Help me choose


I'm a relative Cathe-newbie. Just started with her in April and I'm hooked! So of course I'm trying to decide what to get next.

I currently have the GS series. I'm trying to decide between S&H and Pyramids.

So c'mon fellow Cathe-ites. Cast your vote here. :D
Oooo, both are so different, and so good. I would hate to be without one of those. Have you watched the clips of each? There are also some good threads on the S&H especially, but also Pyramids. Some people find S&H to be boring, too slow paced (of course, that is the point though), the pauses too great...I enjoy it but as Cathe says, it is not something that you can do repeatedly. You need the mental break from it. I guess I would choose Pyramids but only for that reason. I love PUB and really like PLB. I often use PUB with a different lower body workout - usually Legs and Glutes. You will soon be increasing your collection so you may as well face that fact :p
Yeah, you picked my two favorites ~ I can't choose.

I suppose you could start with the Pyramids, adding S&H later when you're looking for a change.
I'm one that's not a big fan of the Pyramids. I prefer heavy lifting so I enjoy S&H much better. I do better with longer rests. The Pyramids go way too fast for me with all the weight changes. However, I love PUB for the ab work, the stability ball work for legs and the stretches which are short but effective.

Marcy - for heavy lifting, I do prefer S&H too. I think that is my problem with PLB - it seems too easy. However, with PUB, I see great changes quickly. Apparently, my legs prefer a different method of lifting! I actually get a little bored on PLB - never on S&H legs though. That is why we must have all of the Cathe DVDs :)
I like the pyramids much better than S&H. Everytime I do the PUB or PLB I get DOMS and I do them at least once a month. The weight changes are a bit of a pain with the fast pace, but I just hit the pause button (but I don't rest too long). I like the fast pace as I'm never bored and the workout flies by.
I find the time flies by in the Pyramids, too. I especially love PUB. S&H does require immense concentration, which I don't always have. I would get the Pyramids right now and get S&H later.

Sigh. Yes, I'm resigned to the fact that I will be getting many, MANY more DVDs. And the way I look at it, it's still cheaper than a gym membership on a yearly basis (if I pace myself, that is).

I should mention that I don't think, with my personality, that I would find the slow stuff boring like some have mentioned. I like really putting my "mind in the muscle" so to speak. I also don't mind taking longer breaks.

So far I've got:

five votes leaning toward getting Pyramids first and
two for S&H (I put Meowracer in both categories since she's obviously so conflicted...LOL)

Anyone else?
I vote S&H. I love all three of these workouts and I get serious DOMS after each one. I enjoy the slower pace because I really can lift a lot heavier.

I like the pyramid workouts too -- and you will eventually have everything, trust me, that is how it works around here :eek: but I would choose S&H first.

Get both of them! ha ha (If you can.) I think they are both great in different ways and I couldn't really make a decision. Sorry.
To be honest I rarely do either of these workouts but if I had to pick one I'd go with S&H. The equipment changes bother me on PLB, PUB, especially PLB because I can't change my barbell fast enough and you have to change it for each exercise 3 times. It just gets to be a pain to me although I know others have said that they have gotten great results with this series.

Just my two cents.
I have both sets and use both depending on what I'm trying to accomplish. PUB/PLB are definitely more endurance based but you will be sore the next day. I literally have the PUB memorized and just play music when I decide to do that workout. I stated on this forum several times that the PLB portion is the only leg workout of Cathe's that I feel for 3 days after I do it and my legs are the strongest muscle group on me and rarely get sore. That being said, there are weight changes in the PLB that some find annoying, I just alternate with DB's and the BB so that I don't have to fool with all that and it works out nicely.

The S&H series is for strength gains and breaking plateau's. You will get stronger and learn a lot about form and technique.

Like I said, I have both and use both but not as much as the Gym Styles in which you already have.

The Pyramids were my first Cathe DVD. I love S&H too. Get Pyramids first. As far as PLB being a pain with changing the barbell I agree so I just use dumbbells. I don't like S&H Legs because I don't feel I get a good workout in. PLB is great and I don't have the dread factor with that like I do with B&G.

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