Moves you don't look graceful doing

I look and feel pretty stupid doing sumo-squats. my puzzle mats slide all over the floor and i feel like i'm on a magic carpet! Also, the "slap claps" in SJP. cathe! i say "oh NO!"

Pretty much all the Hi/lo moves from SJ&P...I haven't done the "Running Man" since junior high! I keep waiting for the UPS man or someone to come to the door while I'm doing that, it would be just my luck.

Also, the last segment of hi/lo where you "glide" to the front of the room, pivot and walk to the back is just too much for me - I can't get the tempo down on that one so I end up stomping to the back of the room, LOL.
OH! OH! OH! (not to be confused with HO HO HO, of course)

What about the double calf pump thingymajigs in the warm-up of MIC where you do them for 6, and then scoot your feet in on 7,8? (you know, you're pumping your arms into your sides) I feel like a chicken.:7 There is no way this girl can come off cute doing those!

Oh yes, and in MIC when you do the up-and-back knees 3 times, then turn around twice (BACKWARDS)? Well, I'm so over-enthusiastic sometimes I practically run into the wall (I choose to call it "overenthusiastic" rather than "uncoordinated"). :D
This has been a fun thread & I've laughed my butt off! As for myself, all I can say is:



p.s. need black socks! LOL
I agree with pretty much everything everyone else has said but I also think the plie squats/jumps in IMAX 2 and also in SJP (I think). I always feel like an idiot doing them! Also after the first few sets, my explosive lunges in L&G do not look too pretty because I am dying and just begging for it to be over!x(
OK, I've already made two comments on this thread, so I promise this will be my last (some threads you just seem to keep coming back to, eh?)

Has anyone ever considered setting up their camcorder on the tripod to video yourself to see if you look as stupid as you think you do? Maybe you'll find that you look as "cool" as Cathe and crew? neither...;-)

Actually, could you imagine if that got into the wrong hands? How embarrassing would THAT be if someone put it in during family movie night?
Oh I dont know!

Im thinking a DVD on "what NOT to do" - that comes free with any of Cathes workouts


not only family movie nights, how about someone sending it in to "funniest home videos"

In Australia, you win big $$$$$$$ looking stupid!

:) about you try it and get back to us on that! that would be hysterical if i did i that, especially when i don't step on all the way and slip off and twist something. it would be a "colorful" video clip!!! flying into the sliding glass door is always humbling too! plus, it scares my dogs to death.}(

All of you are killing me!!! I'm laughing so hard that I can barely breathe. How am I ever going to workout w/o thinkging about all of you. :7
I am laughing so hard at these posts....

Airborne jacks are my absolute worst move! I remember reading somewhere (once upon a time) a quote regarding the airbornes and the person saying their legs were "webbed" and that is how I always feel - I just can't get them up and apart like Cathe and the women do. Add to that the fact that I work out in our basement where the ceiling is very low and I am constantly smacking my hands on the ceiling, so now I instintively no longer have my arms extended out, but my wrists are limp and dangling in a very unattractive manner.

this is why I wake up at the crack of dawn and workout before anyone on the block is awake - if anyone ever saw me I would die of embarassment (and they would die of shock and laughter).

The flying leaps to the side in IMAX one, you know, where one arm goes on your hip, the other comes up over your head, and your leg kicks out to the side as you "leap" across the floor(sounds so much more graceful than it looks). When I watched the video through the first time I couldn't stop laughing, I went and performed them for my husband and now they are my joy of the that work out, you can't concentrate on the pain too much if you're laughing that hard, of course you can't breath so well either. :+
I have a new "dork move" to list that I don't think anyone's said yet:

Over the board, shuffle back, over, shuffle down the board, turn, shuffle down the board.

This is toward the end of Rhythmic Step, and even though it's part of my favorite combo, I still look like a dork doing it. One way, I do okay, but on the other side, it's like I want to go forward and end up nearly falling over as I try to go back.

In that same combo, she has a move where she does a knee, a kick, and a heel, with different arms for each. Well, I can never get that one right! I'm heeling, she's kicking; my arms are up, hers are down; it's pretty comical.

Sometimes my husband comes in and watches me work out. I think he's just in awe that I haven't keeled over, yet...or maybe it's like a bad accident on the freeway where you just can't help but to look. :D
I agree with Shelbygirl, it would be easier to list the moves where I DON'T look like a complete dork. So here's my list:

Basic step

Well, I guess that's just about it. :)

I love this thread - it sure makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one who could never be in Cathe's videos(at least if they wanted to sell any;))
What about the monkie moves - during the HI/Lo from Circuit Max. I usaully make the sounds to make more fun and getting quite qood at it now. I just have to make sure I am not waking up my family.:7 :7
I do feel SO much better reading this thread. It's nice to know I'm not the only one! A particular move which came to mind for me, besides the ever-popular flailing angels, is the foot on the ball in back while working biceps. My balance has improved a lot over the years, but that one kills me. I end up hopping back & forth with my floor foot (thank heaven!;-) ) & DH thinks it's hilarious.

I like to point out that I've never seen him try a SINGLE Cathe move which generally sends him scurrying! LOL

Oh my goodness!

I have literally cried all my mascara off and I have a class to teach in an hour! I have laughed sooo hard. I think they got funnier the more I read! Keep them coming. I think I am going to repost this thread in the "Ask Cathe" Forum. Would hate for her to miss out on all of our dorkiness. BTW Ruth, I just might ask Santa for black sox this year! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I know I can't punch well so anything that involves kickboxing is where I know I look like a dork. Alas, I have seen my dorkish self attempting to punch as well as the ladies do (I take KPC with me on my trips and do it in my hotel room). I certainly do feel like Brenda or Lisa in the CTX series. A couple of times I almost punched myself in the nose doing that first punching combo in combo 1 in KPC. Yikes!

Other dork moves, well, I have a hard time staying on the ball when doing those woodchop ab moves with a weight at the end of KPC. In fact, I slipped right off the ball once (I was too sweaty)! So, beware, ladies of those runaway stability balls! Of course, I always fall of the ball attempting to do a pike! x( Does it ever get easier???

That monkey move is too hard for me as well. I always am on the wrong foot. sigh.

Lastly, I always look like a huge klutz when attempting to master her new cardio workouts. It takes me a really looooonnnnngggg time to get them down. Whew! I was really happy when I mastered Step Blast and Rhythmic Step.

What a great thread! Ellie, you made my day starting this post!

RE: Oh my goodness!

Okay, I have to add mine (including the flying angels). I have several, but I would have to say that my worst are my pikes on the ball. I have rolled off that thing so many times it's not even funny. One time I rolled off and my husband happened to be in the room and he just started laughing and couldn't stop. I finally just said "Oh no honey don't worry, I'm fine!"

Oh my goodness!! I am laughing even harder now!! It has been ages since I did Circuit Max and I had forgotten all about the monkey! That has got to be one of the worst/funniest moves of all times.

It would be fun to ask Cathe where she comes up with some of these ideas - does she make them up on her own or are these moves in common practice? I can't imagine going to a gym and watching a classful of exercisers doing the monkey!

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