as Cathe and the Crew get farther and farther ahead of me. Sorry sight.

And I can't GET the warmup (the WARMUP, for goodness sakes!) in PLB. There's this little sequence where you step your right leg out, then to the side while you pivot, then side touch and calf pump. I'm always going the wrong way.

In step works, there is a grapevine on the step with a sashay over the board. I have actually tripped over my own feet doing this one. Also squat-thrust climbers. What can I say. I think I might look like a drunk frog doing this move. Another one that is just plain goofy for me is from step, jump & pump. I believe it is a pivot on the board followed with a pivot on the floor. Sometimes I just stand there dumbfounded staring at the television and when I attempt to do this move I get dizzy and the carpet trips me.
I love those Flying Angels. Those are why I got the Long Step. So I could really get into them.

The Running man has got to be my most embarassing move. I cringe as I do them. And I can't do the quarter jacks with the clockwise arms. No way. My arms & my legs won't cooperate.


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