Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for February 2023

I did Cathe Perfect Pump Total Body Mish Mosh. Great workout. I like that it's challenging weight work without being overkill.

Debbie, glad the swelling went down and you could do a workout. I agree, there's no way I could ever give up my workouts. I think we all workout smarter now as we have aged.

Doreen, that's funny. I have never found any of Tracy's workouts easy. I like that she has so many different formats. I remember some of her earlier videos she was way too chatty, but thankfully she quit the chatter. Glad you liked her workout.

Jolie, good workout with the Max Trainer!

Roselyn, good workout!

Belinda, hope you get some answers.

Diane, hope you are doing ok.
Today I did CDorner 30 minute, high energy step aerobics # 269, 34 minutes, heart rate 118/152, 153 calories, 3,721 steps. I then did some of Kelly Coffey Trim Down, 11 minutes of the boxing drills premix followed with some of the weights from the weights only mix, for a total of 25 minutes. I wanted to refresh my memory on the premixes and how I used them. I really want to do more of a weight workout tomorrow so did not want to overdo it. this was 91 calories, heart rate 112/170, 970 steps. I finished with Raw Athletic Stretch #2, 29 minutes, 45 calories, heart rate 77/94. 88 minutes total time, 289 calories, 4,691 steps.
Trim down weights that I used
Spiderman squats with 5# dbs-squats alternating dumbbells overhead like climbing
plie squat with 8# dumbbell touching floor and reaching overhead
single leg suitcased deadlift holding 2 dbs ( I held 1 15#)
stopped at this point.
We had a great time with the birthday party here yesterday.

Cam, great job with CDorner Step Hiit yesterday. I am glad you enjoyed it.

Belinda, nice work on biceps yesterday and on your walk outside and STS 14 today.

Debbie, great job getting in Box Sit today. I know how great it feels to get moving again. I checked out my paperwork and the dvds this morning that I mentioned and the one I used some of today is Trim Down. It is on her Raw channel, but will be in two workouts of boxing, and weight segments. I used the boxing drills which are pretty fast paced. There is a couple of places where shed does a few jacks and jabs which I always omitted the jacks. The other workout I mentioned is Body Shop which is all strength work I used the Upper Body work premix. There is a Lower Body mix and Some combo of different body parts like shoulders and triceps, and back biceps and legs. I was thinking that her Raw channel has a lot of options that you can probably work into. Did you see she has up a Walk Strong workout for the treadmill? You are doing really well. My swelling seemed to hang on for a while. Probably the accidents smacking it that I mentioned, and I did push pretty quickly. Also, the surgeon did give me an injection the last time I went in to help. He said I should be able to do anything as I will feel really good and if I needed another come back. I did not go back; I chose to work on it myself. My stomach is better today. I still feel weird. I think maybe because I have started back to taking two hydroxychloroquine tablets a day morning and night like they are prescribed for me to do. One of the reasons I went to just one at night before was because they make me feel weak or something. I am just trying to see if it helps my foot and back issues to improve. If not, I will go back to one. I need to know what to talk to the arthritis doctor about in April.

Jolie, I do not think the calories matter so much. Some of those machines are really hard and you gain a lot of strength and stamina from them. My husband used the Tread Climber a lot and kept worrying about his fitness test for work. He had to go some distance and was timed on a treadmill. I kept telling him as long as he was using the Tread Climber for, the test on a treadmill would be a piece of cake and it was. It taxes the legs a lot. Great workout today. Nice work on the back workout today.

Doreen, nice workout with Tracy Steen. I have enjoyed some of her workouts. Yes, our ideas of how to do the workouts do change over time. I just realized that some of the ways I worked out were not going to make me get better gains. Particularly when I pushed super heavy and did all of the extended mixes and would add more. Any way more and longer does not mean better results.
No workout today, I think I'll do one tomorrow and Friday. Then next week if I feel good enough, I'll try for the entire week. I'm just excited that I am feeling so good. I haven't had to ice at all this weekend but did anyways, just in case.

Jolie - The Max Trainer isn't for the faint of heart. It is HARD. When I was using it all the time I was able to do 20-30 minute workouts on it. Loved it. I was so conditioned. I can't wait to use it again and hopefully I can soon. I downloaded a bunch of workouts when I had the live thing with the instructors so I can still do them. Have you tried the 14 minute one that is programmed in the machine? They suggest you try that first and I remember doing it and thinking HOLY CRAP! I don't think I was able to do it all, in fact, I know I wasn't. But it really doesn't take long to acclimate to it. You'll see. Good job on getting 6 minutes, I know exactly how you felt when you were on it! LOL!

Belinda - Hopefully you will be feeling good again soon. I'm sorry you are now experiencing pain in your knee, hip and back. Geez. Hugs to you!

Diane - Thanks for letting me know about those workouts. I'll stick to the ones I know for now because I know what to expect. I've also been looking at DC Fitt that Cam suggested and she has some good ones out there I want to try. Maybe tomorrow I'll do on of hers. Great job on your workouts!!

Cam - I checked out DC Fitt's channel. I like her and will try one of her workouts tomorrow. They look fun and safe. Thank you for that!!

Roselyn - Thank you, I'm glad my knee is feeling better too!!

Happy day everyone!! Have a great one!
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No workout today. At the crack of dawn, I had to take my dog to the animal hospital, I thought he was having a stroke. But, after tests, they do not think it was a stroke, but it is neurological. He is 16 years old, so I guess I need to come to terms with these things happening, I just wish I had animal insurance for the vet costs. I will be looking into it for my new puppy that I pick up in 2 weeks. He has had an ear infection and maybe that is causing his symptoms or at least contributing to them. It is past noon already so I will not workout today, it is just too late in the day to get motivated. I like to workout first thing in the morning.

My knee pain is gone, I changed my shoes and that made all the difference in the world. I guess my new shoes are not the shoes for me.

Debbie, I could never do the 14 minute workout right now on the Max Trainer, I would die lol! I will be working up to it, slowly but surely.

Have a wonderful day. We have so much rain coming in this week and next, I have to go out and batten down the hatches before the storm off the ocean comes in.
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No walk today. The heather is rainy and windy today.

Debbie - thank you. My knee has been hurting since month. My back and hip feels fine, he just wants to make sure the pain in my knees are not coming from my hip/back. I had a history of hip and back pain. He wants to rule out that's not causing the pain my my knee/leg. I honestly, think it's my knee. I have to make an appointment hopefully for all 3 tomorrow. Glad you on your way to feeling 100%.

Diane - glad you had fun at the party. Great job yesterday.

Good job ladies. Good night.
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I did a Michelle Briehler 40 min. Cardio & Abs. It was an older one that I overlooked. It was the last workout in her and her husband's gym. It was the end of 2020 and they were closing their gym, due to covid of course. She got a little emotional at the end. Sad. They had their gym for 27 yrs.

Debbie, Glad you checked out DC Fitt. Hope she works out for you.

Getting ready for another storm. They can't predict it yet. I am right in the cusp of either an ice storm with a couple inches of snow, or 6-10 inches. I don't like ice. Also strong winds.
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Cam - where are you located? We're supposed to be getting another storm tomorrow too. I'm in Colorado.
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I had a lot of interruptions this morning with people at the door twice. I had to call my bank to check on a text message I got saying it was my bank and they were verifying purchases. No way was I just going through the text message numbers. Anyway, it is all clear there thankfully. I finally did get the workout in. I did CDorner All Standing Cardio and Weights, 49 minutes, heart rate 118/153, 211 calories, 1,877 steps. No real rests, it just goes from weight segment which was usually upper and lower at the same time for several moves then a short cardio burst ending with standing abs for the final strength grouping. It required various dumbbells and one firewalker type band. I then did CDorner 30-minute mobility flow to warm up, activate, and rejuvenate, 28 minutes, 52 calories, heart rate 83/99.Total time was 77 minutes, 263 calories, 2,021 steps.

Doreen, nice work on the 40/20 power climb in California Ifit.

Debbie, I am glad that you are doing so well. Yes, I looked over those Kelly workouts and thought there are better options out there with streaming and youtube. At the time I just had myself and dvds to work with.
I much prefer workouts that I know so I do not have to change up things or find something else in those circumstances.

Jolie, I am sorry that your dog is not well. I hope it will be okay. It is hard to find the perfect shoes for workout out and other things. I was looking at Hoka recovery shoes and thought they might be good for walking around all day. I got some cheap slip on shoes from Amazon when I was looking to see if the Hoka ones were there and they were not. Amazon charges way too much on the Hoka shoes anyway as it is other sellers making a bundle of money. My foot felt better for awhile as I have plenty of toe room, but the slip on's are loose after wearing and my forefoot has went back to hurting. So I am back to just wearing my Crossfit Nano Reebok if I need to go outside. Otherwise I walk around in My Pillow Slippers.

Belinda, sorry that you had to miss your walk due to weather. I hope the appointments all work out and you know what is causing the problem.

Cam, nice work with Michell Briehler. That is sad that they had to close down their Gym. All of that stuff sure messed with a lot of people's lives and jobs. Stay warm. I do not like strong winds and ice either. It has been in the upper 60's here, but tonight it is cooling way down and rain in the morning.
This morning was a GHUTV Crazy 8s workout. 8 moves, 8 reps each, 8 rounds. About 40 minutes - very met con feel - a full body workout and very enjoyable.
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Good morning,

STS D14 Legs is done. It's raining again today.

Diane - sorry you had a lot of interruptions yesterday. I hate when this happened. Thank you. I will find out soon what is causing my knee/leg pain.

Great job on your workouts everyone.
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Today I had an excellent workout, but I probably over did it :) I will be sore tomorrow! I started with a 40-minute uphill walk on my TM, traveled 2.2 miles and burned 358 calories. Next, I did an Interval Challenge on the Max Trainer for 6 minutes and that darn near killed me. I could not speak after completing the challenge, I was working that hard. Next, I did Biceps, and I did 1 minute of the Max Trainer in between sets on manual mode at resistance 4. This kept my heart rate up the entire time lifting and my legs are like jelly. I know the watch I have is not working correctly because it said my heart rate never got high, but it did so I guess it is not reading correctly. Total minutes of Max Trainer in between set was 12 minutes. Total workout time was 116 minutes and my watch says I burned 582 calories. I think I probably burnt more but whatever.

(I did 1 minute of the Max Trainer in between each set)

Alt. Curls with a twist- 15's x 12, x 12, x 12
Traditional Curls- 12's x 12, x 12, x 12
Hammer Curls- 12's x 12, x 12, x 12
W Curls- 10's x 12, x 12, x 12
BB Curls- 25# x 12, x 12, x 12 (no Max Trainer during this exercise, I am too darn tired)

Belinda, I cannot believe that you could do legs today with your knee issue. I guess things are getting better, that is fantastic!

Diane Sue, great job on the workout yesterday even with the interruptions. My dog is doing better, they put him on Dramamine and is doing better today.

Doreen, wow on the workout, that sounds like a good one. I love those types of workouts.

Cam, nice job on the workout yesterday. We are getting the biggest storm here as well, it is supposed to storm for 7 days!!!! The Sierra Nevada mountains have a 35 foot base of snow, my husband and boys are going up in over a week. People have to dig down into their 3rd story condos to get in and out, amazing how much snow we have had in California.

Make it a great day. I have so many errands to run before the rain comes in tonight for days on end! Thank goodness my gym is now in the house in our dinning room.
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No workout this morning like I planned. 4:15 came, my alarm clock went off and I said screw it. LOL!! I just didn't want to get up that early. Not sure how I will get back to that routine. I will try again tomorrow. I can't believe how good I'm feeling, I haven't had to ice at all today. I'm still afraid to do squating movements and such. I'm still really careful with everything but I am doing great.

I am in my office and my walls do not reach the ceiling. We have training rooms right across from me so it's usually loud when people are in it. I usually close the door to the training room and that helps a lot. Currently, there is a lady sitting right outside my office on her laptop on a Zoom call talking REALLY loud. WTF?? How rude. There are other places she could go. I closed my door but it isn't helping since my walls are short.

Jolie - Nice workout. When I used my Max Trainer my HR never got up that high on my watch, but I certainly could feel it get high on the machine. That was my FB, though, I'm hoping my Garmin will work better with it. So is that 6 minute challenge you are doing 10 seconds on/20 off? Are you inclining at all yet? That thing is a killer, that is for sure!!!

Diane - Sorry you had so many interruptions. I hate when stuff like that happens. Yea, your knee surgery was before Youtube channels and online services. LOL! Hard to believe. I swear, if Youtube was like it is now some 10 or 15 years ago, I'd have my own workout channel. I often think about starting one but I have no clue how to even go about it, plus I don't have time to do daily workouts and worry about recording myself. It would be a fun job, though!

Doreen - That workout you did (Crazy 8s) sounds like fun!

Belinda - Great job with your leg workout. How on earth did you do it with you knees hurting so badly?

Cam - I will try DC Fitt tomorrow. I've watched several of her workouts, I really like her!

Have a great day everyone!!
This morning I did CDorner To The Beat Cardio Mashup 42 minutes, heart rate 118/168, 4,163 steps. I then did CDorner 5000 step low impact cardio, only 15 minutes of it to add on, 96 calories, heart rate 144/163, 1,398 steps. (not sure how that would come to 5000 even if I did all) I finished with her Relaxing Flow Mobility /bonus neck and shoulder, skipping the wrist work. It hurts to turn the hands back facing myself and my wrists are achy right now. This was 27 minutes, 54 calories, heart rate 83/108. Total time was 84 minutes, 400 calories, 5,666 steps.

Doreen, great job with the Crazy 8 workout.

Belinda, nice work with STS day 14 legs.

Jolie, that was one incredible workout that you did today. Good idea with the arm workout and Max Trainer. IT was supposed to rain here this morning. If it did it was before I got up. By 10 it was sunny, and it got up to 72. So far it has been one of our milder winters without lots of ice or snow. Although there are times like before we moved where it was lots of snow and ice just when the plants were starting to bloom out. Utility companies are still using that year and the last one as excuses to raise rates to "make up for it".
I am glad that your dog is doing better.

Debbie, I am sure that you will gradually feel more secure with knee movement. Getting more rest than normal is okay too. You will get back to a normal schedule. I am sure working on mine. I sometimes will sleep till 9 am and then feel a good part of my day is gone. The problem with that is workers seem to want to come to the door a couple of hours earlier than that. The cable guy showed up with a shovel right after I got up wanting in our yard. My dog did not even get a chance to go outside. I thought they were about done with all of that. I think this may be something happening often. He said he was hooking up a neighbor. Also, I was wondering if I should take topsoil and ground cover back off my spring list. They never did get enough dirt back in the hole and I do not know where my rock went to.
You would probably do good at having your own channel. My husband used to try to talk me into getting my own fitness website. He is pretty good at setting things up. I watch Chris in the mornings doing her live class and I think how much I would not like having to get up and put on makeup and prepare for a class. Let alone I would feel weird having people watch me work out. We were out for dinner with our pastor and his wife once and he mentioned that I should start a fitness class for the ladies. I never did. His daughter was their too and did not think the women would do it. Him and his wife have a lifetime gym membership and use it.
I imagine those cubicles with no wall that goes to the ceiling would be uncomfortable and having to listen to others would make it hard to concentrate on work.
Got an earlier workout in. Major ice and snow storm. Awful out and low visibility. I just hear the ice hitting the windows.

I did Penny 45 min Today Body Strength Supersets. 2 Strength Supersets repeated 3x. I really like the exercises and got a good sweaty workout.

Doreen, I live in the Cheesehead State. It's supposed to be 50 by the weekend, so that helps. Hope you don't get ice. We have 6 inches of snow so far and a half inch of ice.

Debbie, hope you have a good DC Fitt workout. Let us know how you like it.

Diane, how was the standing workout with weights despite the interruptions?

Good workouts Ladies!
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This morning I did get up and do a workout. I did DC Fitt's Seated Cardio & Strength Chair workout for Injured and had a pretty good workout. I broke a sweat so that's good. It was a really good workout but she is 8 weeks out from her surgery and I'm only 3. So I had to modify but I still found other exercises to do instead of what she did. This is how it went:

7 Supersets, 30 seconds each exercise doing the SS 3x's

Superset #1
Bicep Curl/Bicep Curl/Arnold Press: 10's
Right Quad Lift/Kick/Down: 10#

Superset #2
Chair Jacks (interesting. I did some but then took my legs out of it)
Double Arm Rows: 10's

Superset #3
Bench Press: 15's
Left Quad Lift/Kick/Down: 5# (since this was my injured knee, I only did the lift part and not the kick part)

Superset #4
Dips (I did 1 set of dips and then 2 sets of lying extensions - 10's
Kick, Kick, Tuck Jump (this was done seated but I couldn't do it. I did lean back ab holds)

Glute Bridges on Chair (I did Russian Twist w/8#)
Chest Flyes: 15's

Superset #6
Bicycles (nope, did a boxing move from Box Sit)
Back Flyes: 10's

Superset #7
Lateral Raise/Curl/Press: 8's
Rotate & Punch (I just did the punches, the rotate was turning the legs inward, that's a no no right now)

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 332 calories, did 1085 steps and HR was 123/159.

Happy I did something! No time for personals, I have tons to do for my Solo & Ensemble on Saturday! Have a great day!
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Today I have low energy, probably because of my workout yesterday. I am skipping cardio today and just doing Triceps and ABS. My legs are firming up quickly from the Max Trainer, unlike any other cardio machine I currently use. Also, this machine does not irritate my knee whatsoever and that in itself is amazing.

Lying Triceps Ext- 12's x 12, x 12, x 12 Reps
Lying Cross Body Ext.- 10# x 12, x 12, x 12
Kickbacks- 10's x 12, x 12, x 12
Seated Overhead Triceps Ext. 1 Arm- 10# x 12, x 12, x 2
Cable Triceps Pull Downs- 30# x 12, x 12, x 12

ABS- 4 exercises to failure

Debbie, great job on the workout in the chair, that looks great for anyone with injuries. The max trainer workout I did was 40 seconds lite resistance, alternating with 40 seconds of heavier resistance. I was out of breath, but I did walk on the TM for 40 minutes before doing it. Then when lifting and getting on it between sets I am doing a manual mode, I used resistance 4 or 5 at times. When I am doing the premade workouts, I can only do resistance 1 - 3 which is weird, it is harder than the resistance on the manual mode.

Cam, I hope you stay warm, and you do not have to drive anywhere during the storm. Great job on the workout yesterday.

Diane Sue, nice job on the CDornor workout yesterday. I have yet to try one of her workouts, I should bite the bullet and do it soon.

It seems like the whole USA is under some sort of storm watch, so everyone please stay safe and warm today.
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Went for a slow walk outside with Sadie today. The weather is beautiful

Debbie - Well, it wasn't very smart doing a leg workout with my knee. I paid for it. I should have known not to do legs yesterday. I will skip the leg workouts in STS. I need to stop pushing myself so hard. Glad you feeling better. Nice job on your seated cardio today.

Jolie - neither can I, lol. Sometimes I push myself to hard. Lessons learned, no leg workout for me until I know what's going on with my knees. I am still in pain. Great job on your workouts.

Diane - nice job yesterday.

I am doing a 9 day webinar, that's why I am so shot lately. The webinar is 5 hours. I do move constantly, I can't sit that long. I also listen to it when I take a walk with Sadie.

Great job, everyone on your workouts. Keep up the good work.
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Today I was having the upset stomach thing again, so it took a while to get settled and do a workout. I am not sure what is doing it. I wanted to get in weights, so I did Fit Split Pull day timesaver weights with warm up and stretch and with a few changes after looking up building back up on weight training after the shoulder surgery. This took me 55 minutes because I did the warmup twice, 151 calories, 1101 stepsheaart rate 99/133. I finished off with Perfect 30 Flow Mobility strength timesaver 13 minutes, 32 calories, heart rate 89/105. Total time was 68 minutes, 183 calories. I want to do CDorner Fast Basic Step 30 minute workout tomorrow. I would have today, but just did not have the energy.
Pull Day Weights
one arm rows set 1 25# db 12 reps
one arm rows set 2 25# db 10 reps
one arm rows set 3 25# db 10 reps
pullovers (on stability ball =) set 1 10# dbs 8 reps ( I did not go back far)
pullovers set 2 10# dbs 6 reps
pullovers set 3 10# dbs 6 reps
overhand row with loop band and 12# dbs set #1 10 repss
overhand rows set 2 12# dbs 10 reps
overhand row set 3 12# dbs 10 reps
deadlifts 40# barbell 10 reps
deadlifts 40# barbell 10 reps
superset 1 upright rows 30# barbell 10 reps
rear delt fly 10# dbs 10 reps
superset 2 upright rows 30# barbell 8 reps
rear delt fly 10# dbs 8 reps
superset 3 upright rows 30# barbells 8 reps
rear delt fly 10# dbs 8 reps
superset lateral raise set 1 (I did more bent over delt raises as the training paper I printed up from a hospital says lateral delt raises should be avoided because it has a wearing affect on the rotator cuff and can impinge. Suggest prone or bent over position instead)
external rotation with loop and 5# dbs set 1 6 reps
superset lateral raise set 2 8# dbs 8 reps bent over
external rotation loop and 5# dbs 6 reps
superset lateral raise set 3 8# dbs 8 reps bent over
external rotation loop and 5# dbs 6 reps
Giant set Barbell curls set #1 30# 10 reps
w curls set #1 12# dbs 10 reps
sweeper curls set #1 12# dbs 10 reps
Giant set barbell curls 30# 9 reps
w curls set #2 12# dbs 8 reps
sweeper curls 12# dbs 8 reps
Giant set #3 barbell curls 30# 6 reps
w curls set 3 10# dbs 6 reps the angle was making a click in the front of my shoulder
sweeper curls 12# dbs 6 reps changed to hammer curl because of clicking
stability ball variety hamstring roll ins

Cam it is dropping below freezing tonight, but fortunately the precipitation does not come till the weekend when it warms back up. Nice work with Penny and the supersets yesterday. The standing cardio and weights was good. Options on the cardio bursts for low impact if you do not want jumping. You would do compound moves and some not compound and the moved to different body parts combined with some lower body. It worked well for getting in some cardio and the weight work. I really expected to have more time this week, but it seems I have a lot of catching up around here.

Debbie, nice work. I saw that one when I was looking through DC Fit. She does have an interesting variety of workouts I am glad that you found something you can do.

Jolie, that is great that you are having no knee issues with the Max Trainer. I bet your energy is lower because you have put it through some different stuff and put a lot of effort into it. It was probably good to give the cardio a bit of rest. I am looking forward to CDorner's fast basic step she put up. Usually they are fun.

Belinda, it is nice that you were able to get out for a walk with Sadie today. I have had opportunities for webinars and just can never stay focused on them that long. Good idea to listen while you take a walk. I am sorry that the workout set off your knees.

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