Today I did Cathe Live Low Impact Cardio Hiit, 36 minutes, met 5.9, 232 calories, 2,703 steps, average heart rate 136, max 174. I used 5# dumbbells. I then did Coffey Fit Raw upper sculpt/ lower tone, 52 minutes, heart rate average 110, max 152, 258 calories, met 4.5, 1,347 steps. This used 3# dumbbells and the site says 10# each leg ankle weights but Kelly says she has 8 on each when she started so that is what I used. She does say later that they could be 10#. I think 8 was enough. This was rounds of boxing moves with dumbbells and leg moves standing and later to the floor. Obviously no jumping. It was pretty active throughout though. I am sure I will feel it. She puts the 3's down during the final punching and squat combo. Total time was 88 minutes, calories burned 484 calories.
Debbie, nice workout today. Have fun at the range. My husband has taken me before. I was fine with the smaller gun, but his work issued gun really packed a kick when fired. I did not care for it so much. Husband has one with him pretty much everywhere he goes. I have never got CC My older daughter has hers.