I have a new "dork move" to list that I don't think anyone's said yet:
Over the board, shuffle back, over, shuffle down the board, turn, shuffle down the board.
This is toward the end of Rhythmic Step, and even though it's part of my favorite combo, I still look like a dork doing it. One way, I do okay, but on the other side, it's like I want to go forward and end up nearly falling over as I try to go back.
In that same combo, she has a move where she does a knee, a kick, and a heel, with different arms for each. Well, I can never get that one right! I'm heeling, she's kicking; my arms are up, hers are down; it's pretty comical.
Sometimes my husband comes in and watches me work out. I think he's just in awe that I haven't keeled over, yet...or maybe it's like a bad accident on the freeway where you just can't help but to look.