Lurker Invitations March Check-In

Well looks like lots of momentum on the thread again! So everyone was right totally over did it yesterday. I always teach those two classes, but I have been loving the jogging and really wanted to look into twice a week and Monday mornings I am hanging in Boulder with nothing to do so it seemed like the perfect timing as far as time goes. But I have been kinda droopy lately as I had mentioned in earlier posts and it was to much.

Today I am beat. After my pilates class, were I mostly taught and didn't do, I had a interview in town at a new studio for teaching there once a week. When I came home from that I crashed on the coach for an hour! Only meant to rest for a second and the next thing I knew it was an hour later! Got up felt better did some quick straightening around the house. I decided to do the Cardio only from 4DS Kickboxing and a pilates video.. both felt ok.

So Janie it must be any time now for that little one! You must be so excited and anxious to meet them. So are you liking STS now that it has been a month? Seeing results?

Shoegal: love the pups! So very elegant in demeanor! OK I will confess to having a thong leotard circa early 80's wore it at Baely sports. I was 17 & it didn't look to bad. But definitely not sporting one these days! Those twins of mine sure did a number on my back side!! LOL!

Michelle: So generally I exercise between 1 -2 hours a day with one rest day a week. Some days if I am doing a steady state outdoor sport it can be longer but those only tend to be a few times a month.. I have been going a little overboard lately. It is easy to do with the classes I teach. Sometimes I don't feel like I exercised in my own classes because my focus is on everyone else's bodies not my own. I need to watch the overtraining. Thinking of taking a whole week off when I visit my mom.

Glad you were able to get a little rest in. Hope it was enough. Baby will come, as you all know, at the most inconvenient time. That just is the way little baby's are. His due date is on my birthday. April 1. Hope he will be here at that time. We can share a birthday together. How cool will that be? I hope so anyway. The STS series is the best. I'm feeling muscle under my flab definitely. I can't wait to lose more pounds. But, it's coming off super super slow. I just have to eat healthy at all times. Easier said then done.

Take care and have a great evening,

Baby Adrian is here! He was born at 3:10pm weighs 7 pounds. YaHoo! I need to pack my things tonight. Joey and I will meet them at the hospital at 11:00 am tomorrow and I will stay a week at their home. Don't know if I will have access to a computer or not. See ya when I see ya.

Take care and continue with those remarkable workouts.

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Happy Birthday

What a wonderful day to be born!!! Congratulations Janie - the best days are when babies come. Enjoy yourself and the little Adriane. We'll meet up when you get back.
Good morning everybody. I'm the early bird today--Unfortunately, I'm at work and not at home exercising. Got in this morning at 5:45 am. Yuch. I hate days like this. Fortunately, I don't have to do the early wake-up too often.

Janie: Congratulations on the new grand-daughter! Enjoy your week with the newest member of your family. We will all be here waiting to hear about it when you get back. Bring pictures.

Check in Wednesday 3/25/09

Hello everybody - I wanted to report that I did GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps yesterday and a premix from Core Max - I think it is called Balanced Core - whichever one is 22 minutes is the one I did. Well - I sort of told everyone I was doing that yesterday - just wanted to report that I actually completed it. I got a good workout and made a huge mess too. Tried to do those pikes on the ball - wow - I'm not sure how I looked doing that but I have to admit they probably weren't pretty. I'm not sure if I actually did the pike - I couldn't tell - it sure didn't feel like it. I used to workout in front of a mirror all the time. Now I use the reflection from the window! It isn't a full body shot but I'll take what I can get - sometimes it is helpful. I have made some discoveries about my form and so forth using the mirror - and sometimes it can motivating - other times I'm like who is that fat girl looking back at me!!!

Tonight is a cardio night and I'm really not sure what I'll do yet - whatever it is I have to complete it early - have tentative plans to go out this evening - which may fall through but I thought I should be prepared nonetheless. Whenever anybody is pressed for time - what workout do you go to? I want something effective - and I don't want to feel as I'm a slacker. I used to do this Firm video (can't remember the name now) and it was just 30 minutes - but I felt as if I got a decent workout.

I got a couple of things to do before 5 - so I'm going to sign off for now. Hope everyone had a great day.
Congratulations on the grandson Janie!!! How very very special for you and your son. Enjoy every minute of it!
And I hear you on feeling the muscle under the flab! That is exactly how I feel and the weight is coming off so sloooowwwlllyy on me to, but at least the scale is going down for once!:p

Shoegal:so did you go out? lately if I need to squeeze in a fast routine I go for a jog. Last night I watched last weeks Biggest Loser and Julian told Laura if you want to lose weight you got RUN!! I love those gym styles they are coming up for me next week but that core routine is not my fav. feel like I am messing with the ball the whole time and not getting into those abs. Man I know exactly what you mean about looking in the mirror during a workout and being like whose that fat chick??? Where did she come from? LOL!

Michelle:Wow up and at it early today,huh? I don't blame you for hating a day like that all work and no play and an early day as well! Hope tomorrow is better for you!

Shadowpup are you on the road again??

So my DH was so sweet this morning and took the girls to school so I could sleep in. He knows I have not been feeling 100% so tried to help out. I got up and helped them out the door but went back to bed and slept until 9:30 and woke up feeling much better. I had to jump out of bed and run down to Boulder (45 minutes) to see clients for pilates. I only had two with an hour between. So I went for a very easy slow run for 40 minutes in between and burned about 460 cals. I did a little pilates with my clients but went easy and didn't do a 'workout' for myself. So easy day but still active. My friend suggested it might be allergies since boulder is starting to bloom. I still have that mild sore throat and fatigue but still haven't gotten sick so maybe she is on to something!

I pre-ordered that shock cardio! I can't wait! 6 whole months! wow! I am also going to go ahead and bite the bullet and order a bunch of other DVD's once I get that 20% coupon, so now it is input time:

What are your favorite Cathe DVDs that you couldn't live without?
Which DVDS do you reach for the most often?
Which DVDs didn't meet your expectations?
Which DVDs did you think you would love but hardly use?

I would love your input on this I need to 'prune' my wish lists.
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Back to the regular routine today--which included Step Fit this morning and workouts 3 and 4 from Ab Hits. I'm trying to extend the amount of time that I workout everyday to an hour and a half which means getting up at least 15 minutes earlier. We'll see how that goes.

Laura: My favorite Cathe dvds? Boy, that's a tough question because I really love all of them. Rhythmic Step is one of my favorites; so is Low Max, Ab Hits and Slow and Heavy. I rarely reach for my Timesaver dvd and I've previewed the Hardcore dvd, but I'm not sure I'll ever reach for it. My sister and I have a favorite saying: so many Cathes and so little time.

Which ones are you thinking of getting with your discount? Right now, I'm contemplating purchasing the slanted risers, GS Legs, and Muscle Max with my 20 percent off discount from preordering SCS. Depending on how "rich" I'm feeling, I may just go with the slanted risers.

Check in Thursday 3/26/09

Hello out there -

Ok - I came home much later than I wanted and hurried and worked out to Amy Bento's ASC II - this was 60 minutes so I didn't skimp on time. The thing was I decided that we might just stay home and time be damned I wanted a good work out. We could go out right after I finish. So anyway chose this again because I am really excited about mastering the choreography. Not saying I didn't make mistakes but I actually like that because it isn't mindless - I really have to concentrate to do it well. So anyway - by the time she came to the run through of Combinations 1-5 - I did combo 5 flawlessly. Amy said, "You guys are awesome" I said, "I know!" LOL :p

Afterwards we decided that despite the late time and our age we might as well head on out - so we met our neighbors up at this cool brewery for some wings. My DH has had a hankering for them and hasn't been able to eat them Fridays due to lent so we decided to go out on Wednesday and Wednesday just happens to be wing night at this brewery. I didn't really have any of the wings save for a bite or two but I did managed to scarff down this thing called the ploughman's platter. Had these HUGE pieces of cheddar cheese & meat on it - accompanied by some Irish Soda bread. I touched absolutely none of the meat. Ate quite alot of bread and cheese I'm afraid despite my good intention of just snacking a wee bit. I should have known better - we all know I have ZERO self control so this was bound to happen - I needed something to soak up the glasses of wine I had though.

Laura & Michelle - we are all worried about that 20% - it is almost like a sin not considering using it.

Laura - Well, although I decided that I am far and away the last person you should inquire about workouts to buy (who knows your preferences better than you?) I could do as you ask and give you my imput - Ok - I use the Boot Camp/ Muscle Endurance a lot - I really love any of the High Step workouts or the IMAX workouts. I did not care for Cross Train Xpress or Circuit Max/ Cardio Kicks and don't use them very often. I also like Low Max and Low Impact Circuit. I tend to enjoy total body weight training to the splits so I only have the GS splits. I am actually thinking of buying Cardio Fusion and The Terminator - they both sound tough and believe me, I'm afraid but I have to admit that I'm intrigued.

Michelle - I'm curious as to why you decided to increase the length of your workouts? I too have been thinking about it since it seems everyone tends to work out for longer periods of time than I do. I thought I was really going for it at 60 minutes???!!?!?

Ok - I'm going to scan the DVDs for possible purchases. I'd love to count how many workout videos I own - who would have ever thought you'd need so many? How many do you have in your libraries?

Everyone have a great evening.
Hello Workout fiends!
So I am contemplating buying Low Impact Circuit, Drill Max, Body Max 2, Kick Max and Low Max with the 20% coupon. That way I get some new cardio routines and some more circuit and full body workouts. I really want Kick Punch and Crunch to because it gets such constantly great reviews on the threads but think I will wait until I can get that whole series.:p:eek:

So we are getting the biggest snow storm of the year! Major highways are closing and the girls didn't have school today. I have been feeling like I haven't got a good weight work out in since Monday and feeling ansy about my workout. There was no way I was going to heat up the yurt or bring my weights down to the house in this much snow, so I decided on a body bar workout. I haven't done one of those in a very long time. There is one I really like that is called Energy Action Circuit. It is a circuit workout with a really low weighted bar with high endurance reps on the weight workout. I don't really feel the weight work but the circuits are great. And man my fitness has really improved since the last time I did this workout!:D

Michelle what are the slanted raisers for? I am curious about the slow & heavy series but have decided my next pure weight workout DVD has to be STS. I totally recommend GS Legs & Muscle Max reach for them often!

Shoegal Terminator & cardio fusion are still on my wish list but thought I would wait on those! I also like the sound of Boot Camp & Muscle Endurance ,

Love it So much Cathe and so little time!!
I haven't gotten my workout done yet today, but decided to take a quick peek at our check-in.

Shoegal: Not sure why I'm trying to lengthen my workouts. Seems like a good idea, but I know realistically that I'm not going to get a longer workout in everyday. But when I can, I think I'm up to the point where I can add another 15-30 minutes of upper body or ab work. The past couple of weeks I've been focused on adding 15-20 minutes of ab work after every workout, because the bathing suits will be coming out of the drawers.

Laura: the slanted risers let you turn your step into a more stable incline/decline platform. They would be appropriate for use with S&H Chest (Cathe does incline chest presses and flies) and GS Chest and Triceps (more include chest presses and flies). Right now, I remove a couple of risers from one side of the step and let the step slant resting on the flat risers.

the 20% decision: I have low max, kick max, BM2, and LIC. I've done all except BM2--but BM2 seems to be a favorite in the threads. Got to get that one into the mix here soon. Love low max. Still getting used to kick max and LIC. The step routines on LIC are alot of fun and kick max gives me a major one-two punch on DOMS.

I've got cardio fusion but have not yet attempted it. Cardio Fusion combines segments from other Cathe workouts. After watching it, I decided it would be good to learn the step segments from the original workouts first, because what you get in Cardio Fusion does not include the "learning" portion for each step segment. If I don't know what I'm doing, I get discouraged real fast and I don't want to ruin the CF experience. I don't have Terminator--right now I'm content with HS Circuit, HS Adv. Training, and HS Challenge.

more later
Check in Friday 3/27/09

Hello again -

I worked out with Cathe and did Power Hour. I really pushed myself - I think for awhile I might have been complacent or content or I don't know - a slacker for lack of a better word. I've been thinking how the hell will I ever do any of the exercises that I can't do now if I don't try???? So - I attempted to do more push ups on my toes - not too many unfortunately - but I tried - and perhaps the next time - I'll do a couple more.

Have to say I'm a little intimidated with the amount of extra equipment that seems to be needed for STS. I had read on the original STS thread that nothing extra was really needed but I read now that people are finding that you do need the squat rack and the pull up bar and bands and weighted vests, power tower etc. I want to get the most out of the program but I seriously don't want another piece of exercise equipment.

Speaking of extra equipment. I have 3 - yes THREE - 1, 2 ,3 boxes from the FIRM because they got all gadget friendly - plus my Reebok step. I never do the Firm anymore but I have been able to use them on various occasions. I have this high step thingy I use as my high step in Cathe workouts (so no - not a waste), and another box that goes from like 4 inches to 12 inches with these legs that you pull out (that is a really horrible thing too) Those legs didn't ever go out well - I struggled and struggled and half the workout would be done before I managed it. So you can fold one leg in and the box would then be inclined. Then another step that is 2 steps - one is like 4" and the other is 8" -you can use them seperately or pile one on top of the other to make 12" - and it has grooves to make a inclined step - again another option. So - I have the incline bench all covered. I also have a myriad of other things scattered about. I remember when I would do the 20 minute workout years ago and just needed a good pair of shoes!!

Laura - DEFINTELY get Low Max, Body Max II, Low Impact Circuit & Drill Max -
I believe you will not be disappointed. I think these are must haves!!! I am actually jealous about the snow - I know I said I was done with it - and spring has sprung but I don't know - there is nothing like a good snowstorm - staying home - everything covered in white - it is absolutely gorgeous like that. But the staying home part is crucial. I don't want to drive in it.

Michelle - I believe that I am contemplating purchasing 2 workouts that are mixes of other Cathe workouts. I believe The Terminator is a blend as well. Actually the Terminator has 3 seperate workouts - all of them mixes of all the workouts from the Intensity Series. Seems like I want to buy what I already have, doesn't it? But Premixes have an element of the surprise in them - when it switches over to another section I'm thinking - I wonder what it will be???!?!?

I am still thinking about all of it - and I have always wanted that wedding video although I'm concerned about its age. Janie does this one alot but I seriously don't want to do anything like Mega Step Blast again.

Hope you all have a great evening. I will try to get on and post tomrorrow.
Got the workout done: Legs and Glutes, upper body from Basic Step, and Stability Ball abs from BS. I pushed up the weight amount on the upper body workout and had to slow down on the reps. Not sure I'll do THAT again. Stability ball abs was a nice change of pace for ab work.

I don't have Drill Max yet. I've watched the preview on and I've got to admit that I find it a bit intimidating. Plus, I work out on carpeted floors and it really looks to me like drill max should be done a hardwood floor. Oh, how I wish some day to have an exercise room with a wood aerobic floor.

Shoegal: sounds like you've got some candidate items for spring cleaning. My DH makes noises about how much equipment I have in our bedroom, but I USE all of it. No dust collecting on my equipment. His stationary bike on the other hand is not being used, although it makes a great clothes rack.

Hi all,

Just popping in to say I'm back - it's been a long day, plus the four-ish hour drive home ... I'm tired! But, I did get my workouts in. If I remember correctly, starting Monday, there was an Ilaria Powerstrike 1, Cathe 4DS twice, Kettlebell Providence, P90X Bootcamp and P90x Kenpo (picked p90x up used, on big sale on ebay, about 1/3 the original price. the box was a little battered, but the dvds were in good shape.). Also wore the new gadget most of the time, and it certainly continues to be an eye-opener.

I'll post more this weekend - it will be fun catching up with everyone :) Tomorrow starts STS week 4; twice through that, then it's my rest week. Perfect timing, too; that should be about the time I have another conference scheduled.
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Check in Saturday 3/28/09

Day didn't turn out quite the way I would have liked. Was going to go for a hike with DH and my dear, sweet pups - on the way we had to let Pepper (my sister in law's dog) out since she was working all day. Pepper spotted a Golder Retriever out for a walk with his owner and took off for him. Bam - pulled me down and then got away. She ran right up the other dog and he promptly bit her. Didn't realize she had a bite on her ear and was bleeding until a little later/ Tried to clean her up as best we could and didn't want go through sister-in-law's stuff to find something to help. Ears tend to really bleed - so we didn't want to leave Pepper alone to bleed all over the white furniture. I told my DH to go back home - bring some of our supplies and I'll wait there with Pepper in the kitchen. After about an hour - I started to wonder - it shouldn't have taken him that long. Turns out he goes out to the store to try to find something - ran a couple errands then comes back with nothing. I'm livid. We decide to block Pepper in the kitchen. She didn't seem to be bleeding any longer but we didn't want to take any chances. By that time I was starving - we go out for lunch - and then go to a couple stores. The weather takes a turn and you guessed it - no hike.

Shadowpup - glad to have you back - sounds as if you really worked out hard - I too bought P90x on ebay - have not done any of it. I didn't get any of the documentation that came with it though - do you see how I have workouts laying around not being done??!!! It kills me. What are your thoughts? Did you get paperwork with it?

Michelle - Drill Max does take a lot of room. I used to do it my apartment and I would have to use the length of my living room and dining room. My rooms there were quite small but don't be intimidated - it is actually a lot of fun. I have a big room to work out in - but I never use the space. I want to see the tv so I tend to close myself off and it has laminate flooring and it isn't a good surface to workout on.

I bought a suet and have been dying for a bird to take a bite - they all go for the seed - I have 4 birdfeeders lined up - but so far no one has gone to the suet. Maybe they are all full up. I'm going back to keep watch.

Hope everyone had a great day.
Hi everybody,
After walking Ripken this morning, DH and I got some coffee and headed over to Solomons, MD to check on the boat. It's on the hard right now at our marina and was broken into this past week. Minor damage to the bomar hatch on the bridge, they screwed up the lock on our salon door, but did no interior damage and didn't take anything. In total, 21 boats have been broken into. In some of the boats, the vandals have set off fire extinguishers leaving thousands of dollars of damage. We were lucky.

The boatyard has repaired the hatch from the outside, we'll take care of the minor stuff from the inside and a locksmith will have to deal with the salon lock. The marina has hired night security hoping to catch these creeps. After checking the inside of the boat, we put the zincs on the transom. As soon as the guy who is waxing the hull is done, the yard will put us back in the water and in our slip.

Got home and went to a welcome home party for one of our neighbor kids who had a grand mal seizure Thursday morning and ended up medevac'd to the Medical College of Va in Richmond. Fortunately, all has gone well and he is back home. After the party, came home and did Step Fit and ab hits workouts 5 and 6. Whew! Now, I'm pooped.

Shadowpup: welcome home. You did great with your workouts while away this week. My neighbor has p90X, need to check that one out. How many dvds come with that? It's quite a few, isn't it?

Shoegal: sorry to hear about your adventure this morning. My golden is great with dogs that he knows, but not always the best behaved with those that he doesn't (particularly if it's another intact male). Glad to hear that Pepper is okay. Ears do bleed alot, and then if the dog shakes his head, you've got blood flying everywhere. Sounds like it all ended well.

Speaking of pups, my golden is doing the huff and puff. Letting me know that it is time for his evening walk.
Hi everyone. Well we have been snowed in!~ :) Which has been nice to have a long weekend. I think we all needed some down time. Nice to have the family around. yesterday I went out with one of my daughters, she x-country skied and I snow shoed. It was very mellow my heart rate stayed low and I didn't even break a sweat but burnt 400 cals by the time we were done. So I think that will be my active rest day for the week. I had an old college friend pop through town and stay with us last night. Stayed up late catching up and drinking one to many glasses of wine!:eek:

I did 4DS LIS cardio only and than 4DS all lower body weight premix. It was all right I guess. Not that into today actually. Considering last night I am lucky I did anything today.

Shoegal: I hear you on the equipment for STS, that & the 1RM have kept me at bay. Although I am going to bite the bullet and order it next week. So got to start those 1 RM soon! I am thinking of starting when I get back in April so that would be the week of the 20th. Or maybe wait to the beginning of May to give me more time for the 1RM.

Michelle are you in for starting STS with me? When are you thinking again?You had a busy day good job squeezing in a workout at the end of it. Thumbs up.

Shadowpup: MY MY you do make me want gadgets and videos and all kinds of things!! LOL! I am focusing on these Cathe pruchases for now and than thats it for awhile. But I am curious about the p90x series they pop up in the threads from time to time along with kettle bells. Ok Laura stay focused!!!:eek:

Hi to everyone else!
Need Prayers

Hi Everyone,

I'm here at my daughter in law and son's house.

Adrian is very sick, he wouldn't eat or take the breast, losing weight, and making faces like he is in pain. Also he spit up bile. He went to the hospital today for tests to try and find out what is going on with him. I'm here alone and cleaned up their house, did everything a grandma can do. My son will be here soon to pick up things to stay at the hospital. Will ask it I can come too. Would really like to support them in anyway I can.

Please say prayers to have a good outcome for little Adrian. I've held him for many many hours while everyone was sleeping in between feedings and fell in love with him the moment I saw him.

My heart aches.

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Oh, Janie, I'm so sorry. You have all my prayers and hopes that your little grandchild Adrian will recover soon.

Your son and daughter-in-law are very lucky to have you in their corner.
Thank you Shadowpup,

I've been crying my eyes out all day today. Imagining him with those IV's to hydrate and feed him. I'm getting myself to be a rock when my son comes home. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to the hospital with him and be of some value or support.

He'll be here soon, so I'm getting off the computer now. Wish us all good OK?

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