Lurkers Invitation 2010

Today it was MMA Boxing.

Pam This is my second time around with STS. I really enjoy the workouts. I remember feeling really strong after doing Meso 3. Allergies are not fun. I am lucky that I don't get them very bad. I really feel for people like you who get them bad every year.

Janie Yes I only have one more week of Meso 2. I am going to go right into Meso 3 instead of taking a one week break because I have to go to Ottawa on April 18th for training so I am going to use that as my week off. I am going to take Travel Fit and some yoga and stetching DVDs with me.
Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow. Enjoy the time with your sisters. It is also our youngest cat's birthday tomorrow too. He will be 2 years old.

Janie HAPPY HAPPY Birthday! It sounds like you have a wonderful time planned to celebrate! Enjoy every minute of it!

My allergies are tolerable. I take allegra twice a day which helps, but isn't keeping up with the allergies as much as it used to. I'll put up with the allergies for this kind of weather though.

I did disc 33 this morning. I was stronger than I have ever been on the front presses but really struggled with my bicep curls today. I could only get 5/6 reps on the 3rd set and only 4 on the 4th!

Happy Thursday!
No workout for me today. I will take this as my day off. I am feeling really drained right now but should be fine for tomorrow.

Pam Good job on disc 33. As Cathe says somedays you are stronger than on others. I know I am like that.

Janie Hope you enjoyed your birthday today.

Where has everyone else gone?????

Cheryl I hope you are feeling better today. Sounds like you did the right thing taking yesterday off. I was wondering where everyone has gone too! Elle was here a lot when they had all that snow, once it melted she must've disappeared outside! It's getting very quiet here.

I got home last night and did 30/30! My husband was out of town and not getting home until late. I usually come home and start snacking, so I decided to do a workout instead.

This morning I did Step moves, the cardio only pre-mix from circuit blast and abs from low impact circuit. I wanted to do the Cardio and Weights abs, but that disc is having problems :( That is the same disc that Imax 2 is on, and I LOVE the ab section in cardio and weights, so I'm going to clean the disc and hopefully it will work again. I am LOVING the warm weather! It is supposed to be almost 90 here today, hooray! :D I love summer! Have a great weekend!

Nothing like sisters. We had a ball! We tried to out shock each other, and tease, hugs galore, and my O my, having sisters is wonderful. One of the very best birthdays ever! There were five of us altogether, can you imagine the unfortunate poor people around us that didn't mean to be there? But we did have fun. (a little evil look) We drew off each others energy and although we didn't have anything to drink, we felt drunk with all the teasing and laughing going on. It continued like that throughout the night. Even Joey had fun. How could he not?

You all seem to be taken rests when needed and working out consistently. Good Job All Around.

Need to clean up a little around the house. Will come back again to see how everyone is doing.

Pam I had a really good nights sleep and did Disk 23 Legs today and the extended stretch. I think part of the problem was that I wasn't eating really good so I have to get back on track. It has been getting quiet here, even Eunice is taking a break from us LOL. I like the abs section from cardio and weights too. I had forgotten about that one. Hopefully cleaning the disk will help and you will be able to use it again. Before STS Cardio came around that was one of my favorite disks to do. Lucky you for having hot weather. It is cold and rainy here and I don't even want to venture outside at all. The wind is starting to kick up so with the rain it is really ugly outside.

Janie It sounds like you had a lot of fun with your sisters.

Happy birthday Miss Janie!!! I haven't post that much lately but I will try to go back to normal when my girls get back to school...
I've been working out every day, almost done with the rotation and getting ready for the new one... I hope everyone is having a good time...
Janie What a fabulous time you had on your birthday. It is so nice that you have sisters so close that you are so close to! I was wondering about your eating for your blood type. Are you still doing it? How is it going?

Cheryl Sorry to hear about your lousy weather. You had the opposite issue from us this year. We had a very cold nasty winter (for here) and now we are having unseasonably warm weather. I am loving the warm weather, but now we are getting the yellow pollen. Everything has a yellow layer on it around here for the next several weeks. We just get to the point where we can start opening the windows and then we have to start closing them to keep the pollen out :p

Eunice Welcome back! I was afraid we had lost you here, but it's good keeping up with you on facebook.

Today is my rest day and we are still planning to go water skiing. I will be sore for a couple of days since it is the first time since October! No matter how much I work out in the winter those first few times are still hard! My DH was going to go to the furniture store with me today to see what I was looking at, but I let him off the hook because I was afraid we wouldn't get back in time to ski. We are going to my SILs tomorrow for Easter dinner and his parents are in town, so we most likely won't be able to ski tomorrow. Now I think I'll go get some flowers and do some plantng :D I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

Will be doing The Firm Vol. 1 on Monday. Tomorrow will be eating and celebrating Easter.

Cheryl, Glad you got your rest/sleep in. Great workout and stretch. Good for you.

Pam, I started on the diet, but since had company and invites to dinner and Easter, I've been off it. Will start again on Monday with new exercises.:rolleyes:

Water skiiing? you can water ski this time of year? How fun!

Here's an updated picture of my Joey and me at our favorite restaurant during my birthday celebration, survival scars and wrinkles included. LOL


Have a great Easter everyone,

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Hello everyone,

Today was Cardio Core Circut, wow that one is hard but today I was able to to the triangle choke holds I had a hard time with them in the past but today it was working.

Eunice Glad to see you are still around. Are your girls back to school next week?

Pam The weather has been really wierd everywhere this year. We have more snow on the mountains now than during the Oylmpics. Today isn't too bad. It has stopped raining but it is still cold and damp. Enjoy water sking, that is one thing I have never tried.

Janie Love the picture of you and Joey. Enjoy your Easter.

Have a Happy Easter everyone.

Janie I love the Firm Vol 1 still too Susan Harris is hard to beat!

This was our first time water skiing for the season. We are usually able to get out in late March or early April. Of course we wear a wetsuit because the water is still chilly, but the lake we ski in is pretty shallow so it warms up quickly.

I just LOVE the picture of you and Joey! You both look so relaxed and happy! What a great shot!

Cheryl That Cardio Core Circut is a kller, isn't it?! I have it on the schedule for Wednesday this week. I always get a big dread factor, but also a huge sense of accomplishment when I finish it!

We did get our ski in on Saturday and it was so much fun! We both skiied really well but probably did more than we should've for the first itme out. We're both still feeling it a lot! That was my rest day, so the skiing was my activity for the day. Yesterday morning I started my last week of meso 3 with back and chest. It was good, I had to increase my weights on a number of the exercises. After that I did 40/20 That was Eunice's fault since she did it after legs last week :p After that I was a big lump for awhile! This morning was Athletic Step and no equipment abs. Only 2 STS discs to go! I can't believe it! Happy Monday everyone!

High five*****Thumper good for you!!! you can do the triangle choke holds wow!! No I'm not taking a break from you all, I've been busy and during the Spring Break my little one Stacy got sick and just the day before going back to school Rachel got sick, so today instead of working out first ting in the morning I have a doctor appointment:( but everything its fine I'm trying to caught up with PAM in the rotation:p our weather its crazy too yesterday we felt the earthquake 7.2 I can't believe it and today its windy and chill so it does not feel like spring yet!:confused:
Pgeiger Hi Pam thanks!! I know I think I'm officially addict to Face Book.. after the RT everyone got in touch and actually we know each other and its so much fun.. but no worries I haven't have the opportunity to meet you in person believe me I feel like we have!! your so funny and I'm glad were friends:p
So how was the skiing?!? are you still sore?! When I was living in Virginia I went to kayaking? that's right well anyways I would love to do skiing one day I bet that's fun:p

JanieJoey That is the cutie's picture ever!! you two look so happy and I love it!! you two are so cute!!
I hope Mr. Joey its feeling better and Janie don't get to tired cleaning the house:p What rotation are you doing next?:D


Pam come on I think CCC was with last week workout I remember because I did not have time to do that one so I have that one for today after chest/back :D I know we almost done woohoo!!
I see that you increase your weight and after that 40/20 good job!!! I like that was my fault hehehehe!!!;)

I'll be back later I have to go to the doctor.... see ya!!! I will post some of my pictures for Janie I haven't see you in FB yet!
Did everyone have a good Easter?

Did The Firm Vol. 1 with my Joey. It was a great workout.

Looks like everyone is doing very well on their exercises. Can't be more proud of ya. Especially those that exercised on Easter. I didn't. :rolleyes:

Eunice, I'll have to go into Facebook and see what is there.

Hi to Hfischler, Pinkquinn, both the Diane's, Elle, Pam, Kay, Cheryl, Gabriella, and Sandra.

I wish all well, and hope to hear from you soon.

Eunice So sorry to hear your girls were sick over spring break :( That is no fun for anyone! I can't believe you had that big earthquake either. That would have scared me to death! All of the excitement over the roadtrip really makes me wish I had gone! I was thinking about the one in New Jersey, especially since Cede, Jai and Brenda will all be there, but I really don't want to give up a summer weekend. I think if she does one in the fall somewhere I just may have to go. I AM still really sore from skiing. I can hardly lift my arms. I was carrying in groceries today and it hurt! It hurts to open the refrigerator door too :eek: I can't believe that we haven't met in person either, but hopefully we will one day! When you come to North Carolina we will drink some wine and go skiing :p

We did do CCC last week but I'm pretty sure I saw it on the schedule for this week too. Maybe I was hallucinating though :D And yes, 40/20 yesterday was definitely your fault. I was cursing you all day :p ;)

I hope you got a good report at the doctor today!

Janie Yes, we had a really nice easter, I hope you did also! I had a killer workout and then went to SIL and BILs for a big dinner so the big workout was a good thing. My husband got me new clipless pedals and shoes for my bike for my birthday so I had to try those out as well. I just did a very quick ride though to try to get the feel for them.

Hi to Hfischler, Pinkquinn, both the Diane's, Elle, Kay, Gabriella, and Sandra Come back! We miss you! Also hi to Cheryl. Hope everyone had a good Monday!

Hi Pam I think my girls got the stomach flu only for one day and after that they got better, I was worried about Rachel because when she was little she got dehydrated so easily that I did not had a clue and when we went back to the Hospital she had to stay over night, ugly stuff:( but thanks God there fine now.. running around been "latosas" little bratts...
You seriously should think about going to one of this Road Trip, its so much fun you get to know more Cathletes and workout with Cathe.. she is so nice, so sweet really, really a nice lady she pay attention to every single one and talk to us like we have been friends for ever:D:D,
So how is those SORE muscles doing?! are they getting better?! hopefully so you can lift heavy this last week of our Mesosicle;) You know what!! definably we have to meet some day... I won't be able to go to any RT soon, but I hope when I get back from Australia in 2 years we can go to one of this RT and meet... that would be so awesome;) Oh and we can have the wine too..:p
Yes we did it last week what it was is Cardio Blast that it was scheduled with Step Moves I did not have time to do it that day so I did it yesterday after back/chest ouch:confused: yes I'm sore because it was 80% MR for 8 reps so I did press 62# 8 reps and for back the same 62# for 8 reps the flies 26# for 8 and deadlifts 72# for the incline bench press I have my DH spotting me I had 60# OMG I was so tired my arms were shaking but I did it and I was proud of my self;) So what about you?! what was the last week weight like I know that you say that you increase in almost all of the sets how was it?!

Today I had breakfast with some marine wifes... :confused::confused: really bad food:mad: so after I got home I did Athletic Step and the bonus bag + core and I'm sooo glad I did not miss my workout!
Hope evryone is doing good and working hard!
Hi Eunice So glad to hear your girls are doing better AND that you didn't get it. I remember when the kids were little and they would get a stomach flu and be better in a day and then we would get it and be sick for a week! Getting dehydrated like that can be pretty scary.
I was really impressed in your roadtrip pictures by all of the one on one time with Cathe. And now she comments on your facebook pictures and everything, that is really cool! My sore muscles are starting to do better, but I was very glad that I don't have to do biceps until Thursday!
OK, we will plan to go on a RT in 2 years after you are back from Australia! Being Miss vacation you know that I am definitely in. You are lifting a lot heavier than I am. I think I was doing only 40 pounds for presses and 55 pounds for barbell rows. 25# for chest flies and 90 pounds for deadlifts. I'm sure your arms must've been shaking with all of that weight. Wow!

Cheryl How are things out west? You've been quiet for a couple of days>

Janie What was on your workout schedule today? Did you get to work out with Joey again?

My workout this morning was the LAST plyo legs workout and it was tough for me today. I did a terrible job with the one legged sit and stands, I only got about an inch off the chair! After work I did the cardio portion of All Step. I have the dreaded CCC in the morning :rolleyes: so I better get a good nights sleep. Talk to you tomorrow!

Hi Pam Of course we have to plan a RT when I get back you'll love it. You are one day ahead my self I have legs for tomorrow but I guess is because you Ms Vacation!:cool: are going in vacation again ha:p:D
talk to you tomorrow... I'm pretty tired my self too.

Janie and everyone else I've post some of my favorite pictures of the road trip;)


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Hi Eveyone,

I haven't been on the computer for a couple of days now. Sunday I did the last disk of meso 2 and then went over to my parents for Easter dinner. Woke up yesterday morning with an upset stomach and just felt blah. I did the stretching from Stretch Max because I didn't feel like doing much else. In the early afternoon I went with several other friends over to another friends place for a late lunch. I wasn't feeling that energetic but we had planned it a while ago so I didn't want to miss it. I think I was in bed by 7:30 last night and slept all the way through until my alarm went off this morning. I did go to work but I still felt a bit off so no workout for me this evening :( It sounds like the rest of you have been doing well with your workouts. I wasn't going to take this as my rest week but it is looking like it will be anyway.

Pam Happy belated Birthday. I hope you had a fun one. It sounds like you had a good time watersking. It is still too cold and wet to do too much around here. Though the ski hills are having some really good spring sking. Good job with increasing your weights for Meso 3 and 40/20 afterwards!!!!!

Eunice I hope your girls are feeling better. It can't be fun having sick kids. Scary having an earthquake and it wasn't a small one either. They keep on threatening that we will have the "BIG ONE" here one day. Your weather seems like ours here. It is windy and rainy and hailing.....did I say it was raining!!!!! LOL It just won't stop:mad:

Janie You will have to get onto Facebook too. I just got onto it in March.

Have a good Wedensday everyone.

Went to the dentist today, had my teeth cleaned. Not much else.

Pam, Birthday? You had a birthday too? When? Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Pam, Happy Birthday to you. And many more.:eek:

Didn't do much today in the way of exercises, but tomorrow will most likely do Muscle Max and cleanmax the garden. Will also plant a lot of plants.

Good job on your plyo legs. The one legged sit and stands are a challenge for sure. Geesh! How was CCC?

Eunice, Love, Love, Love your RT pictures. How wonderful to meet Cathe and workout with her. You are so lucky!

Cheryl, Sure hope you feel better soon. It must have been something you ate.

Just an innocent question. What does FaceBook have that Cathe doesn't have? I'm new to all that other stuff, but isn't it like forums and talking with people? Clue me in, OK?;)

Have fun with your workouts everyone.

Eunice Yes I am a day ahead of you which means I' done with CCC, hooray! My BUTT is still sore from plyo legs yesterday, I think it s really cruel putting CCC right after plyo legs! I am definitely ready for my active recovery week. It's going to start with some long walks on the beach. Maybe some runs on the beach - yuck! :confused: I hate to run!

Cheryl We've missed you. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well/ Take care of yourself and hope you are over it soon. Good for you for doing some stretching though. I am really bad about stretching, maybe that would be a good New years resolution for me. You obviously needed the rest if you slept that long! Thanks for the birthday wishes, it was a really fun day!
Spring skiing is so much fun, do you ski?

Janie I get a smile on my face every time I come to this page and see that beautiful picture of you and Joey! Thanks again for posting it. Dentist - yuck! I am overdue for an appt, need to remember to call. I have a wonderful dentist, but I still don't like to go :(

Yes, my birthday was Saturday, April 3rd. Thanks for the song :p I have some planting to do too - going to try to get that done after work tonight so that they will be planted before we leave for the beach tomorrow. :rolleyes: CCC was CCC ;) Very tough! She kills you with the 1st round, then kind've lets up for rounds 2-3, but you KNOW that round 4 is coming up! Once I get through round 4 I'm very happy! :D

The thing that I love about Facebook is that I was able to reconnect with friends from high school that I hadn't heard from in years. It's a great way to keep up with what people (who aren't Cathletes) are doing! Also all of the information that you care about shows up in one place, rather than having to hunt around in forums.

Have a great day everyone!

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