Lurker Invitations March Check-In

Good morning all,

Last night, I did a 15-minute bike ride, plus I added YBB again (this time it was the "Goddess Booty" dvd). Boy, did I feel it in my glutes this morning. Perhaps, because I didn't do it in ages. This morning was GS-Chest & Triceps and tonight will be 40 minutes on the elliptical (intervals). I hope I last the 40 minutes, b/c it could get rather boring. I'll bring my Ipod with me. My lil sis may also join me.

Janie, the YBB workouts are intermediate from my point of view, but they also show advanced poses for those able to do them. They're about a half hour each. The "Goddess Booty" workout is a little harder than the core workout, but I tend to view them as "light stretch" workouts even though I find myself working up a sweat when I do them. It's good to psych yourself into doing a workout sometimes ;). They also help me wind down in the evenings, which is when I do them.

Michelle, if you try the pull/chin ups, I will too!! :) The worst thing for my diet is when the office orders food for some celebration or another; it's so haaaard to say no! :mad:

Shoegal, I'm glad to be part of the's really good to keep up the variety. This way, one never has to say to oneself, "Oh, this workout AGAIN"! That has caused me to skip workouts in the past. Last night, I got caught up in a meatball frenzy myself. I couldn't stop at two, which I had planned on....I had four.:eek: Oh well, I think I burned it off this morning.:cool:

Till tomorrow, ladies.
Looks like lots of good stuff going on for everyone.

Last night, I slept like a rock. Eight hours straight--good thing the alarm went off this morning. After little Rippy and I did our 2 mile walk, I did Power Max and then the abs routine on Cardio Hits. Nothing like a good, head soaking, sweaty workout first thing in the morning. I feel energized.

Chiquita and Shoegal: okay, I'm going to commit myself to struggle to do a pull-up, just as soon as I find a pull-up bar. I've never heard of the Yoga Booty Ballet workout. Have to google and see what I can learn on line about it.

Janie: Holy moly batman--that is some chest, shoulders, and tricep workout. You've got to have some great arm muscles going on--I think that you are being way too modest about your upper body strength.

The St. Patrick's Party here at work should be fun. I've gotten pretty good about controlling what and how much I eat at these food fests. We try to have fun here at CNA. Our president believes that these celebrations are important. We also celebrate the Navy's Birthday in October and the Marine Corps' Birthday in November (which is the best of all the parties). If you'd like to learn more about where I work and what I do--you can check out our web site at I work in the Resource Analysis Division on the Marine Corps Manpower Team.

Have a great day!
check in 3/17

Well - Happy St. Patrick's Day - wore green - not Irish - but neither was St. Patrick.

I did - IMAX 3 last night. Yes - decided it was a cardio night - not a strength training evening and wound up picking IMAX 3. In a rather whimsical fashion I closed my eyes and ran my finger down the DVDs and decided to do whatever I selected. First chose my wedding video, then a couple movies - until I landed on IMAX 3 - and thought - hey, I've been meaning to do this. I know - not a very scientific way of selecting your workout but I'm afraid I've never been one to plan out fitness rotations although I can see the benefits to doing that. Anyway - I felt I did rather well - except initially I was quite sloppy and in one section I didn't feel like I was doing the step routine exactly right - but somehow always landed on the correct foot - weird. Anyway - tonight I will definitely do GS legs.

I also decided (ahead of time - which like I said is odd for me) is do the Cardio Kicks workout on Wednesday. I have never done it because I hate kickboxing but decided that I might as well for the experience.

Chiquita: My mother asked for Yoga Booty Ballet for Christmas one year. She also wanted Turbo Jam - and forced me to do one of those workouts. Again - hate kickboxing and knew it wasn't for me. I never did the Yoga Booty Ballet - so I've only seen the informercials on it. I've done and appreciated yoga but don't do it too often and opted out of these primarily because I didn't think they would be hard enough. I agree - I think Supersets and Push Pull seem like beginner workouts now that you've said it.

Michelle - I went on the CNA site to peek - looks like a creative environment -you must meet really interesting people. I believe that CNA is probably invaluable to the government & the Marines - they really need an outside group analyzing the things that they do and giving recomendations. You can correct me or elaborate if I'm not grasping exactly what you do. I think the president is right to create a fun atmosphere - it generates good will among his employees for one thing and that is certainly important. Hope you enjoyed yourself at the party! Good luck on the pull ups!!!!

Janie - well - I just learned something - Deer like roses - well. I can't deny them if they are hungry but I wish they would find something else to munch on. I have another question - I prefer not to plant in wet conditions - just for the mud factor alone - but why did you say you would hurt the soil?

Hope everyone is well - have a great day.
Hi Everyone.

Wow miss a day and there is so much to catch up on. I enjoyed reading all the posts but I think I will skip the personals tonight. I am in the middle of a whirlwind clean before the family comes home for dinner and want to finish it up.

So quick catch up posts: Sunday was a rest day. I took the girls to see the Boulder Ballet's production of Peter Pan.

Monday: taught my Total Tone class it was a good overall body weight workout and my pilates class.

This morning I taught my Pilates class with a weighted mini bar, and then I did Pyramid Upper Body. I think that core routine is tough! Thank god it is only 8 minutes long!

Has anyone done the overall premix on the Pyramid Style DVD? It doesn't list what it is, it just starts. I was curious about it.

Keep up all those great workouts everyone.
Check in 3/18/09

Hey All -

Last night my mother had a dinner for my cousin who had traveled to town for a conference. My mother perhaps hosted the dinner but my sister and I were apparently hired to work it! The minute I walked in there I set to work: cleaning, setting the table, serving. My sister had the entire kitchen ripped apart cooking - it looked like someone had ramshacked the place. She really isn't a neat cooker. Afterwards the two of us got to clean up too - I'm not complaining - it is better than having my mother run around alone trying to do everything. I just think it is rather funny.

Anyway - this ruined my usual routine - not only did I eat unusually but I also had dessert - arrived home after 10pm and thought - well, I suppose I should workout. I thought momentarily that maybe it would be ok not to - but I just knew I had to. So I did GS Legs and I was very proud of myself. Even thought of having some wine afterwards - but didn't do that either. Anyway - while I was doing the workout - Cathe said something like "Good job - this is not easy - but you are here and you are doing it - Good for You!" It was like she was saying it just to me - Yep - I could have had wine and subsequently went to bed - but I got home, changed my clothes, began working out immediately & finished. She helped me to finish. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.

It is rather nice telling someone about this and have them be interested - I know that my workout stories can't be interesting to my DH - although he'll listen - he really doesn't get it. So thanks!!!

Have a great day.
Hi all, I'm getting back into posting again ...

I really appreciated all of the sympathy, good wishes, and understanding. Not everyone takes it seriously when a pet dies. It is hard to describe what the past week has been like, so I won't try -- but I have been realizing that Robin touched more people than most horses do. One of our neighbors made a three foot high metal cross for her, out of horseshoes, with her name, and brought it by entirely on his own; his daughter was one of the kids who I'd sometimes put up on Robin for a ride ... It has also been a challenge to deal with the behaviors that her herdmates have had; her son was next door when she died, and they had never been separated. But not to go there now. Anyway, thanks :)

Workouts have been going well. I find that "emotional exercising" helps quite a bit. Do any of the rest of you match different workout styles to different attitudes??? Anyway, I've finished round one of week 3, and also did a fair amount of kickbox (Ilaria, KPC, 4DS), some kettlebell (Providence), and probably should go for something lower key today like Reach or Attitude-B. My new barbell is working well, my bigger weight vest came, and I hit a new personal best for deadlifts and squats. And, can you believe it, I was distracted when I was lifting my 69 pounds for deadlifts and *forgot* I was wearing a 20 pound vest until I was done. Just flat didn't notice, had left it on from squats, rushing to make the transition work. WHAT is Cathe doing to my body with STS??? I think I like it.

Shoegal, that workout is really terrific! It takes real mental fortitude to come home and work out like that, when you could have excused yourself. GS Legs is no picnic, either. Great job! I will remember your example next time I'm tired.

Laura, Pyramid upper body is one of my favorites. Actually, when I'm down to two days between trips and time is tight, I nearly always reach for that and run the UpperOnly premix. It's a good way to hit every part of the body thoroughly, and once. For my quick/thorough legs it's usually LeanerLegs.

Michelle, neat place you work with! I'm also with an FFRDC; it's an interesting time for us now, eh? Always changeable when administrations shift, and more so this year than any other time I've seen.

Janie, I am jealous! You are playing with plants! We are still periodically getting snow, but I'm buying bulbs for fall and that helps keep the gardening urge satisfied. And deer also get into our roses, and apples, and cherries, and hostas, and raspberries, and even will strip out tomatoes. They don't usually eat those (the plant is related to nightshade), but they will spit pieces and fruit around.... I've planted everywhere, so that it isn't possible to wipe them out in a night. Dogs don't help. The deer just look at the dogs, all three barking madly and running in a circle, and ignore them. They ignore me, too, unless I run at them waving something sticklike; they realize I'm not going to hurt them. And too much space to fence, sigh. And to think I used to love Bambi :mad: Your workouts sound great, and I am enjoying hearing about Meso 2 (gulp). Which CardioCoach are you doing? I had three, then finished out the set when he started the latest sale.

Chiquita, welcome! Sorry I missed your entrance, and thanks for your note. GS series is also a favorite! THAT is my go-to when I have multiple days to work out, or was before STS. Triceps always seemed like the toughest of the three. Between you and Laura, you are inspiring me to think about giving yoga and pilates another shot ...

And best wishes for a good week to everyone else as well :)
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Legs and Glutes bright and early this morning. I was dreading the workout based on my preview of it when I was sick a couple of weeks ago. However, it was great fun. I even decided next go round I could up some of my weights.

Shadowpup: hmmm, I'm wondering which FFRDC you work for? You indicated previously that you are a scientiest so I'm thinking that you might work for one of the labs versus one of the research and analyses FFRDCs. Small world. Your workouts sound pretty darn fierce. I totally agree with you that exercise helps to get us through the emotional traumas of our lives.

Shoegal: good for you working out so late. I don't think I could work out that late in the evening. I would have just collapsed in the bed. I'm a morning workout person. Also, I'm happy to say that the president of CNA is a woman! When I first started working here 20 years ago, there were no women in management. That has changed dramatically!

The St. Patrick's Day party was nice--didn't overeat and stayed away from the "heavy" dishes.

I'm contemplating how to approach the pull-ups. Did a little self-education yesterday on the difference between a pull-up and a chin-up. Any suggestions on good pull-up bars?

Yes! Finally, the sun is shining! Hope everyone's day is filled with sunshine.
Good Afternoon,

My workout for today, each exercise with 10 reps; burned 347 calories.

Squats Narrow Stance (dumbbell) 2 ea. 20 #
45 Degree Lunge (Same Leg) dumbells 2 ea. 10 #
One Leg Sit N Slide with Paper Plate 1 dumbell 10 #
Squats Narrow Stance (dumbbell) 2 ea. 20 #
45 Degree Lunge (Same Leg) 2 dumbell ea. 10 #
One Leg Sit N Slide with Paper Plate 1 dumbell 10 #
Squats Narrow Stance (dumbbell) 2 ea. 20 #
45 Degree Lunge (Same Leg) dumbell 2 ea. 10 #
One Leg Sit N Slide with Paper Plate 1 dumbell 10 #
Static Lunge (dumbell) 2 ea. 10 #
Plie Squats Alternating Hand (dumbbell)1 35 #
One Leg Slide Back Lunges w/ Paper Plate(dumbbell)2 ea, 10 #
Static Lunge (dumbell) 2 ea. 10 #
Plie Squats Alternating Hand (dumbbell)1 35#
One Leg Slide Back Lunges w/ Paper Plate(dumbbell)2 ea. 10 #
Static Lunge (dumbell) 2 ea. 10 #
Plie Squats Alternating Hand (dumbbell)1 35 #
One Leg Slide Back Lunges w/ Paper Plate(dumbbell)2 ea. 10 #
Squats Wide Stance 2 dumbells ea. 20 #
One Leg Elevated Lunges 1 dumbell 10 #
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell) 2 ea. 20 #
Squats Wide Stance 2 dumbells ea. 20 #
One Leg Elevated Lunges 1 dumbell 10 #
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell) 2 ea. 40 #
Squats Wide Stance 2 dumbells ea. 20 #
One Leg Elevated Lunges 1 dumbell 10 #
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell) 2 ea. 40 #
Calf Raises in 3 various exercises 10 reps ea.

Chiquita, Good workout!. Did your lil sis join you for exercise? Thanks for the info on YBB. I appreciate that. Might purchase them sometime soon.

Michelle, I had a restful sleep last night too. It's been months waking up in the middle of the night. Come to find out, I've been taking too much calcium. Who Knew. Glad I found out, now I can get back into sleeping like a baby. You did great on your cardios. I'm beginning to see muscle, but they are still under a layer of flab. I'm getting there though. I see you are progressing through your workouts. That's great!

Shoegal, IMAX3, WOW! Good for you. I still haven't conquered it yet. When you disturb the soil when it is wet, you destroy the structure of the soil. I always wait until I have slightly moist soil. When you can put soil in your hand and squeeze it into a ball, and it crumbles nicely after you release it back into the earth, then it's ready to use.

Laura, I bet Peter Pan was fun to watch. OOOO! GSL is not easy. I'm proud of you too. This is what I should be doing when I eat unplanned. Thanks for the inspiration.

Shadowpup, So sorry for your sad week. Your neighbor was so kind to make the cross. Glad you are still able to exercise, it can't be easy. But, it seems you are making huge progress. Good for You! I've thrown things at the deer and they sniff it, thinking they will get food. Darn things, they can be pests.

Have a great day and evening,

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Hi! So today was a long hike in Boulder again. Burned 1151 calories and hardly noticed I was 'exercising' some friends joined me today and we talked the whole time. They walked slowly though and I really wanted to pick up the pace a little.

My biceps are sore from the Pyramid Style. She really hits those hard! I think I need to up my weights on the other exercises to get a similar affect.

Shadowpup: I am glad that you have kept exercising and that it has helped you through this. I was just reading some of the STS posts and people seem to be really feeling/seeing a difference with it. Can't wait to get it.

Shoegal: I can't believe you worked out a 10pm after a dinner! You are really committed and should feel proud of yourself.

Michelle: So what is the difference between a chin up and a pull-up anyway?
Never done Legs & Glutes....

Janie: WOW! My legs ache just reading your posts!
You know what I am wondering how much exercise is 'normal' or healthy in a day. I did that hike and I feel like I didn't really get a work out in today!. I know it is important to rest the muscles so that they can build/repair themselves but I am finding myself wondering what else I could do today!!!

Do you guys feel that way sometimes too?
Check in 3/19/09

Nothing good to report. I set about doing Cardio Kicks - I know none of you would like to hear again about my dislike for kickboxing. So I will only say that I didn't finish this workout and it wasn't because I was out of breath. Soooo - in addition to the 35minutes of the first workout - I did the 3rd workout on Core Max. I have to say though I think I'm in a minority - nobody has ever said - Oh Yeah me too - don't like that either. Okay - I'll shut up now.

Laura - it is interesting that you posted that you wondered how much exercise is normal - because after my workout - I'm thinking - well, that was dreadful and a dissapointment - I don't think that was enough!! I began to wonder what fellow exercisers feel is a good workout length. Sometimes I see people posting their workouts and it is like 2 hours worth of stuff - and I feel sort of like a slacker - but others sometimes say that they like the length to be shorter - under an hour. I suppose you ought to mix it up but for me - I feel like anything under a hour isn't long enough. Also - I know sometimes working out with other people hold you back - believe I've been there.

Janie - your workout sounded fabulous - really - great job. Everyone is really loving STS - and I'm thinking - well, Geeze - it is sitting right here - why don't I start the rotation? Still haven't finished the testing and I suppose I'm just not ready yet - but I have to admit that your posts make me want jump up and do it.

MIchelle - I am VERY happy to hear that the President of CNA is a woman!!! That is excellent - I'm not sure if I've done Legs and Glutes either - I'm going to check after I finished this - but good job.

Shadowpup - Exercise does tend to lift my spirits - sometimes I'm feeling all upset about my day and I pour it into my workout - and the thoughts clear out of my head and I feel better. Glad you are keeping up with it - each day will get a little better.

Well, I hope everyone has a great day.
I had an early morning meeting with the General I work for at Quantico this morning,then staff meeting, and a teleconference, so I didn't get my morning exercise time. Now, I'm contemplating what to do about my workout. I have my annual GYN appointment later this afternoon, so my day is all messed up. I feel like I want to do something, but I want to save Power Max for tomorrow. So, yup, here I am wondering how much is enough and not wanting to feel like a slacker. I normally try to do at least an hour, 6 days a week. I'm telecommuting tomorrow, so I'm toying with an hour and half. But first, I have to get through today.

Pull-ups vs. chin-ups:
Pull-ups: palms facing away. Less biceps, more back. Supposed to be harder.
Chin-ups: palms facing toward you. Works biceps more. Supposed to be easier.

I'm starting to research pull-up/chin-up bars. You guys have got me thinking it is time to get off my duff and take on the challenge.

Hi all,

I checked into our org's policy on social network postings, and it has relaxed. We used to be required to stick to vague generalities when posting online. I can now do better, for those of you who are curious where I'm working. You can view the project I lead here: I4 dot PNL dot gov. Put the usual http etc in front, and use a . rather than dot. We still are supposed to avoid specific discussion on social sites, but my business email is available through that page if anyone is curious and wants to reach me at 'home', so to speak. It also seems best for us to stick with our pseudonyms online; I'll stay Shadowpup or Shadow :)

Re pullups. Last year, in December, I tried to do them and got angry at myself because I could barely eke out even one, and that was by jumping up and using momentum to cheat it. Also, decided I was tired of doing knee pushups. I read up on the how-to-do for both of those things, and was able to get to nearly ten pullups (when rested) within two months. I use pullup loosely - I've got one of those over the door devices, and it's less stress on my wrists to have the handles facing towards me.

Anyway, the gist of the approach was to figure out your max possible pullup (assisted or otherwise), and then do HALF that many, FIVE times a day, after warming up. Retest every week as to what "max" really means. Some coaches recommended doing this every other day, others with a break. What I actually did is try to do my max pushups five times a day... probably overly aggressive, but it really did bug me that I couldn't do them.

You might try something like that. One caution, doing them every day may have weakened my shoulder a bit, because I did injure it while lifting a heavy bag overhead on travel, which isn't normal for me. Probably it would have been better if I'd stuck with the program as written. And I'm not sure how this would fit into a program like STS. I'm finding that the pullups for STS are not increasing my capabilities for that specific activity as rapidly as the tailored programs did, but then I'm only doing pullups/chinup sets once a week now.

It is hard to describe, but somehow things like toe pushups, true pullups, and lifting a barbell help my self image! I just feel stronger because I know I can do those things.
So my energy is still kinda low. I have had a very mild sore throat the last few mornings when I have woken up, but am not sick either. I did Pyrimad Style legs and it really kicked my but this time. I don't remember it being very tough last time I did it, so not sure what's up with that. I was sweating buckets with all those 52 reps of step ups, lunges and squats. I had planned on doing a core routine but I ran out of time. I took a short walks with the girls and the puppy after I picked them up from school and man I was dragging! It wasn't a true cardio but at least I was moving. It was very warm and springy in Boulder today. Beautiful.

We all got hot from our climb up the hill and so we went to Good Times Burgers for lemonades. Their lemonade is 'fresh" squeezed not from concentrate. I thought it was a 'good' choice but when I looked it up on line I was dumbfounded to find it has 286 calories in 14 oz, 77 g of carbs, and even fat and protein in it!! What?????:mad::mad::mad: Man you have to always be on your toes and educated about what is out there. I would have been better off with a coke.

So sounds like most of you average an hour a day most days of the week and sometimes longer of shorter. That sounds doable!

Shoegal: I think if you don't like kickboxing than don't do it!!! You should do something you do like instead. It doesn't matter what other people like or don't like this is your time to workout do what pleases you the most.

Michelle thanks for the clarification I never did know the difference.

Shadowpup: dido on your information. I have been wanting to be able to do some pullups/chinups for a couple of years now and I am still no where close. I bought a chin up bar that fits in the door frame as well and just didn't know how to approach it since I can't even do one. So would I just try the best I can 5 times? I also worry about my shoulders and I have noticed some clicking in my right shoulder no pain though so I want to be careful. Is there a link or website for this approach? I think it would make me feel confident and strong to be able to lift my own body weight. (ofcourse it would help if I lowered that body weight down a bit LOL!)
Oh, I hate missing days, too; a lot to catch up on.

Janie, my sister did join me Tuesday evening at the gym, and Wednesday too. I was glad to have a companion. She made me do half-hour on the treadmill (with crazy inclines), followed by 15-minutes EACH on the stairmaster and the bike (uphill):eek:. She's a little bit heavier than me, but she's surprisingly fit! By the time we were finished, I was grateful for the motivation, though. Thursday was GS-Back, Shoulders, Biceps and Core Max #1. Tonight will be treadmill/elliptical/bike (15,15,15).

Laura, I try to aim for at least 45 minutes per day for 6 days; I don't always make it, but I sometimes go overboard on other days to catch up. Sorry about that lemonade fiasco; don't let it mess up your day, though.

I gotta go for now. Hope to be back soon.
Good Morning,

Did Cardio Coach yesterday, Vol. 2, 30 min. and burned about 150+ calories. Will do STS today. Will report the stats later.

Chiquita, Your sister sounds like a terrific inspiration. Wish my sister would do that to me. Although, my husband is good at motivation. Your workouts sounds really good.

Laura, Are you feeling any better? Maybe your strength or endurance was compromised because your body was down a little, by trying to get rid of your soar throat. Burgers and lemonade, yum.

Shadowpup, Nice to know that your work policy has relaxed a bit. I'll check you out on 14 dot PNL dot gov. Can I come work with you? It sounds so interesting! 10 PULL UPS? You are IronLady. WOW! Sounds like you know exacly what you want out of your workouts. I'll try your advice when I can get to one pull up, until then though, I'm working hard on it. Thank you for your suggestions.

Michelle, How was your GYN appt.? Hope you got through with flying colors. STS is a challenge you don't want to miss. Get going on them! What are you waiting for? ;) LOL You are too funny.

Shoegal, I agree that if you don't like kickboxing, then by all means don't do them. Do the things you like to do. That is key in continuing with your exercises. There are plenty of other cardio you can be doing. If you are not ready for STS then don't push yourself that way yet. It is a challenge and it will be there when you are ready. But, once you start it, you will wonder why you haven't done it sooner. Advice: I modify a lot, no big deal, it gets me through my workouts.

I'll be back to post my efforts with STS later today.

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Happy spring everyone.

Well, I ended up taking a break yesterday. The GYN appt. was fine. Just the yearly check-up. 15 pounds lighter than last year's check-up. I was happy about that. All I can say is thank you Cathe!

Today I was back with Power Max and then 15.5 minutes with Ab Hits. Power Max puts me in a really good mood.

Shadowpup: your FFRDC has a dot gov address, mine has a dot org. Interesting. I'll have to check it out. And thanks for the information on the pull-ups. I've got to figure out what kind of a bar to get.

Shoegal: I hear you on the kickboxing. I don't hate it, I'm just not as used to doing it and feel really awkward. Maybe if I kickboxed more, I'd get better at it. But I tend to gravitate toward the step workouts for my cardio days.

It's supposed to be glorious weather here this weekend in Virginia. My husband and I will be doing yard max tomorrow after I do GS C&T in the morning.

Hope it's great in ya'lls part of the world.
Check in Friday 3/20/09

Hello People -

Nice to read the posts. I did GS: Chest & Triceps - actually have DOMS and that feels nice - I don't usually. But I also consider my triceps to be an extremely weak area of mine. I also did "Tough Core" premix from Core Max. Still can't levitate - I have put myself on a rather loose little program to be able to do it some time soon. I should work harder now.

Shadowpup - ok - you have motivated me to do the toe pushups - which I have lost. Used to be able to do 33 in a row at one point - much younger - a long time ago. Now - maybe 3. What can I do to get that back??? I'm sick of being stuck there on my knees - I want more.

Laura - my goodness - don't get sick again - did you ever consider those remedies that are supposed to keep the cold away? Well - think very positive thoughts - sometimes that works. Wanted to ask you if you wear a helmet while skiing - Natasha Richardson's death was upsetting. I don't think it is a usual thing to wear a helmet, is it?

Janie - You know - I don't have any Cardio Coach workouts - I went on the website and had difficulties navigating - I couldn't find a place to read about what the workouts are like - or to even hear one - so I thought I'd ask you.

Chiquita: I loved working out with my sister - when the two of us were younger and lived at home - we worked out all the time - it was extremely motivating. Just having her around forced me to give my all.

Michelle - well, let us know if you managed to get a workout in. I know what you mean about messing with your day - I don't like any variation from my regular routine. If something is happening to my normal exercise time (for me, evening) I'm like scrambling to try to fit it in somewhere.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.
Here I am again,

STS disc 18 - Back and Biceps burned 443 calories and 30 min. of Low Max cardio only burned 185 calories. Total calories burned, 628. YEAH! I keep forgetting to add my abs to these posts. I've done them, really I have.

Lat pulldowns with band
T-Pull with band
Y's with band
Pull Ups Overhand 12 reps, modified
Chinups Med. Grip Underhand 12 reps, modified
Chinups Underhand 12 reps, modified
Barbell Rows 50#'s 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, then 30# TF
One arm horizontal Row one 20# dumbell 12 rep,10 reps,8 reps,then 12#sTF
One legged deadlifts one 20# dumbell 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps
Barbell curl 30#'s 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps and then 20#'s TF
SeatedAlterngCurl two dumbells15#in ea.hand12reps,10reps,8reps&12# TF
Seated ConcnCurl two dumbells12#in ea.hand12reps,10reps,8reps&12# TF

Shoegal, Good workout. Press in the middle of "Biggest Sale In Cardio Coach History". That will tell you what you can purchase. These workouts use to be almost $20.00 now they are $4.95. They are so cool, if you can get as many as you can it will help with cardio 100%. Be prepared to sweat! If you want to hear any of them press Audio samples. Good luck. If you are still having any problems, let me know.

Michelle, Happy Spring to you too. Although it is raining like mad up here. Oh well. Congratulations on your weight loss! It must feel so wonderful to have a great check up like that.

Will talk more tomorrow. Still haven't heard anything about baby yet. I'm sure it will happen very soon now.

IronLady and Booboo39, Tlstot, Expatter, Pippadog1, Sprom, and Cookingparty, are you still with us? Have you graduated yourselves to other places? Wherever you are, don't be lurkers anymore, post and have a great time. Miss you and hope things are good.

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Hi all, and good morning!

Wanted to share: finally I am a Catheite! Janie, thanks for getting the lurker postings started; you got me into the swing of things :D

In the spirit of full disclosure: yesterday, I admit, for a little while I was going to take a second active rest day. :eek: I even had a good rationalization: hardly any slow workouts this month since after recovering from flu, and my back was sending me signals that I was overtraining. And it's been a tough week emotionally, not to mention spending a night out in below freezing weather. And my husband is gone on one of his rare overnight trips, golfing in a warmer climate, so there were more chores and less workout time. Whine, whine, whine!!! Just felt pretty beat and out of sorts generally, and had honestly decided to call it a day, even posted on SparkPeople that I wasn't going to work out.

But then ... walking down to feed the dogs, I discovered my GoWearFit came while I wasn't looking, and there were the packages just inside the sliding glass door.

It seemed so wrong to let my new gadget stay there in the box, after splurging on it.

So I carried the boxes upstairs, opened them up, and plugged gowearfit into my computer to charge.

After awhile the charging was done, and little gowearfit was sitting there, plugged into by my computer, flashing eagerly green ready-ready-ready, please put me to work. Beeping once to get my attention, too. Poor, poor gadget, all charged up but no data coming. It looked so sad and lonesome, there by the computer. I looked at it, thought about ShoeGal's late night workout, looked at the gadget again... At one point I just couldn't take it any more, and popped the gowearfit on, played with the buttons, walked around a little, up and down stairs, to see how things changed ... neat!

But after awhile, reading that pathetically low calorie burn and seeing so few steps recorded - now *I* felt sad! and also lazy. :eek: I thought about ShoeGal again, and all of you doing your workouts, and having to post that I'd taken two days off ... And really, I wasn't feeling quite so bad any more. It was just my back and upper body , no reason in the world not to do some cardio-legwork, right? What's an extensive dvd collection for if not to provide options??? Maybe not Cathe, but someone good. It would have to be hard enough to let me hit the highest category of effort so as to show up on the graph. I went downtairs, looked over the titles, and popped in Ilaria Bodystrikes (which is practically all lower body), and did my 45 minutes with her. It felt great! Nice, low impact, not jarring the back, and she has a nice tough but kind manner about her. And after that, my reward was the fun of uploading data, plotting graphs, seeing the calorie burn go up at the start of the workout and dropping down after - and generally having a techie good time.

Anyway, that gadget meant I got exactly the workout I needed; this morning, I feel much better. Back still tired but that's now clearly DOMS and no longer an injury waiting to happen. So STS should be a happening thing tonight again.
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